Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_working_backend(self):
        class Cache(object):
            def __init__(self, ret):
                self.ret = ret
                self.called_with = None

            def get(self, key):
                self.called_with = key
                return self.ret

        class Dispatcher(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.called_with = None

            def dispatch(self, key):
                self.called_with = key

        env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": "/key"}

        cache, dispatcher = Cache(None), Dispatcher()
        handler = Handler(cache, dispatcher)
        list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))

        self.assertEqual(203, self.response_code)
        self.assertEqual("key", cache.called_with)
        self.assertEqual("key", dispatcher.called_with)

        cache, dispatcher = Cache("value"), Dispatcher()
        handler = Handler(cache, dispatcher)
        output = list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))

        self.assertEqual(200, self.response_code)
        self.assertEqual("key", cache.called_with)
        self.assertEqual(None, dispatcher.called_with)
        self.assertEqual(["value", "\n"], output)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_backend_errors(self):
        class FailingBackend(object):
            def __init__(self, exc_class):
                self.exc_class = exc_class

            def get(self, key):
                raise self.exc_class()

            dispatch = get

        class WorkingBackend(object):
            def get(self, key):
                return None

            def dispatch(self, key):

        # Test the two exceptions
        for response_code, failing_backend in (
            (400, FailingBackend(InvalidKey)),
            (503, FailingBackend(BackendUnavailable))):
            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": "/key"}

            # Test them for both backend roles
            for handler in (Handler(failing_backend, WorkingBackend()),
                            Handler(WorkingBackend(), failing_backend)):
                list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))
                self.assertEqual(response_code, self.response_code)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_method_not_allowed(self):
     handler = Handler(None, None)
     for method in ("OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE"):
             handler.handle_request({"REQUEST_METHOD": method},
                                    self._start_response))  # Generator
         self.assertEqual(405, self.response_code)
Exemplo n.º 4
def start_web(cache, dispatcher, config):
    # Lazy import since we might have to fork and would rather not mess up gevent.
    from gevent import pywsgi
    from workertier.handler import Handler

    host = config.safe_get("web", "host", DEFAULT_WEB_HOST)
    port = config.safe_get("web", "port", DEFAULT_WEB_PORT)

    handler = Handler(cache, dispatcher)
    server = pywsgi.WSGIServer((host, port), handler.handle_request)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_working_backend(self):
        class Cache(object):
            def __init__(self, ret):
                self.ret = ret
                self.called_with = None

            def get(self, key):
                self.called_with = key
                return self.ret

        class Dispatcher(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.called_with = None

            def dispatch(self, key):
                self.called_with = key

        env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": "/key"}

        cache, dispatcher = Cache(None), Dispatcher()
        handler = Handler(cache, dispatcher)
        list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))

        self.assertEqual(203, self.response_code)
        self.assertEqual("key", cache.called_with)
        self.assertEqual("key", dispatcher.called_with)

        cache, dispatcher = Cache("value"), Dispatcher()
        handler = Handler(cache, dispatcher)
        output = list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))

        self.assertEqual(200, self.response_code)
        self.assertEqual("key", cache.called_with)
        self.assertEqual(None, dispatcher.called_with)
        self.assertEqual(["value", "\n"], output)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_backend_errors(self):
        class FailingBackend(object):
            def __init__(self, exc_class):
                self.exc_class = exc_class
            def get(self, key):
                raise self.exc_class()
            dispatch = get

        class WorkingBackend(object):
            def get(self, key):
                return None
            def dispatch(self, key):

        # Test the two exceptions
        for response_code, failing_backend in ((400, FailingBackend(InvalidKey)), (503, FailingBackend(BackendUnavailable))):
            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": "/key"}

            # We can only test for the cache: the message queue is asynchronous
            handler = Handler(failing_backend, WorkingBackend())
            list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))
            self.assertEqual(response_code, self.response_code)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_invalid_url(self):
     handler = Handler(None, None)
     for url in ("/", "blah", ""):
         env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": url}
         list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))
         self.assertEqual(404, self.response_code)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_method_not_allowed(self):
     handler = Handler(None, None)
     for method in ("OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE"):
         list(handler.handle_request({"REQUEST_METHOD": method, "PATH_INFO":"/key"}, self._start_response))
         # List it: it's a generator
         self.assertEqual(405, self.response_code)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_invalid_url(self):
     handler = Handler(None, None)
     for url in ("/", "blah", ""):
         env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": url}
         list(handler.handle_request(env, self._start_response))
         self.assertEqual(404, self.response_code)