Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_NewFromDirectory( self ):

        ref_sig_path = 'lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E-t6x5_5_4-l.sig'
        ref_fv = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile( pychrm_test_dir + sep + ref_sig_path )
        from shutil import copy
        tempdir = mkdtemp()
        img_filename = "lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E-t6x5_5_4-l.tiff"
        orig_img_filepath = pychrm_test_dir + sep + img_filename
        copy( orig_img_filepath, tempdir )
            fs = FeatureSpace.NewFromDirectory( tempdir, quiet=False )
            self.assertTrue( compare( fs.data_matrix[0], ref_fv.values ) )
            #from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
            #assert_allclose( ref_fv.values, fs.data_matrix[0], rtol=1e-05 )
            rmtree( tempdir )

        from os import mkdir
        toptempdir = mkdtemp()
            class_names = []
            for letter in 'CBA':
                dirname = toptempdir + sep + letter
                mkdir( dirname )
                copy( orig_img_filepath, dirname )

            fs = FeatureSpace.NewFromDirectory( toptempdir, quiet=False, )
            self.assertEqual( fs.class_names, ['A', 'B', 'C' ] )
            for row_of_features in fs.data_matrix:
                self.assertTrue( compare( row_of_features, ref_fv.values ) )

            rmtree( toptempdir )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_LargeFeatureSetGrayscale( self ):
        """Large feature set, grayscale image"""
        reference_sample = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile( self.sig_file_path,
            image_path=self.test_tif_path )

        target_sample = FeatureVector( source_filepath=self.test_tif_path,
            long=True).GenerateFeatures( write_to_disk=False )

#        This doesn't work since the ranges of features are so wide
#        Tried using relative tolerance, but no dice:
#        from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
#        assert_allclose( reference_sample.values, target_sample.values, rtol=1e-3 )

        # Remember we're reading these values in from strings. and the ranges are so wide
        # you only have 6 sig figs. Better apples to apples comparison is to 
        # compare strings.
        self.assertTrue( compare( target_sample.values, reference_sample.values ) )
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_HeatMap_w_FeatureComputationPlan(self):
        """Classification results using SampleImageTiles method and FOF should be the same.

        # chris@NIA-LG-01778617 ~/src/wnd-charm/tests/pywndcharm_tests
        # $ tiffinfo lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif
        # TIFF Directory at offset 0x18ea9c (1632924)
        #   Image Width: 1388 Image Length: 1040
        #   Bits/Sample: 8
        #   Compression Scheme: LZW
        #   Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
        #   Samples/Pixel: 1
        #   Rows/Strip: 5
        #   Planar Configuration: single image plane

        # 5x6 tiling scheme => tile dims 208 x 231.33 each
        scan_x = 231
        scan_y = 208

        #num_features = 200

        # Inflate the zipped test fit into a temp file
        tempdir = mkdtemp()

            import zipfile
            reference_sigs = pychrm_test_dir + sep + 'lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E_REFERENCE_SIGFILES.zip'
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(reference_sigs, mode='r')

            img_filename = "lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif"
            orig_img_filepath = pychrm_test_dir + sep + img_filename

            from shutil import copy

            # copy the tiff to the tempdir so the .sig files end up there too
            copy(orig_img_filepath, tempdir)
            input_image_path = tempdir + sep + img_filename

            # create the tile image iterator
            image_iter = SampleImageTiles(input_image_path, scan_x, scan_y,
            print "Number of samples = " + str(image_iter.samples)

            base, ext = splitext(input_image_path)

            # Just grab the first tile:
            import pdb
            tile_cropped_px_plane = image_iter.sample()

            kwargs = {}
            kwargs['name'] = input_image_path
            kwargs['source_filepath'] = tile_cropped_px_plane
            #kwargs[ 'feature_names' ] = fw.feature_names
            #kwargs[ 'feature_computation_plan' ] = comp_plan
            kwargs['long'] = True
            kwargs['tile_num_cols'] = image_iter.tiles_x
            kwargs['tile_num_rows'] = image_iter.tiles_y
            kwargs['tiling_scheme'] = '{0}x{1}'.format(image_iter.tiles_x,
            kwargs['tile_col_index'] = image_iter.current_col
            kwargs['tile_row_index'] = image_iter.current_row
            kwargs['sample_group_id'] = 0

            top_left_tile_feats = FeatureVector(**kwargs).GenerateFeatures(
                quiet=False, write_to_disk=False)

            top_left_tile_reference_feats = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile(
                tempdir + sep + 'sj-05-3362-R2_001_E-t5x6_0_0-l.sig')

            # Remember we're reading these values in from strings. and the ranges are so wide
            # you only have 6 sig figs. Better apples to apples comparison is to
            # compare strings.

            # Setting feature_names initiates the feature reduce from
            # the larger set of features that comes back from computation
            #kwargs[ 'feature_names' ] = fw.feature_names
            # if these are set, then the code will try to take a ROI of a ROI:
            #kwargs[ 'x' ] = image_iter.current_x
            #kwargs[ 'y' ] = image_iter.current_y
            #kwargs[ 'w' ] = image_iter.tile_width
            #kwargs[ 'h' ] = image_iter.tile_height

Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_FeatureComputationFromROI(self):
        """Specify bounding box to FeatureVector, calc features, then compare
        with C++ implementation-calculated feats."""

