def _getData(self): xbmcgui.lock() self.loadingMessage.setVisible(True) self.loadingMessage.setLabel('Fetching Data...') xbmcgui.unlock() try: authHandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() authHandler.add_password( realm='SeedboxPy', uri=self.server['uri'], user=self.server['user'], passwd=self.server['passwd'], ) urlOpener = urllib2.build_opener(authHandler) urllib2.install_opener(urlOpener) server_status_json = urllib2.urlopen(self.server['uri']).read() self.server_status = json.loads(server_status_json) return True except: xbmcgui.lock() self.loadingMessage.setVisible(False) xbmcgui.unlock() self._modal('Download Failed', 'Could not get the Server Status') return False
def _set_controls_values( self ): """ sets the value labels """ xbmcgui.lock() try: self.getControl( 201 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 201 ).getLabel(), label2=self.settings[ "skin" ] ) self.getControl( 202 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 202 ).getLabel(), label2=self.quality[ self.settings[ "trailer_quality" ] ] ) self.getControl( 203 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 203 ).getLabel(), label2=self.mode[ self.settings[ "mode" ] ] ) self.getControl( 204 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 204 ).getLabel(), label2=self.settings[ "save_folder" ] ) self.getControl( 204 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "mode" ] >= 1 ) #self.getControl( 205 ).setLabel( _( 205 ) ) self.getControl( 205 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "auto_play_all" ] ) self.getControl( 206 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 206 ).getLabel(), label2=self.thumbnail[ self.settings[ "thumbnail_display" ] ] ) #self.getControl( 207 ).setLabel( _( 207 ) ) self.getControl( 207 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "fade_thumb" ] ) self.getControl( 207 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "thumbnail_display" ] == 0 ) self.getControl( 208 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 208 ).getLabel(), label2=self.startup_categories[ self.settings[ "startup_category_id" ] ] ) self.getControl( 209 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 209 ).getLabel(), label2=self.startup_categories[ self.settings[ "shortcut1" ] ] ) self.getControl( 210 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 210 ).getLabel(), label2=self.startup_categories[ self.settings[ "shortcut2" ] ] ) self.getControl( 211 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 211 ).getLabel(), label2=self.startup_categories[ self.settings[ "shortcut3" ] ] ) #self.getControl( 212 ).setLabel( _( 212 ) ) self.getControl( 212 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "refresh_newest" ] ) #self.getControl( 213 ).setLabel( _( 213 ) ) self.getControl( 213 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "use_simple_search" ] ) #self.getControl( 214 ).setLabel( _( 214 ) ) self.getControl( 214 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "match_whole_words" ] ) self.getControl( 214 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "use_simple_search" ] ) self.getControl( 215 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 215 ).getLabel(), label2=self.videoplayer_displayresolutions[ self.settings[ "videoplayer_displayresolution" ] ] ) self.getControl( 216 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 216 ).getLabel(), label2= self.settings[ "showtimes_local" ] ) self.getControl( 217 ).setLabel( self.getControl( 217 ).getLabel(), label2=self.settings[ "showtimes_scraper" ] ) #self.getControl( 218 ).setLabel( _( 218 ) ) self.getControl( 218 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "refresh_trailers" ] ) self.getControl( 250 ).setEnabled( self.settings_original != self.settings ) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def getCurrentVausRect( self ): try: # vaus step = 24 xbmcgui.lock() vaus_pos = self.vausControl.getSelectedPosition() offset = vaus_pos * 24 if self.vaus_statut != "BIG": # normal vaus vaus_width = self.defaultVausRect.w else: # big vaus