Exemplo n.º 1
class OnEarthRequestMgr(BaseRequestMgr):
    def __init__(self, params, bbox, region, proj_srs, tile_service):
        """!Initializes data needed for iteration through tiles.
            # checks all elements needed by this class,
            # invalid elements are removed
            self.cap_tree = OnEarthCapabilitiesTree(tile_service)
        except ParseError as error:
                _("Unable to parse tile service file.\n%s\n") % str(error))

        root = self.cap_tree.getroot()

        # parse tile service file and get needed data for making tile requests
        url, self.tile_span, t_patt_bbox, self.tile_size = self._parseTileService(
            root, bbox, region, params)
        self.url = url
        self.url[0] = params['url'] + '?' + url[0]
        # initialize data needed for iteration through tiles
        self._computeRequestData(bbox, t_patt_bbox, self.tile_span,

    def GetMapRegion(self):
        """!Get size in pixels and bounding box of raster where all tiles will be merged.
        return self.map_region

    def _parseTileService(self, root, bbox, region, params):
        """!Get data from tile service file
        tiled_patterns = root.find('TiledPatterns')
        tile_groups = self._getAllTiledGroup(tiled_patterns)
        if not tile_groups:
                _("Unable to parse tile service file. \n No tag '%s' was found."
                  ) % 'TiledGroup')

        req_group = None
        for group in tile_groups:
            name = group.find('Name')
            if name.text == params['layers']:
                req_group = group

        if req_group is None:
                _("Tiled group '%s' was not found in tile service file") %

        group_t_patts = req_group.findall('TilePattern')
        best_patt = self._parseTilePattern(group_t_patts, bbox, region)

        urls = best_patt.text.split('\n')
        if params['urlparams']:
            url = self._insTimeToTilePatternUrl(params['urlparams'], urls)
            url = urls[0]
            for u in urls:
                if not 'time=${' in u:
                    url = u

        url, t_bbox, width, height = self.cap_tree.gettilepatternurldata(url)
        tile_span = {}
        tile_span['x'] = abs(t_bbox[0] - t_bbox[2])
        tile_span['y'] = abs(t_bbox[1] - t_bbox[3])

        tile_pattern_bbox = req_group.find('LatLonBoundingBox')

        t_patt_bbox = {}
        for s in ['minx', 'miny', 'maxx', 'maxy']:
            t_patt_bbox[s] = float(tile_pattern_bbox.get(s))

        tile_size = {}
        tile_size['x'] = width
        tile_size['y'] = height

        return url, tile_span, t_patt_bbox, tile_size

    def _getAllTiledGroup(self, parent, tiled_groups=None):
        """!Get all 'TileGroup' elements
        if not tiled_groups:
            tiled_groups = []

        tiled_groups += parent.findall('TiledGroup')
        new_groups = parent.findall('TiledGroups')

        for group in new_groups:
            self._getAllTiledGroup(group, tiled_groups)
        return tiled_groups

    def _parseTilePattern(self, group_t_patts, bbox, region):
        """!Find best tile pattern for requested resolution.
        res = {}
        res['y'] = (bbox['maxy'] - bbox['miny']) / region['rows']
        res['x'] = (bbox['maxx'] - bbox['minx']) / region['cols']

        if res['x'] < res['y']:
            comp_res = 'x'
            comp_res = 'y'

        t_res = {}
        best_patt = None
        for pattern in group_t_patts:
            url, t_bbox, width, height = self.cap_tree.gettilepatternurldata(

            t_res['x'] = abs(t_bbox[0] - t_bbox[2]) / width
            t_res['y'] = abs(t_bbox[1] - t_bbox[3]) / height

            if best_patt is None:
                best_res = t_res[comp_res]
                best_patt = pattern
                first = False

            best_diff = best_res - res[comp_res]
            tile_diff = t_res[comp_res] - res[comp_res]

            if (best_diff < tile_diff  and  tile_diff < 0) or \
               (best_diff > tile_diff  and  best_diff > 0):

                best_res = t_res[comp_res]
                best_patt = pattern

        return best_patt

    def _insTimeToTilePatternUrl(self, url_params, urls):
        """!Time can be variable in some urls in OnEarth TMS. 
            Insert requested time from 'urlparams' into the variable if any url of urls contains the variable.
        url = None
        not_sup_params = []
        url_params_list = url_params.split('&')

        for param in url_params_list:
                k, v = param.split('=')
            except ValueError:
                    _("Wrong form of parameter '%s' in '%s'. \n \
                                 The parameter was ignored.") %
                    (param, 'urlparams'))

            if k != 'time':

            has_time_var = False
            for url in urls:
                url_p_idxs = self.geturlparamidxs(url, k)
                if not url_p_idxs:

