def init_agents(): global agents, nAgents, square, circle, avgInput, \ nAgentsWht, nAgentsBlk, nAgentsOth, avgInput totInput = 0. ## for each agent for agtId in range(nAgents): # writelog.write("agtId = %d\n"%agtId) newAgent = init_agent(agtId) # Append to agents list agents.append(newAgent) totInput += newAgent['iVal'] avgInput = totInput/float(nAgents) # Service provider square and 2 sigma range square = plt.Rectangle((axes.provXOrg, axes.provYOrg), axes.provSize, axes.provSize, fc=(0,1,0), ec='k') # Dist feature sigma radius dashed circle circle = plt.Circle((axes.provXOrg, axes.provYOrg), radius=rSigma, ec='r', fc='none', linestyle='dashed', visible=axes.checkDist)
def printSched(): for indx, entry in enumerate(schedList): outStr=StringIO.StringIO() outStr.write(' %3d: ['%entry[0]) # outStr.write(' %3d: %s ['%(entry[0], ststr)) # Duplicate line? for tr in range(1,standardSched+1): if entry[tr] == None: outStr.write(' ~ ') else: outStr.write('%4.2f '%entry[tr]) outStr.write(']\n') writelog.write(outStr.getvalue()) outStr.close()
def printSched(schedList): for indx, entry in enumerate(schedList): outStr=StringIO.StringIO() outStr.write(' %3d: ['%entry[0]) outStr.write(' %3d: ['%entry[0]) for tr in range(1,agents.standardSched+1): if entry[tr] == None: outStr.write(' ~ ') else: outStr.write('%4.2f '%entry[tr]) outStr.write(']\n') writelog.write(outStr.getvalue()) outStr.close()
def init_agents(): global agents, nAgents, square, circle, \ agencyList, nAgencies, \ nAgentsWht, nAgentsBlk, nAgentsOth, avgInput global dataFileName print '*****[ In init_agents() ]*****' totInput = 0. ## for each agent for agtId in range(nAgents): # if doingLogging: writelog.write("agtId = %d\n"%agtId) # start = time.time() #print ' init_agent(%d) '%agtId newAgent = init_agent(agtId) # end = time.time() # elapsed = end - start # (min_, sec) = divmod(elapsed, 60) # (hr, min_) = divmod(min_, 60) # print ' elapsed time = %02d:%02d:%02d'%(hr, min_, sec) # Append to agents list agents.append(newAgent) totInput += newAgent['iVal'] avgInput = totInput/float(nAgents) if axes.checkStepped: dataFileName = 'Sp19Stepped.dat' else: dataFileName = 'Sp19.dat' if os.path.exists(dataFileName): os.remove(dataFileName)
def printSched(agcy): schedList = agcy['schedList'] name = agcy['name'] abbrev = agcy['abbrev'] boro = agcy['boro'] writelog.write('========[ '+name+' ('+abbrev+') in '+boro+' ]========\n') for indx, entry in enumerate(schedList): outStr=StringIO.StringIO() if entry[1]: stateStr = 'X' else: stateStr = ' ' outStr.write(' %3d: %s ['%(entry[0], stateStr)) for tr in range(2,standardSched+2): if entry[tr] == None: outStr.write(' ~ ') else: outStr.write('%4.2f '%entry[tr]) outStr.write(']\n') writelog.write(outStr.getvalue()) outStr.close()
def on_pick(event): for boro in agencies.agenciesList: found = False for agcy in agencies.agenciesList[boro]: if agcy['square'] is event.artist: found = True agencies.selected['square'].set_lw(1) agencies.selected['square'].set_ec('k') agencies.selected = agcy agcy['square'].set_lw(4) agcy['square'].set_ec('r') if agencies.selected['tileArray'] == []: agents.initTileArray(agencies.selected) agents.updateTileArray(agencies.selected) axes.schedTitle.set_text(boro+': '+agcy['abbrev']+' '+agcy['name']) axes.fig.canvas.draw() break if found == True: break if agents.doingLogging: writelog.write('In on_pick(): selected is now %s %s %s\n'%( agencies.selected['boro'], agencies.selected['abbrev'], agencies.selected['name']))
lastT = 0. dt = 1 dArray = deque([0.]) tArray = deque([0.]) plotWidth = 500 isFemale = 0 isYoung = 1 race = 'white' ethn = 'hispanic' income = 'lowrange' hadStressors = 0 nSandyTraumas = 0 PTSD_sx = 0 writelog.init('PTSD_Combo1.log') writelog.write('sex \t age \t race \t ethn \t\t income \t hadStr nSandTr exp(P)\n') writelog.write('=== \t === \t ==== \t ==== \t\t ====== \t ====== ======= ======\n\n') plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('') # Create axes boxes in a linspace xorg line xorg = np.linspace(.05,.9,7) axSex = plt.axes([xorg[0],.6,.08,.2]); axSex.set_title('Sex') axAge = plt.axes([xorg[1],.6,.08,.2]); axAge.set_title('Age') axRace = plt.axes([xorg[2],.6,.08,.2]); axRace.set_title('Race') axEthn = plt.axes([xorg[3],.6,.08,.2]); axEthn.set_title('Ethn') axIncome = plt.axes([xorg[4],.6,.08,.2]); axIncome.set_title('Income') axStress = plt.axes([xorg[5],.6,.08,.2]); axStress.set_title('Stress') axTrauma = plt.axes([xorg[6],.6,.08,.2]); axTrauma.set_title('Trauma')
