def speak(text, check): write.make('r' + text) if check == 7: tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='ko') filename = 'music/data.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('music/data.mp3') if check == 3: tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='ko') filename = 'music/data.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('music/data.mp3') if check == 1:"" + text) tts = gTTS(text=text + "를 찾습니다", lang='ko') filename = 'music/data.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('music/data.mp3') if check == 2: webbrowser.open_new("" + text) tts = gTTS(text="새 창으로 " + text + "를 찾습니다", lang='ko') filename = 'music/data.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('music/data.mp3') if check == 0: tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='ko') filename = 'music/data.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('music/data.mp3') print(text)
def do2(): while True: r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: tts = gTTS(text='다시 한 번 말씀해주세요.', lang='ko') write.make('r' + '다시 한 번 말씀해주세요.') filename = 'data1.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('data1.mp3') print("Please say what you have me do again") audio = r.listen(source) try: data = r.recognize_google(audio, language='ko') if data != "" and data != None: return data except sr.UnknownValueError: playsound.playsound('music/error1.mp3') except sr.RequestError as e: playsound.playsound('music/error2.mp3')
def talk_ko(ok): translator = Translator() r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: if ok == 0: tts = gTTS(text='번역할 내용을 한국어로 알려주세요', lang='ko') write.make('r' + '번역할 내용을 한국어로 알려주세요') filename = 'data1.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('data1.mp3') print("Please say what you want to translate into English") audio = r.listen(source) try: data = r.recognize_google(audio, language='ko') if data == "" or data == None: data = do2() write.make('m' + data) data = translator.translate(data, dest="en").text return data except sr.UnknownValueError: data = do2() data = translator.translate(data, dest="en").text write.make('m' + data) return data except sr.RequestError as e: playsound.playsound('music/error2.mp3')
def do(ok): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: if ok == 0: tts = gTTS(text='시킬 것을 말씀해주세요.', lang='ko') write.make('r' + '시킬 것을 말씀해주세요.') filename = 'data1.mp3' playsound.playsound(filename) os.remove('data1.mp3') print("Please say what you have me do") audio = r.listen(source) try: data = r.recognize_google(audio, language='ko') if data == "" or data == None: data = do2() return data except sr.UnknownValueError: data = do2() return data except sr.RequestError as e: playsound.playsound('music/error2.mp3')
audio = r.listen(source) try: data = r.recognize_google(audio, language='ko') print(data) if '자비스' in data and name2(data) != '': print(name2(data)) playsound.playsound('music/startmusic.wav') gg,hh,driver,kk= check.check(name2(data),hh,driver) playsound.playsound('music/endmusic.wav') elif data == '자비스': playsound.playsound('music/startmusic.wav') data1 = do(0) gg,hh,driver,kk = check.check(data1,hh,driver) print(data1) playsound.playsound('music/endmusic.wav') write.make('m' + data1) write.make('m' + data) if gg == 0: break t = threading.Thread(target=youtube.loop_skip, args=(driver, )) t.start() try: if '멈춰' in name2(data): sys.exit("") except NameError: try: if '멈춰' in data1: sys.exit("") except NameError: pass except sr.UnknownValueError:
