def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self, xbmc.Player()) if REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting("TraktDisable") == 'true': xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('script.trakt.paused', 'true')
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() __path__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('path') __icon__ = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__path__), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media', 'icon.png') __icon2__ = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__path__), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media', 'icon_alert.png') __profiles__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('profile') __LS__ = __addon__.getLocalizedString TEMP_STORAGE_CALENDARS = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__profiles__), 'calendars.json') TEMP_STORAGE_NOTIFICATIONS = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__profiles__), 'notifications.json') if t.getAddonSetting('show_onstart', sType=t.BOOL): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('reminders', '1') else: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('reminders', '0') _cycle = 0 try: googlecal = Calendar() while xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('reminders') == '1': now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' timemax = (datetime.utcnow() + relativedelta.relativedelta( months=t.getAddonSetting('timemax', sType=t.NUM)) ).isoformat() + 'Z' events = googlecal.get_events( TEMP_STORAGE_NOTIFICATIONS, now,
def hideCancelButton(): xbmc.sleep(250) WINDOW_PROGRESS = xbmcgui.Window(10101) CANCEL_BUTTON = WINDOW_PROGRESS.getControl(10) CANCEL_BUTTON.setVisible(False)
import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon from BaseClasses import * from dialogs.DialogBaseInfo import DialogBaseInfo from OnClickHandler import OnClickHandler from common import * from WindowManager import wm ch = OnClickHandler() ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon() ADDON_ID = ADDON.getAddonInfo('id') ADDON_PATH = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path').decode("utf-8") ADDON_DATA_PATH = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/%s" % ADDON_ID).decode("utf-8") HOME = xbmcgui.Window(10000) MOVIE_DATA_PATH = "D:/" C_PANEL_T9 = 9090 C_LIST_SEARCH_ONE = 9091 C_LIST_SEARCH_TWO = 9092 C_LABEL_KEYWORD = 312 C_BUTTON_CLEAR = 261 C_BUTTON_DEL = 262 LIST_BUTTONS = [60101, 60102, 60103, 60104, 60105] ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU = [9, 92, 10] LIST_KEYBOARD = [ 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256 ]
def onAVStarted(self): xbmc.sleep(1000) self.type = None = None # take the user start scrobble offset into account scrobbleStartOffset = kodiUtilities.getSettingAsInt( 'scrobble_start_offset') * 60 if scrobbleStartOffset > 0: waitFor = 10 waitedFor = 0 # check each 10 seconds if we can abort or proceed while scrobbleStartOffset > waitedFor: waitedFor += waitFor time.sleep(waitFor) if not self.isPlayingVideo(): logger.debug( '[traktPlayer] Playback stopped before reaching the scrobble offset' ) return # only do anything if we're playing a video if self.isPlayingVideo(): # get item data from json rpc activePlayers = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers", "id": 1 }) logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - activePlayers: %s" % activePlayers) playerId = int(activePlayers[0]['playerid']) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Doing Player.GetItem kodiJsonRequest" ) result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'Player.GetItem', 'params': { 'playerid': playerId }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) # check for exclusion _filename = None try: _filename = self.getPlayingFile() except: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Exception trying to get playing filename, player suddenly stopped." ) return if kodiUtilities.checkExclusion(_filename): logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - '%s' is in exclusion settings, ignoring." % _filename) return self.type = result['item']['type'] data = {'action': 'started'} if (kodiUtilities.getSettingAsBool('scrobble_mythtv_pvr')): logger.debug( '[traktPlayer] Setting is enabled to try scrobbling mythtv pvr recording, if necessary.' ) # check type of item if 'id' not in result['item']: # do a deeper check to see if we have enough data to perform scrobbles logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Started playing a non-library file, checking available data." ) season = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Season') episode = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Episode') showtitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle') year = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Year') video_ids = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty( 'script.trakt.ids') if video_ids: data['video_ids'] = json.loads(video_ids) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] info - ids: %s, showtitle: %s, Year: %s, Season: %s, Episode: %s" % (video_ids, showtitle, year, season, episode)) if season and episode and (showtitle or video_ids): # we