def spreadToBenchmarkHistory(isinBench: str, isin_list: list): """ define a benchmark bond and get spread to benchmark hiistory for bonds in hthe list. input: isinBench: the benchmark isin isin_list: the benchmark isins list output: df: dataframe containing benchmark histories """ # remove benchmark from list if isinBench in isin_list: print('isin removed') isin_list.remove(isinBench) else: print('isin not in bench') # list of isins isin_list_corp = [i + ' Corp' for i in isin_list] print('here is the list: ', isin_list) # fields fieldList = 'blp_i_sprd_mid' # start and end dates to use dateToUseToday = dateToUse2yAgo = dateToUseToday + datetime.timedelta(days=-365*2) print('lets go between today and 2 years ago') print('today:', dateToUseToday) print('2y ago:', dateToUse2yAgo) # request from bbg returning a MultiIndex DataFrame object - for the isin list bondDataHist = blp.bdh( tickers= isin_list_corp, flds=fieldList, start_date=dateToUse2yAgo, end_date=dateToUseToday, ) # request from bbg returning a MultiIndex DataFrame object - for the isin benchmark benchDataHist = blp.bdh( tickers= isinBench+ ' Corp', flds=fieldList, start_date=dateToUse2yAgo, end_date=dateToUseToday, ) # MultiIndex dataframe for spreads spreadDataHist = bondDataHist.sub(benchDataHist[(isinBench+ ' Corp', 'blp_i_sprd_mid')], axis=0) # print(spreadDataHist) # rename columns spreadDataHist.columns = isin_list return spreadDataHist
def get_data_bdh(ticker, fields, start_date, end_date, override, legend_labels, sort): """ Downloads data using blp.bph :param ticker: str/list, ticker(s) name(s) :param fields: str/list, field(s) name(s) :param start_date: datetime :param end_date: datetime :param override: dictionary (override_value: override_value) :param legend_labels: list[string], your name for fields :param sort: string, sort value if needed :return: data to plot """ data = pd.DataFrame() min_max_avg = [pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame()] final = [] for idx, field in enumerate(fields): try: temp = blp.bdh(tickers=ticker, flds=field, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, **override[idx]) except Exception as e: temp = blp.bdh(tickers=ticker, flds=field, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) data[legend_labels[idx]] = temp.iloc[-1].unstack() min_max_avg[0][legend_labels[idx]] = temp[ticker].min().unstack() min_max_avg[1][legend_labels[idx]] = temp[ticker].max().unstack() min_max_avg[2][legend_labels[idx]] = temp[ticker].mean().unstack() if sort == 'a': data.sort_values(by=data.columns[0], axis=0, inplace=True, ascending=True) if sort == 'd': data.sort_values(by=data.columns[0], axis=0, inplace=True, ascending=False) # print(min_max_avg[0]) for df in min_max_avg: final.append(df.reindex(data.index)) return data, final
def Updatedb(Ticker, Start="20000101","%Y%m%d")): #print(len(Ticker), type(Ticker), Ticker) if Ticker + ".csv" in os.listdir( r"\\\Share\Kelian\DATA\COMMO"): # Folder Location #print("Got From DataBase") Pointer = pd.read_csv(r"\\\Share\Kelian\DATA\COMMO\\" + Ticker + ".csv", index_col=0) if str(Pointer.index.max()) < End: Pointer2 = blp.bdh(tickers=[Ticker], start_date=str(Pointer.index.max()), end_date=End) if len(Pointer2[Pointer2.index > str(Pointer.index.max())]) != 0: Pointer2 = Pointer2.iloc[1:, :] Pointer2.index = Pointer2.index.strftime("%Y%m%d") Pointer2.columns = [Ticker] Pointer = pd.concat((Pointer, Pointer2), axis=0) Pointer = Pointer[~Pointer.index.duplicated()] Pointer.to_csv(r"\\\Share\Kelian\DATA\COMMO\\" + Ticker + ".csv", index=True) return Pointer else: # Twice Pointer = blp.bdh(tickers=[Ticker], start_date=Start, end_date=End) Pointer.index = Pointer.index.strftime("%Y%m%d") Pointer.columns = [Ticker] Pointer.to_csv(r"\\\Share\Kelian\DATA\COMMO\\" + Ticker + ".csv", index=True) return Pointer
