Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    parser = getBasicOptionParser("usage: %prog [options]", "%prog 0.1")

    parser.add_option("--job", dest="jobFile", help="Job file containing command to run", default="None")

        "--treePointer", dest="treePointerFile", help="File containing pointer to the tree data", default="None"

    options, args = parseBasicOptions(parser)

    logger.info("Parsed the input arguments")

    job = ET.parse(options.jobFile).getroot()

    logger.info("Parsed the job XML")

    treePointer = ET.parse(options.treePointerFile).getroot()

    logger.info("Parsed the tree pointer XML")

    tree = ET.parse(treePointer.attrib["file"]).getroot()

    logger.info("Parsed the tree XML")

    for child in tree.find("children").findall("child"):
        # Make the chuld tree pointer
        childTreePointerFile = makeTreePointer(child.attrib["file"], getTempFile(rootDir=job.attrib["global_temp_dir"]))
        # Make the child command
        unbornChild = ET.SubElement(job.find("children"), "child")
        command = "jobTreeTest_CommandFirst.py --treePointer %s --job JOB_FILE" % (childTreePointerFile,)
        unbornChild.attrib["command"] = command
        if random.random() > 0.2:
            unbornChild.attrib["time"] = str(random.random() * 10)
        # Make the child tree pointer
        ET.SubElement(treePointer.find("children"), "child", {"file": childTreePointerFile})

    job.attrib["command"] = "jobTreeTest_CommandSecond.py --treePointer %s --job JOB_FILE" % (options.treePointerFile,)
    logger.info("Made new command")

    fileHandle = open(options.jobFile, "w")

    logger.info("Updated the job file")

    print >> sys.stderr, "Checking that we can report to std err"  # These lines should end up in the logs
    print "Checking that we can report to std out"

    if random.random() > 0.9:
        logger.info("Going to fail the job")
    logger.info("Going to pass the job done okay")
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    sys.path +=  [ sys.argv[1] ]
    #Now we can import all the stuff..
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import getBasicOptionParser
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import parseBasicOptions
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import logger
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import addLoggingFileHandler
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import setLogLevel
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.bioio import getTotalCpuTime
    from workflow.jobTree.lib.master import writeJobs
    #Construct the arguments.
    parser = getBasicOptionParser("usage: %prog [options]", "%prog 0.1")
    parser.add_option("--job", dest="jobFile", 
                      help="Job file containing command to run",
    options, args = parseBasicOptions(parser)
    assert len(args) == 0

