def TMs2Form( style, tempInfo, TM_1, TM_E ) : from fudge.processing import transportables as transportablesModule from fudge.gnd.productData.distributions import multiGroup as multiGroupModule reactionSuite = tempInfo['reactionSuite'] productName = tempInfo['productName'] transportable = style.transportables[productName] conserve = transportable.conserve energyUnit = tempInfo['incidentEnergyUnit'] # BRB hardwired. crossSectionUnit = 'b' # ?????? 'b' should not be hardwired. axes = axesModule.axes( rank = 4 ) axes[0] = axesModule.axis( 'C_l(energy_in,energy_out)', 0, crossSectionUnit ) lMaxPlus1 = len( TM_1[0][0] ) lGrid = valuesModule.values( [ i1 for i1 in range( lMaxPlus1 ) ], valueType = standardsModule.types.integer32Token ) axes[1] = axesModule.grid( 'l', 1, '', axesModule.parametersGridToken, lGrid ) energyOutGrid = style.transportables[productName].group.boundaries.values.copy( ) axes[2] = axesModule.grid( 'energy_out', 2, energyUnit, axesModule.boundariesGridToken, energyOutGrid ) energyInGrid = style.transportables[reactionSuite.projectile].group.boundaries.values.copy( ) axes[3] = axesModule.grid( 'energy_in', 3, energyUnit, axesModule.boundariesGridToken, energyInGrid ) if( conserve == transportablesModule.conserve.number ) : TM = TM_1 else : raise NotImplementedError( 'Need to implement' ) n1 = len( TM ) n2 = len( TM[0] ) n3 = len( TM[0][0] ) data, starts, lengths = [], [], [] for i1 in sorted( TM.keys( ) ) : TM_i1 = TM[i1] start, length = None, 0 for i2 in sorted( TM_i1.keys( ) ) : TM_i1_i2 = TM_i1[i2] cellMin = min( TM_i1_i2 ) cellMax = max( TM_i1_i2 ) if( ( cellMin != 0 ) or ( cellMax != 0 ) ) : if( start is None ) : start = n3 * ( n2 * i1 + i2 ) length += n3 data += TM_i1_i2 else : if( start is not None ) : starts.append( start ) lengths.append( length ) start, length = None, 0 if( start is not None ) : starts.append( start ) lengths.append( length ) shape = [ n1, n2, n3 ] data = valuesModule.values( data ) starts = valuesModule.values( starts, valueType = standardsModule.types.integer32Token ) lengths = valuesModule.values( lengths, valueType = standardsModule.types.integer32Token ) flattened = arrayModule.flattened( shape = shape, data = data, starts = starts, lengths = lengths, dataToString = multiGroupModule.gridded3d.dataToString ) gridded3d = multiGroupModule.gridded3d( axes = axes, array = flattened ) return( multiGroupModule.form( style.label, standardsModule.frames.labToken, gridded3d ) )
def toMultiGroup1d( cls, style, tempInfo, _axes, data, addLabel = True ) : """ This function takes 1-d multi-group data as a list of floats and return to 1-d gridded instance containing the multi-group data. The list of data must contain n values where n is the number of groups. """ reactionSuite = tempInfo['reactionSuite'] axes = axesModule.axes( rank = 2 ) axes[0] = axesModule.axis( _axes[0].label, 0, _axes[0].unit ) energyInGrid = style.transportables[reactionSuite.projectile].group.boundaries.values.copy( ) axes[1] = axesModule.grid( _axes[1].label, 1, _axes[1].unit, axesModule.boundariesGridToken, energyInGrid ) shape = [ len( data ) ] data = valuesModule.values( data ) for start, datum in enumerate( data ) : if( datum != 0 ) : break end = 0 for i1, datum in enumerate( data ) : if( datum != 0 ) : end = i1 if( start > end ) : # Only happens when all values are 0. start = 0 else : end += 1 data = data[start:end] starts = valuesModule.values( [ start ], valueType = standardsModule.types.integer32Token ) lengths = valuesModule.values( [ len( data ) ], valueType = standardsModule.types.integer32Token ) flattened = arrayModule.flattened( shape = shape, data = data, starts = starts, lengths = lengths ) label = None if( addLabel ) : label = style.label return( cls( label = label, axes = axes, array = flattened ) )