have season, episode and either a show title or video_ids, can scrobble this as an episode self.type = 'episode' data['type'] = 'episode' data['season'] = int(season) data['episode'] = int(episode) data['showtitle'] = showtitle data['title'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Title') if year.isdigit(): data['year'] = int(year) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playing a non-library 'episode' - %s - S%02dE%02d - %s." % (data['showtitle'], data['season'], data['episode'], data['title'])) elif (year or video_ids) and not season and not showtitle: # we have a year or video_id and no season/showtitle info, enough for a movie self.type = 'movie' data['type'] = 'movie' if year.isdigit(): data['year'] = int(year) data['title'] = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Title') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playing a non-library 'movie' - %s (%s)." % (data['title'], data.get('year', 'NaN'))) elif showtitle: title, season, episode = utilities.regex_tvshow( showtitle) data['type'] = 'episode' data['season'] = season data['episode'] = episode data['title'] = data['showtitle'] = title logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Title: %s, showtitle: %s, season: %d, episode: %d" % (title, showtitle, season, episode)) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Non-library file, not enough data for scrobbling, skipping." ) return elif self.type == 'episode' or self.type == 'movie': # get library id = result['item']['id'] data['id'] = data['type'] = self.type if self.type == 'episode': logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Doing multi-part episode check." ) result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails', 'params': { 'episodeid':, 'properties': ['tvshowid', 'season', 'episode', 'file'] }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug("[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) tvshowid = int( result['episodedetails']['tvshowid']) season = int(result['episodedetails']['season']) currentfile = result['episodedetails']['file'] result = kodiUtilities.kodiJsonRequest({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes', 'params': { 'tvshowid': tvshowid, 'season': season, 'properties': ['episode', 'file'], 'sort': { 'method': 'episode' } }, 'id': 1 }) if result: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - %s" % result) # make sure episodes array exists in results if 'episodes' in result: multi = [] for i in range(result['limits']['start'], result['limits']['total']): if currentfile == result['episodes'][ i]['file']: multi.append(result['episodes'][i] ['episodeid']) if len(multi) > 1: data['multi_episode_data'] = multi data['multi_episode_count'] = len( multi) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - This episode is part of a multi-part episode." ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - This is a single episode." ) elif (kodiUtilities.getSettingAsBool('scrobble_mythtv_pvr') and self.type == 'unknown' and result['item']['label']): # If we have label/id but no show type, then this might be a PVR recording. # As of Kodi v17, many of the VideoPlayer labels are populated by the MythTV PVR addon, though sadly this # does not include IMDB number. That means we're still stuck using the show title/episode name to look up # IDs to feed to the scrobbler. Still, much easier than previous versions! foundShowName = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Title') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Title: %s" % foundShowName) foundEpisodeName = xbmc.getInfoLabel( 'VideoPlayer.EpisodeName') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.EpisodeName: %s" % foundEpisodeName) foundEpisodeYear = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Year') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Year: %s" % foundEpisodeYear) foundSeason = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Season') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Season: %s" % foundSeason) foundEpisode = xbmc.getInfoLabel('VideoPlayer.Episode') logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found VideoPlayer.Episode: %s" % foundEpisode) if (foundShowName and foundEpisodeName and foundEpisodeYear): # If the show/episode/year are populated, we can skip all the mess of trying to extract the info from the # Player.Filename infolabel. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got info from VideoPlayer labels" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - No love from VideoPlayer labels, trying Player.Filename infolabel" ) # If that didn't work, we can fall back on the Player.Filename infolabel. It shows up like this: # (v16) ShowName [sXXeYY ](year) EpisodeName, channel, PVRFileName # (v17) ShowName [sXXeYY ](year) EpisodeName, channel, date, PVRFileName # The season and episode info may or may not be present. Also, sometimes there are some URL encodings # (i.e. %20 instead of space) so those need removing. For example: # Powerless s01e08 (2017)%20Green%20Furious, TV%20(WOOD%20TV), 20170414_003000, 1081_1492129800_4e1.pvr # DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016) Pilot, Part 2, TV (CW W MI), 20160129_010000, 1081_1492129800_4e1.pvr foundLabel = urllib.unquote( xbmc.getInfoLabel('Player.Filename')) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Found unknown video type with label: %s. Might be a PVR episode, searching Trakt for it." % foundLabel) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - After urllib.unquote: %s." % foundLabel) splitLabel = foundLabel.rsplit(", ", 3) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of label: %s " % splitLabel) if len(splitLabel) != 4: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Label doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName, channel, date, PVRFileName format that was expected. Might be the v16 version with no date instead." ) splitLabel = foundLabel.rsplit(", ", 2) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of label: %s " % splitLabel) if len(splitLabel) != 3: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Label doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName, channel, PVRFileName format that was expected. Giving up." ) return foundShowAndEpInfo = splitLabel[0] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - show plus episode info: %s" % foundShowAndEpInfo) splitShowAndEpInfo = re.split( r' (s\d\de\d\d)? ?\((\d\d\d\d)\) ', foundShowAndEpInfo, 1) logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Post-split of show plus episode info: %s " % splitShowAndEpInfo) if len(splitShowAndEpInfo) != 4: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Show plus episode info doesn't have the ShowName sXXeYY (year) EpisodeName format that was expected. Giving up." ) return foundShowName = splitShowAndEpInfo[0] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using show name: %s" % foundShowName) foundEpisodeName = splitShowAndEpInfo[3] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using episode name: %s" % foundEpisodeName) foundEpisodeYear = splitShowAndEpInfo[2] logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - using episode year: %s" % foundEpisodeYear) epYear = None try: epYear = int(foundEpisodeYear) except ValueError: epYear = None logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - verified episode year: %d" % epYear) # All right, now we have the show name, episode name, and (maybe) episode year. All good, but useless for # scrobbling since Trakt only understands IDs, not names. data['video_ids'] = None data['season'] = None data['episode'] = None data['episodeTitle'] = None # First thing to try, a text query to the Trakt DB looking for this episode. Note # that we can't search for show and episode together, because the Trakt function gets confused and returns nothing. newResp = globals.traktapi.getTextQuery( foundEpisodeName, "episode", epYear) if not newResp: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Empty Response from getTextQuery, giving up" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got Response from getTextQuery: %s" % str(newResp)) # We got something back. See if one of the returned values is for the show we're looking for. Often it's # not, but since there's no way to tell the search which show we want, this is all we can do. rightResp = None for thisResp in newResp: compareShowName = logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - comparing show name: %s" % compareShowName) if == foundShowName: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - found the right show, using this response" ) rightResp = thisResp break if rightResp is None: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Failed to find matching episode/show via text search." ) else: # OK, now we have a episode object to work with. self.type = 'episode' data['type'] = 'episode' # You'd think we could just use the episode key that Trakt just returned to us, but the scrobbler # function (see only understands the show key plus season/episode values. showKeys = {} for eachKey in showKeys[eachKey[0]] = eachKey[1] data['video_ids'] = showKeys # For some reason, the Trakt search call returns the season and episode as an array in the pk field. # You'd think individual episode and season fields would be better, but whatever. data['season'] =[0] data['episode'] =[1] # At this point if we haven't found the episode data yet, the episode-title-text-search method # didn't work. if (not data['season']): # This text query API is basically the same as searching on the website. Works with alternative # titles, unlike the scrobble function. Though we can't use the episode year since that would only # match the show if we're dealing with season 1. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Searching for show title via getTextQuery: %s" % foundShowName) newResp = globals.traktapi.getTextQuery( foundShowName, "show", None) if not newResp: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Empty Show Response from getTextQuery, falling back on episode text query" ) else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got Show Response from getTextQuery: %s" % str(newResp)) # We got something back. Have to assume the first show found is the right one; if there's more than # one, there's no way to know which to use. Pull the ids from the show data, and store 'em for scrobbling. showKeys = {} for eachKey in newResp[0].keys: showKeys[eachKey[0]] = eachKey[1] data['video_ids'] = showKeys # Now to find the episode. There's no search function to look for an episode within a show, but # we can get all the episodes and look for the title. while (not data['season']): logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Querying for all seasons/episodes of this show" ) epQueryResp = globals.traktapi.getShowWithAllEpisodesList( data['video_ids']['trakt']) if not epQueryResp: # Nothing returned. Giving up. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - No response received" ) break else: # Got the list back. Go through each season. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Got response with seasons: %s" % str(epQueryResp)) for eachSeason in epQueryResp: # For each season, check each episode. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Processing season: %s" % str(eachSeason)) for eachEpisodeNumber in eachSeason.episodes: thisEpTitle = None # Get the title. The try block is here in case the title doesn't exist for some entries. try: thisEpTitle = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].title except: thisEpTitle = None logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Checking episode number %d with title %s" % (eachEpisodeNumber, thisEpTitle)) if (foundEpisodeName == thisEpTitle ): # Found it! Save the data. The scrobbler wants season and episode number. Which for some # reason is stored as a pair in the first item in the keys array. data[ 'season'] = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].keys[ 0][0] data[ 'episode'] = eachSeason.episodes[ eachEpisodeNumber].keys[ 0][1] # Title too, just for the heck of it. Though it's not actually used. data[ 'episodeTitle'] = thisEpTitle break # If we already found our data, no need to go through the rest of the seasons. if (data['season']): break # Now we've done all we can. if (data['season']): # OK, that's everything. Data should be all set for scrobbling. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playing a non-library 'episode' : show trakt key %s, season: %d, episode: %d" % (data['video_ids'], data['season'], data['episode'])) else: # Still no data? Too bad, have to give up. logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Did our best, but couldn't get info for this show and episode. Skipping." ) return else: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Video type '%s' unrecognized, skipping." % self.type) return pl = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) plSize = len(pl) if plSize > 1: pos = pl.getposition() if not self.plIndex is None: logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - User manually skipped to next (or previous) video, forcing playback ended event." ) self.onPlayBackEnded() self.plIndex = pos logger.debug( "[traktPlayer] onAVStarted() - Playlist contains %d item(s), and is currently on item %d" % (plSize, (pos + 1))) self._playing = True # send dispatch self.action(data)
def set_property(property, value, window=10000): xbmcgui.Window(window).setProperty(property, value)
def clear_property(property, window=10000): xbmcgui.Window(window).clearProperty(property)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.disable_quit = kwargs['disable_quit'] self.auto_close = kwargs['auto_close'] self.WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
def onInit(self): self.window = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()) self.downloadStatusData = self.get_download_status_list() self.parse_local_movie_info(self.path)
def onInit(self): if not = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()) self.programsListBox = self.getControl(600) self.refreshButton = self.getControl(250) self.refresh()
def Show_Update_Screen(disable_quit=False, auto_close=True): xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_icon') xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_percent') xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_spinner') xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_header') xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_main_text') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_background', 'whitebg.jpg') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_percent_color', '0xFF000000') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_bar_color', '0xFF000000') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_main_color', '0xFF000000') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_header_color', '0xFF000000') # Set a property so we can determine if update screen is active xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('update_screen', 'active') d = MyUpdateScreen('Loading.xml', koding_path, disable_quit=disable_quit, auto_close=auto_close) d.doModal() del d xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('update_screen')
