if self.scheduleAutonomous: self.scheduleAutonomous = False logger.info("Game Data: %s" % (self.gameData)) logger.info("Cross Field Enable: %s" % (self.crossFieldEnable)) logger.info("Scoring Element %s" % (self.scoringElement)) logger.info("Starting Position %s" % (self.startingPosition)) self.autonMiddleStartLeftSwitch.start() #self.autonLeftStartLeftScale.start() #self.autonForward.start() Scheduler.getInstance().run() def teleopInit(self): """ Initialization code for teleop mode should go here. This method will be called each time the robot enters teleop mode. """ if not self.timer.running: self.timer.start() def teleopPeriodic(self): """ Periodic code for teleop mode should go here. This method will be called every 20ms. """ Scheduler.getInstance().run() if __name__ == "__main__": run(Pitchfork)
def autonomous(self): '''Called when autonomous mode is enabled''' timer = wpilib.Timer() timer.start() while self.isAutonomous() and self.isEnabled(): if timer.get() < 2.0: self.robot_drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(0, -1, 1, 0) else: self.robot_drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(0, 0, 0, 0) wpilib.Timer.delay(0.01) def operatorControl(self): '''Called when operation control mode is enabled''' while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): self.robot_drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(self.lstick.getX(), self.lstick.getY(), self.rstick.getX(), 0) wpilib.Timer.delay(0.04) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(MyRobot, physics_enabled=True)
wpi.LiveWindow.run() def _tickDrive(self, joystickToUse): """ Sets motor speeds and the like. Callable from both teleop and autonomous modes. """ lDriveSpd = DriveManager.getDriveLeft(joystick=joystickToUse) self.lMotor0.set(lDriveSpd) self.lMotor1.set(lDriveSpd) rDriveSpd = DriveManager.getDriveRight(joystick=joystickToUse) self.rMotor0.set(rDriveSpd) self.rMotor1.set(rDriveSpd) ballMotorSpd = BallManager.getIntakeSpeed(joystick=joystickToUse) self.ballMotor.set(ballMotorSpd) leverSpd = BallManager.getEjectLeverSpeed(joystick=joystickToUse, limit=self.leverLimit) self.ejectLever.set(leverSpd) armSpd = ArmManager.getArmSpeed(joystick=joystickToUse, upLimit=self.armUpperLimit, downLimit=self.armLowerLimit) self.armMotor.set(armSpd) if __name__ == "__main__": wpi.run(LoRida)
if self.drivetrain.navX is not None: angle = self.drivetrain.navX.getYaw() angleDiff = (angle + 180) % 360 - 180 # How far the angle is from 0 TODO verify my math if abs(angleDiff) > 10: # TODO check if 10 is a good deadzone kp = 0.03 # Proportional constant for how much to turn based on angle offset forcedTurn = -angle*kp else: forcedTurn = None # They were in the deadzone, and gyro is center, so force no turn at all if abs(self.mainDriverStick.getZ()) < 0.05 and self.wasTurning: # We were turning, now we've stopped self.wasTurning = False Timer(0.75, lambda: self.drivetrain.navX.zero()).start() # Zero the gyro in 0.75 seconds. Need to tune the time. if forcedTurn is not None: self.drivetrain.arcadeDrive(self.mainDriverStick, rotateAxis=2, invertTurn=True, rotateValue=forcedTurn) # 2 is horizontal on the right stick else: self.drivetrain.arcadeDrive(self.mainDriverStick, invertTurn=True, rotateAxis=2) # 2 is horizontal on the right stick if not TEST_BENCH: self.drivetrain.arcadeStrafe(self.mainDriverStick) self.lifter.arcadeDrive(self.copilotStick) wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) # give time for the motor to update if __name__ == "__main__": import codecs import sys sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout.detach()) wpilib.run(FlashRobot)
self.loopCalls = 0 def doAllElse(self): if not (abs(self.goalPosition - self.Talon.getEncPosition()) > 4000): self.goalPosition += self.Joystick.getY() * -1 * self.maxVelocity self.Talon.set(self.goalPosition) #self.Talon.set(self.Joystick.getY() * 10) def printAll(self): for i in range(0,5): print() print("Selection Number: " + str(self.PIDNumber) + " P=0, I=1, D=2, F=3") print("P: " + str(self.Talon.getP()) + " I: " + str(self.Talon.getI()) + " D: " + str(self.Talon.getD()) + " F: " + str(self.Talon.getF())) print("Speed: " + str(self.Talon.getEncVelocity())) #print("Position Actual: " + str(self.Talon.getPosition())) #print("Position Goal: " + str(self.goalPosition)) print("Time Until Button: " + str(self.buttonAllowedTime - self.loopCalls)) def changePID(self, number): if self.PIDNumber == 0: self.Talon.setP(self.Talon.getP() * number) elif self.PIDNumber == 1: self.Talon.setI(self.Talon.getI() * number) elif self.PIDNumber == 2: self.Talon.setD(self.Talon.getD() * number) elif self.PIDNumber == 3: self.Talon.setF(self.Talon.getF() * number) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Tester)
self.aSolenoidHigh.set(0) def disabledPeriodic(self): pass def teleopInit(self): '''Execute at the start of teleop mode''' self.myRobot.setSafetyEnabled(True) self.iSolenoid.set(1) lastspeed = 0 def teleopPeriodic(self): if self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): forward = self.Stick1.getTriggerAxis(1) backward = self.Stick1.getTriggerAxis(0) sp = forward - backward if abs(self.Stick1.getX(0)) > 0.1: steering = (self.Stick1.getX(0) + 0.1*sp) / 1.5 else: steering = 0 self.myRobot.tankDrive(sp + steering, sp - steering) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(MyRobot)