    #Parse the job.
    job = ET.parse(options.jobFile).getroot()
    #Setup the logging
    #Setup the logging
    addLoggingFileHandler(job.attrib["slave_log_file"], rotatingLogging=False)
    logger.info("Parsed arguments and set up logging")
    #Setup the stats, if requested
    if job.attrib.has_key("stats"):
        startTime = time.time()
        startClock = time.clock()
        stats = ET.Element("slave")
        stats = None
    #Run the script.
    maxTime = float(job.attrib["job_time"])
    assert maxTime > 0.0
    assert maxTime < sys.maxint
    jobToRun = job.find("followOns").findall("followOn")[-1]
    memoryAvailable = int(jobToRun.attrib["memory"])
    cpuAvailable = int(jobToRun.attrib["cpu"])
    while True:
        processJob(job, jobToRun, memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable, stats)
        if job.attrib["colour"] != "black":
            logger.info("Exiting the slave because of a failed job")
        totalRuntime = float(job.attrib["total_time"])  #This is the estimate runtime of the jobs on the followon stack
        childrenNode = job.find("children")
        childrenList = childrenNode.findall("child")
        #childRuntime = sum([ float(child.attrib["time"]) for child in childrenList ])
        if len(childrenList) >= 2: # or totalRuntime + childRuntime > maxTime: #We are going to have to return to the parent
            logger.info("No more jobs can run in series by this slave, its got %i children" % len(childrenList))
        followOns = job.find("followOns")
        while len(childrenList) > 0:
            child = childrenList.pop()
            totalRuntime += float(child.attrib["time"])
            ET.SubElement(followOns, "followOn", child.attrib.copy())
        #assert totalRuntime <= maxTime + 1 #The plus one second to avoid unimportant rounding errors
        job.attrib["total_time"] = str(totalRuntime)
        assert len(childrenNode.findall("child")) == 0
        if len(followOns.findall("followOn")) == 0:
            logger.info("No more jobs can run by this slave as we have exhausted the follow ons")
        #Get the next job and see if we have enough cpu and memory to run it..
        jobToRun = job.find("followOns").findall("followOn")[-1]
        if int(jobToRun.attrib["memory"]) > memoryAvailable:
            logger.info("We need more memory for the next job, so finishing")
        if int(jobToRun.attrib["cpu"]) > cpuAvailable:
            logger.info("We need more cpus for the next job, so finishing")
        ##Updated the job so we can start the next loop cycle
        job.attrib["colour"] = "grey"
        writeJobs([ job ])
        logger.info("Updated the status of the job to grey and starting the next job")
    #Write back the job file with the updated jobs, using the checkpoint method.
    writeJobs([ job ])
    logger.info("Written out an updated job file")
    logger.info("Finished running the chain of jobs on this node")
    #Finish up the stats
    if stats != None:
        stats.attrib["time"] = str(time.time() - startTime)
        stats.attrib["clock"] = str(getTotalCpuTime() - startClock)
        fileHandle = open(job.attrib["stats"], 'w')
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    parser = getBasicOptionParser("usage: %prog [options]", "%prog 0.1")
    parser.add_option("--job", dest="jobFile", 
                      help="Job file containing command to run",
    parser.add_option("--treePointer", dest="treePointer", 
                      help="File containing pointer to the tree data",
    options, args = parseBasicOptions(parser)
    logger.info("Parsed the input arguments")
    print >>sys.stderr, "Checking that we can report to std err" #These lines should end up in the logs
    print "Checking that we can report to std out"
    job = ET.parse(options.jobFile).getroot() 
    logger.info("Parsed the job XML")
    treePointer = ET.parse(options.treePointer).getroot() 
    logger.info("Parsed the tree pointer XML")
    tree = ET.parse(treePointer.attrib["file"]).getroot()
    logger.info("Parsed the tree XML")
    i = 0
    children = tree.find("children").findall("child")
    if len(children) > 0:
        for child in children:
            #Parse the child XML tree
            childTree = ET.parse(child.attrib["file"]).getroot()
            i += int(childTree.attrib["count"])
        i = 1
    tree.attrib["count"] = str(i)
    logger.info("Calculated the leaf count: %i" % i)
    fileHandle = open(treePointer.attrib["file"], 'w')
    logger.info("Updated the tree file: %s" % treePointer.attrib["file"])
    for childPointer in treePointer.find("children").findall("child"):
        if os.path.isfile(childPointer.attrib["file"]):
    logger.info("Removed the child pointer files")
    logger.info("No need to update the job file, as we didn't make anything new!")

