def test(self): from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF timeidx = 0 in_wrfnc = NetCDF(wrf_in) if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_850 = _get_refvals(referent, "interplevel", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) hts_850 = interplevel(hts, p, 850) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_850), ref_ht_850) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "vertcross", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] // 2, hts.shape[-2] // 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, rtol=.01) elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "interpline", repeat, multi) t2 = getvar(in_wrfnc, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] // 2, t2.shape[-2] // 2) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "vinterp", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(in_wrfnc, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 5 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta, tol, atol)
def run_post(conf): FIXdir = conf.get("DEFAULT","FIXbwrf") sfc_switch = conf.getint("post","plot_sfc") cloud_switch = conf.getint("post","plot_clouds") sfcdiags_switch = conf.getint("post","plot_sfcdiags") xcdiags_switch = conf.getint("post","plot_xcdiags") switch_700mb = conf.getint("post","plot_700mb") switch_500mb = conf.getint("post","plot_500mb") switch_300mb = conf.getint("post","plot_300mb") # sfc_switch = 0 # cloud_switch = 0 # sfcdiags_switch = 0 # xcdiags_switch = 0 # switch_700mb = 0 # switch_500mb = 0 # switch_300mb = 0 blat = conf.getfloat("post","blat") blon = conf.getfloat("post","blon") dx = conf.getfloat("wrf","dx") POSTwork = conf.get("DEFAULT","POSTwork") os.chdir(POSTwork) file_wrf = glob.glob("wrfout*")[0] print("Processing "+file_wrf) init_time = file_wrf[11:21]+" "+file_wrf[22:24]+"Z" # Download the states and coastlines states = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', scale='50m', facecolor='none', name='admin_1_states_provinces_shp') # Get counties. reader = shpreader.Reader(FIXdir+'/shapefiles/countyp010g.shp') counties = list(reader.geometries()) COUNTIES = cfeature.ShapelyFeature(counties, crs.PlateCarree()) # Open the NetCDF file ncfile = Dataset(file_wrf) # Get the times and convert to datetimes times = getvar(ncfile, "Times", timeidx=ALL_TIMES, meta=False) dtimes = [datetime.strptime(str(atime), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000000000') for atime in times] numTimes = len(times) # Reflectivity ref = getvar(ncfile, "REFL_10CM", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) ref[0,0,0,0]=-21.0 # hack to plot a blank contour plot at the initial time # Get upper-air quantities. p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units="dm", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) u, v = getvar(ncfile, "uvmet", units="kt", timeidx=ALL_TIMES, meta=False) w = getvar(ncfile, "wa", units="m s-1", timeidx=ALL_TIMES)*100. # m/s to cm/s rh = getvar(ncfile, "rh", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) wspeed = (u**2.0+v**2.0)**0.5 tc = getvar(ncfile, "tc", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) dewT = getvar(ncfile, "td", units="degC", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) cloudfrac = getvar(ncfile, "cloudfrac", low_thresh=20., mid_thresh=955., high_thresh=4500., timeidx=ALL_TIMES) total_cloudfrac=np.max(cloudfrac,axis=0) low_cloudfrac = cloudfrac[0,:,:,:] mid_cloudfrac = cloudfrac[1,:,:,:] high_cloudfrac = cloudfrac[2,:,:,:] # Interpolate z_500 = smooth2d(interplevel(z, p, 500), 3) tc_500 = smooth2d(interplevel(tc, p, 500), 3) u_500 = interplevel(u, p, 500) v_500 = interplevel(v, p, 500) wspeed_500 = interplevel(wspeed, p, 500) z_300 = smooth2d(interplevel(z, p, 300), 3) u_300 = interplevel(u, p, 300) v_300 = interplevel(v, p, 300) z_700 = interplevel(z, p, 700) tc_700 = interplevel(tc, p, 700) u_700 = interplevel(u, p, 700) v_700 = interplevel(v, p, 700) w_700 = interplevel(w, p, 700) rh_700 = interplevel(rh, p, 700) if switch_700mb == 1: # Interpolate over NaNs. for itime in range(numTimes): z_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(z_700[itime,:,:]) tc_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(tc_700[itime,:,:]) rh_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(rh_700[itime,:,:]) u_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(u_700[itime,:,:]) v_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(v_700[itime,:,:]) w_700[itime,:,:] = interpnan(w_700[itime,:,:]) z_700 = smooth2d(z_700, 3) tc_700 = smooth2d(tc_700, 3) w_700 = smooth2d(w_700, 3) div_300 = smooth2d(divergence([u_300*0.514444, v_300*0.514444], dx), 3) # kt to m/s # Get the sea level pressure slp = getvar(ncfile, "slp", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) # Get the wet bulb temperature twb = getvar(ncfile, "twb", units="degC", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) slp_levels=np.arange(980,1040,2) z_levels=np.arange(504,620,3) z_levels_300=np.arange(804,996,6) z_levels_700=np.arange(285,351,3) t2_levels=np.arange(-20,125,5) tc_levels=np.arange(-40,30,2) wspeed_levels=np.arange(40,150,10) ref_levels=np.arange(-20,60,5) rh_levels=np.arange(70,105,5) cldfrac_levels=np.arange(0.,1.1,0.1) twb_levels=np.arange(0,1,1) wup_levels=np.arange(5,55,10) wdown_levels=np.arange(-55,-5,10) div_levels=np.arange(-110,120,10) # Get the 10-m u and v wind components. u_10m, v_10m = getvar(ncfile, "uvmet10", units="kt", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) wind_10m = (u_10m**2.0+v_10m**2.0)**0.5 # Smooth the sea level pressure since it tends to be noisy near the mountains smooth_slp = smooth2d(slp, 3) twb=twb[:,0,:,:] # lowest model level twb=smooth2d(twb,3) # Get the latitude and longitude points lats, lons = latlon_coords(slp) # Get the cartopy mapping object cart_proj = get_cartopy(slp) if sfcdiags_switch == 1: bx, by = ll_to_xy(ncfile, blat, blon, meta=False, as_int=True) # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "precip.png" # should be variable ACSNOW # accumulated_snow = getvar(ncfile, "SNOWNC", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) liq_equiv = (getvar(ncfile, "RAINC", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) + getvar(ncfile, "RAINNC", timeidx=ALL_TIMES))/25.4 # mm to inches liq_equiv_bdu = liq_equiv[:,by,bx] prate = np.zeros(numTimes) for itime in range(numTimes): if itime > 0 and itime < numTimes-1: prate[itime] = 0.5*((liq_equiv_bdu[itime+1]+liq_equiv_bdu[itime]) - (liq_equiv_bdu[itime-1]+liq_equiv_bdu[itime])) elif itime == 0: prate[0] = liq_equiv_bdu[0] else: prate[numTimes-1] = liq_equiv_bdu[numTimes-1]-liq_equiv_bdu[numTimes-2], prate, width=0.0425, color="black") plt.plot(times, liq_equiv_bdu, color="blue") plt.xlim(min(times), max(times)) plt.title("Forecast Precipitation: Boulder, CO") plt.xlabel("Time (UTC)") plt.ylabel("Running total (line) and rate (bars, inches of liquid)") plt.grid(b=True, which="major", axis="both", color="gray", linestyle="--") fig.savefig("sfcdiags/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) # Create a figure fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "t2m_td2m_wind10m_prate.png" t2m = 1.8*(getvar(ncfile, "T2", timeidx=ALL_TIMES)-273.15)+32. td2m = getvar(ncfile, "td2", units="degF", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) color = 'tab:blue', prate, width=0.0425, color="blue") ax1.plot(times, liq_equiv_bdu, color="blue") ax1.set_ylim(0.,max([max(prate)/0.1+0.01,max(liq_equiv_bdu)+0.1])) ax1.set_xlabel("Time (UTC)") ax1.set_ylabel("Precipitation liquid amount (in) and rate (bars, in/hr)", color=color) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor=color) ax1.grid(b=True, which="major", axis="x", color="gray", linestyle="--") ax2=ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(times, wind_10m[:,by,bx], color="black") ax2.barbs(times, wind_10m[:,by,bx], u_10m[:,by,bx], v_10m[:,by,bx]) ax2.plot(times, t2m[:,by,bx], color="red") ax2.plot(times, td2m[:,by,bx], color="green") ax2.set_xlim(min(times), max(times)) plt.title("Forecast near-surface variables: Boulder, CO") ax2.set_ylabel("2-m T (red) and 2-m Td (green, degF), 10-m wind (black, kt)") ax2.grid(b=True, which="major", axis="y", color="gray", linestyle="--") fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("sfcdiags/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) if xcdiags_switch == 1: zinterp = np.arange(550, 880, 10) u_xc = vertcross(u, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) w_xc = vertcross(w, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) tc_xc = vertcross(tc, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) rh_xc = vertcross(rh, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) nx = np.shape(u_xc)[-1] xinterp = np.arange(0,nx,1) bx, by = ll_to_xy(ncfile, blat, blon, meta=False, as_int=True) for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "mtnwave_xc"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" ax=plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor("black") plt.contourf(xinterp, zinterp, u_xc[itime,:,:], cmap=get_cmap("seismic"), levels=np.arange(-50,55,5)) plt.colorbar(shrink=.62) w_contour = plt.contour(xinterp, zinterp, w_xc[itime,:,:], "--", levels=np.arange(-120,-20,20),colors="black") plt.clabel(w_contour, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") w_contour = plt.contour(xinterp, zinterp, w_xc[itime,:,:], levels=np.arange(20,120,20),colors="black") plt.clabel(w_contour, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") t_contour = plt.contour(xinterp, zinterp, tc_xc[itime,:,:], levels=[-20,-10,0], colors="yellow") plt.clabel(t_contour, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(bx,np.max(zinterp),c='r',marker='+') plt.ylim([np.max(zinterp),np.min(zinterp)]) # plt.yscale("log") # plt.xticks([np.arange(900,475,-25)], ["900", "875", # "850", "825", "800", "775", "750", "725", "700", "675", "650", # "625", "600", "575", "550", "525", "500"]) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": zonal wind (fill, kt), temp (yellow lines, degC), VV (black lines, cm/s)") fig.savefig("xcdiags/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background xcdiags/mtnwave_xc*.png -loop 0 xcdiags/mtnwave_xc.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "mtnwave_xc_rh"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" ax=plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor("black") plt.contourf(xinterp, zinterp, rh_xc[itime,:,:], cmap=get_cmap("Greens"), levels=rh_levels, extend='both') plt.colorbar(shrink=.62) skip=2 plt.quiver(xinterp[::skip], zinterp[::skip], u_xc[itime,::skip,::skip], w_xc[itime,::skip,::skip]/2., scale=500, headwidth=3, color='black', pivot='middle') t_contour = plt.contour(xinterp, zinterp, tc_xc[itime,:,:], levels=[-20,-10,0], colors="yellow") plt.clabel(t_contour, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(bx,np.max(zinterp),c='r',marker='+') plt.ylim([np.max(zinterp),np.min(zinterp)]) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": rh (fill), temp (yellow lines, degC), wind (arrows)") fig.savefig("xcdiags_rh/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background xcdiags_rh/mtnwave_xc_rh*.png -loop 0 xcdiags_rh/mtnwave_xc_rh.gif") zinterp = np.arange(150, 900, 25) rh_xc = vertcross(rh, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) tc_xc = vertcross(tc, p, levels=zinterp, wrfin=ncfile, stagger='u', pivot_point=CoordPair(lat=blat,lon=blon), angle=90., meta=False) nx = np.shape(u_xc)[-1] xinterp = np.arange(0,nx,1) bx, by = ll_to_xy(ncfile, blat, blon, meta=False, as_int=True) for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "mtnwave_xc_rh_big"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" ax=plt.gca() ax.set_facecolor("black") plt.contourf(xinterp, zinterp, rh_xc[itime,:,:], cmap=get_cmap("Greens"), levels=rh_levels, extend='both') plt.colorbar(shrink=.62) t_contour = plt.contour(xinterp, zinterp, tc_xc[itime,:,:], levels=[-20,-10,0], colors="yellow") plt.clabel(t_contour, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(bx,np.max(zinterp),c='r',marker='+') plt.ylim([np.max(zinterp),np.min(zinterp)]) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": rh (fill), temp (yellow lines, degC)") fig.savefig("xcdiags_rh_big/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background xcdiags_rh_big/mtnwave_xc_rh_big*.png -loop 0 xcdiags_rh_big/mtnwave_xc_rh_big.gif") if sfc_switch == 1: bx, by = ll_to_xy(ncfile, blat, blon, meta=False, as_int=True) for itime in range(numTimes): ps = p[itime,:,by,bx] ps_temp = ps T = tc[itime,:,by,bx] Td = dewT[itime,:,by,bx] us = u[itime,:,by,bx] vs = v[itime,:,by,bx] ps = ps[ps_temp >= 100.] T = T[ps_temp >= 100.] Td = Td[ps_temp >= 100.] us = us[ps_temp >= 100.] vs = vs[ps_temp >= 100.] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45) fileout = "sounding"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot. skew.plot(ps, T, 'r') skew.plot(ps, Td, 'g') skew.plot_barbs(ps, us, vs), 100), 60) # Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot. Because `p`'s first value is # ~1000 mb and its last value is ~250 mb, the `0` index is selected for # `p`, `T`, and `Td` to lift the parcel from the surface. If `p` was inverted, # i.e. start from low value, 250 mb, to a high value, 1000 mb, the `-1` index # should be selected. lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature = mpcalc.lcl(ps[0], T[0], Td[0]) skew.plot(lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black') # Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(ps, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC') skew.plot(ps, prof, 'k', linewidth=2) # Shade areas of CAPE and CIN # skew.shade_cin(ps, T, prof, Td) [cape, cin] = mpcalc.cape_cin(ps, T, Td, prof) # skew.shade_cape(ps, T, prof) # An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0 # isotherm, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2) # Add the relevant special lines skew.plot_dry_adiabats() skew.plot_moist_adiabats() skew.plot_mixing_lines() plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": Boulder, CO, CAPE: "+str(round(cape.magnitude))+" J/kg CIN: "+str(round(cin.magnitude))+" J/kg") fig.savefig("sounding/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background sounding/sounding*.png -loop 0 sounding/sounding.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "sfc_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # Reflectivity at the lowest model level. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(ref[itime,0,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("jet"), levels=ref_levels) # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Contour the wetbulb temperature at 0 degC. c_p = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(twb[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="red", levels=twb_levels) plt.clabel(c_p, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Make the contour outlines and filled contours for the smoothed sea level pressure. c_p = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(smooth_slp[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="black", levels=slp_levels) plt.clabel(c_p, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Add the 10-m wind barbs, only plotting every other data point. skip=2 plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::skip,::skip]), to_np(lats[::skip,::skip]), to_np(u_10m[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), to_np(v_10m[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), length=5.25, linewidth=0.5) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(smooth_slp)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(smooth_slp)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": SLP (fill, hPa), 10-m wind (barbs, kt), LML Ref (fill, dBZ), LML WBT (red, degC)") fig.savefig("sfc/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background sfc/sfc*.png -loop 0 sfc/sfc.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "sfc_temp_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # 2-m air temperature t2 = 1.8*(getvar(ncfile, "T2", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) - 273.15)+32. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(t2[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("jet"), levels=t2_levels) # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Make the contour outlines and filled contours for the smoothed sea level pressure. c_p = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(smooth_slp[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="black", levels=slp_levels) plt.clabel(c_p, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Add the 10-m wind barbs, only plotting every other data point. skip=2 plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::skip,::skip]), to_np(lats[::skip,::skip]), to_np(u_10m[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), to_np(v_10m[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), length=5.25, linewidth=0.5) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(smooth_slp)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(smooth_slp)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": SLP (contours, hPa), 10-m wind (barbs, kt), 2-m T (fill, degF)") fig.savefig("sfc_temp/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background sfc_temp/sfc_temp*.png -loop 0 sfc_temp/sfc_temp.gif") if cloud_switch == 1: for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "cldfrac_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # Compute and plot the total cloud fraction. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(total_cloudfrac[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("Greys"), levels=cldfrac_levels, extend='both') # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(cloudfrac)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(cloudfrac)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": Total cloud fraction (fill)") fig.savefig("cldfrac/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background cldfrac/cldfrac*.png -loop 0 cldfrac/cldfrac.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "low_cldfrac_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # Compute and plot the cloud fraction. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(low_cloudfrac[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("Greys"), levels=cldfrac_levels, extend='both') # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(cloudfrac)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(cloudfrac)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": Low cloud fraction (fill)") fig.savefig("low_cldfrac/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background low_cldfrac/low_cldfrac*.png -loop 0 low_cldfrac/low_cldfrac.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "mid_cldfrac_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # Compute and plot the cloud fraction. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(mid_cloudfrac[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("Greys"), levels=cldfrac_levels, extend='both') # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(cloudfrac)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(cloudfrac)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": Mid cloud fraction (fill)") fig.savefig("mid_cldfrac/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background mid_cldfrac/mid_cldfrac*.png -loop 0 mid_cldfrac/mid_cldfrac.gif") for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "high_cldfrac_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # Compute and plot the cloud fraction. plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(high_cloudfrac[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("Greys"), levels=cldfrac_levels, extend='both') # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(cloudfrac)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(cloudfrac)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": High cloud fraction (fill)") fig.savefig("high_cldfrac/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background high_cldfrac/high_cldfrac*.png -loop 0 high_cldfrac/high_cldfrac.gif") if switch_500mb == 1: for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "500mb_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # wind color fill if np.max(wspeed_500[itime,:,:]) > np.min(wspeed_levels): plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(wspeed_500[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("rainbow"), levels=wspeed_levels) # Make the 500 mb height contours. c_z = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(z_500[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="black", levels=z_levels) plt.clabel(c_z, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Make the 500 mb temp contours. c_t = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(tc_500[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="red", levels=tc_levels) plt.clabel(c_t, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="red", fmt="%i") # Add a color bar # plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Add the 500mb wind barbs, only plotting every other data point. skip=3 plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::skip,::skip]), to_np(lats[::skip,::skip]), to_np(u_500[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), to_np(v_500[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), length=5.25, linewidth=0.5) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(z_500)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(z_500)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": 500-mb height (black, dm), temp (red, degC), and wind (fill/barbs, kt)") fig.savefig("500mb/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background 500mb/500mb*.png -loop 0 500mb/500mb.gif") if switch_700mb == 1: for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "700mb_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # rh color fill plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(rh_700[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("Greens"), levels=rh_levels, extend='both') # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Make the 700 mb height contours. c_z = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(z_700[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="black", levels=z_levels_700) plt.clabel(c_z, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Make the 700 mb temp contours. c_t = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(tc_700[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="red", levels=tc_levels) plt.clabel(c_t, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="red", fmt="%i") # Make the 700 mb VV contours. c_d = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(w_700[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="magenta", levels=wup_levels, linewidths=0.9) plt.clabel(c_d, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="magenta", fmt="%i") c_c = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(w_700[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="blue", levels=wdown_levels, linewidths=0.9) plt.clabel(c_c, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="blue", fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Add the 700mb wind barbs, only plotting every other data point. skip=3 plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::skip,::skip]), to_np(lats[::skip,::skip]), to_np(u_700[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), to_np(v_700[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), length=5.25, linewidth=0.5) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(z_700)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(z_700)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": 700-mb hgt (black, dm), T (red, degC), wind (barbs, kt), VV (cm/s), rh (fill, %)") fig.savefig("700mb/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background 700mb/700mb*.png -loop 0 700mb/700mb.gif") if switch_300mb == 1: for itime in range(numTimes): # Create a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) fileout = "300mb_fhr"+str(itime).zfill(2)+".png" # Set the GeoAxes to the projection used by WRF ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Add the states and coastlines ax.add_feature(states, linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='gray') ax.add_feature(COUNTIES, linewidth=0.4, facecolor='none', edgecolor='gray') ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8) # 300 mb divergence plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(div_300[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap("seismic"), levels=div_levels) # Add a color bar plt.colorbar(ax=ax, shrink=.62) # Make the 300 mb height contours. c_z = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(z_300[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), colors="black", levels=z_levels_300) plt.clabel(c_z, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") # Make the 300 mb divergence contours. # c_d = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(div_300[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), # colors="red", levels=div_levels, linewidths=0.8) # plt.clabel(c_d, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="red", fmt="%i") # # c_c = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(div_300[itime,:,:]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), # colors="blue", levels=conv_levels, linewidths=0.8) # plt.clabel(c_c, inline=1, fontsize=10, fontcolor="blue", fmt="%i") # Add location of Boulder to plot. plt.scatter(blon,blat,c='r',marker='+',transform=crs.PlateCarree()) # Add the 300mb wind barbs, only plotting every other data point. skip=3 plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::skip,::skip]), to_np(lats[::skip,::skip]), to_np(u_300[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), to_np(v_300[itime, ::skip, ::skip]), transform=crs.PlateCarree(), length=5.25, linewidth=0.5) # Set the map limits. ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(z_300)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(z_300)) plt_time=str(dtimes[itime]) plt_time=plt_time[0:13] plt.title(plt_time+"Z fhr "+str(itime).zfill(2)+": 300-mb height (black, dm), wind (barbs, kt), and divergence x 10^5 (red/blue, s^-1)") fig.savefig("300mb/"+fileout,bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) os.system("convert -delay 90 -dispose background 300mb/300mb*.png -loop 0 300mb/300mb.gif")
