Exemplo n.º 1
    def update_file(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        '''We have to respect both temporal and spatial localities, as well as to model updates themselves'''
        '''Make use of the UpdateManager for the last aspect'''
        '''1) If there is a file that has been updated, check if we should continue editing it'''
        if self.current_updated_file == None or time.time()-self.last_update_time > 30: #TODO: This threshold should be changed by a real distribution
            '''2) Select a random file of the given type to update (this is a simple approach, which can be
            sophisticated, if necessary, by adding individual "edit probabilities" to files based on distributions)'''
            self.current_updated_file, self.current_updated_file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity(
                    self.file_type_update_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
            self.last_update_time = time.time()

        if self.current_updated_file != None:            
            print "FILE TO EDIT: ", self.current_updated_file
            '''3) Select the type of update to be done (Prepend, Middle or Append)'''
            update_type = self.file_system.get_fitness_proportionate_element(self.file_update_location_probabilities)
            if not DEBUG:
                '''4) Select the size of the update to be done (1%, 40% of the content)'''
                file_size = os.path.getsize(self.current_updated_file)         
                (function, kv_params) = self.file_update_sizes[self.current_updated_file_type]
                relative_size = float(get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params))
                updated_bytes = abs(int(file_size - (file_size*relative_size))) #TODO: At the moment we only consider additions of content in updates           
                if updated_bytes > FILE_SIZE_MAX: 
                    updated_bytes = FILE_SIZE_MAX
                print "UPDATE TYPE: ", update_type, " UPDATE SIZE: ", updated_bytes
                content_type = DATA_CHARACTERIZATIONS_PATH + self.file_system.get_type_of_file(self.current_updated_file, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
                self.file_update_manager.modify_file(self.current_updated_file, update_type, content_type, updated_bytes)
        else: print "WARNING: No files to update!"
        '''5) Return the path to the locally updated file to be transferred to the sandbox'''
        return self.current_updated_file
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_file_size(self, mime):
     (function, kv_params) = self.file_size_fitting[mime]
     file_size = get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)
     '''Avoid extremely large or small waiting times due to statistical functions'''
     if file_size > self.file_size_max:
         file_size = self.file_size_max
     if file_size < self.file_size_min:
         file_size = self.file_size_min
     return file_size
 def get_waiting_time(self, state1, state2):
     if TO_WAIT_STATIC != 0:
         return TO_WAIT_STATIC # use static interval if its defined
     (function, kv_params) = self.transition_interarrival_fittings[state1][state2]
     waiting_time = get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)       
     '''Avoid extremely large or small waiting times due to statistical functions'''
     if waiting_time > MAX_WAITING_TIME: waiting_time = MAX_WAITING_TIME
     if waiting_time < MIN_WAITING_TIME: waiting_time = MIN_WAITING_TIME
     return waiting_time
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_file_size(self, mime):
     (function, kv_params) = self.file_size_fitting[mime]
     file_size = get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)
     '''Avoid extremely large or small waiting times due to statistical functions'''
     if file_size > self.file_size_max:
         file_size = self.file_size_max
     if file_size < self.file_size_min:
         file_size = self.file_size_min
     return file_size
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_file(self):
        '''Prior creating a file, we first decide which type of file to create'''
        file_type = self.file_system.get_fitness_proportionate_element(self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities)
        '''After choosing the type, we proceed by generating the size of the file'''           
        (function, kv_params) = self.file_types_sizes[file_type]
        size = int(get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params))

        '''Ensure that files are not huge'''
        if size > FILE_SIZE_MAX: 
            size = FILE_SIZE_MAX