Scheduler.getInstance().run() self.updateDashboard() # logging methods ---------------------------------------- def debug(self, msg): self.logger.debug(msg) def info(self, msg): self.logger.info(msg) def warning(self, msg): self.logger.warning(msg) def error(self, msg): self.logger.error(msg) # niscelleany ---------------------------------------------- def setLight(self, state): self.photonicCannon.set(state) def updateDashboard(self): currentTime = wpilib.Timer.getFPGATimestamp() if currentTime - self.lastTime > 1.0: self.lastTime = currentTime self.driveTrain.updateDashboard() self.intakeLauncher.updateDashboard() self.portcullis.updateDashboard() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(AresRobot)
def robotInit(self): ''' This is a good place to set up your subsystems and anything else that you will need to access later. ''' subsystems.init() # self.autonomousProgram = AutonomousProgram() self.autonomousProgram = Playback() ''' Since OI instantiates commands and commands need access to subsystems, OI must be initialized after subsystems. ''' oi.init() def autonomousInit(self): ''' You should call start on your autonomous program here. You can instantiate the program here if you like, or in robotInit as in this example. You can also use a SendableChooser to have the autonomous program chosen from the SmartDashboard. ''' self.autonomousProgram.start() if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(ExampleBot)
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "map.json")) self.chassis_ports = Map.get_map( )["subsystems"]["chassis"]["can_motors"] self.chassis_left_master = WPI_TalonSRX( self.chassis_ports["left_master"]) self.chassis_left_slave = WPI_TalonSRX( self.chassis_ports["left_slave"]) self.chassis_right_master = WPI_TalonSRX( self.chassis_ports["right_master"]) self.chassis_right_slave = WPI_TalonSRX( self.chassis_ports["right_slave"]) self.chassis_navx = AHRS.create_spi() self.left_joystick = Joystick( Map.get_map()["operator_ports"]["left_stick"]) def teleopInit(self): '''Called when teleop starts; optional''' self.chassis.reset_encoders() def teleopPeriodic(self): '''Called on each iteration of the control loop''' self.chassis.upadte_operator(self.left_joystick) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Jokerbot)
def disabledInit(self): pass def disabledPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically when disabled.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def autonomousInit(self): #Schedule the autonomous command #self.autonomous_command.start() pass def autonomousPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during autonomous.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def teleopInit(self): pass def teleopPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during operator control.""" command.Scheduler.getInstance().run() def testPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during test mode.""" wpilib.LiveWindow.run() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(TankDriveRobot)
b2.cancelWhenPressed(self.angle) b3 = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 3) #X b4 = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 4) #Y b3.whenPressed(self.driveForward) b4.cancelWhenPressed(self.driveForward) b5 = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 5) #leftbumper b6 = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 6) #rightbumper b5.whenPressed(self.auto) b6.cancelWhenPressed(self.auto) ''' pickupheight_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 1) #A pickupheight_button.whenPressed(self.goToPickup) switchheight_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 2)#B switchheight_button.whenPressed(self.goToSwitch) elevatordown_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 3) #X elevatordown_button.whenPressed(self.goDown) scaleheight_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 4) #Y scaleheight_button.whenPressed(self.goToScale) spitout_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 6) #Right Bumper spitout_button.whenPressed(self.spitOut) pullin_button = JoystickButton(self.joystick, 5) #Left Bumper pullin_button.whenPressed(self.pullIn) ''' if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Gneiss)
def autonomousPeriodic(self): pass def teleopInit(self): pass def teleopPeriodic(self): self.PR.printAll() current = self.PDP.getCurrent(0) self.MeccanumDrive.update(self.Joystick.getDirection(), self.Joystick.getMagnitude(), self.Joystick.getTurn(), self.Joystick.shouldStartBraking(), self.Joystick.getDriving()) self.Joystick.updateDrivingState() #updates the WasDriving property to whether you were driving this call if (self.StrafeJoystick.getRawButton(3)): self.Lift.set(.5) elif (self.StrafeJoystick.getRawButton(2)): self.Lift.set(-.5) else: self.Lift.set(0) pass def testInit(self): pass def testPeriodic(self): pass def disabledInit(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Buttercraft)
