def test_job_hydro_namelist(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "channel_option": 2, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'channel_option': 2, 'rst_dt': 1260, 'out_dt': 1260 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } }
def job(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') assert job.model_start_time == Timestamp('1984-10-14 00:00:00') assert job.model_end_time == Timestamp('2017-01-04 00:00:00') assert job.hydro_times == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } } assert job.hrldas_times == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'kday': 11770, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } }
def job(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='./wrf_hydro.exe', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') return job
def test_job_hrldas_namelist(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }
def test_job_restart_file_times(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=True, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None } }) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': 'HYDRO_RST.1984-10-14_00:00_DOMAIN1' }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': '' } } assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 11770, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': './RESTART.1984101400_DOMAIN1' } }
def test_schedulers_pbs_schedule(scheduler_regular,capfd): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') try: scheduler_regular.schedule([job, job]) out, err = capfd.readouterr() print(out) except: out, err = capfd.readouterr() pass assert out == '/bin/bash -c "job_test_job_1=`qsub -h job_test_job_1/job_test_job_1.pbs`;' \ 'job_test_job_1=`qsub -W depend=afterok:$job_test_job_1 ' \ 'job_test_job_1/job_test_job_1.pbs`;qrls \$job_test_job_1;"\n'
def test_schedulers_pbs_writescript(scheduler_regular): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') scheduler_regular._write_job_pbs([job, job]) script_path = job.job_dir.joinpath('job_' + job.job_id + '.pbs') with'r') as f: job_script = expected_script = '#!/bin/sh\n' \ '#PBS -N test_job_1\n' \ '#PBS -A fake_acct\n' \ '#PBS -q regular\n' \ '#PBS -M elmo\n' \ '#PBS -m abe\n' \ '\n' \ '#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00\n' \ '\n' \ '#PBS -l select=6:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36\n' \ '\n' \ '# Not using PBS standard error and out files to capture model output\n' \ '# but these files might catch output and errors from the scheduler.\n' \ '#PBS -o job_test_job_1\n' \ '#PBS -e job_test_job_1\n' \ '\n' \ '# CISL suggests users set TMPDIR when running batch jobs on Cheyenne.\n' \ 'export TMPDIR=/glade/scratch/$USER/temp\n' \ 'mkdir -p $TMPDIR\n' \ '\n' \ '/Volumes/d1/jmills/miniconda3/bin/python --job_id test_job_1\n' \ 'exit $?\n' # Only comparing the first 400 lines because the last lines vary according to system assert job_script[0:400] == expected_script[0:400]
def test_job_init(): job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') assert job.model_start_time == Timestamp('1984-10-14 00:00:00') assert job.model_end_time == Timestamp('2017-01-04 00:00:00') # The restart/output frequencies are none since no namelist file is supplied. assert job.hydro_times == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'rst_dt': None, 'out_dt': None }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None }, } assert job.hrldas_times == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': None, 'output_timestep': None, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } }
def test_job_restart_negative(): # Test that setting restart_freq_hr to negative sets the value # to -99999 for both hydro and hrldas job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', output_freq_hr=1, restart_freq_hr=-1, restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') # Set the namelists hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "channel_option": 2, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) # Apply the namelists to the job job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) # Check the results (should be 1 hour for both). assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'channel_option': 2, 'rst_dt': -99999, 'out_dt': 60 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } } assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': -99999, 'output_timestep': 3600, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } }
def test_job_output_restart_freqs(): # Test that setting output_freq_hr and restart_freq_hr changes the # value specified in the namelist. job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', output_freq_hr=1, restart_freq_hr=1, restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') # Set the namelists hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "channel_option": 2, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) # Apply the namelists to the job job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) # Check the results (should be 1 hour for both). assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'channel_option': 2, 'rst_dt': 60, 'out_dt': 60 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } } assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': 1, 'output_timestep': 3600, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } } # Now check that NOT specifying output_freq_hr and restart_freq_hr # does NOT change what is in the namelist. job = Job( job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', #output_freq_hr=1, #restart_freq_hr=1, restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') # Use the same namelists as before/above. # Apply the namelists to the job job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) # Check the results (should be what's in the namelist for both). assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'channel_option': 2, 'rst_dt': 1260, 'out_dt': 1260 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } } assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } } # Note: not testing if neither the namelist nor the Job specify # the restart/output frequencies. # Test if the alternative keywords set the namelists. job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', output_freq_hr=None, output_freq_hr_hydro=2, restart_freq_hr=None, restart_freq_hr_hrldas=4, restart=False, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') # Set the namelists hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "channel_option": 2, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) # Apply the namelists to the job job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) # Check the results (should be 1 hour for both). assert job.hydro_namelist == { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': None, 'channel_option': 2, 'rst_dt': 1260, 'out_dt': 120 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': None } } assert job.hrldas_namelist == { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': 4, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': None } }
def test_job_run_coldstart(tmpdir): os.chdir(tmpdir) job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=False, exe_cmd='echo "bogus exe cmd"', entry_cmd='echo "bogus entry cmd"', exit_cmd='echo "bogus exit cmd"') hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 75600, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) job._make_job_dir() job._write_namelists() job._write_run_script() try: job._run() except: pass assert job.exit_status == 1 assert job._proc_log.returncode == 0 actual_files = list(job.job_dir.glob('*')) expected_files = [ pathlib.Path('job_test_job_1/WrfHydroJob_prerun.pkl'), pathlib.Path('job_test_job_1/WrfHydroJob_postrun.pkl'), pathlib.Path('job_test_job_1/hydro.namelist'), pathlib.Path('job_test_job_1/namelist.hrldas') ] for file in actual_files: assert file in expected_files
def test_job_restart_file_times(): # Test adding namelists to a job. job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=True, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') hydro_namelist = Namelist({ 'hydro_nlist': { "restart_file": None, "out_dt": 1260, "rst_dt": 1260 }, "nudging_nlist": { "nudginglastobsfile": None } }) answer_hydro_namelist = { 'hydro_nlist': { 'restart_file': 'HYDRO_RST.1984-10-14_00:00_DOMAIN1', 'rst_dt': 1260, 'out_dt': 1260 }, 'nudging_nlist': { 'nudginglastobsfile': '' } } hrldas_namelist = Namelist({ 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'kday': 1, 'khour': None, 'start_year': 1900, 'start_month': 1, 'start_day': 1, 'start_hour': 1, 'start_min': 1, 'restart_filename_requested': None, 'output_timestep': 86400, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21 } }) answer_hrldas_namelist = { 'noahlsm_offline': { 'btr_option': 1, 'khour': 282480, 'restart_frequency_hours': 21, 'output_timestep': 86400, 'start_year': 1984, 'start_month': 10, 'start_day': 14, 'start_hour': 0, 'start_min': 0, 'restart_filename_requested': 'RESTART.1984101400_DOMAIN1' } } # Add the namelists. job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) assert job.hydro_namelist == answer_hydro_namelist assert job.hrldas_namelist == answer_hrldas_namelist # Now do it with separate and different restart_file times. job = Job(job_id='test_job_1', model_start_time='1984-10-14', model_end_time='2017-01-04', restart=True, restart_file_time={ 'hydro': '1999-12-31', 'hrldas': '2000-01-01' }, exe_cmd='bogus exe cmd', entry_cmd='bogus entry cmd', exit_cmd='bogus exit cmd') answer_hydro_namelist['hydro_nlist']['restart_file'] = \ 'HYDRO_RST.1999-12-31_00:00_DOMAIN1' answer_hydro_namelist['nudging_nlist']['nudginglastobsfile'] = \ '' answer_hrldas_namelist['noahlsm_offline']['restart_filename_requested'] = \ 'RESTART.2000010100_DOMAIN1' job._add_hydro_namelist(hydro_namelist) job._add_hrldas_namelist(hrldas_namelist) assert job.hydro_namelist == answer_hydro_namelist assert job.hrldas_namelist == answer_hrldas_namelist