def compute_base_path(model_category_name, raw_model_category_dictionary):
    Compute the base path to use from the model category dictionary.
    :param model_category_name: the model category name for the dictionary (used for error handling only)
    :param raw_model_category_dictionary: the raw dictionary
    :return: the new base path (e.g., '/Partition${:s}/%PARTITION%')
    :raises: AliasException: if bad alias data is encountered
    _method_name = 'compute_base_path'

    if WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH in raw_model_category_dictionary:
        base_path_index = raw_model_category_dictionary[WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH]
    elif WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH in raw_model_category_dictionary:
        base_path_index = raw_model_category_dictionary[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH]
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08004', WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH, model_category_name)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex

    if WLST_PATHS in raw_model_category_dictionary:
        if base_path_index in raw_model_category_dictionary[WLST_PATHS]:
            base_path = raw_model_category_dictionary[WLST_PATHS][base_path_index]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08005', base_path_index,
                                                         WLST_PATHS, model_category_name)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08006', WLST_PATHS, model_category_name)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex

    _logger.exiting(class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name, result=base_path)
    return base_path
def resolve_path_index(folder_dict, paths_index, path_attribute_name_used, location):
    Get the path for the specified path index.
    :param folder_dict: the folder dictionary
    :param paths_index: the path index key
    :param path_attribute_name_used: the path attribute name used
    :param location: the location of the folder
    :return: the path for the specified path index
    :raises: AliasException: if an error occurs while location the path of the specified path index
    _method_name = 'resolve_path_index'

    # Don't log folder dictionary because it is likely very large
    _logger.entering(paths_index, path_attribute_name_used, str(location),
                     class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
    if WLST_PATHS in folder_dict:
        if paths_index in folder_dict[WLST_PATHS]:
            tokenized_path = folder_dict[WLST_PATHS][paths_index]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08012', location.get_folder_path(),
                                                         path_attribute_name_used, paths_index, WLST_PATHS)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08013', location.get_folder_path(), WLST_PATHS)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
    _logger.exiting(class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name, result=tokenized_path)
    return tokenized_path
def convert_to_type(data_type, value, subtype=None, delimiter=None):
    Convert the value to the specified type.
    :param data_type: the type
    :param value: the value
    :param subtype: optional subtype for jarray type
    :param delimiter: optional delimiter to use for parsing
    :return: the value converted to the specified type
    _method_name = 'convert_to_type'
    # TypeUtils.convertToType doesn't work for passwords...
    if value is not None and data_type == 'password':
        # The password is an array of bytes coming back from the WLST get() method and only
        # java.lang.String() is able to properly convert it to the cipher text string.  However,
        # we don't really want to return a java.lang.String to the caller so convert that Java
        # String back to a Python string...ugly but effective.
        new_value = str(String(value))
            new_value = TypeUtils.convertToType(data_type, value, delimiter)
        except NumberFormatException, nfe:
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08021', value, data_type, delimiter,
                                                         nfe.getLocalizedMessage(), error=nfe)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex

        if new_value is not None:
                if data_type == LONG:
                    new_value = Long(new_value)
                elif data_type == JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN:
                    new_value = Boolean(new_value)
                elif data_type == JARRAY:
                    if subtype is None or subtype == 'java.lang.String':
                        new_value = _create_string_jarray(new_value)
                        new_value = _create_mbean_array(new_value, subtype)
                elif data_type == LIST:
                    new_value = list(new_value)
                elif data_type in ALIAS_DELIMITED_TYPES:
                    # This code intentionally ignores the delimiter value passed in and computes it from the data type.
                    # This is required to handle the special case where the value we read from WLST might have a
                    # different delimiter than the model value.  In this use case, the value passed into the method
                    # is the WLST value delimiter and the data_type is the preferred_model_type, so we compute the
                    # model delimiter from the data_type directly.
                    delimiter = compute_delimiter_from_data_type(data_type, new_value)
                    new_value = delimiter.join(new_value)
            except TypeError, te:
                ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08021', value, data_type, delimiter, te)
                _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
                raise ex
def replace_tokens_in_path(location, path):
    Replace the tokens in the path using the supplied location's name tokens.
    :param location: the location to use
    :param path: the path
    :return: the path with all tokens replaced
    :raises: AliasException: if an error occurs while processing the path tokens
    _method_name = 'replace_tokens_in_path'