# run the optimization options["lims"] = array([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]]) start_time = time.time() self.x, self.u, L, Vx, Vxx, cost = ilqg.ilqg(lambda x, u: dynamics_func(x, u), cost_func, x0, u0, options) self.i = 0 print(self.x[-1]) print("ilqg took {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) cost_graph(self.x) self.drive = wpilib.RobotDrive(0, 1) self.joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0) def autonomousInit(self): self.autostart = time.time() def autonomousPeriodic(self): time_elapsed = time.time() - self.autostart if time_elapsed < self.u.shape[0]*.1: self.drive.tankDrive(self.u[time_elapsed//.1, 0], -self.u[time_elapsed//.1, 1]) else: self.drive.tankDrive(0, 0) def teleopPeriodic(self): self.drive.arcadeDrive(self.joystick) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(IlqgRobot)
logging.write_message("\nYOU MAY CONTROL ME FOR NOW BUT I WILL RETURN\n") def teleopPeriodic(self): # drive.drive.drive.drive.drive() self.drive.drive(self.drive_type) ## to catch button presses # to shoot, press A # if XboxButtons.A.poll(): # Shooter.shoot(config.shoot_mtr, config.suck_mtr, config.shoot_sole) # returns the wheels to the default position # if XboxButtons.X.poll(): # self.drive.default() # to suck, press B # if XboxButtons.B.poll(): # Shooter.suck(config.shoot_mtr, config.suck_mtr, config.shoot_sole) # else: # Shooter.suck_stop(config.shoot_mtr, config.suck_mtr) # raise/lower the arm # if XboxButtons.Y.poll(): # Shooter.toggle_arm(config.drop_sole) # to toggle logging to the Driver Station # press the Select button # if XboxButtons.Start.poll(): # config.LOGGING = not config.LOGGING if __name__ == "__main__": wpi.run(Myrobot)
class GameDataRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot): def robotInit(self): # A way of demonstrating the difference between the game data strings self.blue = wpilib.Solenoid(0) self.red = wpilib.Solenoid(1) self.green = wpilib.Solenoid(2) self.yellow = wpilib.Solenoid(3) # Set game data to empty string by default self.gameData = "" # Get the SmartDashboard table from networktables self.sd = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard") def teleopPeriodic(self): data = self.ds.getGameSpecificMessage() if data: # Set the robot gamedata property and set a network tables value self.gameData = data self.sd.putString("gameData", self.gameData) # Solenoid based indicator of the current color self.blue.set(self.gameData == "B") self.red.set(self.gameData == "R") self.green.set(self.gameData == "G") self.yellow.set(self.gameData == "Y") if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(GameDataRobot)
if not notified[0]: cond.wait() print("Connected") self.table = NetworkTables.getTable('SmartDashboard') def autonomous(self): while self.isAutonomous() and self.isEnabled(): pass #update later def disabled(self): while self.isDisabled(): self.dTrain.arcadeDrive(0.0, 0.0) def operatorControl(self): while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): angle = self.joystick.getX() speed = self.joystick.getY() if abs(angle) <= self.xDeadZone: angle = 0.0 else: angle = self.xConstant * angle**3 if abs(speed) <= self.yDeadZone: speed = 0.0 else: speed = speed * self.yConstant self.dTrain.arcadeDrive(xSpeed=speed, zRotation=-angle) if __name__ == '__main__': wpi.run(Robot)
self.lft_front = wpilib.PWMTalonFX(1) self.joy = wpilib.XboxController(0) self.rgt_front.setInverted(True) self.lft_front.setInverted(False) def autonomousInit(self): self.rgt_front.set(0.2) self.lft_front.set(0.2) def autonomousPeriodic(self): pass def teleopInit(self): pass def teleopPeriodic(self): self.rgt_front.set(self.joy.getRawAxis(3)) self.lft_front.set(self.joy.getRawAxis(3)) def disabledInit(self): pass def disabledPeriodic(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(KodyBot)
from commandbased import CommandBasedRobot import subsystems import oi import argparse from commands.followjoystick import FollowJoystick from commands.intake import Intake # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # parser.add_argument("--enabletank", # help= # "Pass this to override mecanum and enable tankdrive", # action="store_true") # args = parser.parse_args() class Penumbra(CommandBasedRobot): def robotInit(self): subsystems.init() oi.init() self.teleopProgram = wpilib.command.CommandGroup() self.teleopProgram.addParallel(FollowJoystick()) self.teleopProgram.addParallel(Intake()) def teleopInit(self): self.teleopProgram.start() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Penumbra, physics_enabled=True)
joystick = self.oi.getStick() #Logging loop while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): self.log() Scheduler.getInstance().run() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def disabled(self): """Code to run when disabled.""" #Stop the drivetrain for safety's sake: self.drivetrain.driveManual(0,0,0) #Logging loop while self.isDisabled(): self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def test(self): """Code for testing.""" pass def log(self): """I know it doesn't log but if it does eventually it'll go here.""" #Log the things: self.drivetrain.log() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(DosPointOh)
def initNetworkTables(self): #allows for smartdashboard and offboard vision communication networktables.NetworkTables.initialize() self.smart_dashboard = networktables.NetworkTables.getTable( "SmartDashboard") def initOI(self): #initialize joysticks self.controller = wpilib.Joystick(0) self.button_board = wpilib.Joystick(1) #initialize buttons and assign commands to those buttons #wpilib.buttons.JoystickButton(self.controller, robot_map.ds4["options"]).toggleWhenPressed(commands.drivetrain.StopDriving()) wpilib.buttons.JoystickButton(self.controller, robot_map.ds4["share"]).whenPressed( commands.other.ToggleCompressor()) wpilib.buttons.JoystickButton(self.controller, robot_map.ds4["r1"]).whenPressed( commands.end_effector.Toggle()) wpilib.buttons.JoystickButton(self.controller, robot_map.ds4["square"]).whenPressed( commands.ramp.Deploy()) wpilib.buttons.JoystickButton(self.controller, robot_map.ds4["triangle"]).whenPressed( commands.arm.Toggle()) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Melody)
