def project_pixel_on_plane(pixel_point: np.ndarray, plane_params: np.ndarray,
                           camera_pose: Pose, camera_matrix: np.ndarray):
    Find pose of specifc image pixel

    Assumption is that the image content lies on a plane

    pixel_point : np.ndarray
        pixel point [x, y]
    plane_params : np.ndarray
        plane in general form ax + by + cz + d = 0
        as numpy array [a,b,c,d]
    camera_pose : xamla_motion.data_types.Pose
        pose of camera in world coordinates
    camera_matrix : np.ndarray
        3x3 camera matrix see opencv for more information
    cam_pose = camera_pose.transformation_matrix()

    # create ray in camera space
    htp = np.array([pixel_point[0], pixel_point[1], 1])
    ray = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(camera_matrix), htp)

    # transform form camera to world axis
    ray_world = np.matmul(cam_pose[0:3, 0:3], ray)
    eye = cam_pose[0:3, 3]
    at = eye + ray_world

    # compute intersection ray and plane
    t, hit = x3d.intersect_ray_plane(eye, at, plane_params)

    return hit
Exemplo n.º 2
def plane_parameters_from_pose(pose: Pose):
    Compute plane parameters in general form ax + by + cz + d = 0

    pose : xamla_motion.data_types.Pose
        pose which plane in extracted z is normal axis

    pm = pose.transformation_matrix()

    z = normalize(pm[0:3, 2])
    d = np.matmul(z, pm[0:3, 3])
    return np.asarray([z[0], z[1], z[2], -d])