    _logger.entering(str(location), path, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
    name_tokens = location.get_name_tokens()
    new_path = path
    if name_tokens:
        for key, value in name_tokens.iteritems():
            new_path = new_path.replace('%s%s%s' % ('%', key, '%'), value)

    missing_name_token = get_missing_name_tokens(new_path)

    if len(missing_name_token) > 0:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08014', new_path, missing_name_token)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
    _logger.exiting(class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name, result=new_path)
    return new_path
def _get_low_and_high_version_from_range(version_range):
    Parse a version range into its low and high components.
    :param version_range: the version range
    :return: the low and high version components, an empty string is returned if there is no upper bound
    _method_name = '_get_low_and_high_version_from_range'

    _logger.entering(version_range, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        versions = VersionUtils.getLowerAndUpperVersionStrings(version_range)
    except VersionException, ve:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08017', version_range, ve.getLocalizedMessage(), error=ve)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
def get_child_folder_type_value_from_enum_value(child_folder_type):
    Get the child_folder_type value from the enum value
    :param child_folder_type: the enum value
    :return: the child_folder_type value
    _method_name = 'get_child_folder_type_value_from_enum_value'

        enum_text = ChildFoldersTypes.from_value(child_folder_type)
        result = enum_text.lower()
    except ValueError, ve:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08016', child_folder_type, str(ve), error=ve)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
def _create_mbean_array(iterable, subtype):
    Create a jarray of the subtype suitable for WLST attributes that take list objects.
    This is mostly used for WLST online.
    :param iterable: a List object or other iterable type
    :return: a jarray containing the same contents as the provided iterable
    _method_name = '__create_mbean_array'
    array_len = len(iterable)

        clazz = Class.forName(subtype)
    except (JException, RuntimeException), e:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08020', subtype, e.getLocalizedMessage(), error=e)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
def _convert_value_to_model_type(data_type, value, delimiter):
    Convert WLST value to model representation type.
    Assumes that empty values and password data types have been converted elsewhere.
    :param data_type: the target data type for the model
    :param value: value to be converted
    :param delimiter: the delimiter for parsing the WLST representation of the data value (optional)
    :return: converted value
    _method_name = '_convert_value_to_model_type'
        converted = TypeUtils.convertToType(data_type, value, delimiter)
    except NumberFormatException, nfe:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08021', value, data_type, delimiter,
                                                     nfe.getLocalizedMessage(), error=nfe)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __get_size_as_number(self, size_arg, size_string):
        Convert the specified size string into a number.
        :param size_arg: the arg name that specified the size string
        :param size_string: the size string
        :return: the size as a number
        _method_name = '__get_size_as_number'

        match = self.__size_regex.match(size_string)
        if not match:
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08308', size_arg, size_string)
            self._logger.throwing(ex, class_name=self._class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        number = int(
        multiplier = self.__get_size_multiplier(
        return number * multiplier
def get_token_value(location, value):
    Replace the name token, if present, in the specified value with the token value from the location
    :param location: the location to use
    :param value: the value
    :return: the value or the location name token value if the value was a name token
    :raises: AliasException:
    _method_name = 'get_token_value'
    result = value
    if value is not None and value.startswith('%') and value.endswith('%'):
        token_name = value[1:-1]
        name_tokens = location.get_name_tokens()
        if token_name in name_tokens:
            result = name_tokens[token_name]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-7015', token_name)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
    return result
def _get_value_for_path_type(path_type):
    Compute a numeric value for the path type based on the number of directories above the base wlst_attributes_path.

    :param path_type: path type
    :return: the numeric value
    _method_name = '_get_value_for_path_type'

    _logger.entering(path_type, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
    if path_type == WLST_CREATE_PATH:
        result = 2
    elif path_type == WLST_LIST_PATH:
        result = 1
    elif path_type == WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH or path_type == WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH:
        result = 0
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08019', path_type)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
    _logger.exiting(class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name, result=result)
    return result
def resolve_path_tokens(location, path_name, folder_dict):
    Resolve any path tokens in all paths within the folder
    :param location: the location of the folder
    :param path_name: the path name
    :param folder_dict: the dictionary for the folder
    :return: a new dictionary with all path tokens resolved
    :raises: AliasException: if an error occurs while processing the path tokens
    _method_name = 'resolve_path_tokens'

    # With folder versioning in place, a folder dictionary will be None if it is not relevant to the
    # current WLS version.  As such, just return None since there are no paths to resolve.
    if folder_dict is None:
        return None