joystick = self.oi.getStick() #Logging loop while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): self.log() Scheduler.getInstance().run() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def disabled(self): """Code to run when disabled.""" #Stop the drivetrain for safety's sake: self.drivetrain.driveManual(0,0, False, False) #Logging loop while self.isDisabled(): self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def test(self): """Code for testing.""" pass def log(self): """I know it doesn't log but if it does eventually it'll go here.""" #Log the things: self.drivetrain.log() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Mantis)
if self.js.getRawButton(4) == True: self.ha.set(-1) # -1.0 to 1.0 #self.rha.set(12) else: self.ha.set(0) #self.rha.set(0) # In closed loop mode, this sets the goal in the units mentioned above. # Since we are using an analog potentiometer, this will try to go to # the middle of the potentiometer range. if self.js.getRawButton(7) == True: self.shootor.set(900) # 0 - 1023 #was 800 self.ha.set(-1) # -1.0 to 1.0 #self.rha.set(12) else: self.shootor.set(0) self.ha.set(0) #self.rha.set(0) # was 0.005 wpilib.Timer.delay(0.003) def testPeriodic(self): wpilib.LiveWindow.run() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(MyRobot, physics_enabled=False)
dog.SetExpiration(0.25) while self.IsOperatorControl() and self.IsEnabled(): dog.Feed() check_restart() precision_button = (controller.GetRawButton(5) or controller.GetRawButton(6)) x = precision_mode(controller.GetRawAxis(1), precision_button) y = precision_mode(controller.GetRawAxis(2), precision_button) rotation = precision_mode(controller.GetRawAxis(4), precision_button) drive.MecanumDrive_Cartesian(x, y, rotation) solenoid_button = controller.GetRawButton(1) solenoid_in.Set(solenoid_button) solenoid_out.Set(not solenoid_button) rack.Set(precision_mode(controller.GetRawAxis(5), True)) wheel_button = controller.GetRawButton(2) wheel.Set(1 if wheel_button else 0) wpilib.Wait(0.01) def run(): cubert = Cubert() cubert.StartCompetition() return cubert if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(min_version='2014.4.0')
def disabledPeriodic(self): pass def disabledInit(self): pass def teleopInit(self): pass def teleopPeriodic(self): # Normal joysticks self.drive.move(-self.joystick.getY(), self.joystick.getX()) # Corrections for aviator joystick #self.drive.move(-2*(self.joystick.getY()+.5), # 2*(self.joystick.getX()+.5)+ROT_COR, # sarah=self.sarah) if self.btn_sarah: self.sarah = not self.sarah if self.btn_pull.get(): self.intake.pull() elif self.btn_push.get(): self.intake.push() if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Bot)
clock = -100 #output to dashboard self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 0", "Left 1: " + str(wheelSpeed[0])[0:4]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 1", "Left 2: " + str(wheelSpeed[2])[0:4]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 2", "Right 1: " + str(wheelSpeed[1]*(-1))[0:4]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 3", "digR: " + str(self.leftSwitch.get())[0:5]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 4", "At Pos: " + str(self.Vator.atPos())) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 5", "liftVolt: " + str(self.Vator.getSpeed())[0:5]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 6", "currentPos: " + str(self.Vator._encd.get())[0:5]) self.smartDs.putString("DB/String 7", "wantPos: " + str(self.Vator.getPos())[0:5]) #give motors value self.motorBackLeft.set(wheelSpeed[0]*motorGain) self.motorFrontLeft.set(wheelSpeed[2]*motorGain) self.motorBackRight.set(wheelSpeed[1]*(-1)*motorGain) self.motorFrontRight.set( wheelSpeed[3]*(-1)*motorGain) self.Vator.updateClause() self.feeders.updateClause() self.stick.updateClause() self.stick2.updateClause() self.cop.updateClause() #zero out value wheelSpeed = [0,0,0,0] wp.Timer.delay(0.005) # wait 5ms to avoid hogging CPU cycles if __name__ == '__main__': wp.run(MyRobot)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import wpilib # <---- main library with all the necessary code for controlling FRC robots import wpilib.buttons # <---- for joystick buttons import networktables # <--- the library that allows us to do the cool data stuff from robotpy_ext.common_drivers import navx # <--- needed to get data from our gyro class MyRobot( wpilib.IterativeRobot ): # <---- IternativeRobot means that it loops over and over by itself like a while loop def robotInit(self): self.robotStats = NetworkTable.getTable( 'SmartDashboard' ) #The table name is what you will reference on the laptop self.navx = navx.AHRS.create_spi() #the Gyro def disabledPeriodic(self): """ Runs constantly while disabled """ # Just sends back the current yaw of the navx self.robotStats.putNumber('NavXYaw', self.navx.getYaw()) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(MyRobot) #runs the code!