def processMultiGroup(self, style, tempInfo, indent): reactionSuite = tempInfo['reactionSuite'] axes = axes[1] = axesModule.grid( axes[1].label, 1, axes[1].unit, style=axesModule.parametersGridToken, values=valuesModule.values( [0], valueType=standardsModule.types.integer32Token)) axes[2] = style.transportables[ reactionSuite.projectile].group.boundaries.copy([]) data =, tempInfo, indent) starts = valuesModule.values( [0], valueType=standardsModule.types.integer32Token) lengths = valuesModule.values( [len(data)], valueType=standardsModule.types.integer32Token) array = arrayModule.flattened(shape=(len(data), 1), data=data, starts=starts, lengths=lengths) data = gridded2d(axes=axes, array=array) return (data)
def toCovarianceMatrix(self, label="composed"): """ Sum all parts together to build a single matrix. """ if len(self.components) == 1: return self.components[0].toCovarianceMatrix() import fudge.gnd.covariances.base as base import numpy import xData.values as valuesModule import xData.array as arrayModule # Set up common data using first component firstCovMtx = self.components[0].toCovarianceMatrix() if not isinstance(firstCovMtx, base.covarianceMatrix): raise TypeError( "Shoudd have gotten base.covarianceMatrix, instead got %s" % str(firstCovMtx.__class__)) commonRowAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[2].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! if firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[1].style == 'link': commonColAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[2].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! else: commonColAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[1].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! commonMatrixAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[0].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! commonType = firstCovMtx.type # We need all the covariances to be either absolute or relative def make_common_type(cm): if commonType == 'relative': return cm.toRelative() else: return cm.toAbsolute() # We're going to have to merge grids, so we'll need this function to do the dirty work def add_values(v1, v2): v = set() v.update(v1.values) v.update(v2.values) return valuesModule.values(sorted(v)) # First pass through components is to collect bins to set up the common grid + do assorted checking for c in self.components[1:]: cc = make_common_type(c.toCovarianceMatrix( )) # a little recursion to take care of nested covariances if cc.type != commonType: raise ValueError("Incompatible types in %s: %s vs. %s" % (self.__class__, commonType, cc.type)) if cc.matrix.axes[0].unit != commonMatrixAxis.unit: raise ValueError( "covariance matrix components with different units?!? %s vs. %s" % (cc.matrix.axes[0].unit, commonMatrixAxis.unit)) if cc.matrix.axes[1].style != 'link': cc.matrix.axes[1].convertToUnit(commonColAxis.unit) cc.matrix.axes[2].convertToUnit(commonRowAxis.unit) commonRowAxis.values.values = add_values(commonRowAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[2].values) if cc.matrix.axes[1].style == 'link': commonColAxis.values.values = add_values( commonColAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[2].values) else: commonColAxis.values.values = add_values( commonColAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[1].values) # Now sum up the components commonMatrix = numpy.mat( (commonRowAxis.values.values, commonColAxis.values.values), (commonRowAxis.unit, commonColAxis.unit)).matrix.array.constructArray()) for c in self.components[1:]: cc = make_common_type(c.toCovarianceMatrix( )) # a little recursion to take care of nested covariances commonMatrix += numpy.mat( (commonRowAxis.values.values, commonColAxis.values.values), (commonRowAxis.unit, commonColAxis.unit)).matrix.array.constructArray()) # Now create the instance of the resulting covarianceMatrix if all([ component.toCovarianceMatrix().matrix.axes[1].style == 'link' for component in self.components ]): commonColAxis = self.components[0].toCovarianceMatrix( ).matrix.axes[1].