vaus_width = self.defaultVausBigRect.w default_offset = int( ( vaus_width - 24 ) / 2 ) #-36 offset -= default_offset if vaus_pos == 0: offset += default_offset elif vaus_pos == 25: offset -= default_offset if self.vaus_statut != "BIG": # normal vaus if vaus_pos == 1: offset += ( default_offset / 2 ) elif vaus_pos == 24: offset -= ( default_offset / 2 ) else: # big vaus if vaus_pos == 1: offset += ( ( default_offset / 3 ) * 2 ) elif vaus_pos == 2: offset += ( default_offset / 3 ) elif vaus_pos == 23: offset -= ( default_offset / 3 ) elif vaus_pos == 24: offset -= ( ( default_offset / 3 ) * 2 ) xbmcgui.unlock() return Rect( self.defaultWallRect.left+offset,, vaus_width, self.defaultVausRect.h ) except: print_exc() xbmcgui.unlock() return Rect( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
def __init__(self): if Emulating: xbmcgui.Window.__init__(self) xbmcgui.lock() self.setCoordinateResolution(6) self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlImage(0,0,0,0, ScriptHome + "background.png")) self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlImage(50, 50, 0, 0,ScriptHome + "ircx_logo.png")) self.chan_topic = xbmcgui.ControlFadeLabel(60, 530,720-60*2, 30) self.addControl(self.chan_topic) self.chan_topic.addLabel("") self.curmsgline = 0 # Control Decarlation Start self.usrlist = xbmcgui.ControlList(500, 130, 150, 300,itemTextXOffset=-5) self.addControl(self.usrlist) self.msgbox = xbmcgui.ControlList(40, 130, 460, 300,itemTextXOffset=-5) self.addControl(self.msgbox) global themessage global ircmg2 self.ircmg = ircmg2 self.themessage = themessage self.mymsg = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(60, 450, 370, 30, self.themessage) self.addControl(self.mymsg) SetupButtons(self, 520,450, 70, 30, "Hori",gap=10) self.but_sendmsg = AddButon(self,"Send") self.but_changemsg = AddButon(self,"Type MSG") self.but_sendmsg2usr = AddButon(self,"PM USR") self.but_chtopic = xbmcgui.ControlButton(500, 50, 150, 30, "Change Topic") self.addControl(self.but_chtopic) self.but_joinchan = xbmcgui.ControlButton(420, - 50, 150, 30, "Join Chan") # was y = 50 self.addControl(self.but_joinchan) # Control Decarlation End # Navigation Code Start self.setFocus(self.but_sendmsg) self.but_sendmsg.controlRight(self.but_changemsg) self.but_changemsg.controlRight(self.but_sendmsg2usr) self.but_sendmsg2usr.controlRight(self.usrlist) #self.but_joinchan.controlRight(self.msgbox) self.but_chtopic.controlRight(self.msgbox) self.msgbox.controlRight(self.but_changemsg) #self.usrlist.controlRight(self.but_joinchan) self.usrlist.controlRight(self.but_chtopic) self.but_changemsg.controlLeft(self.but_sendmsg) self.but_sendmsg.controlLeft(self.msgbox) #usrlist #self.msgbox.controlLeft(self.but_joinchan) self.msgbox.controlLeft(self.but_chtopic) self.usrlist.controlLeft(self.but_sendmsg2usr) self.but_sendmsg2usr.controlLeft(self.but_changemsg) #self.but_joinchan.controlLeft(self.usrlist) self.but_chtopic.controlLeft(self.usrlist) self.but_sendmsg.controlUp(self.usrlist) self.msgbox.controlDown(self.but_sendmsg) # Navigation Code End xbmcgui.unlock() self.startircthread() # Executing Function to Create a thread
def update_center(self, n="default"): print("%s : %s" % (n, DB.get_room_by_name(n))) if n != "default": dev = DB.search_devices(room_id=DB.get_room_by_name(n).id) devices = [] for d in dev: this_dev = (d.type, d.technology_id,,, DB.get_last_stat_of_device( devices.append(this_dev) print(devices) else: devices = [ ("type1", "techno1", 1, "%s1" % n, "value1"), ("type2", "techno2", 2, "%s2" % n, "value2"), ("type3", "techno3", 3, "%s3" % n, "value3"), ("type4", "techno4", 4, "%s4" % n, "value4"), ("type5", "techno5", 5, "%s5" % n, "value5"), ("type6", "techno6", 6, "%s6" % n, "value6"), ("type7", "techno7", 7, "%s7" % n, "value7"), ("type8", "techno8", 8, "%s8" % n, "value8"), ("type9", "techno9", 9, "%s9" % n, "value9"), ("type10", "techno10", 10, "%s10" % n, "value10"), ("type11", "techno11", 11, "%s11" % n, "value11"), ("type12", "techno12", 12, "%s12" % n, "value12"), ("type13", "techno13", 13, "%s13" % n, "value13"), ] if self._set is not None: del self._set xbmcgui.lock() self._set = DeviceSet(self,, 150, 100, 4, devices) xbmcgui.unlock()