self.GetWatchdog().SetEnabled(False) while self.IsAutonomous() and self.IsEnabled(): wpilib.Wait(0.01) def OperatorControl(self): dog = self.GetWatchdog() dog.SetEnabled(True) dog.SetExpiration(0.25) while self.IsOperatorControl() and self.IsEnabled(): dog.Feed() # Move a motor with a Joystick self.motor.Set(self.lstick.GetY()) wpilib.Wait(0.04) def run(): robot = MyRobot() robot.StartCompetition() return robot if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run()
self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(5) while True: if self.app is not None: self.app.doEvents() mag = sea.deadZone(self.joystick.getMagnitude()) mag *= 3 # maximum feet per second direction = -self.joystick.getDirectionRadians() + math.pi / 2 turn = -sea.deadZone(self.joystick.getRawAxis(3)) turn *= math.radians(120) # maximum radians per second self.superDrive.drive(mag, direction, turn) if self.app is not None: moveMag, moveDir, moveTurn, self.robotOrigin = \ self.superDrive.getRobotPositionOffset(self.robotOrigin) self.app.moveRobot(moveMag, moveDir, moveTurn) if self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(4): self.setDriveMode(ctre.ControlMode.PercentOutput) if self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(3): self.setDriveMode(ctre.ControlMode.Velocity) if self.joystick.getRawButtonPressed(5): self.setDriveMode(ctre.ControlMode.Position) yield if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(SwerveBot)
self.timer.start() Scheduler.getInstance().removeAll() Scheduler.getInstance().enable() def teleopPeriodic(self): # Before, button functions were executed here. Now scheduler will do that Scheduler.getInstance().run() # Keeping track of TimedRobot loops through code self.loops += 1 if self.timer.hasPeriodPassed(1): self.logger.info("%d loops / second", self.loops) self.loops = 0 def disabledInit(self): # remove all commands from scheduler #self.arm_motors.set_speed(0, False) Scheduler.getInstance().removeAll() return None def disabledPeriodic(self): return None if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(BeaverTronicsRobot)
while self.IsAutonomous() and self.IsEnabled(): self.autonomous.iterate() wpilib.Wait(0.01) def OperatorControl(self): dog = self.GetWatchdog() dog.SetEnabled(True) dog.SetExpiration(0.25) while self.IsOperatorControl() and self.IsEnabled(): dog.Feed() self.mecanum_drive.iterate() self.intake.iterate() self.shooter.iterate() self.shooter_service.iterate() wpilib.Wait(0.04) def run(): robot = Aimbot() robot.StartCompetition() return robot if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import wpilib from os.path import dirname, abspath from yeti.robots import YetiRobot class FlatMountainBot(YetiRobot): config_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__)) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(FlatMountainBot)
self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def operatorControl(self): """Teleop stuff goes in here""" #self.drivetrain.drive.setSafetyEnabled(True) - enables safety things for manual control joystick = self.oi.getStick() while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): self.log() Scheduler.getInstance().run() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) #don't burn up the cpu def disabled(self): """When the robot is disabled, this code runs""" while self.isDisabled(): self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) def test(self): """Testing things would go here""" pass #There's no tests, so just pass def log(self): """Logging stuff goes here""" #self.subsystem.log() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(RobotName)
self.left.whenPressed(TurnLeft()) self.left.whenReleased(Stop()) def autonomousInit(self): '''Called only at the beginning of autonomous mode''' pass def autonomousPeriodic(self): '''Called every 20ms in autonomous mode''' pass def disabledInit(self): '''Called only at the beginning of disabled mode''' pass def disabledPeriodic(self): '''Called every 20ms in disabled mode''' pass def teleopInit(self): '''Called only at the beginning of teleoperated mode''' pass def teleopPeriodic(self): '''Called every 20ms in teleoperated mode''' Scheduler.getInstance().run() if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(MyRobot,physics_enabled=True)
def teleopPeriodic(self): # NOT ACTUAL TELEOP, JUST USING IT TO TEST BOILER contours = self.visionary.getContours() contours = vision.Vision.findTargetContours(contours) if len(contours) < 1: print("No vision!!") return lowest = 0 if len(contours) > 1: if (vision.Vision.centerPoint(contours[0])[1] > vision.Vision.centerPoint(contours[1])[1]): lowest = 1 dimensions = vision.Vision.dimensions(contours[lowest]) width = dimensions[0] distance = math.sqrt((VisionTesting.BOILERFOCALDIST * VisionTesting.BOILERREALTARGETDIST / width)**2 - VisionTesting.BOILERTARGETHEIGHT**2) print(distance) def disabledInit(self): # when the robot is disabled pass if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(VisionTesting)
