Exemplo n.º 1
def vents(vv, dv, origine, sites):
    Calcule les statistiques relatives aux pourcentages d'influence du site émetteur
    d'origine sur les sites récepteurs au travers du calcul de la rose des vents.
    Seuls les vents > 1 m/s seront pris en compte dans les calculs, pour une rose
    des vents de 16 secteurs.

    vv: vitesses de vent
    dv: directions du vent
    origine: Site origine des vents à étudier
    sites: liste de sites récepteurs à calculer


    nsector = 16
    classes = np.arange(1, 30, 1)  # classes de vitesses de vent

    vv = vv.astype(float)
    dv = dv.astype(float)
    # suppression des données nulles
    vv, dv = utils.dissolveMask(vv, dv)
    vv = vv.dropna()
    dv = dv.dropna()

    # Calcul des pourcentages de vents par secteur
    dirs, bins, table = histogram(dir=dv, var=vv, bins=classes, nsector=nsector,
                                  normed=False, blowto=True)
    freq = table.sum(axis=0) / table.sum() * 100

    # Création du dataframe des résultats de pourcentages sous les vents
    freq = pd.DataFrame(zip(dirs, freq), columns=('dir_debut', 'pourcentage'))
    # Décalage des directions pour supprimer le problème du secteur nord [350°-10°]
    delta = 360. / nsector / 2
    freq['dir_debut'] = freq['dir_debut'] + delta
    # on ajoute une colonne où sont stockées les directions de fin
    freq['dir_fin'] = freq['dir_debut'].shift(-1)
    freq.at[freq.index[0], 'dir_debut'] = 0.
    freq.at[freq.index[-1], 'dir_fin'] = 360.

    # Calcule des angles et distances des sites par rapport à l'origine
    angles = angles_avec(sites, origine)
    distances = distances_avec(sites, origine)
    # On regroupe angles et distances dans un unique dataframe
    df = angles.join(distances)

    # Pour chaque site, on cherche le pourcentage sous les vents de l'origine
    df['pourcentage'] = 0.
    for idx in df.index:
        ang = df.at[idx, 'angle']
        cond = (ang >= freq['dir_debut']) & (ang < freq['dir_fin'])
        p = freq.get(cond)['pourcentage']
            df.at[idx, 'pourcentage'] = p

    df = df.applymap(np.round)
    return df
Exemplo n.º 2
def _make_textresult(station, df, units, nsector, sname, monthinfo, hourinfo,
                     level, bins):
    """Generate a text table of windrose information

      station (str): the station identifier
      df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe with data
      units (str): the units of the `sknt` values
      nsector (int): number of sectors to divide rose into
      sname (str): the station name
      monthinfo (dict): information on month limiting
      hourinfo (dict): information on hour limiting
      level (int): in case of RAOB, which level do we care for
      bins (list): values to bin the wind speeds