def getHistoryFromISIN_list(isin_list: list): ''' function to get historic data from a list of isins ''' # list of isins isin_list = [i + ' Corp' for i in isin_list] print('here is the list: ', isin_list) # fields fieldList = 'blp_i_sprd_mid' # start and end dates to use dateToUseToday = dateToUse2yAgo = dateToUseToday + datetime.timedelta(days=-365*2) print('lets go between today and 2 years ago') print('today:', dateToUseToday) print('2y ago:', dateToUse2yAgo) # request from bbg returning a MultiIndex DataFrame object bondDataHist = blp.bdh( tickers= isin_list, flds=fieldList, start_date=dateToUse2yAgo, end_date=dateToUseToday, ) return bondDataHist
def examples(): """ examples of how to get basic data from bbg """ # get some data for a single name x = blp.bdp('BDEV LN Equity', 'px_last') print(x) print('the type of x', type(x)) print('the value of x:', x.iloc[0]['px_last']) # get multiple data for a single name y = blp.bdp('BDEV LN Equity', flds=['px_bid', 'px_ask']) print(y) # get multiple data for multiple names z = blp.bdp(tickers=['BDEV LN Equity', 'BARC LN Equity'], flds=['px_bid', 'px_ask']) print(z) print('here is the bdev ask >>>', z.loc['BDEV LN Equity', 'px_ask']) # get history data for a single name print('getting history...') todaydate = historicDate = todaydate - datetime.timedelta(3 * 365) print(todaydate, historicDate) x = blp.bdh('BDEV LN Equity', flds='px_last', start_date=historicDate, end_date='today') print(x.head()) print(x.tail())
def getHistoryFromISIN(isin: str, fieldList: list): ''' function that takes an isin as a string and returns a DataFrame for the ISIN ''' # get dates to use (in the correct format) dateToUseToday = dateToUse2yAgo = dateToUseToday + datetime.timedelta(days=-365*2) print('lets go between today and 2 years ago') print('today:', dateToUseToday) print('2y ago:', dateToUse2yAgo) # fields that we want to get fieldList = fieldList #['px_bid', 'px_ask', 'blp_i_sprd_mid'] #fieldList = ['blp_i_sprd_mid'] # request from bbg returning a MultiIndex DataFrame object bondDataHist = blp.bdh( tickers= isin+' Corp', flds=fieldList, start_date=dateToUse2yAgo, end_date=dateToUseToday, ) return bondDataHist
def get_relevant_data(tickers_list, date_start, date_end, data_source): """Get financial data from Bloomberg or Typhoon for a given set of underlying and type of data""" if data_source == 'Bloomberg': selected_data = blp.bdh(tickers=tickers_list, flds=['PX_LAST'], start_date=date_start, end_date=date_end, adjust='all') if not selected_data.empty: selected_data.columns = selected_data.columns.droplevel(1) return selected_data
def get_data_bdh(ticker, fields, start_date, end_date, override): """ """ data = blp.bdh(tickers=ticker, flds=fields, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, **override) data = data.T data = data.unstack() data = data.droplevel(0, axis=1) return data
def get_hack_data(): df_IBOV = blp.bdh('BOVV11 BZ Equity', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-29', '2021-04-30') df_SP = blp.bdh('SPXI11 BZ Equity', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-29', '2021-04-30') df_IMAB = blp.bdh('IMAB11 BZ Equity', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-29', '2021-04-30') df_IRFM = blp.bdh('IRFM11 BZ Equity', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-29', '2021-04-30') df_IBOV.index = pd.to_datetime(df_IBOV.index) df_SP.index = pd.to_datetime(df_SP.index) df_IMAB.index = pd.to_datetime(df_IMAB.index) df_IRFM.index = pd.to_datetime(df_IRFM.index) df_IBOV = df_IBOV.pct_change().dropna() df_SP = df_SP.pct_change().dropna() df_IMAB = df_IMAB.pct_change().dropna() df_IRFM = df_IRFM.pct_change().dropna() df_IMAB_indice = blp.bdh('BZRFIMAB index', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-30', '2019-05-20') df_IMAB_indice.index = pd.to_datetime(df_IMAB_indice.index) df_IMAB_indice = df_IMAB_indice.rename(columns ={'BZRFIMAB index' : 'IMAB11 BZ Equity'}) df_IMAB_indice = df_IMAB_indice.pct_change().dropna() df_IMAB = pd.concat([df_IMAB_indice/1000, df_IMAB]) df_IRFM_indice = blp.bdh('BZRFIRFM Index', 'PX_LAST', '2017-12-30', '2019-09-23') df_IRFM_indice.index = pd.to_datetime(df_IRFM_indice.index) df_IRFM_indice = df_IRFM_indice.rename(columns ={'BZRFIRFM Index' : 'IRFM11 BZ Equity'}) df_IRFM_indice = df_IRFM_indice.pct_change().dropna() df_IRFM = pd.concat([df_IRFM_indice/1000, df_IRFM]) df = pd.concat([df_IBOV, df_SP, df_IMAB, df_IRFM], axis = 1).dropna() return df
def get_relevant_data(tickers_list, date_start, date_end, data_source): """Get financial data from Yahoo Finance for a given set of underlying and type of data""" if data_source == 'Yahoo': try: raw_data = web.DataReader(name=tickers_list, data_source='yahoo', start=date_start, end=date_end) selected_data = raw_data['Adj Close'] except RemoteDataError: selected_data = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=[0], columns=tickers_list) elif data_source == 'Bloomberg': selected_data = blp.bdh(tickers=tickers_list, flds=['PX_LAST'], start_date=date_start, end_date=date_end, adjust='all') if not selected_data.empty: selected_data.columns = selected_data.columns.droplevel(1) return selected_data
def bdh(cls, ticker, flds='PX_LAST', start_date='20200101', end_date=None, overrides=None): """ 获取多时间序列数据 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d = BlpUtil.bdh('600570 CH Equity', flds='PX_LAST', start_date='2021-04-01') """ params = { 'tickers': ticker, 'flds': flds, 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': cls.get_date_str(end_date) } params = params if overrides is None else dict( list(params.items()) + list(overrides.items())) df = blp.bdh(**params) if df is not None and len(df) > 0: df = df[ticker] df = df.rename_axis('date').reset_index() return df
def bdh(cusips, fecha): datos = blp.bdh(cusips, ['PX_DIRTY_MID', 'YLD_YTM_MID'], fecha, fecha) return datos
def run(self): def reconstruct_price_data(price_data): price_data = price_data.unstack().reset_index() price_data.columns = ["bbg_ticker", "item_name", "date", "item_value"] price_data["item_value"] = price_data["item_value"].astype("float") price_data["date"] = price_data["date"].astype("datetime64[ns]") return price_data def adjust_start_end_date_based_on_trade_data(this_trade_df, price_data): # halt flag dataframe active_df = price_data[price_data["item_name"] == "volume"].copy() active_df = active_df.dropna(subset=["item_value"]) active_stock = list(active_df["bbg_ticker"].drop_duplicates()) halt_list = [stock for stock in this_stock_list if stock not in active_stock] halt_df = pd.DataFrame(index=halt_list).reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "bbg_ticker"}) halt_df["halt_flag"] = True"Got Halt Flag") # ipo or delist dataframe start_end_date_df = active_df.groupby(["bbg_ticker"])["date"].agg(["min", "max"]) ipo_df = start_end_date_df[start_end_date_df["min"] != start_date].reset_index().rename( columns={"min": "ipo_date"}).drop(columns="max") delist_df = start_end_date_df[start_end_date_df["max"] != end_date].reset_index().rename( columns={"max": "delist_date"}).drop(columns="min")"Got IPO Date and Delist Date") # ipo return ipo_return_list = [] if not ipo_df.empty: for ticker in list(ipo_df["bbg_ticker"].drop_duplicates()): ipo_return = list(price_data[(price_data["item_name"] == "last_price") & (price_data["bbg_ticker"] == ticker)].sort_values("date")[ "item_value"].dropna())[:2] ipo_return = (ipo_return[-1] / ipo_return[0] - 1) * 100 ipo_return_list.append(ipo_return) ipo_df["ipo_return"] = ipo_return_list"Got IPO Return") # get adjusted trade df if not halt_df.empty: this_trade_df = pd.merge(this_trade_df, halt_df, on=["bbg_ticker"], how="left") this_trade_df["halt_flag"] = this_trade_df["halt_flag"].fillna(False) else: this_trade_df["halt_flag"] = False if not ipo_df.empty: this_trade_df = pd.merge(this_trade_df, ipo_df, on=["bbg_ticker"], how="left") else: this_trade_df["ipo_date"] = pd.NaT this_trade_df["ipo_return"] = np.nan if not delist_df.empty: this_trade_df = pd.merge(this_trade_df, delist_df, on=["bbg_ticker"], how="left") else: this_trade_df["delist_date"] = pd.NaT this_trade_df["trade_start_date"] = [trade_start_date if pd.isnull(ipo_date) else ipo_date for trade_start_date, ipo_date in np.array(this_trade_df[["trade_start_date", "ipo_date"]])] this_trade_df["trade_end_date"] = [trade_end_date if pd.isnull(delist_date) else delist_date for trade_end_date, delist_date in np.array(this_trade_df[["trade_end_date", "delist_date"]])] return this_trade_df def get_beta(this_trade_df, price_data, funding_source): stock_beta_df = price_data[(price_data["item_name"] == "beta_adj_overridable") & (price_data["date"].isin( list(this_trade_df["trade_start_date"].drop_duplicates())))].copy() stock_beta_df = stock_beta_df[["bbg_ticker", "date", "item_value"]].rename( columns={"item_value": "stock_beta", "date": "trade_start_date"}) this_trade_df = pd.merge(this_trade_df, stock_beta_df, on=["bbg_ticker", "trade_start_date"], how="left") fund_beta_df = stock_beta_df[stock_beta_df["bbg_ticker"] == funding_source].rename( columns={"stock_beta": "fund_beta"}) this_trade_df = pd.merge(this_trade_df, fund_beta_df.drop(columns=["bbg_ticker"]), on=["trade_start_date"], how="left") return this_trade_df def get_backtesting_returns(this_trade_df, price_data, funding_source, trade_start_date, trade_end_date): this_return_df = this_trade_df[(this_trade_df["trade_start_date"] == trade_start_date) & (this_trade_df["trade_end_date"] == trade_end_date) & (this_trade_df["halt_flag"] == False)].copy() if not this_return_df.empty: this_ticker_list = list(this_return_df["bbg_ticker"].drop_duplicates()) this_price_data = price_data[(price_data["bbg_ticker"].isin(this_ticker_list + [funding_source])) & (price_data["date"] >= trade_start_date) & (price_data["date"] <= trade_end_date) & (price_data["item_name"] == "last_price")].copy() # calculate return [stock, funding, long_short] this_pivot_return_df = pd.pivot_table(this_price_data, index="date", columns="bbg_ticker", values="item_value") this_pivot_return_df = this_pivot_return_df.pct_change() this_pivot_return_df = this_pivot_return_df.fillna(0) this_daily_stock_return_df = this_pivot_return_df.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0: "daily_stock_return"}) this_daily_fund_return_df = this_daily_stock_return_df[this_daily_stock_return_df["bbg_ticker"] == funding_source].rename( columns={"daily_stock_return": "daily_fund_return"}) this_pivot_return_df = (1 + this_pivot_return_df).cumprod() - 1 this_stock_return_df = this_pivot_return_df.