#elif self.timer.get() < 8.50: #self.dump_sole.set(True) else: self.drive.tankDrive(0, 0) else: #right lane left goal if self.timer.get() < 1.00: self.drive.tankDrive(.2, .2) elif self.timer.get() < 3.000: self.drive.tankDrive(.25, .35) elif self.timer.get() < 4.000: self.drive.tankDrive(., 0) elif self.timer.get()< 4.75: self.solenoid.set(True) elif self.timer.get() < 5.25: self.drive.tankDrive(0,.4) #pugs indeed lolzzzz ''' if self.timer.get() < 2.00: self.drive.tankDrive(-.5, -.5) else: self.drive.tankDrive(0, 0) if self.sd.getBoolean("dump", False) and self.dump_mode: self.dump_sole.set(True) if __name__ == '__main__': wpi.run(MyRobot)
self.chassis_left_master = WPI_TalonSRX(1) self.chassis_left_slave = WPI_TalonSRX(2) self.chassis_right_master = WPI_TalonSRX(3) self.chassis_right_slave = WPI_TalonSRX(4) self.chassis_gyro = AHRS.create_spi() self.joystick = Joystick(0) def disabledInit(self): if self.drivePID.enabled: self.drivePID.close() def robotPeriodic(self): if self.isAutonomousEnabled(): self.chassis.set_auto() elif self.isOperatorControlEnabled(): self.chassis.set_teleop() def teleopInit(self): """ Called when teleop starts. """ NetworkTables.initialize(server="") self.sd = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.chassis.reset_encoders() def teleopPeriodic(self): """ Called on each iteration of the control loop. """ self.chassis.set_speed(-self.joystick.getY(), -self.joystick.getZ()) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Joker)
# For more information, check the LICENSE file in the root directory of # this project. # import wpilib import drive import lifter import shooter class Kooz2014 (wpilib.IterativeRobot): def robotInit (self): self.drive = drive.Drive() self.lifter = lifter.Lifter() self.shooter = shooter.Shooter() self.drive.setBrakeEnabled (True) self.shooter.setBrakeEnabled (True) self.drive.setSafetyEnabled (True) self.lifter.setSafetyEnabled (True) self.shooter.setSafetyEnabled (True) def teleopPeriodic (self): self.drive.moveWithJoystick (wpilib.Joystick (0)) self.lifter.moveWithJoystick (wpilib.Joystick (1)) self.shooter.moveWithJoystick (wpilib.Joystick (1)) if (__name__ == "__main__"): wpilib.run (Kooz2014)
self.drive.getRightDistance()) SmartDashboard.putNumber("Drive Left Dist", self.drive.getLeftDistance()) SmartDashboard.putNumber("pitch", self.navx.getPitch()) def autoSelector(self): voltage = -1 number = "Baseline" if self.a0.getAverageVoltage() > voltage: number = "Left" voltage = self.a0.getAverageVoltage() if self.a1.getAverageVoltage() > voltage: number = "Middle" voltage = self.a1.getAverageVoltage() if self.a2.getAverageVoltage() > voltage: number = "None" voltage = self.a2.getAverageVoltage() if self.a3.getAverageVoltage() > voltage: number = "Right" voltage = self.a3.getAverageVoltage() print("volt:", voltage) return number if __name__ == "__main__": run(Robot)
def main(): wpilib.run(TestProgram)
self.joystick.getRawAxis(4)) # MetaBox self.metabox.run( self.leftJ.getY(), # elevator rate of change self.leftJ.getRawButton(3), # run intake wheels in self.leftJ.getRawButton(1), # open jaws self.leftJ.getRawButton(2), # run intake wheels out self.leftJ.getRawButton(4), # go to bottom self.leftJ.getRawAxis(2), # set angle of jaws self.leftJ.getRawButton(8)) # calibrate elevator ''' self.Frontlift.run(self.leftJ.getRawButton(6), self.leftJ.getRawButton(7), self.leftJ.getRawButton(11), self.leftJ.getRawButton(10), self.leftJ.getRawButton(8)) ''' # Lights self.lights.setColor(self.driverStation.getAlliance()) def test(self): # reset gyro self.C.gyroS.reset() # reset encoder self.C.driveYEncoderS.reset() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(Randy)
def git_gud(robot): wpilib.run(robot)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ robot.py ========= This file is the main entry point for the robot. RobotPy runs this file when launched. We load the robot from the bot submodule, necessary so relative imports work within the bot (e.g. importing subsystems). """ import wpilib from bot import Robot class Bot(Robot): pass if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Bot)
return wpilib.PWMSpeedController(channel) def create_pwm_talon_srx(channel): return wpilib.PWMTalonSRX(channel) def create_pwm_victor_spx(channel): return wpilib.PWMVictorSPX(channel) #def create_(): #return wpilib.() def start_from_robot(program, shut_up, wall, brainwash, compiled): if not os.path.isfile(program): print("Invalid file specified,") return # Decide whether to ignore system warnings if not shut_up: Utils.verify_system(wall) flip_flopping = not brainwash # Compile and go Compiler().compile(program, flip_flopping, compiled) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(TrumpRobot, physics_enabled=True)