      str of information"""
    wu = WINDUNITS[units] if level is None else RAOB_WINDUNITS[units]
    if len(bins) > 0:
        wu['bins'] = bins
    # Effectively filters out the nulls
    df2 = df[df['drct'] >= 0]
    dir_edges, var_bins, table = histogram(df2['drct'].values,
                                           nsector, normed=True)
    res = ("# Windrose Data Table (Percent Frequency) "
           "for %s (%s)\n"
           ) % (
        sname if sname is not None else "((%s))" % (station, ), station)
    res += ("# Observations Used/Missing/Total: %s/%s/%s\n"
            ) % (len(df2.index), len(df.index)-len(df2.index), len(df.index))
    res += ("# Period: %s - %s\n"
            ) % (df['valid'].min().strftime("%-d %b %Y"),
                 df['valid'].max().strftime("%-d %b %Y"))
    res += "# Hour Limiter: %s\n" % (hourinfo['labeltext'],)
    res += "# Month Limiter: %s\n" % (monthinfo['labeltext'],)
    res += "# Wind Speed Units: %s\n" % (wu['label'],)
    if level is not None:
        res += "# RAOB Pressure (hPa) Level: %s\n" % (level,)
    res += ("# Generated %s UTC, contact: [email protected]\n"
            ) % (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"),)
    res += "# First value in table is CALM\n"
    res += "       ,"
    for j in range(len(var_bins)-1):
        res += " %4.1f-%4.1f," % (var_bins[j],
    res += "\n"
    dir_edges2 = np.concatenate((np.array(dir_edges),
                                 [dir_edges[-1] +
                                  (dir_edges[-1] - dir_edges[-2]), ]))
    for i in range(len(dir_edges2)-1):
        res += "%03i-%03i," % (dir_edges2[i], dir_edges2[i+1])
        for j in range(len(var_bins)-1):
            res += " %9.3f," % (table[j, i], )
        res += "\n"
    return res
Exemplo n.º 3
def _make_textresult(station, sknt, drct, units, nsector, sname, minvalid,
                     maxvalid, monthinfo, hourinfo, level, bins):
    """Generate a text table of windrose information

      station (str): the station identifier
      sknt (list): The wind speed values
      drct (list): the wind direction values
      units (str): the units of the `sknt` values
      nsector (int): number of sectors to divide rose into
      sname (str): the station name
      minvalid (datetime): the minimum observation time
      maxvalid (datetime): the maximum observation time
      monthinfo (dict): information on month limiting
      hourinfo (dict): information on hour limiting
      level (int): in case of RAOB, which level do we care for
      bins (list): values to bin the wind speeds

