Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_execute(self):
        Listing squares should return a list of all the things in the world
        which are squares.  It should include their coordinates and number of
        each kind of thing inside them.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        s1 = world.create('square')['id']
        s2 = world.create('square')['id']
        world.setAttr(s2, 'coordinates', (0, 1))

        thing1 = world.create('thing')['id']
        Move(thing1, s2).execute(world)

        output = ListSquares(thing1).execute(world)
                'id': s1,
                'kind': 'square',
                'coordinates': None,
                'contents': {},
            }, output)
                'id': s2,
                'kind': 'square',
                'coordinates': (0, 1),
                'contents': {
                    'thing': 1,
            }, output)
        self.assertEqual(len(output), 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_execute(self):
        Listing squares should return a list of all the things in the world
        which are squares.  It should include their coordinates and number of
        each kind of thing inside them.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        s1 = world.create('square')['id']
        s2 = world.create('square')['id']
        world.setAttr(s2, 'coordinates', (0, 1))
        thing1 = world.create('thing')['id']
        Move(thing1, s2).execute(world)

        output = ListSquares(thing1).execute(world)
            'id': s1,
            'kind': 'square',
            'coordinates': None,
            'contents': {},
        }, output)
            'id': s2,
            'kind': 'square',
            'coordinates': (0, 1),
            'contents': {
                'thing': 1,
        }, output)
        self.assertEqual(len(output), 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_makeSecondTool(self):
        If you make a tool from a different piece of ore, your existing tool
        is unequipped and the lifesource it was made from is reverted to ore.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        ore1 = world.create('ore')
        ore2 = world.create('ore')

        bot = world.create('bot')
        MakeTool(bot['id'], ore1['id'], 'knife').execute(world)

        MakeTool(bot['id'], ore2['id'], 'butterfly net').execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(bot['tool'], 'butterfly net',
                         "Should equip the new tool")
        self.assertEqual(ore1['kind'], 'ore', "Should revert to ore")
        self.assertEqual(ore2['kind'], 'lifesource')

        # kill original
        world.setAttr(ore1['id'], 'hp', 0)

            bot['tool'], 'butterfly net', "should not change tool"
            " when the original ore dies")
        self.assertEqual(ore2['kind'], 'lifesource')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_execute(self):
        Locking something should increase the number of 'locks' on the thing.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')['id']
        box = world.create('box')

        AddLock(thing, box['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(box['locks'], 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_onlyOre(self):
        Only ore can be turned into tools.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        ore = world.create('flower')
        bot = world.create('bot')

                          MakeTool(bot['id'], ore['id'], 'knife').execute,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_stayAbove0(self):
        You can't damage something below 0 by shooting.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('foo')
        target = world.create('foo')

        world.setAttr(target['id'], 'hp', 30)
        Shoot(thing['id'], target['id'], 500).execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(target['hp'], 0, "Should reduce the hitpoints to 0")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_execute(self):
        Shooting something should reduce its hitpoints by the given amount.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('foo')
        target = world.create('foo')

        world.setAttr(target['id'], 'hp', 30)
        Shoot(thing['id'], target['id'], 10).execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(target['hp'], 20, "Should reduce the hitpoints")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_invulnerable(self):
        You can't shoot something that is invulnerable.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('foo')
        target = world.create('foo')

                          Shoot(thing['id'], target['id'], 500).execute, world)
        world.setAttr(target['id'], 'hp', None)
                          Shoot(thing['id'], target['id'], 500).execute, world)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_onlyBotsCanExecute(self):
        Only bots can execute commands.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        rules = StandardRules()

        bot = world.create('bot')['id']
        rules.isAllowed(world, action.ListSquares(bot))

        nonbot = world.create('foo')['id']
        self.assertRaises(NotAllowed, rules.isAllowed, world,
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_execute(self):
        Repairing something should increas the number of hitpoints on that
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('foo')
        target = world.create('foo')

        world.setAttr(target['id'], 'hp', 30)
        Repair(thing['id'], target['id'], 10).execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(target['hp'], 40, "Should increase the hitpoints")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_emit_oneEventAtATime(self):
        Only one event should be emitted at a time.  If an event emission
        causes another event to be emitted, it should be appended to a queue
        and be emitted after the current event is finished.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        obj1 = world.create('foo')['id']
        obj2 = world.create('foo')['id']
        obj3 = world.create('foo')['id']

        obj1_received = []
        world.receiveFor(obj1, obj1_received.append)

        obj2_received = []
        world.receiveFor(obj2, obj2_received.append)

        obj3_received = []
        world.receiveFor(obj3, obj3_received.append)

