def calculate_place_joint_values(poses: List[Pose],
                                pre_place_jvs: List[JointValues],
                                move_group: MoveGroup,
                                world_view_client: WorldViewClient) \
                            -> List[JointValues]:
    Calculates the place joint values

    Since we want the robot to move from pre place to place pose, we use the 
    corresponding pre place joint values as seed for the place joint values.

    poses : List[Pose]
        A list of poses for which the joint values should be calculated
    pre_place_jvs : List[JointValues]
        The seeds for every pose
    move_group : MoveGroup
    world_view_client: WorldViewClient

        A list of joint values for every pose
    end_effector = move_group.get_end_effector()
    place_jvs = []
    for i in range(len(pre_place_jvs)):
        # The i-th pre place joint values are used for the i-th position as seed
        joint_values = end_effector.inverse_kinematics(poses[i],
    return place_jvs
def calculate_pre_place_joint_values(pre_place_poses: List[Pose], 
                                    jv_home: JointValues, 
                                    move_group: MoveGroup, 
                                    world_view_client: WorldViewClient,
                                    world_view_folder: str) \
                                -> List[JointValues]:
    Calculates the pre place joint values
    Since we want the robot arm to go back and forth from the home configuration 
    to the poses on the grid, we use the home joint value as a const seed for 
    every pose to minimize the distance for the joints to make.
    Calling  inverse_kinematics_many with "const_seed = True" lets us exclusively
    using the jv_home joint values as seed. 
    "const_seed = False" would use the  previously calculated joint values as seed 
    for the next on when traversing pre_place_poses. This could be useful when  
    we went from pose to pose without visiting the jv_home configuration in between.

    pre_place_poses : List[Pose]
        A list of poses for which the joint values should be calculated
    jv_home : JointValues
        The seed to be used
    move_group : MoveGroup
    world_view_client: WorldViewClient

        A list of joint values for every pose
    end_effector = move_group.get_end_effector()
        pre_place_jvs = example_02_3_create_joint_values_from_poses.main(
    except Exception as e:
        print("The inverse kinematics operation could not be applied on all the positions.")
        world_view_client.remove_element("generated", world_view_folder)
        raise e
    # export every calculated joint values to world view to illustrate the result
    for i in range(len(pre_place_jvs)):
    return pre_place_jvs
def find_shifted_joint_values(joint_values: JointValues, diff_pose: Pose, 
                              move_group: MoveGroup) -> JointValues:
    Find joint values for the shifted pose of the joint_values end effector, if 
    This function takes a translation vector and joint values and tries to find 
    corresponding joint values shifted by "diff_pose" in Cartesian Space

    This is done by getting the current pose of the end effector joint values, 
    applying the translation and rotation of "diff_pose", and then applying 
    inverse kinematics to generate the joint values anew at the proposed poses.

    joint_values: JointValues
        The joint values to be shifted 
    diff_pose: Pose
        The pose which defines translation an rotation
    move_group: MoveGroup

        The shifted jointValues
        Raised when the inverse kinematics operation was not successfull

    # Get the pose of the end effetcor
    end_effector = move_group.get_end_effector()

    old_pose = end_effector.compute_pose(joint_values)
    # translate and rotate 
    newPose = old_pose.translate(diff_pose.translation).rotate(diff_pose.quaternion)
    # calculate joint values at new pose, which might throw an exception if not 
    # possible
    shifted_joint_values = end_effector.inverse_kinematics(newPose, 
                                    seed=joint_values, collision_check = True)
    return shifted_joint_values
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    # create move group instance
    move_group = MoveGroup()
    # get default endeffector of the movegroup
    end_effector = move_group.get_end_effector()

    # create cartesian path and equivalent joint path
    t1 = [0.502522, 0.2580, 0.3670]
    q1 = Quaternion(w=0.304389, x=0.5272, y=0.68704, z=0.39666)

    t2 = [0.23795, 0.46845, 0.44505]
    q2 = Quaternion(w=0.212097, x=0.470916, y=0.720915, z=0.462096)

    t3 = [0.6089578, 0.3406782, 0.208865]
    q3 = Quaternion(w=0.231852, x=0.33222, y=0.746109, z=0.528387)

    pose_1 = Pose(t1, q1)
    pose_2 = Pose(t2, q2)
    pose_3 = Pose(t3, q3)

    cartesian_path = CartesianPath([pose_1, pose_2, pose_3])

    plan = end_effector.move_cartesian(cartesian_path,

    stepped_client = plan.execute_supervised()

    robot_chat = RobotChatClient()

    robot_chat_stepped_motion = RobotChatSteppedMotion(robot_chat,

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

def plan_null_space_torso_move(
            left_move_group: MoveGroup, 
            right_move_group: MoveGroup, 
            full_body_start: MoveGroup,
            torso_joint_name: str,
            goal_torso_angle: float) -> List[JointValues] :
    Calculates a list of JointValues, describing the null space torso move 

    left_move_group : MoveGroup
        The MoveGroup of the left arm
    right_move_group : MoveGroup
        The MoveGroup of the right arm
    full_body_start : MoveGroup
        The The MoveGroup of the whole robot
    torso_joint_name : str
        The name of the torso joint
    goal_torso_angle : float
        The target torso angle the torso should reach

