Exemplo n.º 1
def maximum_intensity_projection(data,
    """Computes the maximum intensity projection along an arbitrary cut \
    through the ppi from polar data.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing polar data (azimuth, range)
    r : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing range data
    az : array
        Array containing azimuth data
    angle : float
        angle of slice, Defaults to 0. Should be between 0 and 180.
        0. means horizontal slice, 90. means vertical slice
    elev : float
        elevation angle of scan, Defaults to 0.
    autoext : True | False
        This routine uses numpy.digitize to bin the data.
        As this function needs bounds, we create one set of coordinates more
        than would usually be provided by `r` and `az`.

    xs : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        meshgrid x array
    ys : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        meshgrid y array
    mip : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array containing the maximum intensity projection (range, range*2)
    # this may seem odd at first, but d1 and d2 are also used in several
    # plotting functions and thus it may be easier to compare the functions
    d1 = r
    d2 = az

    # providing 'reasonable defaults', based on the data's shape
    if d1 is None:
        d1 = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=np.float)
    if d2 is None:
        d2 = np.arange(data.shape[0], dtype=np.float)

    if angle is None:
        angle = 0.0

    if elev is None:
        elev = 0.0

    if autoext:
        # the ranges need to go 'one bin further', assuming some regularity
        # we extend by the distance between the preceding bins.
        x = np.append(d1, d1[-1] + (d1[-1] - d1[-2]))
        # the angular dimension is supposed to be cyclic, so we just add the
        # first element
        y = np.append(d2, d2[0])
        # no autoext basically is only useful, if the user supplied the correct
        # dimensions himself.
        x = d1
        y = d2

    # roll data array to specified azimuth, assuming equidistant azimuth angles
    ind = (d2 >= angle).nonzero()[0][0]
    data = np.roll(data, ind, axis=0)

    # build cartesian range array, add delta to last element to compensate for
    # open bound (np.digitize)
    dc = np.linspace(-np.max(d1), np.max(d1) + 0.0001, num=d1.shape[0] * 2 + 1)

    # get height values from polar data and build cartesian height array
    # add delta to last element to compensate for open bound (np.digitize)
    hp = np.zeros((y.shape[0], x.shape[0]))
    hc = misc.bin_altitude(x, elev, 0, re=6370040.)
    hp[:] = hc
    hc[-1] += 0.0001

    # create meshgrid for polar data
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # create meshgrid for cartesian slices
    xs, ys = np.meshgrid(dc, hc)
    # xs, ys = np.meshgrid(dc,x)

    # convert polar coordinates to cartesian
    xxx = xx * np.cos(np.radians(90. - yy))
    # yyy = xx * np.sin(np.radians(90.-yy))

    # digitize coordinates according to cartesian range array
    range_dig1 = np.digitize(xxx.ravel(), dc)
    range_dig1.shape = xxx.shape

    # digitize heights according polar height array
    height_dig1 = np.digitize(hp.ravel(), hc)
    # reshape accordingly
    height_dig1.shape = hp.shape

    # what am I doing here?!
    range_dig1 = range_dig1[0:-1, 0:-1]
    height_dig1 = height_dig1[0:-1, 0:-1]

    # create height and range masks
    height_mask = [(height_dig1 == i).ravel().nonzero()[0]
                   for i in range(1, len(hc))]
    range_mask = [(range_dig1 == i).ravel().nonzero()[0]
                  for i in range(1, len(dc))]

    # create mip output array, set outval to inf
    mip = np.zeros((d1.shape[0], 2 * d1.shape[0]))
    mip[:] = np.inf

    # fill mip array,
    # in some cases there are no values found in the specified range and height
    # then we fill in nans and interpolate afterwards
    for i in range(0, len(range_mask)):
        mask1 = range_mask[i]
        found = False
        for j in range(0, len(height_mask)):
            mask2 = np.intersect1d(mask1, height_mask[j])
            # this is to catch the ValueError from the max() routine when
            # calculating on empty array
                mip[j, i] = data.ravel()[mask2].max()
                if not found:
                    found = True
            except ValueError:
                if found:
                    mip[j, i] = np.nan

    # interpolate nans inside image, do not touch outvals
    good = ~np.isnan(mip)
    xp = good.ravel().nonzero()[0]
    fp = mip[~np.isnan(mip)]
    x = np.isnan(mip).ravel().nonzero()[0]
    mip[np.isnan(mip)] = np.interp(x, xp, fp)

    # reset outval to nan
    mip[mip == np.inf] = np.nan

    return xs, ys, mip
Exemplo n.º 2
def spherical_to_xyz(r,
                     ke=4. / 3.,
    """Transforms spherical coordinates (r, phi, theta) to cartesian
    coordinates (x, y, z) centered at sitecoords (aeqd).