def check(N, hh, driver): global subtitle_check global video_check if N == None: N = main.do2() else: write.make('m' + N) if '아니' in N or '다시' in N or '아 맞다' in N or '됐어' in N: playsound.playsound('music/cancel.mp3') speak('나중에 다시 불러주세요', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '영어로' in N and '번역' in N: speak(main.talk_ko(0), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '번역' in N: speak(main.talk_en(0), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '붙여' in N and ('놓기' in N or '넣기' in N): speak(str(clipboard.paste()) + ' 을 붙여놓겠습니다', 0) pyautogui.write(clipboard.paste()) print(clipboard.paste()) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '계산기' in N and ('실행' in N or '켜' in N or '틀어' in N or '열어' in N): playsound.playsound('music/open program.wav') speak('계산기를 실행시킵니다', 0) t2 = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(2, )) t2.start() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '계산기' in N and ('꺼' in N or '종료' in N or '멈춰' in N): speak('계산기를 끕니다.', 0) playsound.playsound('music/click.mp3') os.system('taskkill.exe /f /im calculator.exe') t2.stop() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '메모장' in N and ('실핼' in N or '켜' in N or '틀어' in N or '열어' in N): playsound.playsound('music/open program.wav') speak('메모장을 실행시킵니다', 0) t1 = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(1, )) t1.start() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '메모장' in N and ('꺼' in N or '종료' in N or '멈춰' in N): speak('메모장을 끕니다.', 0) playsound.playsound('music/click.mp3') os.system('taskkill.exe /f /im notepad.exe') tl.stop() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '날짜' in N: tm = time.localtime() speak( str(tm.tm_year) + "년 " + str(tm.tm_mon) + "월 " + str(tm.tm_mday) + "입 입니다", 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '시간' in N: tm = time.localtime() speak( str(tm.tm_hour) + "시 " + str(tm.tm_min) + "분 " + str(tm.tm_sec) + "초 입니다", 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '모레' in N and '날씨' in N: speak('모레'), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '내일' in N and '날씨' in N: speak('내일'), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '날씨' in N: speak('오늘'), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('스크린샷' in N or '캡처' in N or '스샷' in N) and ('보여' in N or '확인' in N or '체크' in N): speak('스크린샷한 것을 보여드립니다.', 0) im ='image/imagedata.png') return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('스크린샷' in N and '찍어' in N) or '스샷' in N or '캡처' in N: speak('스크린샷을 찍습니다,', 0) playsound.playsound('music/camera.mp3') pyautogui.screenshot('image/imagedata.png') return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '컴퓨터' in N and ('확인' in N or '체크' in N): speak( 'cpu을 ' + str(psutil.cpu_percent()) + '퍼센트 사용 중입니다' + ' 그리고 메모리는 ' + str(psutil.virtual_memory().percent) + '퍼센트 사용 중입니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('cpu' in N or '중앙처리장치' in N or 'CPU' in N) and ('찾아' in N or '알려' in N or '검색' in N): speak(cpu_check.main(main.cpu_name(0)), 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('다음' in N or '앞' in N or '다시' in N) and ('영상' in N) and ('찾아' in N or '틀어' in N or '켜' in N): speak('다음 영상을 재생합니다', 0) element = driver.find_element_by_id('movie_player') element.send_keys(Keys.SHIFT, "n") return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('자막' in N) and ('켜' in N or '보여' in N or '틀어' in N or '확인' in N): try: data_test = driver.find_element_by_class_name('captions-text') speak('이미 자막이 켜져있습니다', 0) subtitle_check = 1 except: speak('자막을 킵니다', 0) subtitle_check = 1 element = driver.find_element_by_id('movie_player') element.send_keys("c") return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('자막' in N) and ('꺼' in N or '없애' in N or '사라' in N): try: data_test = driver.find_element_by_class_name('captions-text') speak('자막을 끕니다', 0) element = driver.find_element_by_id('movie_player') element.send_keys("c") subtitle_check = 0 except: speak('이미 자막이 꺼져있습니다', 0) subtitle_check = 0 return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('다음' in N or '앞' in N or '다시' in N): speak('앞으로 갑니다', 0) driver.forward() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('이전' in N or '그전' in N or '뒤' in N): speak('이전 영상을 재생합니다', 0) driver.back() return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '제목' in N and ('재생' in N or '틀어' in N or '켜' in N) and '유튜브' in N: if hh == 0: driver = webdriver.Chrome('chromedriver.exe') playsound.playsound('music/insert.wav') youtube.getTitles(name1(N), driver, 