    if random.random() > 0.9:
        logger.info("Going to fail the job")
    logger.info("Going to pass the job done okay")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def execute(self, jobFile):
     job = ET.parse(jobFile).getroot()
     logger.info("Setup logging with level: %s" % job.attrib["log_level"])
     self.tempDirAccessed = False
     self.localTempDir = job.attrib["local_temp_dir"]
     self.globalTempDir = job.attrib["global_temp_dir"]
     maxTime = float(job.attrib["job_time"])
     memory = int(job.attrib["available_memory"])
     cpu = int(job.attrib["available_cpu"])
     if job.attrib.has_key("stats"):
         stats = ET.Element("stack")
         startTime = time.time()
         startClock = time.clock()
         stats = None
     newChildren = [] #List to add all the children to before we package them
     #off into stacks
     newChildCommands = [] #Ditto for the child commands
     newFollowOns = [] #Ditto for the follow-ons 
     while self.hasRemaining():
         if stats != None: #Getting the runtime of the stats module
             targetStartTime = time.time()
             targetStartClock = getTotalCpuTime()
         target = self.popTarget()
         #Debug check that we have the right amount of CPU and memory for the job in hand
         targetMemory = target.getMemory()
         if targetMemory != sys.maxint:
             assert targetMemory <= memory
         targetCpu = target.getCpu()
         if targetCpu != sys.maxint:
             assert targetCpu <= cpu
         #Run the target, first cleanup then run.
         #Cleanup after the target
         if self.tempDirAccessed:
             system("rm -rf %s/*" % self.localTempDir)
             self.tempDirAccessed = False
         #Handle the follow on
         followOn = target.getFollowOn()
         #if target.__class__ != CleanupGlobalTempDirTarget and followOn == None:
         #    followOn = CleanupGlobalTempDirTarget()
         if followOn != None: #Target to get rid of follow on when done.
             if target.isGlobalTempDirSet():
         #Now add the children to the newChildren stack
         newChildren += target.getChildren()
         #Now add the child commands to the newChildCommands stack
         newChildCommands += target.getChildCommands()
         if stats != None:
             ET.SubElement(stats, "target", { "time":str(time.time() - targetStartTime), 
                                             "clock":str(getTotalCpuTime() - targetStartClock),
     #Now build the new stacks and corresponding jobs
     #First add all the follow ons to the existing stack and make it a follow on job for job-tree
     assert not self.hasRemaining()
     #First sort out the follow on job
     if len(newFollowOns) > 0: #If we have follow ons
         followOnRuntime = sum([ followOn.getRunTime() for followOn in newFollowOns ])
         if followOnRuntime > maxTime: #We create a parallel list of follow ons
             followOnStack = Stack(ParallelFollowOnTarget(newFollowOns))
             followOnStack = Stack(newFollowOns.pop())
             while len(newFollowOns) > 0:
         job.attrib["command"] = followOnStack.makeRunnable(self.globalTempDir)
         job.attrib["time"] = str(followOnStack.getRunTime())
         followOnMemory = followOnStack.getMemory()
         assert not job.attrib.has_key("memory")
         if followOnMemory != sys.maxint:
             job.attrib["memory"] = str(followOnMemory)
         assert not job.attrib.has_key("cpu")
         followOnCpu = followOnStack.getCpu()
         if followOnCpu != sys.maxint:
             job.attrib["cpu"] = str(followOnCpu)
     #Now build stacks of children..
     childrenTag = job.find("children")
     while len(newChildren) > 0:
         childStack = Stack(newChildren.pop())
         while len(newChildren) > 0 and childStack.getRunTime() <= maxTime:
         childJob = ET.SubElement(childrenTag, "child", { "command":childStack.makeRunnable(self.globalTempDir),
                                           "time":str(childStack.getRunTime()) })
         childMemory = childStack.getMemory()
         assert not childJob.attrib.has_key("memory")
         if childMemory != sys.maxint:
             childJob.attrib["memory"] = str(childMemory)
         assert not childJob.attrib.has_key("cpu")
         childCpu = childStack.getCpu()
         if childCpu != sys.maxint:
             childJob.attrib["cpu"] = str(childCpu)
     #Now build jobs for each child command
     for childCommand, runTime in newChildCommands:
         ET.SubElement(childrenTag, "child", { "command":str(childCommand),
                                           "time":str(runTime) })
     #Now write the updated job file
     fileHandle = open(jobFile, 'w')
     #Finish up the stats
     if stats != None:
         stats.attrib["time"] = str(time.time() - startTime)
         stats.attrib["clock"] = str(getTotalCpuTime() - startClock)
         fileHandle = open(job.attrib["stats"], 'w')