        # obj1 will emit to
        #   obj2 and obj3
        world.subscribeTo(obj1, world.receiverFor(obj2))
        world.subscribeTo(obj1, world.receiverFor(obj3))

        # obj2 will emit to
        #   obj1 and obj3
        world.subscribeTo(obj2, world.receiverFor(obj1))
        world.subscribeTo(obj2, world.receiverFor(obj3))

        #       1_
        #      /|\
        #     /   \
        #   |/_   _\|
        #   3 <---- 2

        # obj2 will emit "obj2" every time he receives an event
        def noisy(_):
            world.emit('obj2', obj2)

        world.receiveFor(obj2, noisy)

        # If things are working properly, then obj3 will receive
        # the 'obj2' emissions AFTER it receives the event from obj1
        world.emit('obj1', obj1)
        self.assertEqual(obj1_received, ['obj1', 'obj2'],
                         "obj1 should receive obj1 from self, then obj2")
        self.assertEqual(obj2_received, ['obj1', 'obj2'],
                         "obj2 should receive obj1, then obj2 from self")
        self.assertEqual(obj3_received, ['obj1', 'obj2'],
                         "obj3 should receiver obj1 first, then obj2")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_execute_inRoom(self):
        If an object is already located in another container, then moving it
            - Unsubscribe from the location's events
            - Unsubscribe the location from the thing's events
            - Cause C{contents} to be updated.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')['id']
        room1 = world.create('room1')['id']
        room2 = world.create('room2')['id']

        move1 = Move(thing, room1)

        move2 = Move(thing, room2)

        room1_called = []
        world.receiveFor(room1, room1_called.append)

        room2_called = []
        world.receiveFor(room2, room2_called.append)

        thing_called = []
        world.receiveFor(thing, thing_called.append)

        # emit from room1
        world.emit('foo', room1)
        self.assertEqual(thing_called, [], "Thing should detach from previous "
                         "room events")

        # emit from thing
        world.emit('bar', thing)
        self.assertEqual(thing_called, ['bar'], "Thing should see own events")
        self.assertEqual(room1_called, [], "Room1 should detach from thing"
                         " events")

        # room1 contents
        room1_obj = world.get(room1)
        self.assertEqual(room1_obj['contents'], [], "Should remove from "
                         "contents of room1")

        location = world.get(thing)['location']
            location, room2, "Should update the "
            "location of the thing.  This is mostly to confirm "
            "that the default moving behavior tested in the other "
            "test happened.")
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_inLocation(self):
        Should list the things in my location
        world = World(MagicMock())
        room = world.create('foo')
        thing = world.create('thing')
        other = world.create('thing')

        Move(thing['id'], room['id']).execute(world)
        Move(other['id'], room['id']).execute(world)

        r = Look(thing['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(set(r), set([thing['id'], other['id']]))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_destroy_disableSubscribers(self):
        When an object is destroyed, things subscribed to its events will
        no longer receive events.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('foo')

        received = []
        world.receiveFor(thing['id'], received.append)

        emitted = []
        world.subscribeTo(thing['id'], emitted.append)

        receiver = world.receiverFor(thing['id'])
        emitter = world.emitterFor(thing['id'])


        self.assertEqual(received, [])
        self.assertEqual(emitted, [])

        self.assertEqual(received, [])
        self.assertEqual(emitted, [])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_execute_energyRequired_command_fails(self):
        If there is energy required and the command fails to run, the energy
        should not be consumed.
        e = self.friendlyEngine()

        # require some energy
        e.engine.energyRequirement.return_value = 2

        # make some energy
        world = World(MagicMock())

        actor = world.create('thing')
        yield Charge(actor['id']).execute(world)
        yield Charge(actor['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(len(actor['energy']), 2)