0) return 1, 1, driver, 0 elif ('재생' in N or '틀어' in N or '켜' in N) and '유튜브' in N: if hh == 0: driver = webdriver.Chrome('chromedriver.exe') playsound.playsound('music/insert.wav') youtube.getTitles(name1(N), driver, 2) return 1, 1, driver, 0 elif ('영상' in N or '노래' in N or '음악' in N) and ('켜' in N or '틀어' in N or '재생' in N): stoporstart(driver) print("check1", video_check) if video_check == 0: speak('영상을 재생합니다', 0) element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '''//*[@id="movie_player"]''') driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element) elif video_check == 1: speak('이미 영상이 재생되고 있습니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('영상' in N or '노래' in N or '음악' in N) and ('꺼' in N or '멈춰' in N or '일시정지' in N or '일시 정지' in N or '일시중지' in N or '일시 중지' in N): stoporstart(driver) if video_check == 1: speak('영상을 일시정지합니다', 0) element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '''//*[@id="movie_player"]''') driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element) elif video_check == 0: speak('이미 영상이 일시정지되어있습니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('찾아' in N or '검색' in N) and '유튜브' in N: if hh == 0: driver = webdriver.Chrome('chromedriver.exe') playsound.playsound('music/insert.wav') youtube.getTitles(name1(N), driver, 1) return 1, 1, driver, 0 elif ('찾아' in N or '틀어' in N or '켜' in N or '검색' in N) and ('새창' in N or '새 창' in N or '세 창' in N or '세창' in N): playsound.playsound('music/insert.wav') speak(name(N), 2) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '찾아' in N or '틀어' in N or '켜' in N or '검색' in N: playsound.playsound('music/insert.wav') speak(name(N), 1) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('음악' in N or '노래' in N or '소리' in N) and ('줄여' in N or '내려' in N): speak('소리를 줄입니다', 0) user = ctypes.windll.user32 HEX = 0xAE user.keybd_event(HEX, 0, 1, 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('음악' in N or '노래' in N or '소리' in N) and ('올려' in N or '키워' in N): speak('소리를 올립니다', 0) user = ctypes.windll.user32 HEX = 0xAF user.keybd_event(HEX, 0, 1, 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('화면' in N or '모니터' in N) and '밝기' in N and ('올려' in N or '키워' in N): speak('화면 밝기를 올립니다', 7) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'shift', 'fn', 'alt', 'o') return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('화면' in N or '모니터' in N) and '밝기' in N and ('줄여' in N or '내려' in N): speak('화면 밝기를 줄입니다', 7) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'shift', 'fn', 'alt', 'p') return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '컴퓨터' in N and ('bit' in N or '비트' in N) and ('알려' in N or '뭐' in N or '확인' in N or '체크' in N): speak(str(platform.machine())[3:] + '.비트 입니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '컴퓨터' in N and ('os' in N or '운영체제' in N or 'operating system' in N) and ('확인' in N or '알려' in N or '뭐' in N or '확인' in N): speak(str(platform.system()) + '입니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif '컴퓨터' in N and ('cpu' in N or '중앙처리장치' in N or 'CPU' in N) and '코어' in N and '수' in N and ( '확인' in N or '알려' in N or '뭐' in N or '확인' in N): speak(str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) + '입니다', 0) return 1, hh, driver, 0 elif ('크롬' in N or 'chrome' in N or '웹사이트' in N or '유튜브' in N) and ('멈춰' in N or '꺼' in N): if subtitle_check == 1: element = driver.find_element_by_id('movie_player') element.send_keys("c") subtitle_check = 0 print("check", hh) if hh == 0: try: driver.quit() speak('넵 노래를 멈추겠습니다.', 0) playsound.playsound('music/remove.wav') except: speak('이미 꺼져있습니다.', 0) else: speak('노래가 재생되고 있지 않습니다.', 0) return 1, 0, driver, 0 elif '멈춰' in N: if subtitle_check == 1: element = driver.find_element_by_id('movie_player') element.send_keys("c") subtitle_check = 0 speak('네 알겠습니다', 0) playsound.playsound('music/remove.wav') try: driver.quit() sys.exit("") except: pass return 0, hh, driver, 0 else: speak("명령 리스트에 없습니다", 0) main.do1(hh, driver) return 1, hh, driver, 1