Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_world(w, step):
    if isinstance(step, str):
        step = Step.get_by_name(step)

    if not step.include_precipitations:
        return w

    # Prepare sufficient seeds for the different steps of the generation
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(w.seed)  # create a fresh RNG in case the global RNG is compromised (i.e. has been queried an indefinite amount of times before generate_world() was called)
    sub_seeds = rng.randint(0, numpy.iinfo(numpy.int32).max, size=100)  # choose lowest common denominator (32 bit Windows numpy cannot handle a larger value)
    seed_dict = {
                 'PrecipitationSimulation': sub_seeds[ 0],  # after 0.19.0 do not ever switch out the seeds here to maximize seed-compatibility
                 'ErosionSimulation':       sub_seeds[ 1],
                 'WatermapSimulation':      sub_seeds[ 2],
                 'IrrigationSimulation':    sub_seeds[ 3],
                 'TemperatureSimulation':   sub_seeds[ 4],
                 'HumiditySimulation':      sub_seeds[ 5],
                 'PermeabilitySimulation':  sub_seeds[ 6],
                 'BiomeSimulation':         sub_seeds[ 7],
                 'IcecapSimulation':        sub_seeds[ 8],
                 '':                        sub_seeds[99]

    TemperatureSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['TemperatureSimulation'])
    # Precipitation with thresholds
    PrecipitationSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['PrecipitationSimulation'])

    if not step.include_erosion:
        return w
    ErosionSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['ErosionSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
    if get_verbose():
        print("...erosion calculated")

    WatermapSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['WatermapSimulation'])  # seed not currently used

    # FIXME: create setters
    IrrigationSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['IrrigationSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
    HumiditySimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['HumiditySimulation'])  # seed not currently used

    PermeabilitySimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['PermeabilitySimulation'])

    cm, biome_cm = BiomeSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['BiomeSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
    for cl in cm.keys():
        count = cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print("%s = %i" % (str(cl), count))

    if get_verbose():
        print('')  # empty line
        print('Biome obtained:')

    for cl in biome_cm.keys():
        count = biome_cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print(" %30s = %7i" % (str(cl), count))

    IcecapSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['IcecapSimulation'])  # makes use of temperature-map

    return w
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_world(w, step):
    if isinstance(step, str):
        step = Step.get_by_name(step)
    seed = w.seed

    if not step.include_precipitations:
        return w

    # Precipitation with thresholds
    PrecipitationSimulation().execute(w, seed)

    if not step.include_erosion:
        return w
    ErosionSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    if get_verbose():
        print("...erosion calculated")

    WatermapSimulation().execute(w, seed)

    # FIXME: create setters
    IrrigationSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    TemperatureSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    HumiditySimulation().execute(w, seed)

    PermeabilitySimulation().execute(w, seed)

    cm, biome_cm = BiomeSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    for cl in cm.keys():
        count = cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print("%s = %i" % (str(cl), count))

    if get_verbose():
        print('')  # empty line
        print('Biome obtained:')

    for cl in biome_cm.keys():
        count = biome_cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print(" %30s = %7i" % (str(cl), count))

    return w
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_world(w, step):
    if isinstance(step, str):
        step = Step.get_by_name(step)
    seed = w.seed

    if not step.include_precipitations:
        return w

    # Precipitation with thresholds
    PrecipitationSimulation().execute(w, seed)

    if not step.include_erosion:
        return w
    ErosionSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    if get_verbose():
        print("...erosion calculated")

    WatermapSimulation().execute(w, seed)

    # FIXME: create setters
    IrrigationSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    HumiditySimulation().execute(w, seed)

    TemperatureSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    PermeabilitySimulation().execute(w, seed)

    cm, biome_cm = BiomeSimulation().execute(w, seed)
    for cl in cm.keys():
        count = cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print("%s = %i" % (str(cl), count))

    if get_verbose():
        print('')  # empty line
        print('Biome obtained:')

    for cl in biome_cm.keys():
        count = biome_cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print(" %30s = %7i" % (str(cl), count))

    return w
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_world(w, step):
    if isinstance(step, str):
        step = Step.get_by_name(step)

    if not step.include_precipitations:
        return w

    # Prepare sufficient seeds for the different steps of the generation
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(
    )  # create a fresh RNG in case the global RNG is compromised (i.e. has been queried an indefinite amount of times before generate_world() was called)
    sub_seeds = rng.randint(
        0, numpy.iinfo(numpy.int32).max, size=100
    )  # choose lowest common denominator (32 bit Windows numpy cannot handle a larger value)
    seed_dict = {
        'PrecipitationSimulation': sub_seeds[
            0],  # after 0.19.0 do not ever switch out the seeds here to maximize seed-compatibility
        'ErosionSimulation': sub_seeds[1],
        'WatermapSimulation': sub_seeds[2],
        'IrrigationSimulation': sub_seeds[3],
        'TemperatureSimulation': sub_seeds[4],
        'HumiditySimulation': sub_seeds[5],
        'PermeabilitySimulation': sub_seeds[6],
        'BiomeSimulation': sub_seeds[7],
        'IcecapSimulation': sub_seeds[8],
        '': sub_seeds[99]

    TemperatureSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['TemperatureSimulation'])
    # Precipitation with thresholds
    PrecipitationSimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['PrecipitationSimulation'])

    if not step.include_erosion:
        return w
        w, seed_dict['ErosionSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
    if get_verbose():
        print("...erosion calculated")

        w, seed_dict['WatermapSimulation'])  # seed not currently used

    # FIXME: create setters
        w, seed_dict['IrrigationSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
        w, seed_dict['HumiditySimulation'])  # seed not currently used

    PermeabilitySimulation().execute(w, seed_dict['PermeabilitySimulation'])

    cm, biome_cm = BiomeSimulation().execute(
        w, seed_dict['BiomeSimulation'])  # seed not currently used
    for cl in cm.keys():
        count = cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print("%s = %i" % (str(cl), count))

    if get_verbose():
        print('')  # empty line
        print('Biome obtained:')

    for cl in biome_cm.keys():
        count = biome_cm[cl]
        if get_verbose():
            print(" %30s = %7i" % (str(cl), count))

        w, seed_dict['IcecapSimulation'])  # makes use of temperature-map

    return w