Exemplo n.º 1
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position

    cpos = 0
    stc.StartStyling(cpos, 0x1f)
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name("html+django")
    doctxt = stc.GetTextRange(0, end)
    wineol = stc.GetEOLChar() == "\r\n"
    for token, txt in lexer.get_tokens(doctxt):
        #        print token, txt
        style = TOKEN_MAP.get(token, STC_DJANGO_DEFAULT)
        if style == STC_DJANGO_PREPROCESSOR and txt.startswith(u'#'):
            style = STC_DJANGO_COMMENT
#        elif style == STC_DJANGO_STRING and txt[-1] not in '"\'':
#            style = STC_DJANGO_STRINGEOL

        tlen = len(txt)
        if wineol and "\n" in txt:
            tlen += txt.count("\n")

        if tlen:
            stc.SetStyling(tlen, style)
        cpos += tlen
        stc.StartStyling(cpos, 0x1f)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def StyleText(self, event):
        """Handle the EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event"""

        stc = event.GetEventObject()
        # Last correctly styled character
        last_styled_pos = stc.GetEndStyled()
        # Get styling range for this call
        line = stc.LineFromPosition(last_styled_pos)
        start_pos = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
        end_pos = event.GetPosition()

        # Walk the line and find all the symbols to style
        # Note: little inefficient doing one char at a time
        #       but just to illustrate the process.
        while start_pos < end_pos:
            stc.StartStyling(start_pos, 0x1f)
            char = stc.GetCharAt(start_pos)
            if char in self.ortho_symbols:
                # Set Symbol Keyword style
                style = OrthoEventsLexer.STC_STYLE_ORTHO_KW
                # Set Default style
                style = OrthoEventsLexer.STC_STYLE_ORTHO_DEFAULT
            # Set the styling byte information for 1 char from
            # current styling position (start_pos) with the
            # given style.
            stc.SetStyling(1, style)
            start_pos += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position
    @todo: performance improvements
    @todo: style errors caused by unicode characters (related to internal utf8)

    cpos = 0
    stc.StartStyling(cpos, 0x1f)
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name("s")
    is_wineol = stc.GetEOLMode() == wx.stc.STC_EOL_CRLF
    for token, txt in lexer.get_tokens(stc.GetTextRange(0, end)):
        style = TOKEN_MAP.get(token, STC_S_DEFAULT)

        tlen = len(txt)

        # Account for \r\n end of line characters
        if is_wineol and "\n" in txt:
            tlen += txt.count("\n")

        if tlen:
            stc.SetStyling(tlen, style)
        cpos += tlen
        stc.StartStyling(cpos, 0x1f)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def styleText(self, stc, start, end):
        dprint("Styling text from %d - %d" % (start, end))
        start = self.adjustStart(stc, start)

        for pos, count, style in self.iterStyles(stc, start, end):
            #dprint("pos=%d, count=%d: token=%d" % (pos, count, style))
            if count > 0:
                stc.StartStyling(pos, 0x1f)
                stc.SetStyling(count, style)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def apply(self, ):

        stc = self.stc
        start = self.start

        if not self.started:
            stc.StartStyling(self.start, self.bits)

        for length, style in self.buffer:
            stc.SetStyling(length, style)
            start += length

        self.buffer = []
        self.start = start
Exemplo n.º 6
    def StyleText(self, evt):
        """Handle the EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event."""
        stc = evt.GetEventObject()
        last_styled_pos = stc.GetEndStyled()
        line = stc.LineFromPosition(last_styled_pos)
        start_pos = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
        end_pos = evt.GetPosition()

        while start_pos < end_pos:
            stc.StartStyling(start_pos, 0x1f)
            curchar = chr(stc.GetCharAt(start_pos))
            if curchar in self.alpha:
                start = stc.WordStartPosition(start_pos, True)
                end = start + 1
                while chr(stc.GetCharAt(end)) != " " and end < stc.GetLength():
                    end += 1
                word = stc.GetTextRange(start, end)
                if word in self.keywords:
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_KEYWORD
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                elif word in self.keywords2:
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_KEYWORD2
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_DEFAULT
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                start_pos += len(word)
            elif curchar == ";":
                eol = stc.GetLineEndPosition(stc.LineFromPosition(start_pos))
                style = self.STC_EXPR_COMMENT
                stc.SetStyling(eol - start_pos, style)
                start_pos = eol
                style = self.STC_EXPR_DEFAULT
                stc.SetStyling(1, style)
                start_pos += 1
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position

    for index, token, txt in lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(
            stc.GetTextRange(0, end)):
        #        print index, token, txt
        style = TOKEN_MAP.get(token, STC_NONMEM_DEFAULT)