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! newAxes = axesModule.axes( labelsUnits={ 0: (commonMatrixAxis.label, commonMatrixAxis.unit), 1: (commonColAxis.label, commonColAxis.unit), 2: (commonRowAxis.label, commonRowAxis.unit) }) newAxes[2] = axesModule.grid(commonRowAxis.label, commonRowAxis.index, commonRowAxis.unit, style=axesModule.boundariesGridToken, values=commonRowAxis.values) newAxes[1] = axesModule.grid(commonColAxis.label, commonColAxis.index, commonColAxis.unit, style=axesModule.linkGridToken, link=commonRowAxis.values, relative=True)) newAxes[0] = axesModule.axis(commonMatrixAxis.label, commonMatrixAxis.index, commonMatrixAxis.unit) trigdata = commonMatrix[numpy.tri(commonMatrix.shape[0]) == 1.0].tolist()[0] gridded = griddedModule.gridded2d( axes=newAxes, array=arrayModule.full(shape=commonMatrix.shape, data=trigdata, symmetry=arrayModule.symmetryLowerToken)) newCov = base.covarianceMatrix(label=label, type=commonType, matrix=gridded) newCov.setAncestor(self.ancestor) return newCov
if not (args.gid == None): for gidVal in args.gid: key, value = gidVal.split('=') if key not in gids: raise UserWarning( "particle grouping specified for unknown particle name : %s " % (key)) gids[key] = value transportables = [] for particle in gids: gbs = valuesModule.values([ PQUModule.PQU(boundary, 'MeV').getValueAs(args.energyUnit) for boundary in[particle]).gb ]) grid = axesModule.grid('energy_in', 0, args.energyUnit, axesModule.boundariesGridToken, gbs) group =[particle], grid) transportables.append( transportablesModule.transportable( particle, transportablesModule.conserve.number, group)) #### read in GND file reactionSuite = reactionSuiteModule.readXML(args.gnd) if (reactionSuite.projectile != IDsPoPsModule.neutron): tempsDefault = 0 if (args.temperatures == None): args.temperatures = [tempsDefault] ### fail on detection of existing processed data for style in reactionSuite.styles: if (isinstance(style, stylesModule.heated) or isinstance(style, stylesModule.MC)
def readMF7(mt, mf7): ZA, AWR, LTHR, LAT, LASYM, dum = endfFileToGNDMisc.sixFunkyFloatStringsToIntsAndFloats( mf7[0], range(2, 6)) if LTHR == 1: # coherent elastic scattering line, temps, energies, dummy, data, e_interp, t_interp = readSTable( 1, mf7) temps, energies = map(valuesModule.values, (temps, energies)) if e_interp != 'flat': raise ValueError("unexpected energy interpolation encountered") axes = axesModule.axes(rank=3) axes[2] = axesModule.grid('temperature', 2, 'K', axesModule.pointsGridToken, values=temps, interpolation=t_interp) axes[1] = axesModule.grid('energy_in', 1, 'eV', axesModule.pointsGridToken, values=energies, interpolation=e_interp) axes[0] = axesModule.axis('S_cumulative', 0, 'eV*b') array = arrayModule.full(shape=(len(temps), len(energies)), data=data) Stab = griddedModule.gridded2d(axes, array, label="eval") section = TS.coherentElastic(TS.S_table(Stab)) elif LTHR == 2: # incoherent elastic line, dat = endfFileToGNDMisc.getTAB1(1, mf7) SB = TS.characteristicCrossSection(float(dat['C1']), 'b') e_interp = dat['interpolationInfo'] if len(e_interp) > 1: raise ValueError( "only one interpolation region allowed for T_eff data") e_interp = endfFileToGNDMisc.ENDFInterpolationToGND1d(e_interp[0][1]) t_axes = axesModule.axes(labelsUnits={ 1: ('temperature', 'K'), 0: ('DebyeWallerIntegral', '1/eV') }) if len(dat['data']) == 2 and dat['data'][0] == dat['data'][1]: dat['data'] = dat['data'][0:1] DbW = TS.DebyeWaller(dat['data'], axes=t_axes, interpolation=e_interp) section = TS.incoherentElastic(SB, DbW) elif LTHR == 0: # incoherent inelastic line, listy = endfFileToGNDMisc.getList(1, mf7) LLN, NI, NS, b_n = listy['L1'], listy['NPL'], listy['N2'], listy[ 'data'] if LLN: raise NotImplementedError("LLN != 0 not yet handled!") # b_n array contains information about principal / secondary scattering atoms atoms = [ TS.scatteringAtom(label="0", numberPerMolecule=int(b_n[5]), mass=TS.mass(b_n[2], 'amu'), freeAtomCrossSection=TS.freeAtomCrossSection( b_n[0], 'b'), e_critical=TS.e_critical(b_n[1], 'eV'), e_max=TS.e_max(b_n[3], 'eV')) ] for idx in range(1, NS + 1): functionalForm = { 0.0: 'SCT', 1.0: 'free_gas', 2.0: 'diffusive_motion' }[b_n[6 * idx]] atoms.append( TS.scatteringAtom(label=str(idx), numberPerMolecule=b_n[6 * idx + 5], mass=TS.mass(b_n[6 * idx + 2], 'amu'), freeAtomCrossSection=TS.freeAtomCrossSection( b_n[6 * idx + 1], 'b'), functionalForm=functionalForm)) line, t2header = endfFileToGNDMisc.getTAB2Header(line, mf7) n_betas = int(t2header['NZ']) # read first beta: line, temps, alphas, beta, data, a_interp, t_interp = readSTable( line, mf7) betas = [beta] # read in remaining betas: for idx in range(n_betas - 1): line, temps_, alphas_, beta, data_, a_interp_, t_interp_ = readSTable( line, mf7) if (temps_ != temps or alphas_ != alphas or a_interp_ != a_interp or t_interp_ != t_interp): raise ValueError("inconsistent values!") betas.append(beta) data.extend(data_) temps, betas, alphas = map(valuesModule.values, (temps, betas, alphas)) axes = axesModule.axes(rank=4) axes[3] = axesModule.grid('temperature', 3, 'K', axesModule.pointsGridToken, values=temps, interpolation=t_interp) axes[2] = axesModule.grid( 'beta', 2, '', axesModule.pointsGridToken, values=betas, interpolation=standardsModule.interpolation.flatToken) axes[1] = axesModule.grid('alpha', 1, '', axesModule.pointsGridToken, values=alphas, interpolation=a_interp) axes[0] = axesModule.axis('S_alpha_beta', 0, 'eV*b') arrayShape_orig = (len(betas), len(temps), len(alphas)) data = numpy.array(data).reshape(arrayShape_orig) # ENDF data are stored as 'beta,T,alpha'. Switch order to 'T,beta,alpha': data = numpy.transpose(data, axes=(1, 0, 2)) arrayShape_new = (len(temps), len(betas), len(alphas)) array = arrayModule.full(shape=arrayShape_new, data=data.flatten()) Stab = griddedModule.gridded3d(axes, array, label="eval") S_tables = TS.S_alpha_beta(Stab) # last read T_eff tables. There must be at least one (for the principal scattering atom), plus more for # any other atoms that specify the short-collision-time approximation: line, t_eff = readT_effective(line, mf7) atoms[0].T_effective = t_eff for atom in atoms[1:]: if atom.functionalForm == 'SCT': line, t_eff = readT_effective(line, mf7) atom.T_effective = t_eff section = TS.incoherentInelastic(S_tables, calculatedAtThermal=LAT, asymmetric=LASYM, atoms=atoms) if line != len(mf7): raise ValueError("Trailing data left in MT%i MF7!" % mt) return LTHR, section
