Exemplo n.º 1
    def calcdraw(self, w, h, Rect = Rect):
        if self._lastcalc == (w, h):
            return self._lastseq

        s = self.skin
        rect = Rect(0, 0, w, h).AddMargins(wx.Rect(*s.margins))
        icons = sorted(((icon, getattr(self, icon + '_pos')) for icon in self.icons),
                       key = lambda o: {'f': -1, 'b': 1}.get(o[1][0], 0))

        seq        = []
        last       = Rect()
        badge_size = min(self.badge_max_size, max(self.badge_min_size, int(self.buddy_icon_size * self.badge_ratio)))
        frame_size = s.icon_frame_size
        padding    = self.padding
        hpadding   = 4

        for icon, pos in icons:
            if getattr(self, 'show_' + icon):
                pos     = pos.lower()
                size    = getattr(self, icon + '_size')
                left    = pos.endswith('left')
                iconpos = Point(-size * int(not left), 0)

                if icon == 'buddy_icon':
                    # special case for buddy icon, which can optionally have a frame around it.
                    iconw = size + frame_size.left + frame_size.right
                    frameRect = Rect(0, 0, iconw, size + frame_size.top + frame_size.bottom)
                    frameRect.x, frameRect.y = rect.Pos(wx.Point(-frameRect.width * int(not left), 0))[0], rect.VCenterH(frameRect.height)

                    last = Rect(frameRect.x + frame_size.left, frameRect.y + frame_size.top, size, size)
                    seq += [(getattr(self, 'get_buddy_icon'), last, 0)]

                    seq += [(getattr(self, 'get_frame_icon'), frameRect, 0)]
                    rect = rect.Subtract(**{'left' if left else 'right':  iconw + hpadding})
                    bitmap = getattr(self, 'get_' + icon)
                    if not pos.startswith('b'):
                        # non badge
                        r = Rect(rect.Pos(iconpos)[0], rect.VCenterH(size), size, size)
                        rect = rect.Subtract(**{'left' if left else 'right': size + hpadding})
                        last = r
                        alignment = ALIGN_CENTER
                        bitmap = getattr(self, 'get_' + icon)
                        # badge
                        bp        = badge_size
                        alignment = LBOTTOM if left else RBOTTOM
                        badgepos  = last.Pos(wx.Point(0 if left else -bp, -bp))
                        r         = Rect(badgepos[0], badgepos[1], badge_size,  badge_size)

                        bitmap = lambda obj, icon=icon: getattr(self, 'get_' + icon)(obj).ResizedSmaller(badge_size)

                    seq.append((bitmap, r, alignment))

        self.inforect  = rect
        self._lastcalc = (w, h)
        self._lastseq  = seq
        return seq
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Draw(self, dc, rect, selected, obj, depth, expanded, index, hover, Rect = Rect):
        DrawBitmap             = dc.DrawBitmap
        DrawTruncatedText      = dc.DrawTruncatedText
        idle_string            = get_idle_string(obj)
        extrafont              = self.extrafont
        extra_info             = self.extra_info if self.show_extra else None
        msg                    = get_contact_status(obj)
        padding, extra_padding = self.padding, self.extra_padding
        contact_name           = obj.alias
        mainfont_height        = self.mainfont_height

        # draw all icons
        for method, r, align in self.calcdraw(rect.width, rect.height):
                b = method(obj)
                if b: b.Draw(dc, Rect(rect.x + r.x, rect.y + r.y, r.width, r.height), align)

        rect = rect.AddMargins(wx.Rect(*self.skin.margins))
        rect.x, rect.width = self.inforect.x, self.inforect.width

        # draw the status message (if necessary)
        if msg and extra_info in ('status', 'both'):
            th       = self.mainfont.LineHeight + extra_padding + self.extrafont_height
            rect     = Rect(rect.x, rect.VCenterH(th), rect.width, rect.height)
            namerect = Rect(rect.x, rect.y + 1, rect.Width, self.mainfont.LineHeight)
            inforect = Rect(rect.x, rect.y + self.mainfont.LineHeight + extra_padding, rect.Width, self.extrafont_height)

            DrawTruncatedText(self.get_contact_info(obj, dc, selected, expanded, hover), inforect, alignment = lmiddle)
            namerect = rect

        # draw idle time
        hpadding = 4
        if idle_string and extra_info in ('idle', 'both'):
            # do some measurements to see if
            #  a) idle time needs to be left aligned against the buddy name, or
            #  b) right aligned and cutting off the buddy name (i.e., buddy na...IDLE)
            namew, nameh, namedescent, __ = dc.GetFullTextExtent(contact_name, self.mainfont)
            w, h, desc, __ = dc.GetFullTextExtent(idle_string, extrafont)

            iy = 3
            diff = namew + w + hpadding - namerect.width

            if diff > 0:
                x, y = namerect.Pos((-w, 0))[0], namerect.Y
                r = Rect(x, y, w, namerect.Height)
                namerect = namerect.Subtract(right = w + hpadding)
                r = Rect(namerect.X + namew + hpadding, namerect.Y, w, namerect.Height)

            self.set_idle_time_dc(obj, dc, selected, expanded, hover)
            dc.DrawLabel(idle_string, r, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)

        # draw buddy name
        self.set_contact_name_dc(obj, dc, selected, expanded, hover)
        DrawTruncatedText(contact_name, namerect, alignment = lmiddle)