def update_agent(agent): global nEnrolled, schedList, schedPtr # print ' In update_agent agent = %r'%agent if doingLogging: writelog.write('In update_agent %3d\n'%agent['id']) writelog.write(re.sub(r',', '\n', '%r\n'%agent)) xVal = agent['xVal'] inputVal = agent['iVal'] # If service is on, service the agents if axes.checkService: #square.set_fc('#00ff00') ########[ Enrollment Test ]######### # If not scheduled for treatment consider enrolling if not agent['enrolled']: # Shuffle agency list every time boroName = agent['boroName'] if doingLogging: writelog.write(' Searching through agencies in '+boroName+'\n') #shuffledList = sample(agencies.agenciesList[boroName], listLen) ############# Loop through agencies in borough here ###################### #### For each agency in this borough for agcy in agencies.agenciesList[boroName]: abbrev = agcy['abbrev'] (agcyXLoc, agcyYLoc) = agcy['loc'] (xLoc, yLoc) = (agent['xLoc'], agent['yLoc']) # Calculate probability of enrollment based on need need = max(( avgInput - xVal),0.) * needFactor probEnroll = need * (agcy['maxEnrolled'] - agcy['numEnrolled']) if useProbCBTprobEnroll: print 'WARNING: useProbCBTprobEnroll TRUE but not implemented.' if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agt %3d need = %4.2f numEnrolled = %4.2f probEnroll["%s"] = %5.2f xVal = %5.2f\n'%( agent['id'], need, agcy['numEnrolled'], abbrev.ljust(8), probEnroll, xVal)) ########[ Need Test ]######## # If enroll probability exceeds random threshold then enroll if probEnroll > random(): if doingLogging: writelog.write(' probEnroll > random: Enroll!\n') agent['enrolled'] = True agent['agency'] = agcy agcy['numEnrolled'] += 1 # Define agent's bezier links to that agency if axes.checkGraphics: verts = ((agcyXLoc, agcyYLoc), # Bezier lnk from prov. to here ((agcyXLoc + xLoc)/2., agcyYLoc), (xLoc, (agcyYLoc + yLoc)/2.), (xLoc, yLoc)) bezPath = Path(verts, codes) bezPatch = mpatches.PathPatch(bezPath, facecolor='none', lw=1, ec='#afafaf', visible=True) agent['bezPatch'] = bezPatch agent['idText'].set_visible(True) inputVal = agent['iVal'] # Register in schedList[] if doingLogging: writelog.write('About to register in schedList\n') writelog.write(' Enrolling agent %d in agency %s\n'%(agent['id'], agcy['abbrev'])) treatList = [None for i in range(standardSched)] treatList[agent['treatNo']] = agent['xVal'] treatList.insert(0, agent['isComplex']) treatList.insert(0,agent['id']) agcy['schedList'].append(treatList) #agcy['schedList'] = treatList #schedNo = len(agcy['schedList']) -1 # update schedule if axes.checkGraphics and agcy is agencies.selected: updateTileArray(agcy) if doingLogging: printSched(agcy) break ############# End Loop through agencies in borough ###################### # Otherwise if already enrolled compute input treatment else: # If agent not accepting of CBT then un-enroll if agent['acceptCBT'] < random(): agent['treating'] = False; if axes.checkGraphics: agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(1) agent['bezPatch'].set_ec('#afafaf') inputVal = agent['iVal'] if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d acceptCBT < random() treatment %d OFF\n'% (agent['id'], agent['treatNo'])) # Otherwise if accepting elif random() > .25: # Randomize every other time to break sync # If agent not being treated do next treatment if agent['treating'] == False: if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d ON\n'%(agent['id'], agent['treatNo'])) agent['treating'] = True (provXCtr, provYCtr) = agent['agency']['loc'] if axes.checkGraphics: agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(2) agent['bezPatch'].set_ec('#00ff00') # Turn on input if axes.checkEndBen: agent['iVal'] += doseValue*agent['iFact']/10. # endBen increase iVal else: inputVal = agent['iVal'] + doseValue * agent['iFact'] # Increment treatment number agent['treatNo'] += 1 if axes.checkStepped and not agent['isComplex']: nTreatLeft = steppedSched + 1 else: nTreatLeft = standardSched + 1 ########[ COMPLETION TEST ]####### # If treatment done then un-enroll if agent['treatNo'] >= nTreatLeft: if doingLogging: if axes.checkStepped and not agent['isComplex']: writelog.write(' treatNo = %d steppedSched = %d\n'% (agent['treatNo'], steppedSched)) else: writelog.write(' treatNo = %d standardSched = %d\n'% (agent['treatNo'], standardSched)) writelog.write('Un-enroll agent %d treatment done\n'% agent['id']) agent['enrolled'] = False agent['treatNo'] = 0 agent['agency']['numEnrolled'] -= 1 if axes.checkGraphics: agent['bezPatch'].remove() agent['idText'].set_visible(False) for entry in agent['agency']['schedList']: if entry[0] == int(agent['id']): agent['agency']['schedList'].remove(entry) #break # Else if already treating turn treatment off, pipeline gray else: for indx, sched in enumerate(agent['agency']['schedList']): if sched[0] == int(agent['id']): agent['agency']['schedList'][indx][agent['treatNo']+1] = agent['xVal'] #break if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d ON\n'% (agent['id'], agent['treatNo']+1)) # Otherwise if patient being treated turn it off else: agent['treating'] = False; if axes.checkGraphics: agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(1) agent['bezPatch'].set_ec('#afafaf') inputVal = agent['iVal'] if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d OFF\n'% (agent['id'], agent['treatNo'])) # Update schedule #schedNo = len(agcy['schedList']) -1 #print '#### schedNo = %d'%schedNo if agent['agency']: if axes.checkGraphics and agent['agency'] is agencies.selected: updateTileArray(agent['agency']) if doingLogging: printSched(agent['agency']) # schedList = [x for x in schedList if x[0] != agent['id']] # Else if service is off, shut off treatment else: if agent['bezPatch']: if axes.checkGraphics: agent['bezPatch'].set_visible(False) inputVal = agent['iVal'] * agent['iFact'] # Shunting equation xVal += -A * xVal + (1 - xVal) * inputVal if xVal < 0.: xVal = 0. elif xVal > 1.: xVal = 1. agent['xVal'] = xVal if axes.checkGraphics: if xVal > visThresh: agent['circ1'].set_visible(False) else: agent['circ1'].set_visible(True) r = (1. - xVal) g = xVal if axes.checkGraphics: agent['circ1'].set_facecolor((r, g, 0.)) # Time delay if delay > 0.: time.sleep(delay)
def init_agent(agtId): global nEnrolled, schedList, schedPtr global agents, nAgents, square, circle, \ nAgentsWht, nAgentsBlk, nAgentsOth global agencyList, nAgencies if doingLogging: writelog.write('In init_agent(%3d)'%agtId) foundSpace = False while not foundSpace: xLoc = random() * image.aspect + .1*image.aspect yLoc = random() #writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f)\n"%(agtId, xLoc, yLoc)) inMask = image.maskImg[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff][0] boroIndx = int(image.burrIndx[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff]) if boroIndx > 0: boroIndx -= 1 #print 'agent %3d loc (%4.2f, %4.2f) boroIndex %3d'%(agtId, xLoc, yLoc, boroIndx) #print 'boro[boroindx] = %s'%agencies.boroughsList[boroIndx-1] boroName = agencies.boroughsList[boroIndx-1] if doingLogging: writelog.write(" agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) boro %s boroIndx = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, boroName, boroIndx)) # if inMask > .5 and boroIndx in range(1,6): # If in the masked area check for collision if inMask > .9: # If in the masked area check for collision if doingLogging: writelog.write(' In boroIndx %3d\n'%boroIndx) collision = False for agt in range(len(agents)): xLoc1 = agents[agt]['xLoc'] yLoc1 = agents[agt]['yLoc'] dx = xLoc1 - xLoc dy = yLoc1 - yLoc dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if dist < minSep: collision = True if doingLogging: writelog.write(" COLLISION !!!