def interpolate_vert(ncfile, start_lat, end_lat, start_lon, end_lon, var, time, start_p, end_p, interval_p): startpoint = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) endpoint = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) height = getvar(ncfile, 'height') hgt = getvar(ncfile, 'HGT') p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure', timeidx=time) f = getvar(ncfile, var, timeidx=time) p_height = p[:, 0, 0] bool, start_layer, end_layer = get_pressure_layer(p_height, start_p, end_p) p_level = np.mgrid[p_height[start_layer].values:p_height[end_layer]. values:complex(str(end_layer - start_layer + 1) + 'j')] f_vert = vertcross(f, p, wrfin=ncfile, levels=p_level, start_point=startpoint, end_point=endpoint, latlon=True) if var == 'wa': f_vert = f_vert * 200 print(f_vert) #处理插值数据的维度 p_vert_list = f_vert.coords['vertical'].values print("插值的压力为:", end='') print(p_vert_list) lon_vert_list, lat_vert_list = [], [] for i in range(len(f_vert.coords['xy_loc'])): s = str(f_vert.coords['xy_loc'][i].values) lon_vert_list.append(float(s[s.find('lon=') + 4:s.find('lon=') + 16])) lat_vert_list.append(float(s[s.find('lat=') + 4:s.find('lat=') + 16])) lon_vert_list = np.array(lon_vert_list) lat_vert_list = np.array(lat_vert_list) lon_vert_list = np.around(lon_vert_list, decimals=2) lat_vert_list = np.around(lat_vert_list, decimals=2) h_vert_list = [] h2h = height - hgt for i in range(end_p, start_p - interval_p, -interval_p): h_vert_list.append(float(np.max(interplevel(h2h, p, i)).values)) print("对应的高度为:", end='') print(h_vert_list) lat_vert_list = np.mgrid[lat_vert_list[0]:lat_vert_list[-1]:complex( str(len(lat_vert_list)) + 'j')] lon_vert_list = np.mgrid[lon_vert_list[0]:lon_vert_list[-1]:complex( str(len(lon_vert_list)) + 'j')] return f_vert, lat_vert_list, lon_vert_list, p_vert_list, h_vert_list
def make_result_file(opts): infilename = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(opts.outdir, "")) outfilename = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(opts.outdir, "")) with Dataset(infilename) as infile, Dataset(outfilename, "w") as outfile: for varname in WRF_DIAGS: var = getvar(infile, varname) add_to_ncfile(outfile, var, varname) for interptype in INTERP_METHS: if interptype == "interpline": hts = getvar(infile, "z") p = getvar(infile, "pressure") hts_850 = interplevel(hts, p, 850.) add_to_ncfile(outfile, hts_850, "interplevel") if interptype == "vertcross": hts = getvar(infile, "z") p = getvar(infile, "pressure") pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] // 2, hts.shape[-2] // 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) add_to_ncfile(outfile, ht_cross, "vertcross") if interptype == "interpline": t2 = getvar(infile, "T2") pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] // 2, t2.shape[-2] // 2) t2_line = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) add_to_ncfile(outfile, t2_line, "interpline") if interptype == "vinterp": tk = getvar(infile, "temp", units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(infile, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", log_p=True) add_to_ncfile(outfile, field, "vinterp") for latlonmeth in LATLON_METHS: if latlonmeth == "xy": # Hardcoded values from other unit tests lats = [-55, -60, -65] lons = [25, 30, 35] xy = ll_to_xy(infile, lats[0], lons[0]) add_to_ncfile(outfile, xy, "xy") else: # Hardcoded from other unit tests i_s = np.asarray([10, 100, 150], int) - 1 j_s = np.asarray([10, 100, 150], int) - 1 ll = xy_to_ll(infile, i_s[0], j_s[0]) add_to_ncfile(outfile, ll, "ll")
def horizontal_map(variable_name, date, start_hour, end_hour, pressure_level=False, subset=False, initiation=False, save=False, gif=False): '''This function plots the chosen variable for the analysis of the initiation environment on a horizontal (2D) map. Supported variables for plotting procedure are updraft, reflectivity, helicity, pw, cape, cin, ctt, temperature_surface, wind_shear, updraft_reflectivity, rh, omega, pvo, avo, theta_e, water_vapor, uv_wind and divergence.''' ### Predefine some variables ### # Get the list of all needed wrf files data_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/data/casestudy_baden/' # Define save directory save_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/retrospective_part' '/casestudy_baden/horizontal_maps/' # Change extent of plot subset_extent = [6.2, 9.4, 46.5, 48.5] # Set the location of the initiation of the thunderstorm initiation_location = CoordPair(lat=47.25, lon=7.85) # 2D variables: if variable_name == 'updraft': variable_name = 'W_UP_MAX' title_name = 'Maximum Z-Wind Updraft' colorbar_label = 'Max Z-Wind Updraft [$m$ $s^-$$^1$]' save_name = 'updraft' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 30 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'reflectivity': variable_name = 'REFD_MAX' title_name = 'Maximum Derived Radar Reflectivity' colorbar_label = 'Maximum Derived Radar Reflectivity [$dBZ$]' save_name = 'reflectivity' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 75 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'helicity': variable_name = 'UP_HELI_MAX' title_name = 'Maximum Updraft Helicity' colorbar_label = 'Maximum Updraft Helicity [$m^{2}$ $s^{-2}$]' save_name = 'helicity' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 140 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'pw': title_name = 'Precipitable Water' colorbar_label = 'Precipitable Water [$kg$ $m^{-2}$]' save_name = 'pw' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 50 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'cape': variable_name = 'cape_2d' title_name = 'CAPE' colorbar_label = 'Convective Available Potential Energy' '[$J$ $kg^{-1}$]' save_name = 'cape' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 3000 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'cin': variable_name = 'cape_2d' title_name = 'CIN' colorbar_label = 'Convective Inhibition [$J$ $kg^{-1}$]' save_name = 'cin' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 100 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'ctt': title_name = 'Cloud Top Temperature' colorbar_label = 'Cloud Top Temperature [$K$]' save_name = 'cct' variable_min = 210 variable_max = 300 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'temperature_surface': variable_name = 'T2' title_name = 'Temperature @ 2 m' colorbar_label = 'Temperature [$K$]' save_name = 'temperature_surface' variable_min = 285 variable_max = 305 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'wind_shear': variable_name = 'slp' title_name = 'SLP, Wind @ 850hPa, Wind @ 500hPa\n' 'and 500-850hPa Vertical Wind Shear' save_name = 'wind_shear' variable_min = 1000 variable_max = 1020 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'updraft_reflectivity': variable_name = 'W_UP_MAX' title_name = 'Updraft and Reflectivity' colorbar_label = 'Max Z-Wind Updraft [$m$ $s^-$$^1$]' save_name = 'updraft_reflectivity' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 30 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level != False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 2D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is not required.'.format(variable_name)) # 3D variables: elif variable_name == 'rh': title_name = 'Relative Humidity' colorbar_label = 'Relative Humidity [$pct$]' save_name = 'rh' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 100 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'omega': title_name = 'Vertical Motion' colorbar_label = 'Omega [$Pa$ $s^-$$^1$]' save_name = 'omega' variable_min = -50 variable_max = 50 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'pvo': title_name = 'Potential Vorticity' colorbar_label = 'Potential Vorticity [$PVU$]' save_name = 'pvo' variable_min = -1 variable_max = 9 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'avo': title_name = 'Absolute Vorticity' colorbar_label = 'Absolute Vorticity [$10^{-5}$' '$s^{-1}$]' save_name = 'avo' variable_min = -250 variable_max = 250 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'theta_e': title_name = 'Theta-E' colorbar_label = 'Theta-E [$K$]' save_name = 'theta_e' variable_min = 315 variable_max = 335 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'water_vapor': variable_name = 'QVAPOR' title_name = 'Water Vapor Mixing Ratio' colorbar_label = 'Water Vapor Mixing Ratio [$g$ $kg^{-1}$]' save_name = 'water_vapor' variable_min = 5 variable_max = 15 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'uv_wind': variable_name = 'wspd_wdir' title_name = 'Wind Speed and Direction' colorbar_label = 'Wind Speed [$m$ $s^{-1}$]' save_name = 'uv_wind' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 10 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) elif variable_name == 'divergence': variable_name = 'ua' title_name = 'Horizontal Wind Divergence' colorbar_label = 'Divergence [$10^{-6}$ $s^{-1}$]' save_name = 'divergence' variable_min = -2.5 variable_max = 2.5 # Check if a certain pressure_level was defined. if pressure_level == False: sys.exit('The variable {} is a 3D variable. ' 'Definition of a pressure_level for ' 'plotting process is required.'.format(variable_name)) # Make a list of all wrf files in data directory wrflist = list() for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(data_dir): wrflist += [os.path.join(dirpath, file) for file in filenames] ### Plotting Iteration ### # Iterate over a list of hourly timesteps time = list() for i in range(start_hour, end_hour): time = str(i).zfill(2) # Iterate over all 5 minutes steps of hour for j in range(0, 60, 5): minutes = str(j).zfill(2) # Load the netCDF files out of the wrflist ncfile = [Dataset(x) for x in wrflist if x.endswith('{}_{}:{}:00'.format(date, time, minutes))] # Load variable(s) if title_name == 'CAPE': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name)[0,:] elif title_name == 'CIN': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name)[1,:] elif variable_name == 'ctt': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name, units='K') elif variable_name == 'wspd_wdir': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name)[0,:] elif variable_name == 'QVAPOR': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name)*1000 # convert to g/kg else: variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name) if variable_name == 'slp': slp = variable.squeeze() ua = getvar(ncfile, 'ua') va = getvar(ncfile, 'va') p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure') u_wind850 = interplevel(ua, p, 850) v_wind850 = interplevel(va, p, 850) u_wind850 = u_wind850.squeeze() v_wind850 = v_wind850.squeeze() u_wind500 = interplevel(ua, p, 500) v_wind500 = interplevel(va, p, 500) u_wind500 = u_wind500.squeeze() v_wind500 = v_wind500.squeeze() slp = ndimage.gaussian_filter(slp, sigma=3, order=0) # Interpolating 3d data to a horizontal pressure level if pressure_level != False: p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure') variable_pressure = interplevel(variable, p, pressure_level) variable = variable_pressure if variable_name == 'wspd_wdir': ua = getvar(ncfile, 'ua') va = getvar(ncfile, 'va') u_pressure = interplevel(ua, p, pressure_level) v_pressure = interplevel(va, p, pressure_level) elif title_name == 'Updraft and Reflectivity': reflectivity = getvar(ncfile, 'REFD_MAX') elif title_name == 'Difference in Theta-E values': variable = getvar(ncfile, variable_name) p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure') variable_pressure1 = interplevel(variable, p, '950') variable_pressure2 = interplevel(variable, p, '950') elif variable_name == 'ua': va = getvar(ncfile, 'va') p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure') v_pressure = interplevel(va, p, pressure_level) u_wind = variable.squeeze() v_wind = v_pressure.squeeze() u_wind.attrs['units']='meters/second' v_wind.attrs['units']='meters/second' lats, lons = latlon_coords(variable) lats = lats.squeeze() lons = lons.squeeze() dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(to_np(lons), to_np(lats)) divergence = mpcalc.divergence(u_wind, v_wind, dx, dy, dim_order='yx') divergence = divergence*1e3 # Define cart projection lats, lons = latlon_coords(variable) cart_proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=8.722206, central_latitude=46.73585) bounds = geo_bounds(wrfin=ncfile) # Create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) if variable_name == 'slp': fig.patch.set_facecolor('k') ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) ### Set map extent ### domain_extent = [3.701088, 13.814863, 43.85472,49.49499] if subset == True: ax.set_extent([subset_extent[0],subset_extent[1], subset_extent[2],subset_extent[3]], ccrs.PlateCarree()) else: ax.set_extent([domain_extent[0]+0.7,domain_extent[1]-0.7, domain_extent[2]+0.1,domain_extent[3]-0.1], ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Plot contour of variables levels_num = 11 levels = np.linspace(variable_min, variable_max, levels_num) # Creating new colormap for diverging colormaps def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=100): new_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})'.format(, a=minval, b=maxval), cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n))) return new_cmap cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu') if title_name == 'CIN': cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(levels_num-1, start=.5, rot=-.75, reverse=True)) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extend='max', cmap=cmap) initiation_color = 'r*' elif variable_name == 'ctt': cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(levels_num-1, start=.5, rot=-.75, reverse=True)) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extend='both', cmap=cmap) initiation_color = 'r*' elif variable_name == 'pvo': cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu_r') new_cmap = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.05, 0.9) new_norm = DivergingNorm(vmin=-1., vcenter=2., vmax=10) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=new_cmap, extend='both', norm=new_norm) initiation_color = 'k*' elif variable_name == 'avo': cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu_r') new_cmap = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.05, 0.9) new_norm = DivergingNorm(vmin=variable_min, vcenter=0, vmax=variable_max) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=new_cmap, extend='both', norm=new_norm) initiation_color = 'k*' elif variable_name == 'omega': new_cmap = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.05, 0.9) new_norm = DivergingNorm(vmin=variable_min, vcenter=0, vmax=variable_max) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=new_cmap, extend='both', norm=new_norm) initiation_color = 'k*' elif variable_name == 'ua': new_cmap = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.05, 0.9) new_norm = DivergingNorm(vmin=variable_min, vcenter=0, vmax=variable_max) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), divergence, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=new_cmap, extend='both', norm=new_norm) initiation_color = 'k*' elif variable_name == 'UP_HELI_MAX' or variable_name == 'W_UP_MAX' or variable_name == 'QVAPOR': cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(levels_num-1, start=.5, rot=-.75)) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, extend='max', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),cmap=cmap) initiation_color = 'r*' elif variable_name == 'theta_e' or variable_name == 't2': cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(levels_num-1, start=.5, rot=-.75)) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, extend='both', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),cmap=cmap) initiation_color = 'r*' elif variable_name == 'REFD_MAX': levels = np.arange(5., 75., 5.) dbz_rgb = np.array([[4,233,231], [1,159,244], [3,0,244], [2,253,2], [1,197,1], [0,142,0], [253,248,2], [229,188,0], [253,149,0], [253,0,0], [212,0,0], [188,0,0],[248,0,253], [152,84,198]], np.float32) / 255.0 dbz_cmap, dbz_norm = from_levels_and_colors(levels, dbz_rgb, extend='max') variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, extend='max', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=dbz_cmap, norm=dbz_norm) initiation_color = 'r*' elif variable_name == 'slp': ax.background_patch.set_fill(False) wslice = slice(1, None, 12) # Plot 850-hPa wind vectors vectors850 = ax.quiver(to_np(lons)[wslice, wslice], to_np(lats)[wslice, wslice], to_np(u_wind850)[wslice, wslice], to_np(v_wind850)[wslice, wslice], headlength=4, headwidth=3, scale=400, color='gold', label='850mb wind', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2) # Plot 500-hPa wind vectors vectors500 = ax.quiver(to_np(lons)[wslice, wslice], to_np(lats)[wslice, wslice], to_np(u_wind500)[wslice, wslice], to_np(v_wind500)[wslice, wslice], headlength=4, headwidth=3, scale=400, color='cornflowerblue', zorder=2, label='500mb wind', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Plot 500-850 shear shear = ax.quiver(to_np(lons[wslice, wslice]), to_np(lats[wslice, wslice]), to_np(u_wind500[wslice, wslice]) - to_np(u_wind850[wslice, wslice]), to_np(v_wind500[wslice, wslice]) - to_np(v_wind850[wslice, wslice]), headlength=4, headwidth=3, scale=400, color='deeppink', zorder=2, label='500-850mb shear', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) contour = ax.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), slp, levels=levels, colors='lime', linewidths=2, alpha=0.5, zorder=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.clabel(contour, fontsize=12, inline=1, inline_spacing=4, fmt='%i') # Add a legend ax.legend(('850mb wind', '500mb wind', '500-850mb shear'), loc=4) # Manually set colors for legend legend = ax.get_legend() legend.legendHandles[0].set_color('gold') legend.legendHandles[1].set_color('cornflowerblue') legend.legendHandles[2].set_color('deeppink') initiation_color = 'w*' else: cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(10, start=.5, rot=-.75)) variable_plot = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(variable), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),cmap=cmap) initiation_color = 'r*' # Plot reflectivity contours with colorbar if title_name == 'Updraft and Reflectivity': dbz_levels = np.arange(35., 75., 5.) dbz_rgb = np.array([[253,248,2], [229,188,0], [253,149,0], [253,0,0], [212,0,0], [188,0,0],[248,0,253], [152,84,198]], np.float32) / 255.0 dbz_cmap, dbz_norm = from_levels_and_colors(dbz_levels, dbz_rgb, extend='max') contours = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(reflectivity), levels=dbz_levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=dbz_cmap, norm=dbz_norm, linewidths=1) cbar_refl = mpu.colorbar(contours, ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=10, shrink=.5, pad=0.05) cbar_refl.set_label('Maximum Derived Radar Reflectivity' '[$dBZ$]', fontsize=12.5) colorbar_lines = colorbar_lines[0].set_linewidths([10]*5) # Add wind quivers for every 10th data point if variable_name == 'wspd_wdir': plt.quiver(to_np(lons[::10,::10]), to_np(lats[::10,::10]), to_np(u_pressure[::10, ::10]), to_np(v_pressure[::10, ::10]), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Plot colorbar if variable_name == 'slp': pass else: cbar = mpu.colorbar(variable_plot, ax, orientation='vertical', aspect=40, shrink=.05, pad=0.05) cbar.set_label(colorbar_label, fontsize=15) cbar.set_ticks(levels) # Add borders and coastlines if variable_name == 'slp': ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale('10m'), edgecolor='white', linewidth=2) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE.with_scale('10m'), edgecolor='white', linewidth=2) else: ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale('10m'), linewidth=0.8) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE.with_scale('10m'), linewidth=0.8) ### Add initiation location ### if initiation == True: ax.plot(initiation_location.lon,, initiation_color, markersize=20, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add gridlines lon = np.arange(0, 20, 1) lat = np.arange(40, 60, 1) gl = ax.gridlines(xlocs=lon, ylocs=lat, zorder=3) # Add tick labels mpu.yticklabels(lat, ax=ax, fontsize=12.5) mpu.xticklabels(lon, ax=ax, fontsize=12.5) # Make nicetime file_name = '{}wrfout_d02_{}_{}:{}:00'.format(data_dir, date, time, minutes) xr_file = xr.open_dataset(file_name) nicetime = pd.to_datetime(xr_file.QVAPOR.isel(Time=0).XTIME.values) nicetime = nicetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # Add plot title if pressure_level != False: ax.set_title('{} @ {} hPa'.format(title_name, pressure_level), loc='left', fontsize=15) ax.set_title('Valid time: {} UTC'.format(nicetime), loc='right', fontsize=15) else: if variable_name == 'slp': ax.set_title(title_name, loc='left', fontsize=15, color='white') ax.set_title('Valid time: {} UTC'.format(nicetime), loc='right', fontsize=15, color='white') else: ax.set_title(title_name, loc='left', fontsize=20) ax.set_title('Valid time: {} UTC'.format(nicetime), loc='right', fontsize=15) ### Save figure ### if save == True: if pressure_level != False: if subset == True: fig.savefig('{}/{}/horizontal_map_{}_subset_{}_{}_{}:{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, save_name, pressure_level, date, time, minutes), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) else: fig.savefig('{}/{}/horizontal_map_{}_{}_{}_{}:{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, save_name, pressure_level, date, time, minutes), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) else: if subset == True: fig.savefig('{}/{}/horizontal_map_{}_subset_{}_{}:{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, save_name, date, time, minutes), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) else: fig.savefig('{}/{}/horizontal_map_{}_{}_{}:{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, save_name, date, time, minutes), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300, facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) ### Make a GIF from the plots ### if gif == True: # Predifine some variables gif_data_dir = save_dir + save_name gif_save_dir = '{}gifs/'.format(save_dir) gif_save_name = 'horizontal_map_{}.gif'.format(save_name) # GIF creating procedure os.chdir(gif_data_dir) image_folder = os.fsencode(gif_data_dir) filenames = [] for file in os.listdir(image_folder): filename = os.fsdecode(file) if filename.endswith( ('.png') ): filenames.append(filename) filenames.sort() images = list(map(lambda filename: imageio.imread(filename), filenames)) imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(gif_save_dir + gif_save_name), images, duration = 0.50)