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0: "stock_return"}) this_fund_return_df = this_stock_return_df[this_stock_return_df["bbg_ticker"] == funding_source].rename( columns={"stock_return": "fund_return"}) this_backtest_df = this_return_df[["trade_id", "bbg_ticker"]].copy() this_backtest_df = pd.merge(this_backtest_df, this_daily_stock_return_df, on=["bbg_ticker"], how="left") this_backtest_df = pd.merge(this_backtest_df, this_daily_fund_return_df.drop(columns=["bbg_ticker"]), on=["date"], how="left") this_backtest_df = pd.merge(this_backtest_df, this_stock_return_df, on=["bbg_ticker", "date"], how="left") this_backtest_df = pd.merge(this_backtest_df, this_fund_return_df.drop(columns=["bbg_ticker"]), on=["date"], how="left") this_backtest_df[["stock_return", "fund_return", "daily_fund_return", "daily_stock_return"]] *= 100 this_backtest_df["long_short_return"] = this_backtest_df["stock_return"] - this_backtest_df["fund_return"] # get date index this_backtest_df = pd.merge(this_backtest_df, this_trade_df[["trade_id", "effective_date"]], on=["trade_id"], how="left") this_backtest_df["date_index"] = [np.busday_count(pd.Timestamp(effect_date).date(), pd.Timestamp(date).date()) for date, effect_date in np.array(this_backtest_df[["date", "effective_date"]])] this_backtest_df = this_backtest_df.sort_values(["trade_id", "date_index"]) # calculate drawdown this_backtest_df["roll_max_abs_return"] = this_backtest_df.groupby(["trade_id"])["stock_return"].cummax() this_backtest_df["roll_max_ls_return"] = this_backtest_df.groupby(["trade_id"])["long_short_return"].cummax() this_backtest_df["roll_abs_drawdown"] = this_backtest_df["stock_return"] - this_backtest_df["roll_max_abs_return"] this_backtest_df["roll_ls_drawdown"] = this_backtest_df["long_short_return"] - this_backtest_df["roll_max_ls_return"] this_backtest_df = this_backtest_df.drop(columns=["roll_max_abs_return", "roll_max_ls_return"]) else: this_backtest_df = pd.DataFrame() return this_backtest_df trade_df_list = [] backtest_df_list = [] for date, start_date, end_date in np.array(self.trade_file[["effective_date", "trade_start_date", "trade_end_date"]].drop_duplicates()):"Updateing Effective Date: " + pd.Timestamp(date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) this_trade_df = self.trade_file[self.trade_file["effective_date"] == date].copy() this_stock_list = list(this_trade_df["bbg_ticker"].drop_duplicates()) this_id_list = this_stock_list + [self.funding_source] # get price_data from bloomberg from xbbg price_data = blp.bdh( tickers=this_id_list, flds=["last_price", "volume", "beta_adj_overridable"], start_date=start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end_date=end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), )"Got Price Data from BBG for Effective Date: " + date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # Reconstruct price_data price_data = reconstruct_price_data(price_data=price_data)"Reconstructed Price Data for Effective Date: " + pd.Timestamp(date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # Adjust Start End Date based on Halt Flag, IPO Date and Delist Date this_trade_df = adjust_start_end_date_based_on_trade_data(this_trade_df=this_trade_df, price_data=price_data)"Adjusted Trade Start End Date based on Halt Flag, IPO Date and Delist Date for Effective Date: " + pd.Timestamp(date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # get final trade dataframe with beta this_trade_df = get_beta(this_trade_df=this_trade_df, price_data=price_data, funding_source=self.funding_source) trade_df_list.append(this_trade_df)"Got Final Trade DataFrame with Beta for Effective Date: " + pd.Timestamp(date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # get backtesting returns for trade_start_date, trade_end_date in np.array(this_trade_df[["trade_start_date", "trade_end_date"]].drop_duplicates()): this_backtest_df = get_backtesting_returns(this_trade_df=this_trade_df, price_data=price_data, funding_source=self.funding_source, trade_start_date=trade_start_date, trade_end_date=trade_end_date) if not this_backtest_df.empty: backtest_df_list.append(this_backtest_df)"Got BackTesting Returns for Effective Date: " + pd.Timestamp(date).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) trade_df = pd.concat(trade_df_list, sort=True) backtest_df = pd.concat(backtest_df_list, sort=True) trade_df.to_csv(self.output_hsci_trade_file_path, index=False) backtest_df.to_csv(self.output_hsci_backtest_file_path, index=False)''' Output Trade DataFrame to: %s Output BackTest DataFrame to: %s ''' % (self.output_hsci_trade_file_path, self.output_hsci_backtest_file_path))