\n") break # Stop going through more agents if not collision: foundSpace = True if doingLogging: writelog.write(" foundSpace!\n") writelog.write(" agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) boro %s boroIndx = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, boroName, boroIndx)) # Otherwise keep searching # Define agent's race and ethnicity (income, age, sex, race, ethncy) = probDemographics(boroIndx) #print 'boroIndx = %d, income = %s, age = %s, sex = %s, race = %s, ethncy = %s'%(boroIndx, income, age, sex, race, ethncy) #(race, ethncy) = probRaceEthncy(boroIndx) if race == 'White': #raceColor = 'w' isWhite = 1. isBlack = 0. isOther = 0. nAgentsWht += 1 elif race == 'Black': #raceColor = 'k' isWhite = 0. isBlack = 1. isOther = 0. nAgentsBlk += 1 elif race == 'Other': #raceColor = 'gray' isWhite = 0. isBlack = 0. isOther = 1. nAgentsOth += 1 if ethncy == 'Hispanic': #ethVis = True isHisp = 1. else: #ethVis = False isHisp = 0. # Define agent's gender if sex == 'Female': gender = 'Female' isFemale = 1. isMale = 0. else: gender = 'Male' isMale = 1. isFemale = 0. # Define agent's age if age == 'Old': isOld = 1. isYoung = 0. else: isOld = 0. isYoung = 1. # Define agent's hadPrior (PTSD) if random() > .9: hadPrior = 1. else: hadPrior = 0. # Define agent's hadStressors (from Hurricane Sandy) if random() > .9: hadStressors = 1. else: hadStressors = 0. # Define agent's hadTrauma (from Hurricane Sandy) if random() > .9: hadTrauma = 1. else: hadTrauma = 0. # Additional coefficients for calculate_nSymptoms() isWhiteHisp = 0. isBlackNonHisp = 0. isBlackHisp = 0. isOtherNonHisp = 0. isOtherHisp = 0. if race == 'White' and ethncy == 'Hispanic': isWhiteHisp = 1. elif race == 'Black': if ethncy == 'NonHisp': isBlackNonHisp = 1. elif ethncy == 'Hisp': isBlackHisp = 1. elif race == 'Other': if ethncy == 'NonHisp': isOtherNonHisp = 1. elif ethncy == 'Hisp': isOtherHisp = 1. if income == 'Low': isIncomeLow = 1. isIncomeMed = 0. elif income == 'Medium': isIncomeLow = 0. isIncomeMed = 1. elif income == 'High': isIncomeLow = 0. isIncomeMed = 0. # Define agent's number of PTSD symptoms nSymptoms = calculate_nSymptoms(isFemale, isYoung, isOld, isWhiteHisp, isBlackNonHisp, isBlackHisp, isOtherNonHisp, isOtherHisp, isIncomeLow, isIncomeMed, hadStressors, hadTrauma) # Calculate random value randVal = random() #print ' randVal: %5.2f nSymptoms: %5.2f'%(randVal, nSymptoms) # Define agent's "input value" (natural wellness) and input factor if useCalcNSymptoms: iVal = (1. - nSymptoms) ** boost #<===KLUDGE! if doingLogging: writelog.write(' iVal = nSymptoms = %f\n'%iVal) else: iVal = randVal if doingLogging: writelog.write(' iVal = random() = %f\n'%iVal) print ' agent(%3d) iVal: %5.2f nSymptoms: %5.2f'%(agtId, randVal, nSymptoms) if iVal > iThresh: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: if random() > .5: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: iFact = 0.7 isComplex = True cmplxColor = 'r' # Define agent's probability of accepting CBT if offered CBT acceptCBT = calculate_probAcceptCBT(isMale, isOld, isBlack, isWhite, isOther, isHisp, hadPrior) # Set xVal to equilibrium value xVal = iVal/(A+iVal) # totInput += iVal r = (1. - xVal) g = xVal # Define agent's triple circle circle1 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad1, fc=(r,g,0), ec=cmplxColor) if xVal > visThresh: circle1.set_visible(False) else: circle1.set_visible(True) # Define agent's bezier links bezPatch = None ''' for agcy in agencies.agenciesList[agencies.boroughsList[boroIndx-1]]: (provXCtr, provYCtr) = agcy['loc'] # Define agent's bezier links to that agency verts = ((provXCtr, provYCtr), # Bezier lnk from prov. to here ((provXCtr + xLoc)/2., provYCtr), (xLoc, (provYCtr + yLoc)/2.), (xLoc, yLoc)) bezPath = Path(verts, codes) bezPatch = mpatches.PathPatch(bezPath, facecolor='none', lw=1, ec='#afafaf', visible=True) bezList.append(bezPatch) ''' # Agent ID number below circle idText =, yLoc-.021, '%d'%agtId, visible=False) newAgent = {'id':agtId, 'circ1':circle1, 'boroName':boroName, 'boroIndx':boroIndx, 'bezPatch':bezPatch, 'xLoc':xLoc, 'yLoc':yLoc, 'xVal':xVal, 'iVal':iVal, 'iFact':iFact, 'isComplex':isComplex, 'gender':gender, 'race':race, 'ethncy':ethncy, 'acceptCBT':acceptCBT, 'nSymptoms':nSymptoms, 'treating':False, 'enrolled':False, 'agency':None, 'treatNo':0, # current treatment # 'idText':idText} return newAgent