    # Now that we have the target dictionary, we need to make a copy of it and replace the path tokens.
    resolved_dict = copy.deepcopy(folder_dict)
    if WLST_PATHS in resolved_dict:
        wlst_paths_dict = resolved_dict[WLST_PATHS]
        for path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
            path_value = wlst_paths_dict[path_key]
            wlst_paths_dict[path_key] = replace_tokens_in_path(location, path_value)
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08007', path_name)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex

    # Resolve the wlst path attributes in the model
    if WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH in resolved_dict:
        wlst_path_key = resolved_dict[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH]
        if wlst_path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
            resolved_dict[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH] = wlst_paths_dict[wlst_path_key]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08008', path_name, WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH,
                                                         wlst_path_key, WLST_PATHS)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08009', path_name, WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH)
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex

    if WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH in resolved_dict:
        wlst_path_key = resolved_dict[WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH]
        if wlst_path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
            resolved_dict[WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH] = wlst_paths_dict[wlst_path_key]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08008', path_name, WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH,
                                                         wlst_path_key, WLST_PATHS)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        # default back to the attributes path
        resolved_dict[WLST_SUBFOLDERS_PATH] = resolved_dict[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH]

    if WLST_LIST_PATH in resolved_dict:
        wlst_path_key = resolved_dict[WLST_LIST_PATH]
        if wlst_path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
            resolved_dict[WLST_LIST_PATH] = wlst_paths_dict[wlst_path_key]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08008', path_name, WLST_LIST_PATH,
                                                         wlst_path_key, WLST_PATHS)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        # default back to the parent folder of the attributes path
        attr_path = resolved_dict[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH]
        resolved_dict[WLST_LIST_PATH] = strip_trailing_folders_in_path(attr_path)

    if WLST_CREATE_PATH in resolved_dict:
        wlst_path_key = resolved_dict[WLST_CREATE_PATH]
        if wlst_path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
            resolved_dict[WLST_CREATE_PATH] = wlst_paths_dict[wlst_path_key]
            ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08008', path_name, WLST_CREATE_PATH,
                                                         wlst_path_key, WLST_PATHS)
            _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
            raise ex
        # default back to the grandparent folder of the attributes path
        attr_path = resolved_dict[WLST_ATTRIBUTES_PATH]
        resolved_dict[WLST_CREATE_PATH] = strip_trailing_folders_in_path(attr_path, 2)

    # Now that the wlst_paths have been resolved, resolve the references to them in each of the attributes
    if ATTRIBUTES in resolved_dict:
        attrs_dict = resolved_dict[ATTRIBUTES]
        for attr_name in attrs_dict:
            attr_dict = attrs_dict[attr_name]

            if WLST_PATH in attr_dict:
                wlst_path_key = attr_dict[WLST_PATH]

                if wlst_path_key in wlst_paths_dict:
                    attr_dict[WLST_PATH] = wlst_paths_dict[wlst_path_key]
                    ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08010', attr_name,
                                                                 path_name, wlst_path_key)
                    _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
                    raise ex
                ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08011', attr_name, path_name)
                _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
                raise ex
    return resolved_dict
        #         new_value = _jconvert_to_type(preferred, new_value, delimiter)
        elif data_type == LIST:
            if converted:
                # convert any object elements to str, especially ObjectNames
                converted = _create_array(converted, delimiter)
                converted = list(converted)
        elif data_type in ALIAS_DELIMITED_TYPES:
            # Use the delimiter from the target type to join the elements of the list.
            # This can be different from the delimiter passed in, which was used to parse the WLST value.
            model_delimiter = compute_delimiter_from_data_type(data_type, converted)
            if model_delimiter and converted:
                # convert any object elements to str, especially ObjectNames
                converted = _create_array(converted, model_delimiter)
                converted = model_delimiter.join(converted)
    except TypeError, te:
        ex = exception_helper.create_alias_exception('WLSDPLY-08021', value, data_type, delimiter, str(te))
        _logger.throwing(ex, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)
        raise ex
    return converted

def _get_path_separator(value):
    Get the path separator to use for this value.  If the value is a string and contains
    :param value: the value
    :return: the computed path separator
    _method_name = '_get_path_separator'
    _logger.entering(value, class_name=_class_name, method_name=_method_name)

    result = File.pathSeparator