                url_p_value = url[url_p_idxs[0] + len(k + '='):url_p_idxs[1]]

                if url_p_value[:2] == '${'  and \
                   url_p_value[len(url_p_value) - 1] == '}':
                    url = url[:url_p_idxs[0]] + param + url[url_p_idxs[1]:]
                    has_time_var = True

            if not has_time_var:
                    _("Parameter '%s' in '%s' is not variable in tile pattern url."
                      ) % (k, 'urlparams'))

        if not_sup_params:
            grass.warning(_("%s driver supports only '%s' parameter in '%s'. Other parameters are ignored.") % \
                           ('OnEarth GRASS', 'time', 'urlparams'))

        return url

    def _computeRequestData(self, bbox, t_patt_bbox, tile_span, tile_size):
        """!Initialize data needed for iteration through tiles.
        epsilon = 1e-15
        mat_num_bbox = {}

        mat_num_bbox['min_row'] = mat_num_bbox['min_col'] = 0
        mat_num_bbox['max_row'] = floor(
            (t_patt_bbox['maxy'] - t_patt_bbox['miny']) / tile_span['y'] +
        mat_num_bbox['max_col'] = floor(
            (t_patt_bbox['maxx'] - t_patt_bbox['minx']) / tile_span['x'] +

        BaseRequestMgr._computeRequestData(self, bbox, t_patt_bbox,
                                           self.tile_span, self.tile_size,

    def GetNextTile(self):
        """!Get url for tile request from server and information for merging the tile with other tiles
        if self.i_col > self.t_num_bbox['max_col']:
            return None

        x_offset = self.tile_span['x'] * self.i_col
        y_offset = self.tile_span['y'] * self.i_row

        query_url = self.url[0] + "&" + "bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s" % (
            float(self.query_bbox['minx'] + x_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['miny'] - y_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['maxx'] + x_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['maxy'] - y_offset)) + self.url[1]

        self.tile_ref['t_cols_offset'] = int(
            self.tile_size['y'] * (self.i_col - self.t_num_bbox['min_col']))
        self.tile_ref['t_rows_offset'] = int(
            self.tile_size['x'] * (self.i_row - self.t_num_bbox['min_row']))

        if self.i_row >= self.t_num_bbox['max_row']:
            self.i_row = self.t_num_bbox['min_row']
            self.i_col += 1
            self.i_row += 1

        return query_url, self.tile_ref
Exemplo n.º 2
class OnEarthRequestMgr(BaseRequestMgr):

    def __init__(self, params, bbox, region, proj_srs, tile_service):
        """!Initializes data needed for iteration through tiles.
            # checks all elements needed by this class,
            # invalid elements are removed
            self.cap_tree = OnEarthCapabilitiesTree(tile_service)
        except ParseError as error:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to parse tile service file.\n%s\n") % str(error))

        root = self.cap_tree.getroot()

        # parse tile service file and get needed data for making tile requests
        url, self.tile_span, t_patt_bbox, self.tile_size = self._parseTileService(
            root, bbox, region, params)
        self.url = url
        self.url[0] = params['url'] + url[0]
        # initialize data needed for iteration through tiles
        self._computeRequestData(bbox, t_patt_bbox, self.tile_span, self.tile_size)

    def GetMapRegion(self):
        """!Get size in pixels and bounding box of raster where all tiles will be merged.
        return self.map_region

    def _parseTileService(self, root, bbox, region, params):
        """!Get data from tile service file
        tiled_patterns = root.find('TiledPatterns')
        tile_groups = self._getAllTiledGroup(tiled_patterns)
        if not tile_groups:
                _("Unable to parse tile service file. \n No tag '%s' was found.") %

        req_group = None
        for group in tile_groups:
            name = group.find('Name')
            if name.text == params['layers']:
                req_group = group

        if req_group is None:
            grass.fatal(_("Tiled group '%s' was not found in tile service file") % params['layers'])

        group_t_patts = req_group.findall('TilePattern')
        best_patt = self._parseTilePattern(group_t_patts, bbox, region)

        urls = best_patt.text.split('\n')
        if params['urlparams']:
            url = self._insTimeToTilePatternUrl(params['urlparams'], urls)
            url = urls[0]
            for u in urls:
                if not 'time=${' in u:
                    url = u

        url, t_bbox, width, height = self.cap_tree.gettilepatternurldata(url)
        tile_span = {}
        tile_span['x'] = abs(t_bbox[0] - t_bbox[2])
        tile_span['y'] = abs(t_bbox[1] - t_bbox[3])

        tile_pattern_bbox = req_group.find('LatLonBoundingBox')

        t_patt_bbox = {}
        for s in ['minx', 'miny', 'maxx', 'maxy']:
            t_patt_bbox[s] = float(tile_pattern_bbox.get(s))