def update_agent(agent): global nEnrolled, schedList, schedPtr, tileListPtr, avgInput # print ' In update_agent agent = %d'%agent['id'] # writelog.write('In update_agent agent = %d\n'%agent['id']) xVal = agent['xVal'] inputVal = agent['iVal'] # If service is on, service the agents if axes.checkService: square.set_fc('#00ff00') # If not scheduled for treatment consider enrolling if not agent['enrolled']: need = max((avgInput - xVal),0.) # writelog.write(' not enrolled avgInput= %5.2f xVal= %5.2f need=%5.2f\n'% # (avgInput, xVal, need)) # Calculate probability of enrollment based on need (and distance from provider) if axes.checkDist: distProvX, distProvY = (agent['xLoc'] - axes.provXOrg, agent['yLoc'] - axes.provYOrg) distProv = np.sqrt(distProvX**2 + distProvY**2) gauss = (1./rSigma*np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)) * \ np.exp(-(distProv**2.)/(2.*rSigma**2)) probEnroll = need * (maxEnrolled - nEnrolled) * gauss else: probEnroll = need * (maxEnrolled - nEnrolled) # writelog.write(' need = %f probEnroll = %5.2f\n'%(need,probEnroll)) # If enroll probability exceeds random threshold then enroll if probEnroll > random(): # writelog.write(' probEnroll > random\n') agent['enrolled'] = True nEnrolled += 1 # agent['nSched'] = standardSched agent['bezPatch'].set_visible(True) inputVal = agent['iVal'] agent['idText'].set_visible(True) # Register in schedList[] # writelog.write('About to enroll\n') if doingLogging: writelog.write('Enrolling agent %d\n'% agent['id']) treatList = [None for i in range(standardSched)] treatList[agent['treatNo']] = agent['xVal'] treatList.insert(0, agent['isComplex']) treatList.insert(0,agent['id']) schedList.append(treatList) # update schedule updateSched(schedList) if doingLogging: printSched() # Otherwise if already enrolled compute input treatment else: if random() > .25: # Randomize every other time to break sync # If agent not being treated do next treatment if agent['treating'] == False: if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d ON\n'%(agent['id'], agent['treatNo'])) agent['treating'] = True agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(2) agent['bezPatch'].set_ec('#00ff00') # Turn on input if axes.checkEndBen: agent['iVal'] += doseValue*agent['iFact']/10. # endBen increase iVal else: inputVal = agent['iVal'] + doseValue * agent['iFact'] # Increment treatment number agent['treatNo'] += 1 if axes.checkStepped and agent['isComplex']: nTreatLeft = standardSched + 1 else: nTreatLeft = steppedSched+1 if agent['treatNo'] >= nTreatLeft: if axes.checkStepped and agent['isComplex']: writelog.write(' treatNo = %d standardSched = %d\n'% (agent['treatNo'], standardSched)) else: writelog.write(' treatNo = %d steppedSched = %d\n'% (agent['treatNo'], steppedSched)) if doingLogging: writelog.write('Un-enroll agent %d treatment done\n'% agent['id']) agent['enrolled'] = False agent['treatNo'] = 0 # agent['treating'] = False nEnrolled -= 1 agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(1) agent['bezPatch'].set_visible(False) agent['idText'].set_visible(False) for entry in schedList: if entry[0] == int(agent['id']): schedList.remove(entry) break else: for indx, sched in enumerate(schedList): if sched[0] == int(agent['id']): schedList[indx][agent['treatNo']+1] = agent['xVal'] break if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d ON\n'% (agent['id'], agent['treatNo']+1)) # Update schedule updateSched(schedList) if doingLogging: printSched() # Otherwise if patient being treated turn it off else: agent['treating'] = False; agent['bezPatch'].set_lw(1) agent['bezPatch'].set_ec('#afafaf') inputVal = agent['iVal'] if doingLogging: writelog.write(' agent %d treatment %d OFF\n'% (agent['id'], agent['treatNo'])) # schedList = [x for x in schedList if x[0] != agent['id']] # Else if service is off, shut off treatment else: agent['bezPatch'].set_visible(False) square.set_fc('#ffffff') inputVal = agent['iVal'] * agent['iFact'] # Shunting equation xVal += -A * xVal + (1 - xVal) * inputVal if xVal < 0.: xVal = 0. elif xVal > 1.: xVal = 1. agent['xVal'] = xVal r = (1. - xVal) g = xVal agent['circ1'].set_facecolor((r, g, 0.)) # Time delay if delay > 0.: time.sleep(delay)
def init_agents(): global agents, nAgents, square, circle, avgInput, \ nAgentsWht, nAgentsBlk, nAgentsOth totInput = 0. agentId = 0 ## for each agent for agtId in range(nAgents): writelog.write("agtId = %d\n"%agtId) foundSpace = False while not foundSpace: xLoc = random() * image.aspect + .1*image.aspect yLoc = random() writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f)\n"%(agtId, xLoc, yLoc)) inMask = image.maskImg[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff][0] borough = image.burrIndx[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff] borough -= 1 #<=== KLUDGE! (Don't know why this is necessary) writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) borough = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, borough)) # if inMask > .5 and borough in range(1,6): # If in the masked area check for collision if inMask > .9: # If in the masked area check for collision writelog.write(' In borough %3d\n'%borough) collision = False for agt in range(len(agents)): xLoc1 = agents[agt]['xLoc'] yLoc1 = agents[agt]['yLoc'] dx = xLoc1 - xLoc dy = yLoc1 - yLoc dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if dist < minSep: collision = True writelog.write(" COLLISION !!!\n") break # Stop going through more agents if not collision: foundSpace = True writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) borough = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, borough)) writelog.write(" foundSpace!\n") # Otherwise keep searching # Define agent's "input value" (natural wellness) and input factor iVal = random() if iVal > iThresh: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: if random() > .5: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: iFact = 0.7 isComplex = True cmplxColor = 'r' # Set xVal to equilibrium value xVal = iVal/(A+iVal) totInput += iVal r = (1. - xVal) g = xVal # Define agent's race and ethnicity (race, ethncy) = probRaceEthncy(borough) if race == 'White': raceColor = 'w' nAgentsWht += 1 elif race == 'Black': raceColor = 'k' nAgentsBlk += 1 elif race == 'Other': raceColor = 'gray' nAgentsOth += 1 ethVis = ethncy == 'Hispanic' # Define agent's triple circle & wedge circle1 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad1, fc=(r,g,0), ec=(r,g,0)) circle2 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad2, fc=cmplxColor, ec=cmplxColor) circle3 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad3, fc=raceColor, ec=raceColor) wedge = mpatches.Wedge((xLoc, yLoc), circRad3, 180, 0, fc='brown', ec='brown', visible=ethVis) # Define agent's bezier links verts = ((axes.provXCtr, axes.provYCtr), # Bezier lnk from prov. to here ((axes.provXCtr + xLoc)/2., axes.provYCtr), (xLoc, (axes.provYCtr + yLoc)/2.), (xLoc, yLoc)) bezPath = Path(verts, codes) bezPatch = mpatches.PathPatch(bezPath, facecolor='none', lw=1, ec='#afafaf', visible=False) # Agent ID number below circle idText =, yLoc-.021, '%d'%agtId, visible=False) # idText =, yLoc-.021, '%d'%borough, visible=True) # idText =, yLoc-.021, '%5.2f'%inMask, visible=True) # Append to agents list agents.append({'id':agtId, 'circ1':circle1, 'circ2':circle2, 'circ3':circle3, 'wedge':wedge, 'bezPatch':bezPatch, 'xLoc':xLoc, 'yLoc':yLoc, 'xVal':xVal, 'iVal':iVal, 'iFact':iFact, 'isComplex':isComplex, 'race':race, 'ethncy':ethncy, 'treating':False, 'enrolled':False, 'treatNo':0, # current treatment # 'idText':idText}) bezLines.append(bezPatch) agentId += 1 avgInput = totInput/float(nAgents) # Service provider square and 2 sigma range square = plt.Rectangle((axes.provXOrg, axes.provYOrg), axes.provSize, axes.provSize, fc=(0,1,0), ec='k') # Dist feature sigma radius dashed circle circle = plt.Circle((axes.provXOrg, axes.provYOrg), radius=rSigma, ec='r', fc='none', linestyle='dashed', visible=axes.checkDist)