        '''After generating the file size, we should decide the path for the new file'''
        synthetic_file_base_path = self.file_system.get_random_fs_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        '''Create a realistic name'''
        synthetic_file_base_path += get_random_alphanumeric_string(random.randint(1,20)) + \
        '''Invoke SDGen to generate realistic file contents'''
        characterization = DATA_CHARACTERIZATIONS_PATH + file_type
        success = True
        if not DEBUG:
                '''Decide whether we have to create a new file or to take deduplicated content'''
                if self.file_level_deduplication_ratio < self.r.random():
                    cp = subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', DATA_GENERATOR_PATH, characterization, str(size), synthetic_file_base_path], cwd=DATA_GENERATOR_PROPERTIES_DIR)
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------"
                    print "CREATING [NEW] FILE: ", synthetic_file_base_path, str(size)                         
                    '''Get a random file as content and store it with a new name'''
                    src_path, file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity(self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
                    if src_path== None: 
                        return None
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------"
                    print "CREATING [DEDUPLICATED] FILE: ", synthetic_file_base_path, str(size)  
                    shutil.copyfile(src_path, synthetic_file_base_path)
            except Exception as ex:
                print ex
                success = False
        if success: 
            return synthetic_file_base_path
        return None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def create_file_system_snapshot(self):
     print "Creating initial file system snapshot..."
     '''Get initial number of directories for this user'''
     (function, kv_params) = self.directory_count_distribution
     num_dirs = get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)
     '''Change config file of Impressions'''
     fs_config = ''
     for line in open(FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH, 'r'):
         if "Parent_Path: " in line:
             line = "Parent_Path: " + FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH + " 1\n"
             if not DEBUG and not os.path.exists(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH):
         if "Numdirs" in line:
             line = "Numdirs: " + str(num_dirs) + " N\n"
         fs_config = ''.join([fs_config, line])
     fs_config_file = open(FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH, 'w')
     print >> fs_config_file, fs_config[:-1]
     '''Create the file system'''
     if not DEBUG: 
         subprocess.call([FS_IMAGE_PATH, FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH])        
Exemplo n.º 7
filename = "operation_inter{}_scipy".format('.csv')

# para cada linea del fichero generar un fichero dat

index_line = 0
for fs_line in open(filename, 'r'):
    # print fs_line
    index_line += 1
    line = fs_line.split(',')
    print index_line, line

    title = line[0]
    profile = line[1]
    op1 = line[2]
    op2 = line[3]
    dist = line[4]
    args = ','.join(line[5:])
    print dist, args

    ob = eval(args)
    file_out_name = "csv/{}_{}_{}.dat".format(profile, op1, op2)
    test = open(file_out_name, "w")
    print file_out_name
    for i in range(1000):
        value = get_random_value_from_fitting(dist, ob)
        # print value
        print >> test, value

print "End read!"
Exemplo n.º 8
 print fs_line
 items = fs_line.split(',')
 line = items
 print line
 title = line[0]
 mime = line[1]
 dist = line[2]
 args = ','.join(line[3:])
 print args
 ob = eval(args)
 outfile = "test_{}{}.dat".format(mime, index_line)
 test = open(outfile, "w")
 print outfile
 for i in range(2000):
  value = get_random_value_from_fitting(dist,ob)
  print >> test, value

 test = open("test.dat", "w") # generar un archio dat
 for i in range(1000):
  value = get_random_value_from_fitting('genpareto',{'shape':3.776394061,'scale':67176.96527,'threshold':-2.220446049e-15})
  print >> test, value
  # print stats.genpareto(2.9948, scale=2.4671, loc=0.0250).rvs()
  #c=[0.7180, 0.9328, 1.2021]
  #print stats.fisk.rvs(0.5201, 0.4190)
 fatiguelife OK
 inversegaussian OK
 lognormal OK
 generalized pareto NOT EXACT
 logistic NO
 loglogistic/fisk NO '''
 function = "genextreme"
 kv_params = {'shape':-0.954000701932126,'scale':0.0455224790093405,'loc':0.0691909139925137}
 for i in range(10):
     print get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)
 #v = numpy.random.gumbel(loc=1.20212649309532, scale=0.932804666751013, size=10000)
 #fitting = genextreme(-0.5471, loc=0.1189, scale=0.1105)
 #fitting = genpareto(2.1686, scale=2.6006e+003, loc=-2.2204e-015)
 #fitting = stats.genextreme(-0.698811055279666, scale=942.089026948802, loc=1200.79721156363)
 #fitting = lognorm(1.38272913665692, scale=math.exp(8.222))
 #print math.exp(8.222)
 #fitting = stats.invgauss(5.3146e+06, scale=927.7)
 #fitting = stats.fatiguelife(20.6005318028672, scale=559477.198848146) #(1.4064e+006, scale=34.0631)
 #fitting = stats.cauchy(1488.0640353570552, 596.42456464706072)
 #fitting = stats.fisk(0.4190, shape=0.5201)   
 #mu=9.31524829249769 sigma=41.5219061720147 
 #fitting = lognorm(2.8638, scale=math.exp(7.003))
 #print math.exp(7.003)
 #fitting = lognorm(2.0881, scale=math.exp(8.8915))