import codecs from core import filetools from core import httptools from core import jsontools from core.item import Item from platformcode import config, logger dict_servers_parameters = {} """ CACHING SERVERS PARAMETERS """ alfa_caching = False alfa_servers = {} kodi = True try: import xbmcgui import json window = xbmcgui.Window(10000) # Home except: kodi = False def find_video_items(item=None, data=None): """ Función genérica para buscar vídeos en una página, devolviendo un itemlist con los items listos para usar. - Si se pasa un Item como argumento, a los items resultantes mantienen los parametros del item pasado - Si no se pasa un Item, se crea uno nuevo, pero no contendra ningun parametro mas que los propios del servidor. @param item: Item al cual se quieren buscar vídeos, este debe contener la url válida @type item: Item @param data: Cadena con el contendio de la página ya descargado (si no se pasa item) @type data: str
def feed(name, url): """ Show Feed """ response = _get_url(url) root = ET.fromstring(response) for website_details in root.iter('channel'): website_title = website_details.find('title').text website_link = website_details.find('link').text for feed in root.iter('item'): feed_title = feed.find('title').text if feed_title == name: feed_link = feed.find('link').text feed_date = feed.find('pubDate').text feed_date = feed_date[:feed_date.find(' +')] feed_cats = feed.findall('category') feed_category = '' for cat in feed_cats: feed_category = feed_category + ', ' + cat.text if len(feed_category) > 0: feed_category = feed_category[2:] feed_category = feed_category.replace('<![CDATA[', '').replace(']]>', '') feed_desc = feed.find('description').text namespaces = { 'content': '' } feed_content = feed.find('content:encoded', namespaces).text # feed_content = feed.find('description', namespaces).text.replace('\t', '') break desc = 'n/a' desc = feed_content imgsrc ='img[^<>\\n]+src=[\'"]([^"\']+)[\'"]', desc) if imgsrc: feed_image = else: feed_image = "" #convert news text into plain text desc = re.sub('<p[^>\\n]*>', '\n\n', desc) desc = re.sub('<br[^>\\n]*>', '\n', desc) desc = re.sub('<li[^>\\n]*>', ' ', desc) desc = re.sub('<[^>\\n]+>', '', desc) desc = re.sub('\\n\\n+', '\n\n', desc) desc = re.sub('(\\w+,?) *\\n(\\w+)', '\\1 \\2', desc) desc = desc.replace('<![CDATA[', '').replace(']]>', '') desc = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(desc) feed_text = desc window = xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog('script-rss-reader.xml', __addon__.getAddonInfo('path')) win = xbmcgui.Window(10147) win.setProperty('HeadingLabel', feed_title) win.setProperty('FeedImage', feed_image) win.setProperty('FeedName', feed_title) win.setProperty('FeedCategory', feed_category) win.setProperty('PubDate', feed_date) win.setProperty('AuthorName', website_title) win.setProperty('FeedWebsite', website_link) win.setProperty('Description', feed_text) window.doModal() del window
def onPlayBackStopped(self): log('onPlayBackStopped') xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayerControl(RepeatOff)") xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty('script.trakt.paused') self.stop()
def get_window_property(index): data = json.loads( xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty( ""))[index] return data
def getProperty(self, str): property = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty(str) return property
def status(self, value): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('', value)
def setProperty(self, str1, str2): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty(str1, str2)
def get_property(property, window=10000): return xbmcgui.Window(window).getProperty(property)
def clearProperty(self, str): xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty(str)
def get_response(img, cookie): #on telecharge l'image PathCache = xbmc.translatePath(xbmcaddon.Addon('').getAddonInfo("profile")) filename = os.path.join(PathCache,'Captcha.raw').decode("utf-8") headers2 = { 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0', #'Referer' : url , 'Host' : '', 'Accept' : 'image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5', 'Accept-Language': 'fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4', 'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip, deflate', #'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie' : cookie } try: req = urllib2.Request(img, None, headers2) image_on_web = urllib2.urlopen(req) if image_on_web.headers.maintype == 'image': buf = downloaded_image = file(filename, "wb") downloaded_image.write(buf) downloaded_image.close() image_on_web.close() else: return '' except: return '' #on affiche le dialogue solution = '' if (True): ####nouveau captcha try: ##affichage du dialog perso class XMLDialog(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog): #""" #Dialog class for captcha #""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog.__init__(self) pass def onInit(self): #image background captcha self.getControl(1).setImage(filename.encode("utf-8"), False) #image petit captcha memory fail self.getControl(2).setImage(filename.encode("utf-8"), False) self.getControl(2).setVisible(False) ##Focus clavier self.setFocus(self.getControl(21)) def onClick(self, controlId): if controlId == 20: #button Valider solution = self.getControl(5000).getLabel() xbmcgui.Window(10101).setProperty('captcha', str(solution)) self.close() return elif controlId == 30: #button fermer self.close() return elif controlId == 21: #button clavier self.getControl(2).setVisible(True) kb = xbmc.Keyboard(self.getControl(5000).getLabel(), '', False) kb.doModal() if (kb.isConfirmed()): self.getControl(5000).setLabel(kb.getText()) self.getControl(2).setVisible(False) else: self.getControl(2).setVisible(False) def onFocus(self, controlId): self.controlId = controlId def _close_dialog(self): self.close() def onAction(self, action): #touche return 61448 if action.getId() in ( 9, 10, 11, 30, 92, 216, 247, 257, 275, 61467, 61448): self.close() wd = XMLDialog('DialogCaptcha.xml', cConfig().getAddonPath().decode("utf-8"), 'default', '720p') wd.doModal() del wd finally: solution = xbmcgui.Window(10101).getProperty('captcha') if solution == '': cConfig().showInfo("Erreur", 'Vous devez taper le captcha', 4) else: #ancien Captcha try: img = xbmcgui.ControlImage(450, 0, 400, 130, filename.encode("utf-8")) wdlg = xbmcgui.WindowDialog() wdlg.addControl(img) #xbmc.sleep(3000) kb = xbmc.Keyboard('', 'Tapez les Lettres/chiffres de l\'image', False) kb.doModal() if (kb.isConfirmed()): solution = kb.getText() if solution == '': cConfig().showInfo("Erreur", 'Vous devez taper le captcha', 4) else: cConfig().showInfo("Erreur", 'Vous devez taper le captcha', 4) finally: wdlg.removeControl(img) wdlg.close() return solution
import sys import traceback ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon() ADDON_NAME = ADDON.getAddonInfo('name') ADDON_ID = ADDON.getAddonInfo('id') ADDON_ICON = ADDON.getAddonInfo('icon') ADDON_AUTHOR = ADDON.getAddonInfo('author') ADDON_VERSION = ADDON.getAddonInfo('version') ADDON_ARGUMENTS = str(sys.argv) CWD = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path') LANGUAGE = ADDON.getLocalizedString PROFILE = xbmcvfs.translatePath(ADDON.getAddonInfo('profile')) KODI_VERSION = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion') USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.6" WEATHER_WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(12600) def log(message, exception_instance=None, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG): """ Log a message to the Kodi debug log, if debug logging is turned on. :param message: required, the message to log :param exception_instance: optional, an instance of some Exception :param level: optional, the Kodi log level to use, default LOGDEBUG """ message = f'### {ADDON_NAME} {ADDON_VERSION} - {message}' message_with_exception = message + f' ### Exception: {traceback.format_exc(exception_instance)}' if exception_instance is None:
def onInit(self): self.window = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId())
def finishDialog(self, dialog): if xbmcgui.Window(10101).getProperty('search') != 'true': dialog.close() xbmc.log('\t[PLUGIN] Vstream: close dialog') del dialog return False
import resources.lib.notification as DKT __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() __path__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('path') __icon__ = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__path__), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media', 'icon.png') __icon2__ = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__path__), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media', 'icon_alert.png') __profiles__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('profile') __LS__ = __addon__.getLocalizedString TEMP_STORAGE_NOTIFICATIONS = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__profiles__), 'notifications.json') if t.getAddonSetting('show_onstart', sType=t.BOOL): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('reminders', '1') else: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('reminders', '0') _cycle = 0 googlecal = Calendar() monitor = xbmc.Monitor() while xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty( 'reminders') == '1' and not monitor.abortRequested(): now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' timemax = (datetime.utcnow() + relativedelta.relativedelta( months=t.getAddonSetting('timemax', sType=t.NUM))).isoformat() + 'Z' events = googlecal.get_events(TEMP_STORAGE_NOTIFICATIONS, now, timemax,
def onInit(self): if not log.debug('onInit') = xbmcgui.Window(xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId()) # Nav Buttons self.testSettingsButton = self.getControl(253) self.clearCacheButton = self.getControl(405) self.streamingEnabledRadioButton = self.getControl(208) self.recordingsButton = self.getControl(205) # MythTV Settings if hasattr(self.settings, 'master') and self.settings.master: self.setWindowProperty( 'MasterBackendHostname', '%s / %s' % (self.settings.master.hostname, self.settings.master.ipAddress)) self.setWindowProperty('MasterBackendPort', str(self.settings.master.port)) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'streaming_enabled', bool, None, self.getControl(208))) self.register( Setting( self.settings, 'paths_recordedprefix', str, ExternalizedSettingValidator( MythSettings.verifyRecordingDirs), self.getControl(205))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'confirm_on_delete', bool, None, self.getControl(206))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'aggressive_caching', bool, None, self.getControl(207))) # MySQL Settings self.register( Setting( self.settings, 'mysql_host', str, ExternalizedSettingValidator(MythSettings.verifyMySQLHost), self.getControl(301))) self.register( Setting( self.settings, 