def beta_kge(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray) -> float:

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    return float(sim.mean() / obs.mean())
Exemplo n.º 2
def kge(obs: DataArray,
        sim: DataArray,
        weights: List[float] = [1., 1., 1.]) -> float:
    r"""Calculate the Kling-Gupta Efficieny [#]_
    .. math:: 
        \text{KGE} = 1 - \sqrt{[ s_r (r - 1)]^2 + [s_\alpha ( \alpha - 1)]^2 + 
            [s_\beta(\beta_{\text{KGE}} - 1)]^2},
    where :math:`r` is the correlation coefficient, :math:`\alpha` the :math:`\alpha`-NSE decomposition, 
    :math:`\beta_{\text{KGE}}` the fraction of the means and :math:`s_r, s_\alpha, s_\beta` the corresponding weights
    (here the three float values in the `weights` parameter).
    obs : DataArray
        Observed time series.
    sim : DataArray
        Simulated time series.
    weights : List[float]
        Weighting factors of the 3 KGE parts, by default each part has a weight of 1.

        Kling-Gupta Efficiency
    .. [#] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error 
        and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of hydrology, 377(1-2),

    if len(weights) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Weights of the KGE must be a list of three values")

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    if len(obs) < 2:
        return np.nan

    r, _ = stats.pearsonr(obs.values, sim.values)

    alpha = sim.std() / obs.std()
    beta = sim.mean() / obs.mean()

    value = (weights[0] * (r - 1)**2 + weights[1] * (alpha - 1)**2 +
             weights[2] * (beta - 1)**2)

    return 1 - np.sqrt(float(value))
def runoff_ratio(da: DataArray, prcp: DataArray) -> float:
    # get precip coordinate name (to avoid problems with 'index' or 'date')
    coord_name = list(prcp.coords.keys())[0]

    # slice prcp to the same time window as the discharge
    prcp = prcp.sel({coord_name: slice(da.coords["date"][0], da.coords["date"][-1])})

    # calculate runoff ratio
    value = da.mean() / prcp.mean()

    return float(value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def low_q_dur(da: DataArray, threshold: float = 0.2) -> float:
    """Calculate low-flow duration.

    Average duration of low-flow events (number of consecutive steps <`threshold` times the median flow) [#]_,
    [#]_ (Table 2).

    da : DataArray
        Array of flow values.
    threshold : float, optional
        Low-flow threshold. Values below ``threshold * median`` are considered low flows.

        Low-flow duration

    .. [#] Olden, J. D. and Poff, N. L.: Redundancy and the choice of hydrologic indices for characterizing streamflow
        regimes. River Research and Applications, 2003, 19, 101--121, doi:10.1002/rra.700
    .. [#] Westerberg, I. K. and McMillan, H. K.: Uncertainty in hydrological signatures.
        Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 19, 3951--3968, doi:10.5194/hess-19-3951-2015
    mean_flow = float(da.mean())
    idx = np.where(da.values < threshold * mean_flow)[0]
    if len(idx) > 0:
        periods = _split_list(idx)
        lqd = np.mean([len(p) for p in periods])
        lqd = np.nan
    return lqd
def low_q_freq(da: DataArray, coord: str = "date", threshold: float = 0.2) -> float:

    # determine the date of the first January 1st in the data period
    first_date = da.coords[coord][0].values.astype("datetime64[s]").astype(datetime)
    last_date = da.coords[coord][-1].values.astype("datetime64[s]").astype(datetime)

    if first_date == datetime.strptime(f"{first_date.year}-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"):
        start_date = first_date
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f"{first_date.year + 1}-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d")

    # end date of the first full year period
    end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=1) - relativedelta(days=1)

    # determine the mean flow over the entire period
    mean_flow = da.mean(skipna=True)

    lqfs = []
    while end_date < last_date:

        data = da.sel({coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})

        # number of days with discharge lower than threshold * median in a one year period
        n_days = (data < (threshold * mean_flow)).sum()


        start_date += relativedelta(years=1)
        end_date += relativedelta(years=1)

    return np.mean(lqfs)
Exemplo n.º 6
def low_q_dur(da: DataArray, threshold: float = 0.2) -> float:
    mean_flow = float(da.mean())
    idx = np.where(da.values < threshold * mean_flow)[0]
    if len(idx) > 0:
        periods = _split_list(idx)
        lqd = np.mean([len(p) for p in periods])
        lqd = np.nan
    return lqd
Exemplo n.º 7
def stream_elas(da: DataArray, prcp: DataArray, coord: str = 'date') -> float:

    # rename precip coordinate name (to avoid problems with 'index' or 'date')
    prcp = prcp.rename({list(prcp.coords.keys())[0]: coord})

    # slice prcp to the same time window as the discharge
    prcp = prcp.sel({coord: slice(da.coords[coord][0], da.coords[coord][-1])})