        The JointValues of the movement 

    # Get the JointValues of the current left and right arm configuration
    left_start = left_move_group.get_current_joint_positions()
    right_start = right_move_group.get_current_joint_positions()
    # Get the JointValues of the whole body
    full_body = full_body_start.get_current_joint_positions()

    # Get the end effectors of the left and right arm, respectively
    left_end_effector = left_move_group.get_end_effector()
    right_end_effector = right_move_group.get_end_effector()

    # Calculate poses of the end effectors
    left_start_pose = left_end_effector.compute_pose(left_start)
    right_start_pose = right_end_effector.compute_pose(right_start)
    # Get the current value of the torso joint
    found, start_torso_angle = full_body.try_get_value(torso_joint_name)

    # Define the amount of the JointValues configurations the movement should consist of 
    N = max(10, int(abs(goal_torso_angle - start_torso_angle)/math.radians(1)))
    threshold = math.pi/4
    waypoints = []
    for i in range(N):
        last_full_body =  copy.deepcopy(full_body)

        # Calculate the current angle between start and goal
        alpha = (i - 1) / (N - 1)
        angle = (1-alpha) * start_torso_angle + alpha * goal_torso_angle

        print("Calculate index {} of {} with angle {}".format(i + 1, N, angle))

        # Now we update the JointValues of the robot by adjusting the angle of 
        # the torso joint only 
        full_body = full_body.set_values(JointSet(torso_joint_name),  [angle])

        # Calculate the inverse kinematics for the left arm and  give the 
        # altered "full_body" object (with updated angle) as seed.
        # Since the move group for the left arm does not contain the joint
        # of the torso, it can only update the joint of the arm and assumes
        # the torso joint given by the seed to be fixed
        left_tmp_jv = left_end_effector.inverse_kinematics(
        # Update the JointValues of the result of IK of the left arm 
        full_body = full_body.set_values(left_tmp_jv.joint_set, left_tmp_jv.values)

        # Do the above for the right arm
        right_tmp_jv = right_end_effector.inverse_kinematics(

        full_body = full_body.set_values(right_tmp_jv.joint_set,  right_tmp_jv.values)
        # Assert there were no IK jumps
       # assert(2 > full_body.ik_jump_threshold detectIKJump(full_body, last_full_body, threshold)) #, 'jump IK detected')
    return waypoints
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    # create move group instance
    move_group = MoveGroup()
    # get default endeffector of the movegroup
    end_effector = move_group.get_end_effector()

    # create cartesian path and equivalent joint path
    t1 = [0.502522, 0.2580, 0.3670]
    q1 = Quaternion(w=0.304389, x=0.5272, y=0.68704, z=0.39666)

    t2 = [0.23795, 0.46845, 0.44505]
    q2 = Quaternion(w=0.212097, x=0.470916, y=0.720915, z=0.462096)

    t3 = [0.6089578, 0.3406782, 0.208865]
    q3 = Quaternion(w=0.231852, x=0.33222, y=0.746109, z=0.528387)

    pose_1 = Pose(t1, q1)
    pose_2 = Pose(t2, q2)
    pose_3 = Pose(t3, q3)

    cartesian_path = CartesianPath([pose_1, pose_2, pose_3])

    joint_path = end_effector.inverse_kinematics_many(cartesian_path,

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    async def example_moves():
        print('test MoveGroup class')
        print('----------------          move joints                 -------------------')
        await move_group.move_joints(joint_path)

        print('----------------      move joints collision free      -------------------')
        await move_group.move_joints_collision_free(joint_path)

        print('----------------        move joints supervised        -------------------')
        stepped_motion_client = move_group.move_joints_supervised(
            joint_path, 0.5)
        await run_supervised(stepped_motion_client)

        print('----------------move joints collision free supervised -------------------')
        stepped_motion_client = move_group.move_joints_collision_free_supervised(
            joint_path, 0.5)
        await run_supervised(stepped_motion_client)

        print('test EndEffector class')
        print('----------------           move poses                 -------------------')
        await end_effector.move_poses(cartesian_path)

        print('----------------        move poses collision free     -------------------')
        await end_effector.move_poses_collision_free(cartesian_path)

        print('----------------          move poses supervised       -------------------')
        stepped_motion_client = end_effector.move_poses_supervised(
            cartesian_path, None, 0.5)
        await run_supervised(stepped_motion_client)

        print('---------------- move poses collision free supervised -------------------')
        stepped_motion_client = end_effector.move_poses_collision_free_supervised(
            cartesian_path, None, 0.5)
        await run_supervised(stepped_motion_client)
