Exemplo n.º 1
def choose_options(depth, board, myTurn=True):
    INPUT: depth(integer), board(matrix), myTurn(boolean)

    creates a dict with score s

    OUTPUT: column (integer) were we should place our piece
    >>> choose_options(depth, board)

    rows = board.shape[0]
    columns = board.shape[1]
    possible_moves = {}  # possible moves (key) and their scores (value)
    for column in range(columns):
        # check if column i is a possible
        if isLegalMove(column, board):
            # make the move in column  for curr_player
            temp = makeMove(column, board, myTurn)
            # print(column)
            # print(temp)
            if winning(temp)[1] == 2:
                # print('winning')
                return str(column + 1)
            if depth == 0:
                possible_moves[column] = scoring(temp, True)
            #### assign overall score (value, recurs function) to every column (key)
            possible_moves[column] = search(depth - 1, temp, False)
    # return the key(column) for the best score
    return best_option(possible_moves)
Exemplo n.º 2
def search(depth, board, my_turn):
    """ Search the tree until depth 'depth'
        By default, the  is the board, and curr_player is whomever called this search
        Return score
        >>> search(0, board, True)

    columns = board.shape[1]
    # enumerate all possible moves from this board
    legal_moves = []
    for column in range(columns):
            # if column i is a legal move
        if isLegalMove(column, board):
            # make the move in column i for curr_player
            temp = make_move(column, board, my_turn)
            # print(temp)
            # create list of matrix
    # BASECASE (if depth == 0, game tied or someone wins)
    if depth == 0 or not legal_moves or winning(board)[0]:
        # return value(board, curr_player) from winning
        return scoring(board, my_turn)
    elif my_turn:  # Maximizing Player
        score = -99999999
        for child in legal_moves:
            val = search(depth - 1, child, False)
            score = max(score, val)
            # print(score)
        # You can also do:
        #   return max(search(depth - 1, child, False) for child in legal_moves)
        # I'm going to hold off on suggesting list comprehensions in general,
        # since they're a matter of taste anyway. In this particular case they're
        # handy since you don't have to figure out an initial score – *unless*
        # the code should work when there aren't any legal moves, in which case
        # you need the -99999999 somewhere anyway, or else return None and
        # modify the caller to handle this.
        return score
    elif not my_turn:  # Minimizing Player
        score = 99999999
        for child in legal_moves:
            val = search(depth - 1, child, True)
            score = min(score, val)
        return score
Exemplo n.º 3
def search(depth, board, myTurn):
    """ Search the tree until depth 'depth'
            By default, the  is the board, and curr_player is whomever called this search
            Return score
            >>> search(0, board, True)

    columns = board.shape[1]
    # enumerate all possible moves from this board
    legal_moves = []
    for column in range(columns):
        # if column i is a legal move
        if isLegalMove(column, board):
            # make the move in column i for curr_player
            temp = makeMove(column, board, myTurn)
            # print(temp)
            # create list of matrix
    ### BASECASE (if depth == 0, game tied or someone wins)
    if depth == 0 or len(legal_moves) == 0 or winning(board)[0]:
        # return value(board, curr_player) from winning
        return scoring(board, myTurn)  #*(depth+1)
    #### RECURSION
    elif myTurn:  #Maximizing Player
        score = -99999999
        for child in legal_moves:
            val = search(depth - 1, child, False)
            score = max(score, val)
            # print(score)
        return score
    elif not myTurn:  #Minimizing Player
        score = 99999999
        for child in legal_moves:
            val = search(depth - 1, child, True)
            score = min(score, val)
        return score
Exemplo n.º 4
                pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, pos, 40)

# Initializing and printing board
gameboard = Board(7, 6)

# Set colors and dimensions of board
background_color = (255, 255, 255)  # white
width, height = 1000, 600  # screen dimensions for connect 4
# width, height = 500, 400            #screen dimensions for connect 3
black = (0, 0, 0)
player = 1  # Player 1 ges to start first
Time = 0  # Timer Variable for delay
# winning function to check if game has been won
win = winning.winning(gameboard.matrix)

# Initializing game environment
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption('Connect 4')
# screen.fill(background_color)

intro = True  # Intro screen
running = False  # Main game screen
endscreen = False  # End game screen

"Intro display renders the text center of page"
while intro:
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("Lucida Sans Typewriter", 13)
Exemplo n.º 5
                pygame.draw.circle(screen, color, pos, 40)

### Initializing and printing board
gameboard = Board(7, 6)

### Set colors and dimensions of board
background_color = (255, 255, 255)  #white
width, height = 1000, 600  #screen dimensions for connect 4
#width, height = 500, 400            #screen dimensions for connect 3
black = (0, 0, 0)
player = 1  #Player 1 ges to start first
Time = 0  #Timer Variable for delay
win = winning.winning(
    gameboard.matrix)  #winning function to check if game has been won

### Initializing game environment
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption('Connect 4')

intro = True  #Intro screen
running = False  #Main game screen
endscreen = False  #End game screen

"Intro display renders the text center of page"
while intro:
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("Lucida Sans Typewriter", 13)