        # do the action and consume the energy
        action = MagicMock()
        action.subject.return_value = actor['id']

        # synchronous
        action.execute.side_effect = NotAllowed('foo')
        self.assertFailure(e.execute(world, action), NotAllowed)
        self.assertEqual(len(actor['energy']), 2, "Should not have consumed "
                         "the energy")

        # asynchronous
        action.execute.side_effect = None
        action.execute.return_value = defer.fail(NotAllowed('foo'))
        self.assertFailure(e.execute(world, action), NotAllowed)
        self.assertEqual(len(actor['energy']), 2, "Should not have consumed "
                         "the energy")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_share(self):
        Sharing energy should result in the energy being removed from the
        giver's energy pool and added to the receiver's energy pool.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        giver = world.create('thing')
        receiver = world.create('thing')

        ShareEnergy(giver['id'], receiver['id'], 1).execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(len(giver['energy']), 0,
                         "Should deplete giver's energy")
        self.assertEqual(len(receiver['energy']), 1,
                         "Should increase receiver's energy")
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_emit_receiveOnce(self):
        Events should only be received by each object once.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        obj1 = world.create('foo')['id']
        obj2 = world.create('foo')['id']

        obj1_received = []
        world.receiveFor(obj1, obj1_received.append)

        obj2_received = []
        world.receiveFor(obj2, obj2_received.append)

        # obj1 emits everything it receives
        world.receiveFor(obj1, world.emitterFor(obj1))

        # obj2 emits everything it receives
        world.receiveFor(obj2, world.emitterFor(obj2))

        # obj2 receives emissions from obj1
        world.subscribeTo(obj1, world.receiverFor(obj2))

        # obj1 receives emissions from obj2
        world.subscribeTo(obj2, world.receiverFor(obj1))

        # we have a nice loop set up.  When this test fails, it is likely to
        # continue spinning forever.
        world.emit('echo', obj1)
        self.assertEqual(obj1_received, ['echo'], "Should have received the "
                         "message once")
        self.assertEqual(obj2_received, ['echo'], "Should have received the "
                         "message once")
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_failIfNotOnBoard(self):
        The following actions require a bot to be on the board.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        rules = StandardRules()

        bot = world.create('bot')['id']

        actions = [
            action.ShareEnergy(bot, 'foo', 2),
            action.ConsumeEnergy(bot, 2),
            action.Shoot(bot, 'foo', 1),
            action.Repair(bot, 'foo', 1),
            action.MakeTool(bot, 'foo', 'foo'),
            action.OpenPortal(bot, 'foo', 'foo'),
            action.AddLock(bot, 'foo'),
            action.BreakLock(bot, 'foo'),
            action.LookAt(bot, 'foo'),

        for a in actions:
                rules.isAllowed(world, a)
            except NotAllowed:
                self.fail("You must be on a square to do %r" % (a, ))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_execute_energyRequired_succeed(self):
        If energy is required and the actor has enough energy, do the action.
        e = self.friendlyEngine()

        # require some energy
        e.engine.energyRequirement.return_value = 2

        # make some energy
        world = World(MagicMock())

        actor = world.create('thing')
        yield Charge(actor['id']).execute(world)
        yield Charge(actor['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(len(actor['energy']), 2)

        # do the action and consume the energy
        action = MagicMock()
        action.subject.return_value = actor['id']
        action.execute.return_value = 'foo'

        ret = yield e.execute(world, action)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 'foo', "Should have executed the action")
        self.assertEqual(len(actor['energy']), 0, "Should have consumed "
                         "the energy")
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_portal_user_noMatch(self):
        It is NotAllowed to use a portal with a portal_user different than the
        thing trying to use the portal.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        place = world.create('place')
        ore = world.create('ore')
        bot = world.create('bot')
        lander = world.create('lander')
        imposter = world.create('imposter')

        Move(ore['id'], place['id']).execute(world)
        OpenPortal(bot['id'], ore['id'], lander['id']).execute(world)
                          UsePortal(imposter['id'], ore['id']).execute, world)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_execute(self):
        Breaking a lock will reduce the number of locks on a thing.  It can't
        be reduced below 0, though.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')['id']
        box = world.create('box')