def test(self): try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF except: pass try: from PyNIO import Nio except: pass if not multi: timeidx = 0 if not pynio: in_wrfnc = NetCDF(wrf_in) else: # Note: Python doesn't like it if you reassign an outer scoped # variable (wrf_in in this case) if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in in_wrfnc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) else: timeidx = None if not pynio: nc = NetCDF(wrf_in) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] else: if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in nc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z_500", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) # Make sure the numpy versions work first hts_500 = interplevel(to_np(hts), to_np(p), 500) hts_500 = interplevel(hts, p, 500) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht_500) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_cross", repeat, multi) ref_p_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "p_cross", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) #ht_cross = vertcross(to_np(hts), p, pivot_point=pivot_point, # angle=90., latlon=True) # Make sure the numpy versions work first ht_cross = vertcross(to_np(hts), to_np(p), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) # Note: Until the bug is fixed in NCL, the wrf-python cross # sections will contain one extra point nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross)[..., 0:-1], ref_ht_cross, rtol=.01) # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon lats = hts.coords["XLAT"] lons = hts.coords["XLONG"] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) v1 = vertcross(hts, p, wrfin=in_wrfnc, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) v2 = vertcross(hts, p, projection=hts.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(v1), to_np(v2), rtol=.01) # Test opposite p_cross1 = vertcross(p, hts, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1)[..., 0:-1], ref_p_cross, rtol=.01) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, hts.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, hts.shape[-2] / 2) p_cross2 = vertcross(p, hts, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), to_np(p_cross2)) elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line", repeat, multi) t2 = getvar(in_wrfnc, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] / 2, t2.shape[-2] / 2) #t2_line1 = interpline(to_np(t2), pivot_point=pivot_point, # angle=90.0, latlon=True) # Make sure the numpy version works t2_line1 = interpline(to_np(t2), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) # Note: After NCL is fixed, remove the slice. nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1)[..., 0:-1], ref_t2_line) # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon lats = t2.coords["XLAT"] lons = t2.coords["XLONG"] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) l1 = interpline(t2, wrfin=in_wrfnc, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) l2 = interpline(t2, projection=t2.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(l1), to_np(l2), rtol=.01) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, t2.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line2 = interpline(t2, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), to_np(t2_line2)) elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(in_wrfnc, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] # Make sure the numpy version works field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=to_np(tk), vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 5 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta, tol, atol) # Tk to theta-e fld_tk_theta_e = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta_e", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta_e = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta_e) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta-e", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 3 / 100. atol = 50.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta_e)/fld_tk_theta_e)*100) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta_e, tol, atol) # Tk to pressure fld_tk_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_pres", repeat, multi) fld_tk_pres = np.squeeze(fld_tk_pres) interp_levels = [850, 500] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_pres, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_msl fld_tk_ght_msl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_msl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_msl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_msl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_msl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_msl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_msl, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_agl fld_tk_ght_agl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_agl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_agl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_agl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_agl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_agl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_agl, tol, atol) # Hgt to pressure fld_ht_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_ht_pres", repeat, multi) fld_ht_pres = np.squeeze(fld_ht_pres) z = getvar(in_wrfnc, "height", timeidx=timeidx, units="m") interp_levels = [500, 50] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=z, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="ght", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_ht_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_ht_pres, tol, atol) # Pressure to theta fld_pres_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_pres_theta", repeat, multi) fld_pres_theta = np.squeeze(fld_pres_theta) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=p, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="pressure", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_pres_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_pres_theta, tol, atol) # Theta-e to pres fld_thetae_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_thetae_pres", repeat, multi) fld_thetae_pres = np.squeeze(fld_thetae_pres) eth = getvar(in_wrfnc, "eth", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [850, 500, 5] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=eth, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="theta-e", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_thetae_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_thetae_pres, tol, atol)
from wrf import to_np, getvar, CoordPair, vertcross import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date from pyroms import vgrid # from octant import tools import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pltexitr ####### WRF options ####### # WRF input filename_wrf = "/media/ueslei/Ueslei/INPE/2014/Outputs/WRF/" filename_wr = "/media/ueslei/Ueslei/INPE/2014/Outputs/WR/" filename_wrs = "/media/ueslei/Ueslei/INPE/2014/Outputs/WRS/" # Create the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=-41, lon=-60) end_point = CoordPair(lat=-41, lon=-30) # WRF max height (meters) levels = np.arange(0, 601., 1.) # WRF grid height spacing wrf_spacing = 100 # WRF timestep timeidx = 80 ####### ROMS options ####### # ROMS input path = '/media/ueslei/Ueslei/INPE/2014/Outputs/WRS/' name = '' # ROMS time ntime = 40
from cartopy import crs from cartopy.feature import NaturalEarthFeature, COLORS from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import (getvar, to_np, get_cartopy, latlon_coords, vertcross,cartopy_xlim, cartopy_ylim, interpline, CoordPair, ALL_TIMES) from datetime import datetime, timedelta ## SE CARGA LA SALIDA SIN POSTPROCESAR wrf_file = Dataset("...") ## cantidad de tiempos tpos = (getvar(wrf_file, "z", ALL_TIMES).shape)[0] # agregar el inicio de la corrida, y luego ver el espaciado de cada una t_ini = datetime.strptime('17-09-2012 18:00:00', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') # Definir lat y lon del corte vertical cross_start = CoordPair(lat=-24.75, lon=-68.5) cross_end = CoordPair(lat=-24.75, lon=-62) if tpos == 0 : print('ES UN SOLO TPO') exit() # Se consiguen las variables del WRF for tidx in range(0,tpos) : #tidx = 8 ## es el tiempo de la corrida, desde cero hasta el tiempo final ## PARA TERRENO ht = getvar(wrf_file, "z", tidx) ter = getvar(wrf_file, "ter", tidx) w = getvar(wrf_file, 'wa', tidx) ## VARIABLE PARA GRAFICAR ## Una lista de variables : var = getvar(wrf_file, "theta", tidx)
def test(self): try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF except ImportError: pass try: import Nio except ImportError: pass timeidx = 0 if not multi else None pat = os.path.join(dir, pattern) wrf_files = glob.glob(pat) wrf_files.sort() wrfin = [] for fname in wrf_files: if not pynio: f = NetCDF(fname) try: f.set_always_mask(False) except AttributeError: pass wrfin.append(f) else: if not fname.endswith(".nc"): _fname = fname + ".nc" else: _fname = fname f = Nio.open_file(_fname) wrfin.append(f) if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z_500", multi) ref_p_5000 = _get_refvals(referent, "p_5000", multi) ref_ht_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "z_multi", multi) ref_p_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "p_multi", multi) ref_ht2_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z2_500", multi) ref_p2_5000 = _get_refvals(referent, "p2_5000", multi) ref_ht2_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "z2_multi", multi) ref_p2_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "p2_multi", multi) ref_p_lev2d = _get_refvals(referent, "p_lev2d", multi) hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) wspd_wdir = getvar(wrfin, "wspd_wdir", timeidx=timeidx) # Make sure the numpy versions work first hts_500 = interplevel(to_np(hts), to_np(p), 500) hts_500 = interplevel(hts, p, 500) # Note: the '*2*' versions in the reference are testing # against the new version of interplevel in NCL nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht_500) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht2_500) # Make sure the numpy versions work first p_5000 = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), 5000) p_5000 = interplevel(p, hts, 5000) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_5000), ref_p_5000) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_5000), ref_p2_5000) hts_multi = interplevel(to_np(hts), to_np(p), [1000., 850., 500., 250.]) hts_multi = interplevel(hts, p, [1000., 850., 500., 250.]) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_multi), ref_ht_multi) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_multi), ref_ht2_multi) p_multi = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), [500., 2500., 5000., 10000.]) p_multi = interplevel(p, hts, [500., 2500., 5000., 10000.]) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_multi), ref_p_multi) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_multi), ref_p2_multi) pblh = getvar(wrfin, "PBLH", timeidx=timeidx) p_lev2d = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), to_np(pblh)) p_lev2d = interplevel(p, hts, pblh) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_lev2d), ref_p_lev2d) # Just make sure these run below wspd_wdir_500 = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(p), 500) wspd_wdir_500 = interplevel(wspd_wdir, p, 500) wspd_wdir_multi = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(p), [1000, 500, 250]) wdpd_wdir_multi = interplevel(wspd_wdir, p, [1000, 500, 250]) wspd_wdir_pblh = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(hts), pblh) wspd_wdir_pblh = interplevel(wspd_wdir, hts, pblh) if multi: wspd_wdir_pblh_2 = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(hts), pblh[0, :]) wspd_wdir_pblh_2 = interplevel(wspd_wdir, hts, pblh[0, :]) # Since PBLH doesn't change in this case, it should match # the 0 time from previous computation. Note that this # only works when the data has 1 time step that is repeated. # If you use a different case with multiple times, # this will probably fail. nt.assert_allclose(to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh_2[:, 0, :]), to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh[:, 0, :])) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh_2[:, -1, :]), to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh[:, 0, :])) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_cross", multi) ref_p_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "p_cross", multi) ref_ht_vertcross1 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross1", multi) ref_ht_vertcross2 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross2", multi) ref_ht_vertcross3 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross3", multi) hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) # Beginning in wrf-python 1.3, users can select number of levels. # Originally, for pressure, dz was 10, so let's back calculate # the number of levels. p_max = np.floor(np.amax(p) / 10) * 10 # bottom value p_min = np.ceil(np.amin(p) / 10) * 10 # top value p_autolevels = int((p_max - p_min) / 10) # Make sure the numpy versions work first ht_cross = vertcross(to_np(hts), to_np(p), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., autolevels=p_autolevels) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., autolevels=p_autolevels) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - ref_ht_cross) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise lats = hts.coords["XLAT"] lons = hts.coords["XLONG"] # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon # Only do this for the non-multi case, since the domain # might be moving if not multi: if lats.ndim > 2: # moving nest lats = lats[0, :] lons = lons[0, :] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) v1 = vertcross(hts, p, wrfin=wrfin, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) v2 = vertcross(hts, p, projection=hts.