        tile_size = {}
        tile_size['x'] = width
        tile_size['y'] = height

        return url, tile_span, t_patt_bbox, tile_size

    def _getAllTiledGroup(self, parent, tiled_groups=None):
        """!Get all 'TileGroup' elements
        if not tiled_groups:
            tiled_groups = []

        tiled_groups += parent.findall('TiledGroup')
        new_groups = parent.findall('TiledGroups')

        for group in new_groups:
            self._getAllTiledGroup(group, tiled_groups)
        return tiled_groups

    def _parseTilePattern(self, group_t_patts, bbox, region):
        """!Find best tile pattern for requested resolution.
        res = {}
        res['y'] = (bbox['maxy'] - bbox['miny']) / region['rows']
        res['x'] = (bbox['maxx'] - bbox['minx']) / region['cols']

        if res['x'] < res['y']:
            comp_res = 'x'
            comp_res = 'y'

        t_res = {}
        best_patt = None
        for pattern in group_t_patts:
            url, t_bbox, width, height = self.cap_tree.gettilepatternurldata(pattern.text.split(

            t_res['x'] = abs(t_bbox[0] - t_bbox[2]) / width
            t_res['y'] = abs(t_bbox[1] - t_bbox[3]) / height

            if best_patt is None:
                best_res = t_res[comp_res]
                best_patt = pattern
                first = False

            best_diff = best_res - res[comp_res]
            tile_diff = t_res[comp_res] - res[comp_res]

            if (best_diff < tile_diff  and  tile_diff < 0) or \
               (best_diff > tile_diff and best_diff > 0):

                best_res = t_res[comp_res]
                best_patt = pattern

        return best_patt

    def _insTimeToTilePatternUrl(self, url_params, urls):
        """!Time can be variable in some urls in OnEarth TMS.
            Insert requested time from 'urlparams' into the variable if any url of urls contains the variable.
        url = None
        not_sup_params = []
        url_params_list = url_params.split('&')

        for param in url_params_list:
                k, v = param.split('=')
            except ValueError:
                grass.warning(_("Wrong form of parameter '%s' in '%s'. \n \
                                 The parameter was ignored.") % (param, 'urlparams'))

            if k != 'time':

            has_time_var = False
            for url in urls:
                url_p_idxs = self.geturlparamidxs(url, k)
                if not url_p_idxs:

                url_p_value = url[url_p_idxs[0] + len(k + '='): url_p_idxs[1]]

                if url_p_value[:2] == '${'  and \
                   url_p_value[len(url_p_value) - 1] == '}':
                    url = url[:url_p_idxs[0]] + param + url[url_p_idxs[1]:]
                    has_time_var = True

            if not has_time_var:
                    _("Parameter '%s' in '%s' is not variable in tile pattern url.") %
                    (k, 'urlparams'))

        if not_sup_params:
                _("%s driver supports only '%s' parameter in '%s'. Other parameters are ignored.") %
                ('OnEarth GRASS', 'time', 'urlparams'))

        return url

    def _computeRequestData(self, bbox, t_patt_bbox, tile_span, tile_size):
        """!Initialize data needed for iteration through tiles.
        epsilon = 1e-15
        mat_num_bbox = {}

        mat_num_bbox['min_row'] = mat_num_bbox['min_col'] = 0
        mat_num_bbox['max_row'] = floor(
            (t_patt_bbox['maxy'] - t_patt_bbox['miny']) / tile_span['y'] + epsilon)
        mat_num_bbox['max_col'] = floor(
            (t_patt_bbox['maxx'] - t_patt_bbox['minx']) / tile_span['x'] + epsilon)


    def GetNextTile(self):
        """!Get url for tile request from server and information for merging the tile with other tiles
        if self.i_col > self.t_num_bbox['max_col']:
            return None

        x_offset = self.tile_span['x'] * self.i_col
        y_offset = self.tile_span['y'] * self.i_row

        query_url = self.url[0] + "&" + "bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s" % (
            float(self.query_bbox['minx'] + x_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['miny'] - y_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['maxx'] + x_offset),
            float(self.query_bbox['maxy'] - y_offset)) + self.url[1]

        self.tile_ref['t_cols_offset'] = int(
            self.tile_size['y'] * (self.i_col - self.t_num_bbox['min_col']))
        self.tile_ref['t_rows_offset'] = int(
            self.tile_size['x'] * (self.i_row - self.t_num_bbox['min_row']))

        if self.i_row >= self.t_num_bbox['max_row']:
            self.i_row = self.t_num_bbox['min_row']
            self.i_col += 1
            self.i_row += 1

        return query_url, self.tile_ref