dt = 10 dArray = deque([0.]) tArray = deque([0.]) plotWidth = 500 isMale = 0 isOld = 1 isBlack = 0. race = 'white' ethn = 'hispanic' # income = 'lowrange' hadPrior = 0 logitCBT = 0 probCBT = 0 writelog.init('PTSD_Logistic.log') writelog.write('sex \t age \t race \t ethn \t\t nPrior \t logitCBT \t\t probCBT \n') writelog.write('=== \t === \t ==== \t ==== \t\t ====== \t ====== \t\t ======= \n\n') plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('') # Create axes boxes in a linspace xorg line xorg = np.linspace(.05,.9,5) axSex = plt.axes([xorg[0],.6,.08,.2]); axSex.set_title('Sex') axAge = plt.axes([xorg[1],.6,.08,.2]); axAge.set_title('Age') axRace = plt.axes([xorg[2],.6,.08,.2]); axRace.set_title('Race') axEthn = plt.axes([xorg[3],.6,.08,.2]); axEthn.set_title('Ethn') # axIncome = plt.axes([xorg[4],.6,.08,.2]); axIncome.set_title('Income') # axStress = plt.axes([xorg[5],.6,.08,.2]); axStress.set_title('Stress') # axTrauma = plt.axes([xorg[6],.6,.08,.2]); axTrauma.set_title('Trauma')
plotWidth = 500 isMale = 0 isOld = 1 isBlack = 0. isWhite = 1. isOther = 0. race = 'white' ethn = 'hispanic' isHisp = 1 # income = 'lowrange' hadPrior = 0 logitCBT = 0 probCBT = 0 writelog.init('PTSD_Logistic.log') writelog.write('sex \t age \t race \t ethn \t\t nPrior \t logitCBT \t probCBT \n') writelog.write('=== \t === \t ==== \t ==== \t\t ====== \t ====== \t ======= \n\n') plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('') # Create axes boxes in a linspace xorg line xorg = np.linspace(.05,.9,5) axSex = plt.axes([xorg[0],.6,.08,.2]); axSex.set_title('Sex') axAge = plt.axes([xorg[1],.6,.08,.2]); axAge.set_title('Age') axRace = plt.axes([xorg[2],.6,.08,.2]); axRace.set_title('Race') axEthn = plt.axes([xorg[3],.6,.08,.2]); axEthn.set_title('Ethn') axPrior = plt.axes([xorg[4],.6,.08,.2]); axPrior.set_title('Prior CBT') # Create axes for text output
lastT = 0. dt = 1 dArray = deque([0.]) tArray = deque([0.]) plotWidth = 500 isFemale = 0 isYoung = 1 race = 'white' ethn = 'hispanic' income = 'lowrange' hadStressors = 0 nSandyTraumas = 0 PTSD_sx = 0 writelog.init('PTSD_Combo.log') writelog.write('sex \t age \t race \t ethn \t\t income \t hadStr nSandTr exp(P)\n') writelog.write('=== \t === \t ==== \t ==== \t\t ====== \t ====== ======= ======\n\n') plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('') # Create axes boxes in a linspace xorg line xorg = np.linspace(.05,.9,7) axSex = plt.axes([xorg[0],.6,.08,.2]); axSex.set_title('Sex') axAge = plt.axes([xorg[1],.6,.08,.2]); axAge.set_title('Age') axRace = plt.axes([xorg[2],.6,.08,.2]); axRace.set_title('Race') axEthn = plt.axes([xorg[3],.6,.08,.2]); axEthn.set_title('Ethn') axIncome = plt.axes([xorg[4],.6,.08,.2]); axIncome.set_title('Income') axStress = plt.axes([xorg[5],.6,.08,.2]); axStress.set_title('Stress') axTrauma = plt.axes([xorg[6],.6,.08,.2]); axTrauma.set_title('Trauma')
def init_agent(agtId): global nEnrolled, schedList, schedPtr, avgInput global agents, nAgents, square, circle, avgInput, \ nAgentsWht, nAgentsBlk, nAgentsOth foundSpace = False while not foundSpace: xLoc = random() * image.aspect + .1*image.aspect yLoc = random() writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f)\n"%(agtId, xLoc, yLoc)) inMask = image.maskImg[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff][0] borough = image.burrIndx[image.imgYSize - yLoc * image.imgYSize, (xLoc-image.xOff)*image.imgXSize/image.aspect + image.xOff] borough -= 1 #<=== KLUDGE! (Don't know why this is necessary) writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) borough = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, borough)) # if inMask > .5 and borough in range(1,6): # If in the masked area check for collision if inMask > .9: # If in the masked area check for collision writelog.write(' In borough %3d\n'%borough) collision = False for agt in range(len(agents)): xLoc1 = agents[agt]['xLoc'] yLoc1 = agents[agt]['yLoc'] dx = xLoc1 - xLoc dy = yLoc1 - yLoc dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if dist < minSep: collision = True writelog.write(" COLLISION !!!