        AddLock(thing, box['id']).execute(world)
        BreakLock(thing, box['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(box['locks'], 0)

        # make sure it doesn't go negative
        BreakLock(thing, box['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(box['locks'], 0, "It can't have a negative number "
                         "of locks")
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_create_uniqueId(self):
     The id of an object should be unique
     world = World(MagicMock())
     o1 = world.create('foo')
     o2 = world.create('bar')
     self.assertNotEqual(o1['id'], o2['id'])
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_get(self):
     You can get objects.
     world = World(MagicMock())
     obj = world.create('foo')
     obj2 = world.get(obj['id'])
     self.assertEqual(obj, obj2)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_invalidLocation(self):
        It is an error to move to a non-entity.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')['id']

        self.assertRaises(NotAllowed, Move(thing, 4).execute, world)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_nowhere(self):
        If you are nowhere, return an empty list.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')

        self.assertEqual(Look(thing['id']).execute(world), [])
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_badPassword(self):
        auth = FileStoredPasswords(self.mktemp())
        world = World(MagicMock(), auth=auth)

        thing = world.create('thing')
        yield CreateTeam(thing['id'], 'teamA', 'password').execute(world)
            JoinTeam(thing['id'], 'teamA', 'not password').execute(world),
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_basic(self):
        Should return information about the object.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')

        r = LookAt(thing['id'], thing['id']).execute(world)
        self.assertEqual(r, world.get(thing['id']))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_thingsInTheSameRoom(self):
        Things in the same location should see events emitted by each other.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        room = world.create('a')['id']
        thing1 = world.create('thing')['id']
        thing2 = world.create('thing')['id']

        Move(thing1, room).execute(world)
        Move(thing2, room).execute(world)

        c1 = []
        world.receiveFor(thing1, c1.append)
        c2 = []
        world.receiveFor(thing2, c2.append)

        world.emit('foo', thing1)
        self.assertEqual(c1, ['foo'])
        self.assertEqual(c2, ['foo'])
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_sharedEnergy_destroyed(self):
        When shared energy is destroyed, it should be removed from the
        energy pool of whoever has it and still decrement the creator's
        created_energy amount.
        world = World(MagicMock())
        giver = world.create('thing')
        receiver = world.create('thing')

        ShareEnergy(giver['id'], receiver['id'], 1).execute(world)

        e = receiver['energy'][0]

        self.assertEqual(giver['created_energy'], 0,
                         "Should decrement creator's created count")
        self.assertEqual(len(receiver['energy']), 0,
                         "Should deplete receiver's energy")
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_execute(self):
        Should set the team name if the password matches.
        auth = FileStoredPasswords(self.mktemp())
        world = World(MagicMock(), auth=auth)

        thing = world.create('thing')
        yield CreateTeam(thing['id'], 'teamA', 'password').execute(world)
        yield JoinTeam(thing['id'], 'teamA', 'password').execute(world)

        self.assertEqual(thing['team'], 'teamA')
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_execute(self):
        Moving to a new location should:

            - Cause C{location} to be updated
            - Cause C{contents} to be updated
            - Subscribe the thing to the location's events
            - Subscribe the location to the thing's events
        world = World(MagicMock())
        thing = world.create('thing')
        room = world.create('room')

        move = Move(thing['id'], room['id'])

        self.assertEqual(thing['location'], room['id'], "Should set location")
        self.assertEqual(room['contents'], [thing['id']],
                         "Should set contents")

        room_called = []
        world.receiveFor(room['id'], room_called.append)

        thing_called = []
        world.receiveFor(thing['id'], thing_called.append)

        world.emit('foo', room['id'])
        self.assertEqual(room_called, ['foo'],
                         "Room should receive room events")
        self.assertEqual(thing_called, ['foo'],
                         "Thing should receive room events")


        world.emit('foo', thing['id'])
        self.assertEqual(room_called, ['foo'],
                         "Room should receive thing events")
        self.assertEqual(thing_called, ['foo'],
                         "Thing should receive thing events")