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(v1), to_np(v2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(v1) - to_np(v2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test opposite p_cross1 = vertcross(p, hts, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), ref_p_cross, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(p_cross1) - ref_p_cross) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, hts.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, hts.shape[-2] / 2) p_cross2 = vertcross(p, hts, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), to_np(p_cross2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(p_cross1) - to_np(p_cross2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Check the new vertcross routine pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross1), atol=.005) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross1)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise levels = [1000., 850., 700., 500., 250.] ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., levels=levels, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise idxs = (0, slice(None)) if lats.ndim > 2 else (slice(None), ) start_lat = np.amin( lats[idxs]) + .25 * (np.amax(lats[idxs]) - np.amin(lats[idxs])) end_lat = np.amin( lats[idxs]) + .65 * (np.amax(lats[idxs]) - np.amin(lats[idxs])) start_lon = np.amin( lons[idxs]) + .25 * (np.amax(lons[idxs]) - np.amin(lons[idxs])) end_lon = np.amin( lons[idxs]) + .65 * (np.amax(lons[idxs]) - np.amin(lons[idxs])) start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) ll_point = ll_points(lats[idxs], lons[idxs]) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, projection=hts.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, latlon=True, autolevels=1000) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross3), atol=.01) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross3)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise if multi: ntimes = hts.shape[0] for t in range(ntimes): hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=t) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=t) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=t, latlon=True, autolevels=1000) refname = "ht_vertcross_t{}".format(t) ref_ht_vertcross = _get_refvals(referent, refname, False) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross), atol=.01) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs( to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line", multi) ref_t2_line2 = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line2", multi) ref_t2_line3 = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line3", multi) t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] / 2, t2.shape[-2] / 2) # Make sure the numpy version works t2_line1 = interpline(to_np(t2), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) # Test the new NCL wrf_user_interplevel result try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line2) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line1) - ref_t2_line2) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon lats = t2.coords["XLAT"] lons = t2.coords["XLONG"] if multi: if lats.ndim > 2: # moving nest lats = lats[0, :] lons = lons[0, :] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) l1 = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) l2 = interpline(t2, projection=t2.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(l1), to_np(l2)) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(l1) - to_np(l2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, t2.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line2 = interpline(t2, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), to_np(t2_line2)) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line1) - t2_line2) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Now test the start/end with lat/lon points start_lat = float( np.amin(lats) + .25 * (np.amax(lats) - np.amin(lats))) end_lat = float( np.amin(lats) + .65 * (np.amax(lats) - np.amin(lats))) start_lon = float( np.amin(lons) + .25 * (np.amax(lons) - np.amin(lons))) end_lon = float( np.amin(lons) + .65 * (np.amax(lons) - np.amin(lons))) start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) t2_line3 = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=0, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line3), ref_t2_line3, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line3) - ref_t2_line3) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test all time steps if multi: refnc = NetCDF(referent) ntimes = t2.shape[0] for t in range(ntimes): t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=t) line = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=t, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) refname = "t2_line_t{}".format(t) refline = refnc.variables[refname][:] try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(line), to_np(refline), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(line) - refline) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise refnc.close() # Test NCLs single time case if not multi: refnc = NetCDF(referent) ref_t2_line4 = refnc.variables["t2_line4"][:] t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=0) line = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=0, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(line), to_np(ref_t2_line4), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(line) - ref_t2_line4) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise finally: refnc.close() elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta", multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(wrfin, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] # Make sure the numpy version works field = vinterp(wrfin, field=to_np(tk), vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 0 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to theta-e fld_tk_theta_e = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta_e", multi) fld_tk_theta_e = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta_e) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="theta-e", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta_e, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta_e) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to pressure fld_tk_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_pres", multi) fld_tk_pres = np.squeeze(fld_tk_pres) interp_levels = [850, 500] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to geoht_msl fld_tk_ght_msl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_msl", multi) fld_tk_ght_msl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_msl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_msl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_msl, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_msl) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to geoht_agl fld_tk_ght_agl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_agl", multi) fld_tk_ght_agl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_agl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_agl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_agl, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_agl) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Hgt to pressure fld_ht_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_ht_pres", multi) fld_ht_pres = np.squeeze(fld_ht_pres) z = getvar(wrfin, "height", timeidx=timeidx, units="m") interp_levels = [500, 50] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=z, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="ght", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_ht_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_ht_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Pressure to theta fld_pres_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_pres_theta", multi) fld_pres_theta = np.squeeze(fld_pres_theta) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=p, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="pressure", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_pres_theta, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_pres_theta) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Theta-e to pres fld_thetae_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_thetae_pres", multi) fld_thetae_pres = np.squeeze(fld_thetae_pres) eth = getvar(wrfin, "eth", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [850, 500, 5] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=eth, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="theta-e", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_thetae_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_thetae_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import get_cmap from matplotlib.colors import from_levels_and_colors from cartopy import crs from cartopy.feature import NaturalEarthFeature, COLORS from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import (getvar, to_np, get_cartopy, latlon_coords, vertcross, cartopy_xlim, cartopy_ylim, interpline, CoordPair) root_dir = '/data/mac/giyoung/MAC_WRFThompson/' nc = Dataset(root_dir + '2_Nisg80_ThompsonDefault/wrfout_d01_2015-11-27_00:00:00') # Define the cross section start and end points start_point = CoordPair(lat=-77.0, lon=-25.0) end_point = CoordPair(lat=-72.0, lon=-25.0) # Get the WRF variables ht = getvar(nc, "z", timeidx=-1) ter = getvar(nc, "ter", timeidx=-1) dbz = getvar(nc, "dbz", timeidx=-1) max_dbz = getvar(nc, "mdbz", timeidx=-1) Z = 10**(dbz / 10.) # Use linear Z for interpolation # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the # lat/lon points along the cross-section in the metadata by setting latlon # to True. z_cross = vertcross(Z, ht, wrfin=nc,
from cartopy.feature import NaturalEarthFeature from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import to_np, getvar, CoordPair, vertcross # Open the NetCDF file root_dir = '/data/mac/giyoung/MAC_WRFThompson/' nc = Dataset(root_dir + '2_Nisg80_ThompsonDefault/wrfout_d02_2015-11-27_00:00:00') # Extract the model height and wind speed z = getvar(nc, "z") wspd = getvar(nc, "uvmet_wspd_wdir", units="kt")[0, :] # Create the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=-74.0, lon=-27.0) end_point = CoordPair(lat=-75.0, lon=-27.0) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the # lat/lon points along the cross-section. wspd_cross = vertcross(wspd, z, wrfin=nc, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6.5)) ax = plt.axes()
# Necessary check because if non-WRF files are present in the directory, it will try to plot them and break if fnmatch.fnmatch(wrffile, '*[d]*'): print "Evaluating file " + wrffile ncfile = Dataset(wrffile) # Get the WRF variables slp = getvar(ncfile, "slp") smooth_slp = smooth2d(slp, 3) ctt = getvar(ncfile, "ctt") z = getvar(ncfile, "z") dbz = getvar(ncfile, "dbz") Z = 10**(dbz / 10.) wspd = getvar(ncfile, "wspd_wdir", units="m/s")[0, :] # Set the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=36.3134, lon=-82.3535) end_point = CoordPair(lat=35.9132, lon=-79.0558) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the lat/lon # points along the cross-section in the metadata by setting latlon to True. z_cross = vertcross(Z, z, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) wspd_cross = vertcross(wspd, z, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point,
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import get_cmap from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import to_np, getvar, CoordPair, vertcross # Open the NetCDF file ncfile = Dataset("H:/Output_scenarios/2100/ref/") # Extract the model height and wind speed z = getvar(ncfile, "z")[0:9] wspd = getvar(ncfile, "uvmet_wspd_wdir")[0:9] # Create the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=39, lon=-78.5) end_point = CoordPair(lat=39, lon=-75.7) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the # lat/lon points along the cross-section. wspd_cross = vertcross(wspd, z, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax = plt.axes() # Make the contour plot wspd_contours = ax.contourf(to_np(wspd_cross), cmap=get_cmap("jet")) # Add the color bar