def setUp(self): # ...................... example matrix 'a' ...................... axes = axesModule.axes( labelsUnits={ 0: ('matrix_elements', 'b**2'), 1: ('column_energy_bounds', 'MeV'), 2: ('row_energy_bounds', 'MeV') }) axes[2] = axesModule.grid(axes[2].label, axes[2].index, axes[2].unit, style=axesModule.boundariesGridToken, values=valuesModule.values([ 1.0000E-07, 1.1109E-01, 1.3534E+00, 1.9640E+01 ])) axes[1] = axesModule.grid(axes[1].label, axes[1].index, axes[1].unit, style=axesModule.linkGridToken,[2].values, relative=True)) myMatrix = arrayModule.full((3, 3), [4.0, 1.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0], symmetry=arrayModule.symmetryLowerToken) self.a = covariances.covarianceMatrix( 'eval', matrix=griddedModule.gridded2d(axes, myMatrix), type=covariances.tokens.relativeToken) # ...................... example matrix 'b' ...................... axes = axesModule.axes( labelsUnits={ 0: ('matrix_elements', 'b**2'), 1: ('column_energy_bounds', 'MeV'), 2: ('row_energy_bounds', 'MeV') }) axes[2] = axesModule.grid(axes[2].label, axes[2].index, axes[2].unit, style=axesModule.boundariesGridToken, values=valuesModule.values( [1.0e-5, 0.100, 1.0, 20.0])) axes[1] = axesModule.grid(axes[1].label, axes[1].index, axes[1].unit, style=axesModule.linkGridToken,[2].values, relative=True)) myMatrix = arrayModule.full((3, 3), [4.0, 1.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0], symmetry=arrayModule.symmetryLowerToken) self.b = covariances.covarianceMatrix( 'eval', matrix=griddedModule.gridded2d(axes, myMatrix), type=covariances.tokens.relativeToken) # ...................... example matrix 'c' ...................... axes = axesModule.axes( labelsUnits={ 0: ('matrix_elements', 'b**2'), 1: ('column_energy_bounds', 'MeV'), 2: ('row_energy_bounds', 'MeV') }) axes[2] = axesModule.grid(axes[2].label, axes[2].index, axes[2].unit, style=axesModule.boundariesGridToken, values=valuesModule.values([ 1.0000E-07, 6.7380E-02, 1.1109E-01, 1.3534E+00 ])) axes[1] = axesModule.grid(axes[1].label, axes[1].index, axes[1].unit, style=axesModule.linkGridToken,[2].values, relative=True)) myMatrix = arrayModule.full((3, 3), [4.0, 1.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0], symmetry=arrayModule.symmetryLowerToken) self.c = covariances.covarianceMatrix( 'eval', matrix=griddedModule.gridded2d(axes, myMatrix), type=covariances.tokens.relativeToken) # ...................... combine them for example matrix 'abc' ...................... abc = covariances.mixed.mixedForm(components=[self.a, self.b, self.c]) # FIXME: learn how to add abc to a section & to a covarianceSuite!, sumabc is built wrong! # ...................... 'sumabc' is just a way to exercise the summed class ...................... bds = abc.getRowBounds() self.sumabc = covariances.summed.summedCovariance( label='test', domainMin=float(bds[0]), domainMax=float(bds[1]), domainUnit=abc[0].matrix.axes[-1].unit, pointerList=[, path=abc.toXLink(), coefficient=1.0) ])
def toCovarianceMatrix(self, label="composed"): """ Sum the parts to construct the covariance matrix. Note, each part must be converted to an absolute covariance before summing. """ if len(self.pointerList) == 1: return self.pointerList[0].link['eval'].toCovarianceMatrix() import numpy, copy from .mixed import mixedForm from .base import covarianceMatrix from xData import values as valuesModule from xData import axes as axesModule from xData import array as arrayModule from xData import gridded as griddedModule # We need all the covariances to be either absolute or relative commonType = None def make_common_type(p): cm =['eval'] if isinstance(cm, covarianceMatrix): cm = cm.toCovarianceMatrix() elif isinstance(cm, mixedForm): def inRange(thisBounds, otherBounds): return otherBounds[0] >= thisBounds[0] and otherBounds[ 1] <= thisBounds[1] newMixed = mixedForm() for ic, c in enumerate(cm.components): if c.getRowBounds() != c.getColumnBounds(): raise ValueError( "All components must have their row and column covarianceAxes matching." ) c = copy.copy(c) # prune zero rows/columns covarianceMatrices, just in case if isinstance(c, covarianceMatrix): c.removeExtraZeros() # newMixed.addComponent(c) elif isinstance(c, mixedForm): c.makeSafeBounds() # add sub matrix if it fits if inRange(self.getRowBounds(), c.getRowBounds()): newMixed.addComponent(c) cm = newMixed.toCovarianceMatrix() if commonType == 'relative': return cm.toRelative() elif commonType == 'absolute': return cm.toAbsolute() else: return cm # Set up common data using first element in pointerList firstCovMtx = make_common_type(self.pointerList[0]) commonRowAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[2].