      str of information"""
    wu = WINDUNITS[units] if level is None else RAOB_WINDUNITS[units]
    if len(bins) > 0:
        wu['bins'] = bins
    dir_edges, var_bins, table = histogram(drct, sknt,
                                           nsector, normed=True)
    res = ("# Windrose Data Table (Percent Frequency) "
           "for %s (%s)\n"
           ) % (
        sname if sname is not None else "((%s))" % (station, ), station)
    res += "# Observation Count: %s\n" % (len(sknt),)
    res += ("# Period: %s - %s\n"
            ) % (minvalid.strftime("%-d %b %Y"),
                 maxvalid.strftime("%-d %b %Y"))
    res += "# Hour Limiter: %s\n" % (hourinfo['labeltext'],)
    res += "# Month Limiter: %s\n" % (monthinfo['labeltext'],)
    res += "# Wind Speed Units: %s\n" % (wu['label'],)
    if level is not None:
        res += "# RAOB Pressure (hPa) Level: %s\n" % (level,)
    res += ("# Generated %s UTC, contact: [email protected]\n"
            ) % (datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M"),)
    res += "# First value in table is CALM\n"
    res += "       ,"
    for j in range(len(var_bins)-1):
        res += " %4.1f-%4.1f," % (var_bins[j],
    res += "\n"
    dir_edges2 = np.concatenate((np.array(dir_edges),
                                 [dir_edges[-1] +
                                  (dir_edges[-1] - dir_edges[-2]), ]))
    for i in range(len(dir_edges2)-1):
        res += "%03i-%03i," % (dir_edges2[i], dir_edges2[i+1])
        for j in range(len(var_bins)-1):
            res += " %9.3f," % (table[j, i], )
        res += "\n"
    return res
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: p16.py Projeto: nbackas/iem
def highcharts(fdict):
    """ Generate the highcharts variant"""
    import matplotlib
    from windrose.windrose import histogram
    ctx = get_context(fdict)
    dir_edges, var_bins, table = histogram(ctx['df']['drct'].values,
                                           np.array([0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15,
                                                     20]), 18, True)
    arr = [drct2text(mydir) for mydir in dir_edges]
    return """
    var arr = """ + str(arr) + """;
    series: [{name: '2 - 5',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[1])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 0},
                   {name: '5 - 7',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[2])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 1},
                   {name: '7 - 10',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[3])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 2},
                   {name: '10 - 15',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[4])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 3},
                   {name: '15 - 20',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[5])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 4},
                   {name: '20 +',
                    data: """ + str(zip(arr, table[6])) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 5}],
    chart: {
            polar: true,
            type: 'column'
    title: {
            'text': '""" + ctx['title'] + """'
    subtitle: {
            'text': '""" + ctx['subtitle'] + """'
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: p16.py Projeto: akrherz/iem
def highcharts(fdict):
    """ Generate the highcharts variant"""
    import matplotlib
    from windrose.windrose import histogram
    ctx = get_context(fdict)
    dir_edges, var_bins, table = histogram(ctx['df']['drct'].values,
                                           np.array([0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20]),
                                           18, True)
    arr = [drct2text(mydir) for mydir in dir_edges]
    return """
    var arr = """+str(arr)+""";
    series: [{name: '2 - 5',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[1]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 0},
                   {name: '5 - 7',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[2]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 1},
                   {name: '7 - 10',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[3]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 2},
                   {name: '10 - 15',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[4]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 3},
                   {name: '15 - 20',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[5]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 4},
                   {name: '20 +',
                    data: """+str(zip(arr, table[6]))+""",
                    _colorIndex: 5}],
    chart: {
            polar: true,
            type: 'column'
    title: {
            'text': '"""+ctx['title']+"""'
    subtitle: {
            'text': '"""+ctx['subtitle']+"""'
Exemplo n.º 6
def highcharts(fdict):
    """ Generate the highcharts variant"""
    ctx = get_context(fdict)
    dir_edges, _, table = histogram(
        np.array([0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20]),
    arr = [drct2text(mydir) for mydir in dir_edges]
    return ("""
    var arr = """ + str(arr) + """;
    series: [{name: '2 - 5',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[1]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 0},
                   {name: '5 - 7',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[2]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 1},
                   {name: '7 - 10',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[3]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 2},
                   {name: '10 - 15',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[4]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 3},
                   {name: '15 - 20',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[5]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 4},
                   {name: '20 +',
                    data: """ + str(list(zip(arr, table[6]))) + """,
                    _colorIndex: 5}],
    chart: {
            polar: true,
            type: 'column'
    title: {
            'text': '""" + ctx["title"] + """'
    subtitle: {
            'text': '""" + ctx["subtitle"] + """'
    pane: {
            'size': '85%'
    legend: {
        title: {text: 'Wind Speed [MPH]'},
            verticalAlign: 'bottom',
            layout: 'horizontal'
    xAxis: {
        'tickInterval': 18./8.,
        'labels': {
                   formatter: function(){
                       var v = this.value.toFixed(1);
                       if (v == '0.0') {return 'N';}
                       if (v == '2.3') {return 'NE';}
                       if (v == '4.5') {return 'E';}
                       if (v == '6.8') {return 'SE';}
                       if (v == '9.0') {return 'S';}
                       if (v == '11.3') {return 'SW';}
                       if (v == '13.5') {return 'W';}
                       if (v == '15.8') {return 'NW';}
                       return v;
    yAxis: {
            'min': 0,
            'endOnTick': false,
            'showLastLabel': true,
            'title': {
                'text': 'Frequency (%)'
            'reversedStacks': false
    tooltip: {
        positioner: function () {
                return { x: 10, y: 10 };
            'valueSuffix': '%',
            shared: true,
            valueDecimals: 1,
            formatter: function () {
            var s = '<b>' + arr[this.x] +
                    ' ('+ this.points[0].total.toFixed(1)+'%)</b>';

            $.each(this.points, function () {
                s += '<br/>' + this.series.name + ': ' +
                    this.y.toFixed(1) + '%';

            return s;
    plotOptions: {
            'series': {
                'stacking': 'normal',
                'shadow': false,
                'groupPadding': 0,
                'pointPlacement': 'on'