    It takes the shortening of the great circle
    distance with increasing elevation angle as well as the resulting
    increase in height into account.

    r : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Contains the radial distances in meters.
    phi : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Contains the azimuthal angles in degree.
    theta: :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Contains the elevation angles in degree.
    sitecoords : a sequence of three floats
        the lon / lat coordinates of the radar location and its altitude
        a.m.s.l. (in meters)
        if sitecoords is of length two, altitude is assumed to be zero
    re : float
        earth's radius [m]
    ke : float
        adjustment factor to account for the refractivity gradient that
        affects radar beam propagation. In principle this is wavelength-
        dependent. The default of 4/3 is a good approximation for most
        weather radar wavelengths.
    squeeze : bool
        If True, returns squeezed array.
    strict_dims : bool
        If True, generates output of (theta, phi, r, 3) in any case.
        If False, dimensions with same length are "merged".

    xyz : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        Array of shape (..., 3). Contains cartesian coordinates.
    rad : osr object
        Destination Spatial Reference System (Projection).
        Defaults to wgs84 (epsg 4326).
    # if site altitude is present, use it, else assume it to be zero
        centalt = sitecoords[2]
    except IndexError:
        centalt = 0.

    # if no radius is given, get the approximate radius of the WGS84
    # ellipsoid for the site's latitude
    if re is None:
        re = projection.get_earth_radius(sitecoords[1])
        # Set up aeqd-projection sitecoord-centered, wgs84 datum and ellipsoid
        # use world azimuthal equidistant projection
        projstr = ('+proj=aeqd +lon_0={lon:f} +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lat_0={lat:f} ' +
                   '+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' + '').format(
                       lon=sitecoords[0], lat=sitecoords[1])

        # Set up aeqd-projection sitecoord-centered, assuming spherical earth
        # use Sphere azimuthal equidistant projection
        projstr = ('+proj=aeqd +lon_0={lon:f} +lat_0={lat:f} +a={a:f} '
                   '+b={b:f} +units=m +no_defs').format(lon=sitecoords[0],

    rad = projection.proj4_to_osr(projstr)

    r = np.asanyarray(r)
    theta = np.asanyarray(theta)
    phi = np.asanyarray(phi)

    if r.ndim:
        r = r.reshape((1, ) * (3 - r.ndim) + r.shape)

    if phi.ndim:
        phi = phi.reshape((1, ) + phi.shape + (1, ) * (2 - phi.ndim))

    if not theta.ndim:
        theta = np.broadcast_to(theta, phi.shape)

    dims = 3
    if not strict_dims:
        if phi.ndim and theta.ndim and (theta.shape[0] == phi.shape[1]):
            dims -= 1
        if r.ndim and theta.ndim and (theta.shape[0] == r.shape[2]):
            dims -= 1

    if theta.ndim and phi.ndim:
        theta = theta.reshape(theta.shape + (1, ) * (dims - theta.ndim))

    z = misc.bin_altitude(r, theta, centalt, re, ke=ke)
    dist = misc.site_distance(r, theta, z, re, ke=ke)

    if ((not strict_dims) and phi.ndim and r.ndim
            and (r.shape[2] == phi.shape[1])):
        z = np.squeeze(z)
        dist = np.squeeze(dist)
        phi = np.squeeze(phi)

    x = dist * np.cos(np.radians(90 - phi))
    y = dist * np.sin(np.radians(90 - phi))

    if z.ndim:
        z = np.broadcast_to(z, x.shape)

    xyz = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1)

    if xyz.ndim == 1:
        xyz.shape = (1, ) * 3 + xyz.shape
    elif xyz.ndim == 2:
        xyz.shape = (xyz.shape[0], ) + (1, ) * 2 + (xyz.shape[1], )

    if squeeze is None:
            "Function `spherical_to_xyz` returns an array "
            "of shape (theta, phi, range, 3). Use `squeeze=True` "
            "to remove singleton dimensions."
            "", DeprecationWarning)
    if squeeze:
        xyz = np.squeeze(xyz)

    return xyz, rad