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! if firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[1].style == 'link': commonColAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[2].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! else: commonColAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[1].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! commonMatrixAxis = firstCovMtx.matrix.axes[0].copy( []) #FIXME: unresolvedLinks are still unresolved! commonType = firstCovMtx.type # We're going to have to merge grids, so we'll need this function to do the dirty work def add_values(v1, v2): v = set() v.update(v1.values) v.update(v2.values) return valuesModule.values(sorted(v)) # First pass through components is to collect bins to set up the common grid + do assorted checking for p in self.pointerList[1:]: cc = make_common_type( p ) #__get_abs_cov_mtx(p)['eval'].toCovarianceMatrix().toAbsolute() # a little recursion to take care of nested covariances if cc.type != commonType: raise ValueError("Incompatable types in " + str(self.__class__) + ": " + str(commonType) + ' vs. ' + str(cc.type)) cc.matrix.axes[0].unit = commonMatrixAxis.unit cc.matrix.axes[1].convertToUnit(commonColAxis.unit) cc.matrix.axes[2].convertToUnit(commonRowAxis.unit) commonRowAxis.values.values = add_values(commonRowAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[2].values) if cc.matrix.axes[1].style == 'link': commonColAxis.values.values = add_values( commonColAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[2].values) else: commonColAxis.values.values = add_values( commonColAxis.values, cc.matrix.axes[1].values) # Now sum up the components commonMatrix = self.pointerList[0]['coefficient'] * (commonRowAxis.values.values, commonColAxis.values.values), (commonRowAxis.unit, commonColAxis.unit)).matrix.array.constructArray() for p in self.pointerList[1:]: cc = make_common_type( p) # a little recursion to take care of nested covariances commonMatrix += p['coefficient'] * (commonRowAxis.values.values, commonColAxis.values.values), (commonRowAxis.unit, commonColAxis.unit)).matrix.array.constructArray() # Now create the instance of the resulting covarianceMatrix newAxes = axesModule.axes( labelsUnits={ 0: (commonMatrixAxis.label, commonMatrixAxis.unit), 1: (commonColAxis.label, commonColAxis.unit), 2: (commonRowAxis.label, commonRowAxis.unit) }) newAxes[2] = axesModule.grid(commonRowAxis.label, commonRowAxis.index, commonRowAxis.unit, style=axesModule.boundariesGridToken, values=commonRowAxis.values) newAxes[1] = axesModule.grid(commonColAxis.label, commonColAxis.index, commonColAxis.unit, style=axesModule.linkGridToken, link=commonRowAxis.values, relative=True)) newAxes[0] = axesModule.axis(commonMatrixAxis.label, commonMatrixAxis.index, commonMatrixAxis.unit) trigdata = commonMatrix[numpy.tri(commonMatrix.shape[0]) == 1.0].tolist() gridded = griddedModule.gridded2d( axes=newAxes, array=arrayModule.full(shape=commonMatrix.shape, data=trigdata, symmetry=arrayModule.symmetryLowerToken)) newCov = covarianceMatrix(label=label, type=commonType, matrix=gridded) newCov.setAncestor(self.ancestor) return newCov