'mysql_port', int, ExternalizedSettingValidator(MythSettings.verifyMySQLPort), self.getControl(302))) self.register( Setting( self.settings, 'mysql_database', str, ExternalizedSettingValidator( MythSettings.verifyMySQLDatabase), self.getControl(303))) self.register( Setting( self.settings, 'mysql_user', str, ExternalizedSettingValidator(MythSettings.verifyMySQLUser), self.getControl(304))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'mysql_password', str, None, self.getControl(305))) # Fanart Settings self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'fanart_tvdb', bool, None, self.getControl(401))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'fanart_tvrage', bool, None, self.getControl(406))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'fanart_tmdb', bool, None, self.getControl(402))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'fanart_imdb', bool, None, self.getControl(403))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'fanart_google', bool, None, self.getControl(404))) # Advanced Settings self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'logging_enabled', bool, None, self.getControl(502))) self.register( Setting(self.settings, 'feeds_twitter', str, None, self.getControl(503))) self.setWindowProperty( 'debugLogLocation', self.translator.get(m.DEBUG_LOG_LOCATION) % self.platform.getDebugLog()) # Playback settings self.advanced.get = self.advanced.getSetting self.advanced.put = self.advanced.setSetting self.register( Setting(self.advanced, 'video/timeseekforward', Seconds, None, self.getControl(602))) self.register( Setting(self.advanced, 'video/timeseekbackward', NegativeSeconds, None, self.getControl(603))) self.register( Setting(self.advanced, 'video/timeseekforwardbig', Seconds, None, self.getControl(604))) self.register( Setting(self.advanced, 'video/timeseekbackwardbig', NegativeSeconds, None, self.getControl(605))) self.render()
tmdb = params.get('tmdb') tvdb = params.get('tvdb') season = params.get('season') episode = params.get('episode') tvshowtitle = params.get('tvshowtitle') premiered = params.get('premiered') type = params.get('type') url = params.get('url') meta = params.get('meta') query = params.get('query') source = params.get('source') windowedtrailer = params.get('windowedtrailer') windowedtrailer = int(windowedtrailer) if windowedtrailer in ("0", "1") else 0 homeWindow = xbmcgui.Window(10000) playAction = xbmcaddon.Addon('').getSetting('hosts.mode') autoPlay = 'true' if playAction == '2' else '' homeWindow.setProperty('', autoPlay) if action is None: from resources.lib.menus import navigator from resources.lib.modules import cache run = control.setting('') if run == '': run = 'true' #clean install scenerio if cache._find_cache_version(): run = 'true' if run == 'true': control.execute( 'RunPlugin(plugin://')
def set_window_property(value): xbmcgui.Window(10000).clearProperty("") if not isinstance(value, basestring): value = json.dumps(value) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty("", value)
import gc try: from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool SUPPORTS_POOL = True except Exception: SUPPORTS_POOL = False import xbmc import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui from . import path_ops, variables as v LOG = getLogger('PLEX.utils') WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') # If several threads access the settings.xml file concurrently, it gets # corrupted SETTINGS_LOCK = Lock() # Grab Plex id from '...plex_id=XXXX....' REGEX_PLEX_ID = re.compile(r'''plex_id=(\d+)''') # Return the numbers at the end of an url like '.../.../XXXX' REGEX_END_DIGITS = re.compile(r'''/(.+)/(\d+)$''') REGEX_PLEX_DIRECT = re.compile(r'''\.plex\.direct:\d+$''') # Plex API REGEX_IMDB = re.compile(r'''/(tt\d+)''') REGEX_TVDB = re.compile(r'''thetvdb:\/\/(.+?)\?''') # Plex music
ADDON_ID = '' REAL_SETTINGS = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=ADDON_ID) ADDON_NAME = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('name') SETTINGS_LOC = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('profile') ADDON_PATH = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8') ADDON_VERSION = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('version') ICON = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('icon') FANART = REAL_SETTINGS.getAddonInfo('fanart') LANGUAGE = REAL_SETTINGS.getLocalizedString ## GLOBALS ## TIMEOUT = 15 CONTENT_TYPE = 'files' DEBUG = REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('Enable_Debugging') == 'true' QUALITY = int(REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('Quality')) PTVL_RUNNING = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('PseudoTVRunning') == 'True' BASE_URL = '' IGNORE_LIST = ['ent_m100', 'ent_m150', 'ent_m151', 'ent_m112', 'ent_m116'] MAIN_MENU = [("Latest Episodes", BASE_URL + '/full-episodes', 1), ("Browse Shows", BASE_URL + '/shows', 1)] def log(msg, level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG): if DEBUG == False and level != xbmc.LOGERROR: return if level == xbmc.LOGERROR: msg += ' ,' + traceback.format_exc() xbmc.log(ADDON_ID + '-' + ADDON_VERSION + '-' + msg, level) def getParams(): return dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(sys.argv[2][1:]))