Exemplo n.º 1

nm = 1e-9
lda = linspace(5000,28000,5000) # list of wavelengths in nm

Load the measurement data

[np_vis, np_ir] = datalib.Read_spectra_from_File('RC0_1D_Al2O3')
[si_vis, si_ir] = datalib.Read_spectra_from_File('RC0_1D_Si')
order = 1

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:,0]*1e9, np_ir[:,1], k=order)
np_R = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:,0]*1e9, np_ir[:,2], k=order)
np_T = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:,0]*1e9, si_ir[:,1], k=order)
si_R = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:,0]*1e9, si_ir[:,2], k=order)
si_T = a(lda)
Exemplo n.º 2
#mplib.rcParams['font.size'] = 20
Define wavelength range of interest and layer thicknesses

nm = 1e-9
lda = linspace(3000, 30000, 6000)  # list of wavelengths in nm

Load the measurement data

[np_vis, np_ir] = datalib.Read_spectra_from_File('RC0_1B_SiO2')
[si_vis, si_ir] = datalib.Read_spectra_from_File('RC0_1B_Si')

order = 1

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:, 0] * 1e9, np_ir[:, 1], k=order)
np_R = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:, 0] * 1e9, np_ir[:, 2], k=order)
np_T = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:, 0] * 1e9, si_ir[:, 1], k=order)
si_R = a(lda)

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:, 0] * 1e9, si_ir[:, 2], k=order)
si_T = a(lda)
Exemplo n.º 3
Define wavelength range of interest and layer thicknesses

nm = 1e-9
lda = linspace(2000,40000,6000) # list of wavelengths in nm

Load the measurement data

[np_vis, np_ir] = datalib.Read_spectra_from_File('AlOxChar3_1A_AlOx')
order = 1

a = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np_ir[:,0]*1e9, np_ir[:,1], k=order)
np_A = a(lda)

Run the TMM code per wavelength for SiO2 NP on Si using IDEAL MATERIALS 

Define materials of interest for layered film simulation