    # determine the date of the first October 1st in the data period
    first_date = da.coords[coord][0].values.astype('datetime64[s]').astype(
    last_date = da.coords[coord][-1].values.astype('datetime64[s]').astype(

    if first_date > datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year}-10-01', '%Y-%m-%d'):
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year + 1}-10-01',
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year}-10-01', '%Y-%m-%d')

    end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=1) - relativedelta(days=1)

    # mask only valid time steps (only discharge has missing values)
    idx = (da >= 0) & (~da.isnull())
    da = da[idx]
    prcp = prcp[idx]

    # calculate long-term means
    q_mean_total = da.mean()
    p_mean_total = prcp.mean()

    values = []
    while end_date < last_date:
        q = da.sel({coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})
        p = prcp.sel({coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})

        val = (q.mean() - q_mean_total) / (p.mean() - p_mean_total) * (
            p_mean_total / q_mean_total)

        start_date += relativedelta(years=1)
        end_date += relativedelta(years=1)

    return np.median([float(v) for v in values])
Exemplo n.º 8
def runoff_ratio(da: DataArray,
                 prcp: DataArray,
                 datetime_coord: str = None) -> float:
    """Calculate runoff ratio.

    Runoff ratio (ratio of mean discharge to mean precipitation) [#]_ (Eq. 2).

    da : DataArray
        Array of flow values.
    prcp : DataArray
        Array of precipitation values.
    datetime_coord : str, optional
        Datetime coordinate in the passed DataArray. Tried to infer automatically if not specified.

        Runoff ratio.

    .. [#] Sawicz, K., Wagener, T., Sivapalan, M., Troch, P. A., and Carrillo, G.: Catchment classification: empirical
        analysis of hydrologic similarity based on catchment function in the eastern USA.
        Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2011, 15, 2895--2911, doi:10.5194/hess-15-2895-2011
    if datetime_coord is None:
        datetime_coord = utils.infer_datetime_coord(da)

    # rename precip coordinate name (to avoid problems with 'index' or 'date')
    prcp = prcp.rename({list(prcp.coords.keys())[0]: datetime_coord})

    # slice prcp to the same time window as the discharge
    prcp = prcp.sel({
        slice(da.coords[datetime_coord][0], da.coords[datetime_coord][-1])

    # calculate runoff ratio
    value = da.mean() / prcp.mean()

    return float(value)
Exemplo n.º 9
def kge(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray, weights: list = [1, 1, 1]) -> float:
    if len(weights) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Weights of the KGE must be a list of three values")

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    r, _ = stats.pearsonr(obs.values, sim.values)

    alpha = sim.std() / obs.std()
    beta = sim.mean() / obs.mean()

    value = (weights[0] * (r - 1)**2 + weights[1] * (alpha - 1)**2 +
             weights[2] * (beta - 1)**2)

    return 1 - np.sqrt(float(value))
Exemplo n.º 10
def q_mean(da: DataArray) -> float:
    """Calculate mean discharge.

    da : DataArray
        Array of flow values.

        Mean discharge.
    return float(da.mean())
Exemplo n.º 11
def nse(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray) -> float:

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    denominator = ((obs - obs.mean()) ** 2).sum()
    numerator = ((sim - obs) ** 2).sum()

    value = 1 - numerator / denominator

    return float(value)
Exemplo n.º 12
def beta_nse(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate the beta NSE decomposition [#]_

    The beta NSE decomposition is the difference of the mean simulation and mean observation divided by the standard 
    deviation of the observations.

    .. math:: \beta = \frac{\mu_s - \mu_o}{\sigma_o},
    where :math:`\mu_s` is the mean of the simulations (here, `sim`), :math:`\mu_o` is the mean of the observations 
    (here, `obs`) and :math:`\sigma_o` the standard deviation of the observations.

    obs : DataArray
        Observed time series.
    sim : DataArray
        Simulated time series.

        Beta NSE decomposition.

    .. [#] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error 
        and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of hydrology, 377(1-2),

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    return float((sim.mean() - obs.mean()) / obs.std())
Exemplo n.º 13
def beta_kge(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate the beta KGE term [#]_
    The beta term of the Kling-Gupta Efficiency is defined as the fraction of the means.
    .. math:: \beta_{\text{KGE}} = \frac{\mu_s}{\mu_o},
    where :math:`\mu_s` is the mean of the simulations (here, `sim`) and :math:`\mu_o` is the mean of the observations 
    (here, `obs`).
    obs : DataArray
        Observed time series.
    sim : DataArray
        Simulated time series.

        Beta NSE decomposition.

    .. [#] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error 
        and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of hydrology, 377(1-2),

    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    return float(sim.mean() / obs.mean())
Exemplo n.º 14
def nse(obs: DataArray, sim: DataArray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency [#]_
    Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency is the R-square between observed and simulated discharge.
    .. math:: \text{NSE} = 1 - \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T}(Q_m^t - Q_o^t)^2}{\sum_{t=1}^T(Q_o^t - \overline{Q}_o)^2},
    where :math:`Q_m` are the simulations (here, `sim`) and :math:`Q_o` are observations (here, `obs`).
    obs : DataArray
        Observed time series.
    sim : DataArray
        Simulated time series.

        Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency 
    .. [#] Nash, J. E.; Sutcliffe, J. V. (1970). "River flow forecasting through conceptual models part I - A 
        discussion of principles". Journal of Hydrology. 10 (3): 282-290. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(70)90255-6.


    # verify inputs
    _validate_inputs(obs, sim)

    # get time series with only valid observations
    obs, sim = _mask_valid(obs, sim)

    denominator = ((obs - obs.mean())**2).sum()
    numerator = ((sim - obs)**2).sum()

    value = 1 - numerator / denominator

    return float(value)
Exemplo n.º 15
def q_mean(da: DataArray) -> float:
    return float(da.mean())
Exemplo n.º 16
def stream_elas(da: DataArray,
                prcp: DataArray,
                datetime_coord: str = None) -> float:
    """Calculate stream elasticity.

    Streamflow precipitation elasticity (sensitivity of streamflow to changes in precipitation at
    the annual time scale) [#]_.

    da : DataArray
        Array of flow values.
    prcp : DataArray
        Array of precipitation values.
    datetime_coord : str, optional
        Datetime coordinate in the passed DataArray. Tried to infer automatically if not specified.

        Stream elasticity.

    .. [#] Sankarasubramanian, A., Vogel, R. M., and Limbrunner, J. F.: Climate elasticity of streamflow in the
        United States. Water Resources Research, 2001, 37, 1771--1781, doi:10.1029/2000WR900330
    if datetime_coord is None:
        datetime_coord = utils.infer_datetime_coord(da)

    # rename precip coordinate name (to avoid problems with 'index' or 'date')
    prcp = prcp.rename({list(prcp.coords.keys())[0]: datetime_coord})

    # slice prcp to the same time window as the discharge
    prcp = prcp.sel({
        slice(da.coords[datetime_coord][0], da.coords[datetime_coord][-1])

    # determine the date of the first October 1st in the data period
    first_date = da.coords[datetime_coord][0].values.astype(
    last_date = da.coords[datetime_coord][-1].values.astype(

    if first_date > datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year}-10-01', '%Y-%m-%d'):
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year + 1}-10-01',
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year}-10-01', '%Y-%m-%d')

    end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=1) - relativedelta(seconds=1)

    # mask only valid time steps (only discharge has missing values)
    idx = (da >= 0) & (~da.isnull())
    da = da[idx]
    prcp = prcp[idx]

    # calculate long-term means
    q_mean_total = da.mean()
    p_mean_total = prcp.mean()

    values = []
    while end_date < last_date:
        q = da.sel({datetime_coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})
        p = prcp.sel({datetime_coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})

        val = (q.mean() - q_mean_total) / (p.mean() - p_mean_total) * (
            p_mean_total / q_mean_total)

        start_date += relativedelta(years=1)
        end_date += relativedelta(years=1)

    return np.median([float(v) for v in values])
Exemplo n.º 17
def low_q_freq(da: DataArray,
               datetime_coord: str = None,
               threshold: float = 0.2) -> float:
    """Calculate Low-flow frequency.

    Frequency of low-flow events (<`threshold` times the median flow) [#]_, [#]_ (Table 2).

    da : DataArray
        Array of flow values.
    datetime_coord : str, optional
        Datetime coordinate in the passed DataArray. Tried to infer automatically if not specified.
    threshold : float, optional
        Low-flow threshold. Values below ``threshold * median`` are considered low flows.

        Low-flow frequency

    .. [#] Olden, J. D. and Poff, N. L.: Redundancy and the choice of hydrologic indices for characterizing streamflow
        regimes. River Research and Applications, 2003, 19, 101--121, doi:10.1002/rra.700
    .. [#] Westerberg, I. K. and McMillan, H. K.: Uncertainty in hydrological signatures.
        Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 19, 3951--3968, doi:10.5194/hess-19-3951-2015
    if datetime_coord is None:
        datetime_coord = utils.infer_datetime_coord(da)

    # determine the date of the first January 1st in the data period
    first_date = da.coords[datetime_coord][0].values.astype(
    last_date = da.coords[datetime_coord][-1].values.astype(

    if first_date == datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year}-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d'):
        start_date = first_date
        start_date = datetime.strptime(f'{first_date.year + 1}-01-01',

    # end date of the first full year period
    end_date = start_date + relativedelta(years=1) - relativedelta(seconds=1)

    # determine the mean flow over the entire period
    mean_flow = da.mean(skipna=True)

    lqfs = []
    while end_date < last_date:

        data = da.sel({datetime_coord: slice(start_date, end_date)})

        # number of steps with discharge lower than threshold * median in a one year period
        n_steps = (data < (threshold * mean_flow)).sum()


        start_date += relativedelta(years=1)
        end_date += relativedelta(years=1)

    return np.mean(lqfs)