def cross_section(variable_name, date, time, start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon, save=False): '''This function plots a vertical cross section of the chosen variable. Supported variables for plotting procedure are vertical_velocity, rh, omega, absolute_vorticity, theta_e and reflectivity.''' ### Predefine some variables ### # Define data filename data_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/data/casestudy_baden/' filename = '{}wrfout_d02_{}_{}:00'.format(data_dir, date, time) # Define save directory save_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/retrospective_part/' 'casestudy_baden/cross_section/' # Create the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) ### Start plotting procedure ### # Open NetCDF file ncfile = Dataset(filename) # Extract the model height, terrain height and variables ht = getvar(ncfile, 'z') / 1000 # change to km ter = getvar(ncfile, 'ter') / 1000 if variable_name == 'vertical_velocity': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'wa', units='kt') title_name = 'Vertical Velocity' colorbar_label = 'Vertical Velocity [$kn$]' variable_min = -2 variable_max = 2 elif variable_name == 'rh': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'rh') title_name = 'Relative Humidity' colorbar_label = 'Relative Humidity [$pct$]' variable_min = 0 variable_max = 100 elif variable_name == 'omega': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'omega') title_name = 'Vertical Motion (Omega)' colorbar_label = 'Omega [$Pa$ $s^-$$^1$]' variable_min = -5 variable_max = 5 elif variable_name == 'absolute_vorticity': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'avo') title_name = 'Absolute Vorticity' colorbar_label = 'Absolute Vorticity [$10^{-5}$' '$s^{-1}$]' variable_min = -50 variable_max = 100 elif variable_name == 'theta_e': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'theta_e') title_name = 'Theta-E' colorbar_label = 'Theta-E [$K$]' variable_min = 315 variable_max = 335 elif variable_name == 'reflectivity': variable = getvar(ncfile, 'dbz') #, timeidx=-1 title_name = 'Reflectivity' colorbar_label = 'Reflectivity [$dBZ$]' variable_min = 5 variable_max = 75 # Linear Z for interpolation Z = 10**(variable / 10) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation z_cross = vertcross(Z, ht, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) # Convert back after interpolation variable_cross = 10.0 * np.log10(z_cross) # Make a copy of the z cross data variable_cross_filled = # For each cross section column, find the first index with # non-missing values and copy these to the missing elements below for i in range(variable_cross_filled.shape[-1]): column_vals = variable_cross_filled[:, i] first_idx = int(np.transpose((column_vals > -200).nonzero())[0]) variable_cross_filled[0:first_idx, i] = variable_cross_filled[first_idx, i] ter_line = interpline(ter, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) # Get latitude and longitude points lats, lons = latlon_coords(variable) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = plt.axes() ys = to_np(variable_cross.coords['vertical']) xs = np.arange(0, variable_cross.shape[-1], 1) # Make contour plot if variable_name == 'reflectivity': levels = np.arange(variable_min, variable_max, 5) # Create the dbz color table found on NWS pages. dbz_rgb = np.array( [[4, 233, 231], [1, 159, 244], [3, 0, 244], [2, 253, 2], [1, 197, 1], [0, 142, 0], [253, 248, 2], [229, 188, 0], [253, 149, 0], [253, 0, 0], [212, 0, 0], [188, 0, 0], [248, 0, 253], [152, 84, 198]], np.float32) / 255.0 dbz_cmap, dbz_norm = from_levels_and_colors(levels, dbz_rgb, extend='max') else: levels = np.linspace(variable_min, variable_max, 11) if variable_name == 'omega' or variable_name == 'vertical_velocity': def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=100): new_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})'.format(, a=minval, b=maxval), cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n))) return new_cmap old_cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu') cmap = truncate_colormap(old_cmap, 0.05, 0.9) norm = colors.DivergingNorm(vmin=variable_min, vcenter=0, vmax=variable_max) else: cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette(20, start=.5, rot=-.75)) if variable_name == 'omega' or variable_name == 'vertical_velocity': variable_contours = ax.contourf(xs, ys, to_np(variable_cross_filled), levels=levels, cmap=cmap, extend='both', norm=norm) elif variable_name == 'rh': variable_contours = ax.contourf(xs, ys, to_np(variable_cross_filled), levels=levels, cmap=cmap, extend='max') elif variable_name == 'reflectivity': variable_contours = ax.contourf(xs, ys, to_np(variable_cross_filled), levels=levels, cmap=dbz_cmap, norm=dbz_norm, extend='both') else: variable_contours = ax.contourf(xs, ys, to_np(variable_cross_filled), levels=levels, cmap=cmap, extend='both') # Plot wind barbs if variable_name == 'vertical_velocity': u = getvar(ncfile, 'ua', units='kt') U = 10**(u / 10) u_cross = vertcross(U, ht, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) u_cross = 10.0 * np.log10(u_cross) u_cross_filled = for i in range(u_cross_filled.shape[-1]): column_vals = u_cross_filled[:, i] first_idx = int(np.transpose((column_vals > -200).nonzero())[0]) u_cross_filled[0:first_idx, i] = u_cross_filled[first_idx, i] ax.barbs(xs[::3], ys[::3], to_np(u_cross_filled[::3, ::3]), to_np(variable_cross_filled[::3, ::3]), length=7, zorder=1) if variable_name == 'omega': u = getvar(ncfile, 'ua', units='kt') U = 10**(u / 10) u_cross = vertcross(U, ht, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) u_cross = 10.0 * np.log10(u_cross) u_cross_filled = for i in range(u_cross_filled.shape[-1]): column_vals = u_cross_filled[:, i] first_idx = int(np.transpose((column_vals > -200).nonzero())[0]) u_cross_filled[0:first_idx, i] = u_cross_filled[first_idx, i] w = getvar(ncfile, 'wa', units='kt') W = 10**(w / 10) w_cross = vertcross(W, ht, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) w_cross = 10.0 * np.log10(w_cross) w_cross_filled = for i in range(w_cross_filled.shape[-1]): column_vals = w_cross_filled[:, i] first_idx = int(np.transpose((column_vals > -200).nonzero())[0]) w_cross_filled[0:first_idx, i] = w_cross_filled[first_idx, i] ax.barbs(xs[::3], ys[::3], to_np(u_cross_filled[::3, ::3]), to_np(w_cross_filled[::3, ::3]), length=7, zorder=1, color='grey') # Add color bar cbar = mpu.colorbar(variable_contours, ax, orientation='vertical', aspect=40, shrink=.05, pad=0.05) cbar.set_label(colorbar_label, fontsize=15) cbar.set_ticks(levels) # Set x-ticks to use latitude and longitude labels coord_pairs = to_np(variable_cross.coords['xy_loc']) x_ticks = np.arange(coord_pairs.shape[0]) x_labels = [ pair.latlon_str(fmt='{:.2f}, {:.2f}') for pair in to_np(coord_pairs) ] # Set desired number of x ticks below num_ticks = 5 thin = int((len(x_ticks) / num_ticks) + .5) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks[::thin]) ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels[::thin], rotation=45, fontsize=10) ax.set_xlim(x_ticks[0], x_ticks[-1]) # Set y-ticks and limit the height ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 12, 13)) ax.set_ylim(0, 12) # Set x-axis and y-axis labels ax.set_xlabel('Latitude, Longitude', fontsize=12.5) ax.set_ylabel('Height [$km$]', fontsize=12.5) # Fill in mountian area ht_fill = ax.fill_between(xs, 0, to_np(ter_line), facecolor='saddlebrown', zorder=2) # Make nicetime xr_file = xr.open_dataset(filename) nicetime = pd.to_datetime(xr_file.QVAPOR.isel(Time=0).XTIME.values) # Add title ax.set_title('Vertical Cross-Section of {}'.format(title_name), fontsize=20, loc='left') ax.set_title('Valid time: {} {}'.format( nicetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'UTC'), fontsize=15, loc='right') # Add grid for y axis ax.grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', color='grey') ### Save figure ### if save == True: fig.savefig('{}cross_section_{}.png'.format(save_dir, variable_name), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
def lagranto_plotting(traj_variable_name, start_time, end_time, trajs_bunch_level='all', subset=False, save=False): '''This function plots the chosen variables for the trajectories calculated with Lagranto. Supported variables for plotting procedure are water_vapor, updraft and height.''' ### Predefine some variables ### traj_data_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/retrospective_part/lagranto/' 'traj_baden_10000_every1000_area_1200.ll' save_dir = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/retrospective_part' '/casestudy_baden/lagranto/' start_locations = 'area' # distinction between single and multiple # starting points of trajectories number_trajs_plot = 1 # Location of Initiation lat = 47.25 lon = 7.85 initiation = CoordPair(lat, lon) # Change extent of plot subset_extent = [7, 9, 47, 48] # Variables for getting PBL height of WRF model data date = '2018-05-30' time = '16:10' wrf_filename = '/scratch3/thomasl/work/data/casestudy_baden/' 'wrfout_d02_{}_{}:00'.format( date, time) # Variables: if traj_variable_name == 'water_vapor': traj_variable_name = 'QVAPOR' title_name = 'Trajectories of Water Vapor' colorbar_label_trajs = 'Water Vapor Mixing Ratio [$g$ $kg^{-1}$]' save_name = 'trajectory_water_vapor_{}_{}'.format(start_time, end_time) traj_variable_min = 0 traj_variable_max = 15 elif traj_variable_name == 'updraft': traj_variable_name = 'W_UP_MAX' title_name = 'Trajectories of Updraft' colorbar_label_trajs = 'Max Z-Wind Updraft [$m$ $s^-$$^1$]' save_name = 'trajectory_updraft_{}_{}'.format(start_time, end_time) traj_variable_min = 0 traj_variable_max = 10 elif traj_variable_name == 'height': traj_variable_name = 'z' title_name = 'Height of Trajectories' colorbar_label_trajs = 'Height of Trajectories [$m$]' save_name = 'trajectory_height_{}_{}'.format(start_time, end_time) traj_variable_min = 0 traj_variable_max = 10000 ### Plotting procedure ### trajs = Tra() trajs.load_ascii(traj_data_dir) # Get PBL out of WRF model data ncfile = Dataset(wrf_filename) wrf_file = xr.open_dataset(wrf_filename) data = wrf_file.PBLH location = ll_to_xy(ncfile, lat, lon) data_point = data.sel(west_east=location[0], south_north=location[1]) pbl = data_point.values # Separate trajectories in 3 vertical bunches # Trajectories of pbl (according to pbl height of WRF model data) trajspbl = [] for t in trajs: if (t['z'][0] <= pbl): trajspbl.append(t) # Trajectories between pbl and 5000 m trajs5 = [] for t in trajs: if (t['z'][0] > pbl and t['z'][0] < 5000): trajs5.append(t) # Trajectories between 5000 m and 10000 m trajs10 = [] for t in trajs: if (t['z'][0] > 5000 and t['z'][0] <= 10000): trajs10.append(t) if trajs_bunch_level == 'pbl': trajs_bunch = trajspbl elif trajs_bunch_level == '5': trajs_bunch = trajs5 elif trajs_bunch_level == '10': trajs_bunch = trajs10 elif trajs_bunch_level == 'all': trajs_bunch = trajs # Get terrain height terrain_height = getvar(ncfile, 'HGT') / 1000 # change to km # Define cart projection lats, lons = latlon_coords(terrain_height) cart_proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=8.722206, central_latitude=46.73585) # Create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) ### Set map extent ### domain_extent = [3.701088, 13.814863, 43.85472, 49.49499] if subset == True: ax.set_extent([ subset_extent[0], subset_extent[1], subset_extent[2], subset_extent[3] ], ccrs.PlateCarree()) else: ax.set_extent([ domain_extent[0] + 0.7, domain_extent[1] - 0.7, domain_extent[2] + 0.1, domain_extent[3] - 0.1 ], ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Plot trajectories levels_trajs = np.linspace(traj_variable_min, traj_variable_max, 11) rounded_levels_trajs = [round(elem, 1) for elem in levels_trajs] cmap = ListedColormap(sns.cubehelix_palette( 10, start=.5, rot=-.75, )) plt_trajs = plot_trajs(ax, trajs_bunch[0::number_trajs_plot], traj_variable_name, linewidth=2, levels=rounded_levels_trajs, cmap=cmap) # Plot the terrain height with colorbar levels = np.linspace(0, 4, 21) terrain = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(terrain_height), levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=get_cmap('Greys'), alpha=0.75) cbar = mpu.colorbar(terrain, ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=40, shrink=.05, pad=0.075) cbar.set_label('Terrain Height [$km$]', fontsize=15) cbar.set_ticks(levels) # Make only every second color bar tick label visible for label in[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) # Add color bar for trajectory variable if traj_variable_name == 'QVAPOR': extend = 'both' else: extend = 'max' cbar_trajs = mpu.colorbar(plt_trajs, ax, orientation='vertical', aspect=40, shrink=.05, pad=0.05, extend=extend) cbar_trajs.set_label(colorbar_label_trajs, fontsize=15) cbar_trajs.set_ticks(rounded_levels_trajs) # Add borders and coastlines ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS.with_scale('10m'), linewidth=0.8) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE.with_scale('10m'), linewidth=0.8) # Add cross for initiation location for t in trajs: ax.plot(t['lon'][0], t['lat'][0], 'kx', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add gridlines lon = np.arange(0, 20, 1) lat = np.arange(40, 60, 1) gl = ax.gridlines(xlocs=lon, ylocs=lat, zorder=3) # Add tick labels mpu.yticklabels(lat, ax=ax, fontsize=12.5) mpu.xticklabels(lon, ax=ax, fontsize=12.5) # Set title ax.set_title(title_name, loc='left', fontsize=20) ax.set_title('Time Range: {} - {} UTC'.format(start_time, end_time), loc='right', fontsize=15) ### Save figure ### if save == True: if subset == True: if trajs_bunch_level == 'all': fig.savefig('{}{}_subset_{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, start_locations), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) else: fig.savefig('{}{}_subset_{}_{}.png'.format( save_dir, save_name, trajs_bunch_level, start_locations), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) else: if trajs_bunch_level == 'all': fig.savefig('{}{}_{}.png'.format(save_dir, save_name, start_locations), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) else: fig.savefig('{}{}_{}_{}.png'.format(save_dir, save_name, trajs_bunch_level, start_locations), bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
ncfile = nc.Dataset('D:\\wrf_simulation\\final\\wrfout_d03_2016-07-21_12') time = 126 ua = getvar(ncfile, 'ua', timeidx=time) va = getvar(ncfile, 'va', timeidx=time) wa = getvar(ncfile, 'wa', timeidx=time) wa = wa * 10 p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure', timeidx=time) lat = getvar(ncfile, 'lat') lon = getvar(ncfile, 'lon') height = getvar(ncfile, 'height') hgt = getvar(ncfile, 'HGT') height2earth = height - hgt start_lat, start_lon = 31.2, 121.0 end_lat, end_lon = 31.2, 122.0 startpoint = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) endpoint = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) ua_vert = vertcross(ua, p, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=startpoint, end_point=endpoint, latlon=True) va_vert = vertcross(va, p, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=startpoint, end_point=endpoint, latlon=True) wa_vert = vertcross(wa, p,
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot from import get_cmap from matplotlib.colors import from_levels_and_colors from cartopy import crs from cartopy.feature import NaturalEarthFeature, COLORS from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import (getvar, to_np, ll_to_xy, get_cartopy, latlon_coords, vertcross, cartopy_xlim, cartopy_ylim, interpline, CoordPair) wrf_file = Dataset("wrfout_d04_2020-06-02_09:00:00") # Define the cross section start and end points cross_start = CoordPair(lat=66.983306, lon = -136.45) cross_end = CoordPair(lat=66.983306, lon = -135.7) road1 = CoordPair(lat=66.983306, lon = -136.215596) road2 = CoordPair(lat=66.983, lon = -136.21666666) # Get the WRF variables ht = getvar(wrf_file, "z", timeidx=-1) ter = getvar(wrf_file, "ter", timeidx=-1) wind = getvar(wrf_file, "wspd_wdir",timeidx=-1)[0,:] theta = getvar(wrf_file, "th", timeidx=-1) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the # lat/lon points along the cross-section in the metadata by setting latlon # to True. wind_cross = vertcross(wind, ht, wrfin=wrf_file, start_point=cross_start, end_point=cross_end, latlon=True, meta=True)
tc = tc1 - tc2 #file1 = open("C:/Users/Yating/Desktop/output/output_gr100.txt","w")#write mode #for i in range(tc.shape[0]): # for j in range(tc.shape[1]): # for k in range(tc.shape[2]): # if landmask[j,k]!=0 and landuse[j,k]>21 and landuse[j,k]<26: # file1.write(np.array2string(tc[i,j,k])) # file1.write("\n") #file1.close() # Create the start point and end point for the cross section #start_point = CoordPair(lat=39, lon=-78.5) #end_point = CoordPair(lat=39, lon=-75.7) start_point = CoordPair(lat=38.9, lon=-77.4) end_point = CoordPair(lat=38.9, lon=-76.8) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the # lat/lon points along the cross-section. wspd_cross = vertcross(tc, z, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) # Create the figure #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,4)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 4))
def test(self): try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF except: pass try: from PyNIO import Nio except: pass if not multi: timeidx = 0 if not pynio: in_wrfnc = NetCDF(wrf_in) else: # Note: Python doesn't like it if you reassign an outer scoped # variable (wrf_in in this case) if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in in_wrfnc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) else: timeidx = None if not pynio: nc = NetCDF(wrf_in) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] else: if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in nc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z_500", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) hts_500 = interplevel(hts, p, 500) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht_500) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_cross", repeat, multi) ref_p_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "p_cross", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, rtol=.01) # Test opposite p_cross1 = vertcross(p, hts, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), ref_p_cross, rtol=.01) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, hts.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, hts.shape[-2] / 2) p_cross2 = vertcross(p, hts, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), to_np(p_cross2)) elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line", repeat, multi) t2 = getvar(in_wrfnc, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] / 2, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, t2.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line2 = interpline(t2, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), to_np(t2_line2)) elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(in_wrfnc, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 5 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta, tol, atol) # Tk to theta-e fld_tk_theta_e = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta_e", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta_e = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta_e) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta-e", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 3 / 100. atol = 50.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta_e)/fld_tk_theta_e)*100) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta_e, tol, atol) # Tk to pressure fld_tk_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_pres", repeat, multi) fld_tk_pres = np.squeeze(fld_tk_pres) interp_levels = [850, 500] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_pres, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_msl fld_tk_ght_msl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_msl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_msl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_msl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_msl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_msl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_msl, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_agl fld_tk_ght_agl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_agl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_agl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_agl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_agl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_agl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_agl, tol, atol) # Hgt to pressure fld_ht_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_ht_pres", repeat, multi) fld_ht_pres = np.squeeze(fld_ht_pres) z = getvar(in_wrfnc, "height", timeidx=timeidx, units="m") interp_levels = [500, 50] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=z, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="ght", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_ht_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_ht_pres, tol, atol) # Pressure to theta fld_pres_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_pres_theta", repeat, multi) fld_pres_theta = np.squeeze(fld_pres_theta) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=p, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="pressure", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_pres_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_pres_theta, tol, atol) # Theta-e to pres fld_thetae_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_thetae_pres", repeat, multi) fld_thetae_pres = np.squeeze(fld_thetae_pres) eth = getvar(in_wrfnc, "eth", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [850, 500, 5] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=eth, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="theta-e", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_thetae_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_thetae_pres, tol, atol)
file3 = '' mrg = ds[toinclude].to_netcdf(file3) # Read in the data and extract variables wrfin = Dataset(('')) z = getvar(wrfin, "z") qv = getvar(wrfin, "QVAPOR") # Pull lat/lon coords from QVAPOR data using wrf-python tools lats, lons = latlon_coords(qv) ############################################################################### # Create vertical cross section using wrf-python tools # Define start and stop coordinates for cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=38, lon=-118) end_point = CoordPair(lat=40, lon=-115) qv_cross = vertcross(qv, z, wrfin=wrfin, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) # Close 'wrfin' to prevent PermissionError if code is run more than once locally wrfin.close() # Remove created wrfout file from local directory os.remove('') ###############################################################################
end_i, end_j = find_ind_latlon2d(lat, end_lat, lon, end_lon) print(start_i, start_j) print(lat[start_i, start_j], lon[start_i, start_j]) print(end_i, end_j) print(lat[end_i, end_j], lon[end_i, end_j]) start = (start_j, start_i) end = (end_j, end_i) ## 2. Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation xy = xy(PS, start_point=start, end_point=end) rh_cross = interp2dxy(RH, xy, meta=False) print(np.nanmin(rh_cross), np.nanmax(rh_cross)) ## 3. Interpolate LAT-LON along the cross section and build LAT-LON pairs (to put them on the X-axis in the final plot) lat_interp = interpline(lat, start_point=CoordPair(x=start_j, y=start_i), end_point=CoordPair(x=end_j, y=end_i), latlon=True, meta=False) lon_interp = interpline(lon, start_point=CoordPair(x=start_j, y=start_i), end_point=CoordPair(x=end_j, y=end_i), latlon=False, meta=False) latlon_pairs = np.dstack((lat_interp, lon_interp)) ps_interp = interpline(PS, start_point=CoordPair(x=start_j, y=start_i), end_point=CoordPair(x=end_j, y=end_i), latlon=False, meta=False) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import get_cmap import as crs from cartopy.feature import NaturalEarthFeature from netCDF4 import Dataset from wrf import to_np, getvar, CoordPair, vertcross z = getvar(ncfile, "z") wspd = getvar(ncfile, "uvmet_wspd_wdir", units="kt")[0, :] # Create the start point and end point for the cross section start_point = CoordPair(lat=26.76, lon=-80.0) end_point = CoordPair(lat=26.76, lon=-77.8) # Compute the vertical cross-section interpolation. Also, include the lat/lon # points along the cross-section. wspd_cross = vertcross(wspd, z, wrfin=ncfile, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True, meta=True) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = plt.axes()