{k: v for (k, v) in cma.val_dict.items() if 'equity_us_name' in k}.values()))) equity_list = list( filter( None, list( {k: v for (k, v) in cma.val_dict.items() if 'equity_us_code' in k}.values()))) equity_dictionary = dict(zip(equity_list, equity_name_list)) # %% equity_returns = blp.bdh(tickers=equity_list, flds=data_return, start_date=start_date_str, end_date=end_date_str, Per='M') # Rename and reorder columns equity_returns.columns = equity_returns.columns.droplevel(1) equity_returns.columns = # Convert index to datetime equity_returns.index = pd.to_datetime(equity_returns.index) # Adjust dataframe for varying month end dates equity_returns = equity_returns.resample('M', axis=0).mean() # %% [markdown] # ## Non-USD
con.start() today = s_date = '2011-01-01' e_date = today #read ticker list names = ['Tickers'] tix = pd.read_csv("tickers.csv", names=names).values.tolist() # create a global df for all prices. index needs to be created for begining of the month global_index = pd.date_range(start=s_date, end=e_date, freq='W-FRI') global_df = pd.DataFrame(index=global_index) # %% bloomberg data requests #create loop here for tickers in tix for tt in tix: test_temp = blp.bdh(tickers=tt, flds=['last_price'], start_date=s_date, end_date=e_date, Quote='G', Per='W', Fill='B', Days='W') #get the name for dataframe header tick_name = blp.bdp(tickers=tt, flds=['Security_Name']) header = str(tt).strip('[]') test_temp.columns = [header] #merge current df with global df global_df = global_df.join(test_temp, how='outer') global_df.to_csv('prices.csv')
Created on Thu Mar 19 14:12:16 2020 @author: HanaFI """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats from xbbg import blp stats.zscore(0.95) Start = "20150101" End = pd.to_datetime("today").strftime("%Y%m%d") df = blp.bdh(tickers=["CO1 Comdty"], start_date=Start, end_date=End) df.columns = ["CO"] Ret = (np.log(df) - np.log(df.shift(1))).dropna() def VaRCovariance(Ret, ZScore=1.65, Nominal=1000): ''' Variance-Covariance Method Z Score: 95%: 1.65, 99%: 2.33 Formula: Mean - (zscore * PortStDev) * Nominal ''' pd.DataFrame((ZScore * Ret[-252:].std()), columns=["VaR %"]) (ZScore * Ret[-252:].std()) * Nominal
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from xbbg import blp, pipeline blp.__version__ blp.bdh( tickers='SHCOMP Index', flds=['high', 'low', 'last_price'], start_date='2019-11', end_date='2020', Per='W', Fill='P', Days='A', ) cur_dt = pd.Timestamp('today', tz='America/New_York').date() recent = pd.bdate_range(end=cur_dt, periods=2, tz='America/New_York') pre_dt = max(filter(lambda dd: dd < cur_dt, recent)) blp.bdtick('QQQ US Equity', dt=pre_dt).tail(10) async for snap in['ESA Index', 'NQA Index']): print(snap) cur_dt = pd.Timestamp('today', tz='America/New_York').date() recent = pd.bdate_range(end=cur_dt, periods=2, tz='America/New_York') pre_dt = max(filter(lambda dd: dd < cur_dt, recent)) fx = blp.bdib('JPY Curncy', dt=pre_dt) jp = pd.concat([ blp.bdib(ticker, dt=pre_dt, session='day') for ticker in ['7974 JP Equity', '9984 JP Equity'] ], axis=1)
def init_histo(self, ticker, fields, startdate, enddate): self.tick = ticker self.histo_data = blp.bdh(tickers=ticker, flds=fields, start_date=startdate, end_date=enddate)