\n") break # Stop going through more agents if not collision: foundSpace = True writelog.write("agtId: % 3d xLoc, yLoc = (%4.2f, %4.2f) borough = %3d\n"%( agtId, xLoc, yLoc, borough)) writelog.write(" foundSpace!\n") # Otherwise keep searching # Define agent's race and ethnicity (race, ethncy) = probRaceEthncy(borough) if race == 'White': raceColor = 'w' isWhite = 1. isBlack = 0. isOther = 0. nAgentsWht += 1 elif race == 'Black': raceColor = 'k' isWhite = 0. isBlack = 1. isOther = 0. nAgentsBlk += 1 elif race == 'Other': raceColor = 'gray' isWhite = 0. isBlack = 0. isOther = 1. nAgentsOth += 1 if ethncy == 'Hispanic': ethVis = True isHisp = 1. else: ethVis = False isHisp = 0. # Define agent's gender if random() > .5: gender = 'Male' isMale = 1. else: gender = 'Female' isMale = 0. # Define agent's age if random() > .75: isOld = 1. else: isOld = 0. # Define agent's hadPrior (PTSD) if random() > .9: hadPrior = 1. else: hadPrior = 0. # Define agent's "input value" (natural wellness) and input factor # Using probCBT if useProbCBT: fstr = ' isMale=%1d isOld=%1d isBlack=%1d isWhite=%1d isOther=%1d '\ 'isHisp=%1d hadPrior=%1d\n' writelog.write(fstr%(isMale, isOld, isBlack, isWhite, isOther, isHisp, hadPrior)) probCBT = calculate_distribution(isMale, isOld, isBlack, isWhite, isOther, isHisp, hadPrior) iVal = 1. - probCBT if iVal > 1: iVal = 1. elif iVal < 0.: iVal = 0. writelog.write(' calculate_distribution: probCBT = %f iVal = %f\n'%(probCBT,iVal)) # Or using just random else: iVal = random() writelog.write(' calculate_input: iVal = %f\n'%iVal) if iVal > iThresh: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: if random() > .5: iFact = 1. isComplex = False cmplxColor = 'k' else: iFact = 0.7 isComplex = True cmplxColor = 'r' # Set xVal to equilibrium value xVal = iVal/(A+iVal) # totInput += iVal r = (1. - xVal) g = xVal # Define agent's triple circle & wedge circle1 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad1, fc=(r,g,0), ec=cmplxColor) ''' circle2 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad2, fc=cmplxColor, ec=cmplxColor) circle3 = plt.Circle((xLoc, yLoc), circRad3, fc=raceColor, ec=raceColor) wedge = mpatches.Wedge((xLoc, yLoc), circRad3, 180, 0, fc='brown', ec='brown', visible=ethVis) ''' if xVal > visThresh: circle1.set_visible(False) else: circle1.set_visible(True) # Define agent's bezier links verts = ((axes.provXCtr, axes.provYCtr), # Bezier lnk from prov. to here ((axes.provXCtr + xLoc)/2., axes.provYCtr), (xLoc, (axes.provYCtr + yLoc)/2.), (xLoc, yLoc)) bezPath = Path(verts, codes) bezPatch = mpatches.PathPatch(bezPath, facecolor='none', lw=1, ec='#afafaf', visible=False) ''' # Define agent's gender symbol if gender == 'Male': xData = [xLoc + circRad2, xLoc + 1.5*circRad2, xLoc + 1.5*circRad2-circRad2/2, xLoc + 1.5*circRad2, xLoc + 1.5*circRad2] yData = [yLoc + circRad2, yLoc + 1.5*circRad2, yLoc + 1.5*circRad2, yLoc + 1.5*circRad2, yLoc + 1.5*circRad2-circRad2/2] elif gender == 'Female': xData = [xLoc, xLoc, xLoc, xLoc - .5*circRad2, xLoc + .5*circRad2] yData = [yLoc - circRad2, yLoc - 2*circRad2, yLoc - 1.5*circRad2, yLoc - 1.5*circRad2, yLoc - 1.5*circRad2] gendSymb = plt.Line2D(xData, yData, color='k') ''' # Agent ID number below circle idText =, yLoc-.021, '%d'%agtId, visible=False) newAgent = {'id':agtId, 'circ1':circle1, 'bezPatch':bezPatch, 'xLoc':xLoc, 'yLoc':yLoc, 'xVal':xVal, 'iVal':iVal, 'iFact':iFact, 'isComplex':isComplex, 'gender':gender, 'race':race, 'ethncy':ethncy, 'treating':False, 'enrolled':False, 'treatNo':0, # current treatment # 'idText':idText} return newAgent