Scheduler.getInstance().run() self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) def operatorControl(self): joystick = self.oi.getStick() while self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled(): self.log() Scheduler.getInstance().run() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) def disabled(self): """Stuff to do whilst disabled.""" while self.isDisabled(): self.log() wpilib.Timer.delay(.005) def test(self): """No tests""" pass def log(self): """It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.""" #SOMEDAY WE WILL FIGURE OUT LOGGING. I PROMISE. self.drivetrain.log() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(OctoBot)
self.right_intake_motor.setInverted(True) # Intake grabbers self.grabber_solenoid = wpilib.DoubleSolenoid(1, 0, 1) # PDP self.pdp = wpilib.PowerDistributionPanel(0) wpilib.SmartDashboard.putData("PowerDistributionPanel", self.pdp) # Misc self.navx = navx.AHRS.create_spi() self.net_table = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard") self.vision_table = NetworkTables.getTable("limelight") self.limelight_x = self.vision_table.getEntry("tx") self.limelight_valid = self.vision_table.getEntry("tv") self.dashboard_has_target = self.vision_table.getEntry("hastarget") # Launch camera server wpilib.CameraServer.launch() def autonomous(self): """Prepare for autonomous mode""" magicbot.MagicRobot.autonomous(self) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run robot wpilib.run(Stanley)
def robotInit(self): pass def autonomousInit(self): pass def autonomousPeriodic(self): pass def teleopInit(self): self.Right = wpilib.CANTalon(1) self.Left = wpilib.CANTalon(2) self.CAN = wpilib.CANTalon(0) self.Arm = Arm(self.CAN) self.Joystick = wpilib.Joystick(0) def teleopPeriodic(self): self.Left.set(-self.Joystick.getY() + self.Joystick.getX()) self.Right.set(self.Joystick.getY() + self.Joystick.getX()) if self.Joystick.getRawButton(1): self.Arm.update() if self.Joystick.getRawButton(2): self.Arm.setTarget(self.Arm.getPosition()) if self.Joystick.getRawButton(5): self.Arm.movePosition(4000) if self.Joystick.getRawButton(4): self.Arm.movePosition(-4000) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(ArmTest)
else: pressed_buttons.add(button) return True else: pressed_buttons.discard(button) return False # see comment in teleopPeriodic for information def rescale_js(value, deadzone=0.0, exponential=0.0, rate=1.0): value_negative = 1.0 if value < 0: value_negative = -1.0 value = -value # Cap to be +/-1 if abs(value) > 1.0: value /= abs(value) # Apply deadzone if abs(value) < deadzone: return 0.0 elif exponential == 0.0: value = (value - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone) else: a = math.log(exponential + 1) / (1 - deadzone) value = (math.exp(a * (value - deadzone)) - 1) / exponential return value * value_negative * rate if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Robot)
wpilib.Timer.delay(0.05) def recv_thread(): while True: self.dashboard.get_msg() t_send = threading.Thread(target=send_thread) t_send.daemon = True t_send.start() t_recv = threading.Thread(target=recv_thread) t_recv.daemon = True #t_recv.start() def teleopInit(self): self.gyro.reset() self.timer.reset() def teleopPeriodic(self): x = self.gamepad.getX() y = self.gamepad.getY() rot = self.gamepad.getZ() self.drive(x, y, rot) wpilib.Timer.delay(0.005) def drive(self, x, y, rot): self.robot_drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(x, y, rot, 0) def get_angle(self): return self.gyro.getAngle() - self.gyro_drift * self.timer.get() if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Robot)
# Init Drive Controls DriverController = driveControls("DriveController", self.driveController, self.drivetrain, self.driveJoystick, .05) DriveAux = driveAux("DriveAux", self.driveController, self.drivetrain, self.driveJoystick, .05) SubsystemAux = subsystemAux("SubsystemAux", self.subsystemController, self.driveJoystick, .1) # Start Drive Controls DriveAux.start() DriverController.start() # Start Subsystem Controls SubsystemAux.start() # Start and Reset Timer self.timer.reset() self.timer.start() def teleopPeriodic(self): # Pressurize Throughout Teleop self.compressor.start() # Rumble Controller if (self.timer.get() > 75 and self.timer.get() < 105): self.driveController.rumble(1, 1) else: self.driveController.rumble(0, 0) if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(Kylo)
def autonomousPeriodic(self): pass def teleopInit(self): pass def teleopPeriodic(self): #print(self.Arm1.getEncPosition(), self.Arm2.getEncPosition()) if self.Joystick.getRawButton(1): #A self.Control.setTarget(self.Control.getPositions()) if self.Joystick.getRawButton(2): #B self.Control.update() if self.Joystick.getRawButton(3): #X self.Replay.enable() #if self.Joystick.getRawButton(4): #Y # self.Replay.disable() #self.Control.update() self.Replay.update() #self.Arm1.set(0) #print(self.Arm1.getEncPosition()) self.i += 1 #if self.i % 10 == 0: #print("Current:", self.Arm1.getOutputCurrent()) #self.Control.update() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(TestArmEncoders)