        # orig image lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif
        # has size=1388x1040
        # WND-CHARM command line specifies via -tCxR param
        # where C is columns and R is rows, ergo 5 rows, 6 cols = -t6x5
        # tile dims => w=1388/6 cols = 231.33px wide, h=1040/5 rows = 208 px tall
        ROI_width = 231
        ROI_height = 208

        # Inflate the zipped test fit into a temp file
        tempdir = mkdtemp()

            import zipfile
            reference_sigs = pychrm_test_dir + sep + 'lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E_t6x5_REFERENCE_SIGFILES.zip'
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(reference_sigs, mode='r')

            img_filename = "lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif"
            orig_img_filepath = pychrm_test_dir + sep + img_filename

            from shutil import copy

            # copy the tiff to the tempdir so the .sig files end up there too
            copy(orig_img_filepath, tempdir)
            input_image_path = tempdir + sep + img_filename

            kwargs = {}
            kwargs['name'] = img_filename
            kwargs['source_filepath'] = input_image_path
            #kwargs[ 'feature_names' ] = fw.feature_names
            #kwargs[ 'feature_computation_plan' ] = comp_plan
            kwargs['long'] = True

            kwargs['x'] = 0
            kwargs['y'] = 0
            kwargs['w'] = ROI_width
            kwargs['h'] = ROI_height

            kwargs['sample_group_id'] = 0

            top_left_tile_feats = FeatureVector(**kwargs).GenerateFeatures(
                quiet=False, write_to_disk=False)
            top_left_tile_reference_feats = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile(
                tempdir + sep +

            # Remember we're reading these values in from strings. and the ranges are so wide
            # you only have 6 sig figs. Better apples to apples comparison is to
            # compare strings.

            kwargs['x'] = 1155
            kwargs['y'] = 832

            bot_right_tile_feats = FeatureVector(**kwargs).GenerateFeatures(
                quiet=False, write_to_disk=False)
            bot_right_tile_reference_feats = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile(
                tempdir + sep +


Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_HeatMap_w_FeatureComputationPlan( self ):
        """Classification results using SampleImageTiles method and FOF
        should be the same."""

        # chris@NIA-LG-01778617 ~/src/wnd-charm/tests/pywndcharm_tests
        # $ tiffinfo lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif
        # TIFF Directory at offset 0x18ea9c (1632924)
        #   Image Width: 1388 Image Length: 1040
        #   Bits/Sample: 8
        #   Compression Scheme: LZW
        #   Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
        #   Samples/Pixel: 1
        #   Rows/Strip: 5
        #   Planar Configuration: single image plane

        # WND-CHARM command line specifies via -tCxR param
        # where C is columns and R is rows, ergo 5 rows, 6 cols = -t6x5
        # tile dims => w=1388/6 cols = 231.33px wide, h=1040/5 rows = 208 px tall
        #scan_x = 231
        #scan_y = 208

        #num_features = 200

        # Inflate the zipped test fit into a temp file
        sourcedir = mkdtemp()
        targetdir = mkdtemp()
            import zipfile
            reference_sigs = pychrm_test_dir + sep + 'lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E_t6x5_REFERENCE_SIGFILES.zip'
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile( reference_sigs, mode='r' )
            zf.extractall( targetdir )

            img_filename = "lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E.tif"
            orig_img_filepath = pychrm_test_dir + sep + img_filename

            from shutil import copy

            # copy the tiff to the tempdir so the .sig files end up there too
            copy( orig_img_filepath, sourcedir )
            input_image_path = sourcedir + sep + img_filename

            # Create sliding window that emulates 6x5 tiling:
            kwargs = {}
            kwargs[ 'source_filepath' ] = input_image_path
            kwargs[ 'tile_num_cols' ] = 6
            kwargs[ 'tile_num_rows' ] = 5
            kwargs[ 'long' ] = True
            window = SlidingWindow( **kwargs )
            print "Number of samples = " + str( window.num_positions )

            base, ext = splitext( input_image_path )

            ref_file = 'lymphoma_eosin_channel_MCL_test_img_sj-05-3362-R2_001_E-t6x5_{}_{}-l.sig'

            # top left:
            for test_feats in window.sample():
                test_feats.GenerateFeatures( quiet=False, write_to_disk=False, cache=True )
                reference_feats = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile( targetdir + sep + ref_file.format(0,0) )
                self.assertTrue( compare( test_feats.values, reference_feats.values ) )

            # below top left:
            #window.GenerateFeatures( quiet=False, write_to_disk=False, cache=True )
            #reference_feats = FeatureVector.NewFromSigFile( targetdir + sep + ref_file.format(0,1) )
            #self.assertTrue( compare( window.values, reference_feats.values ) )

            # Setting feature_names initiates the feature reduce from
            # the larger set of features that comes back from computation
            #kwargs[ 'feature_names' ] = fw.feature_names

            rmtree( sourcedir )
            rmtree( targetdir )