        #        print "Text=%s, len=%s" % (txt, len(txt))
        stc.StartStyling(index, 0x1f)
        tlen = len(txt)
        if tlen:
            stc.SetStyling(len(txt), style)
Exemplo n.º 8
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position


    # First, figure out the line based on the position.
    line = stc.LineFromPosition(start)

    # Find the start of the line that's been styled before this one.
    while line > 0 and stc.GetLineState(line) == 0:
        line -= 1

    eline = stc.LineFromPosition(end)

    state = stc.GetLineState(line) - 1
    if state < 0:
        state = 0

    for ln in range(line, eline + 1):
        text = stc.GetLine(ln).encode('utf-8')
        len_text = len(text)
        text = text.strip()

        if len(text) == 0:
            state = 0
            if len(text) > 0:
                ch = text[0]
                ix = issl_table.find(ch)
                if ix >= 0:
                    state = ix + 1

        stc.StartStyling(stc.PositionFromLine(ln), 0xFF)
        stc.SetStyling(len_text, state)

        stc.SetLineState(ln, state + 1)
Exemplo n.º 9
	def StyleText(self, event):
		"""Handle the EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event"""
		stc = event.GetEventObject()

		featurelist = genbank.gb.get_all_feature_positions()
		if featurelist == None: #no features
			for entry in featurelist:

				featuretype, complement, start, finish, name, index = entry
				featuretype = featuretype.replace('-', 'a') #for -10 and -35 region
				featuretype = featuretype.replace("5'", "a5") #for 5' features
				featuretype = featuretype.replace("3'", "a3") #for 5' features
				color = eval(featuretype)['color'] #get the color of feature (as string)
				assert type(color) == str

				if color == 'red' and complement == False: 
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_RED_FW
				elif color == 'red' and complement == True: 
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_RED_RV
				elif color == 'orange' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_ORANGE_FW
				elif color == 'orange' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_ORANGE_RV
				elif color == 'yellow' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_YELLOW_FW
				elif color == 'yellow' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_YELLOW_RV
				elif color == 'green' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_GREEN_FW
				elif color == 'green' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_GREEN_RV
				elif color == 'cyan' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_CYAN_FW
				elif color == 'cyan' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_CYAN_RV
				elif color == 'blue' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_BLUE_FW
				elif color == 'blue' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_BLUE_RV
				elif color == 'purple' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_PURPLE_FW
				elif color == 'purple' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_PURPLE_RV
				elif color == 'magenta' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_MAGENTA_FW
				elif color == 'magenta' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_MAGENTA_RV
				elif color == 'burgundy' and complement == False:
				elif color == 'burgundy' and complement == True:
				elif color == 'grey' and complement == False:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_GREY_FW
				elif color == 'grey' and complement == True:
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_GREY_RV
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT
				start -= 1
				stc.StartStyling(start, 0x1f)
				length = finish-start
				if length == 0:
					stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
					length = 1
				stc.SetStyling(length, style)

		#color restriction sites
		for enzyme in genbank.restriction_sites:

			sites = genbank.restriction_sites[enzyme].restrictionSites

			if len(sites) > 0:
				for site in sites:
					start  = site[1]
					finish = site[2]
					style = DNALexer.STC_STYLE_ENZYMES
					if start < finish:  # enzyme cuts in the strain
						stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
						length = finish-(start-1)
						if length == 0:
							stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
							length = 1
						stc.SetStyling(length, style)
					else: # enzyme is exactly throughout the 0
						# the beginning:
						stc.StartStyling(0, 0x1f)
						length = finish
						stc.SetStyling(length, style)

						# and the end:
						stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
						length = len(genbank.gb.gbfile['dna']) - start + 1
						stc.SetStyling(length, style)

		#color search hits
		if genbank.search_hits != None:
			for hit in genbank.search_hits:
				##add logic here for hits that are broken up
				start, finish = hit
				stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
				length = finish-(start-1)
				if length == 0:
					stc.StartStyling(start-1, 0x1f)
					length = 1
				stc.SetStyling(length, style)