self.leftMotVal, self.rightMotVal = 0, 0 self.myRobot.tankDrive(self.leftMotVal, self.rightMotVal) def teleopInit(self): #telop init here self.myRobot.setSafetyEnabled(True) self.pastFrontFlipButton = False self.flip = True def teleopPeriodic(self): #teleop code will go here #Joystick Variables leftJoyValY = self.leftStick.getY() rightJoyValY = self.rightStick.getY() armJoyValY = self.armStick.getY() frontFlipButton = self.rightStick.getRawButton(2) #FrontFlip if (self.pastFrontFlipButton == False and frontFlipButton): self.flip = not self.flip self.pastFrontFlipButton = frontFlipButton leftMotVal, rightMotVal = rf.flip(self.flip, leftJoyValY, rightJoyValY) self.myRobot.tankDrive(leftMotVal, rightMotVal) if __name__ == '__main__': wp.run(MyRobot)
self.vision.start() except: pass def teleopPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during operator control.""" for button, task in taskmap.items(): #if the button for the task is pressed and the task is not already running if self.oi.joystick.getRawButton(button) and task not in self.running: ifunc = task(self).__next__ self.running[task] = ifunc if self.omni_driving and self.omni_drive not in self.running: ifunc = self.omni_drive(self).__next__ self.running[self.omni_drive] = ifunc done = [] for key, ifunc in self.running.items(): try: ifunc() except StopIteration: done.append(key) for key in done: self.running.pop(key) #self.logger.info("Teleop periodic vision: " + str(self.vision_array[0])) def testPeriodic(self): """This function is called periodically during test mode.""" wpilib.LiveWindow.run() if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(StrongholdRobot)
pass def teleopPeriodic(self): # Driving linear = -self.driver.getRawAxis(RobotMap.left_y) angular = self.driver.getRawAxis(RobotMap.right_x) RobotMap.driver_component.set_curve(linear, angular) # Square to toggle gear if self.driver.getRawButtonPressed(RobotMap.square): RobotMap.driver_component.toggle_gear() # Shooting (R2) launch_speed = (1.0 + self.driver.getRawAxis(RobotMap.r_2)) / 2 RobotMap.shooter_component.shoot(launch_speed) # X to fire if self.driver.getRawButtonPressed(RobotMap.x): print(RobotMap.shooter_component.is_busy()) if not RobotMap.shooter_component.is_busy(): self.start_command(Shoot()) # Circle to toggle height if self.driver.getRawButtonPressed(RobotMap.circle): RobotMap.shooter_component.toggle_lifter() if __name__ == '__main__': print("hello world") run(UltimateAscent)
self.turnController.setSetpoint(179.9) rotateToAngle = True elif self.stick.getRawButton(5): self.turnController.setSetpoint(-90.0) rotateToAngle = True if rotateToAngle: self.turnController.enable() currentRotationRate = self.rotateToAngleRate else: self.turnController.disable() currentRotationRate = self.stick.getTwist() # Use the joystick X axis for lateral movement, # Y axis for forward movement, and the current # calculated rotation rate (or joystick Z axis), # depending upon whether "rotate to angle" is active. self.myRobot.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(self.stick.getX(), self.stick.getY(), currentRotationRate, self.ahrs.getAngle()) wpilib.Timer.delay(0.005) # wait for a motor update time def pidWrite(self, output): """This function is invoked periodically by the PID Controller, based upon navX MXP yaw angle input and PID Coefficients. """ self.rotateToAngleRate = output if __name__ == '__main__': wpilib.run(MyRobot)
direction = self.movegamepad.getLDirection() self.Drive.drive(magnitude, direction, turn) self.Shooter.update(self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("B"),\ self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("X"),\ self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("A"),\ self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("Y")) # if self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("RB"): # self.Lift.liftUp() # elif self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("LB"): # self.Lift.pullUp() # else: # self.Lift.stop() self.Arm.update() # else: # self.Shooter.update(self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("B"), self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("X"), # False, self.shootgamepad.getButtonByLetter("LB")) # print ("Slowed:" + str(self.slowed)) # print ("FL: " + str(self.FL.getEncVelocity())) #self.Logger.printCurrents() #print("turn: " + str(turn)\ # + " mag: " + str(magnitude)\ # + " dir: " + str(direction)) if __name__ == "__main__": wpilib.run(MainRobot)