def show_lyrics( self, lyrics): try: xbmcgui.lock() self.reset_controls() self.getControl( 100 ).setText( "" ) self.getControl( 200 ).setLabel( "" ) self.menu_items = [] self.allow_exception = False if ( self.current_song == ): lyricsText = lyrics.lyrics if (lyricsText == "{{Instrumental}}"): lyricsText = "Instrumental" self.getControl( 100 ).setText( lyricsText ) splitLyrics = lyricsText.splitlines() for x in splitLyrics: self.getControl( 110 ).addItem( x ) self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( 0 ) self.focus_lyrics() self.getControl( 200 ).setEnabled( False ) self.getControl( 200 ).setLabel( lyrics.source ) finally: xbmcgui.unlock()
def _setup_list( self ): xbmcgui.lock() #self.getControl( 502 ).setVisible( False ) self.getControl( 503 ).setVisible( self.list_control == 0 ) self.getControl( 504 ).setVisible( self.list_control == 1 ) self.getControl( 505 ).setVisible( self.list_control == 0 and self.descriptions[ 0 ] != "" ) self.getControl( 503 ).setVisible( True ) self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ).reset() for placemark in self.choices: if len(self.choices) > 1: #if "lon" in placemark and "lat" in placemark: # self.markercontainer.append(marker(self, float(placemark["lat"]), float(placemark["lon"]), BASE_RESOURCE_PATH + '\\skins\\Default\\media\\icon' + str(index) + '.png',12,38,24,38)) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(placemark["name"], '', '', '') else: #if "lon" in placemark and "lat" in placemark: # self.markercontainer.append(marker(self, float(placemark["lat"]), float(placemark["lon"]))) # self.zoom = 1 list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(placemark["name"], '', '', '') #listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( choice, self.descriptions[ count ] ) self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ).addItem( list_item ) #if ( count == self.original ): # self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ).selectItem( count ) # self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ).getSelectedItem().select( True ) self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ).selectItem( self.selection ) self.setFocus( self.getControl( 503 + self.list_control ) ) xbmcgui.unlock()
def onControl(self, control): if not self.focusWindow == WINDOW_GAME: return LOG("OC1 - " + str(control.getId())) if control == self.btnUsername: oldname = self.username self.setUsername(unikeyboard(self.username, "Enter New Name")) self.dlgHighScores.replaceName(oldname, self.username, self.score) if self.dlgSubmit.username == "": self.dlgSubmit.setUsername(self.username) LOG("OC2") if control == self.btnNewGame: LOG("OC2.3") self.retVal = True xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG("OC3") if control == self.btnQuit: self.retVal = False xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG("OC4") if control == self.btnSubmit: self.focusWindow = WINDOW_SUBMIT self.dlgSubmit.doModal() self.focusWindow = WINDOW_GAME LOG("OC5") if control == self.btnHighScores: self.focusWindow = WINDOW_HIGHSCORE self.dlgHighScores.doModal() self.focusWindow = WINDOW_GAME LOG("OC6")
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):"contextmenu opening") xbmcgui.lock() self.parent = kwargs["parent"] self.menuItems = kwargs["menuItems"] self.selectedItem = None self.doModal()
def setupWindow( self ): error = 0 try: xbmcgui.lock() except: pass # get the id for the current 'active' window as an integer. # try: currentWindowId = xbmcgui.getCurrentWindowId() except: currentWindowId = self.window if hasattr( self.button, "isSelected" ): self.canceled = self.button.isSelected() if hasattr( self.window, "getProperty" ): self.canceled = self.canceled or ( self.window.getProperty( "DialogAddonScan.Cancel" ) == "true" ) if hasattr( self.window, "setProperty" ): self.window.setProperty( "DialogAddonScan.Hide", __settings__.getSetting( "hidedialog" ) ) #if self.window is None and hasattr( currentWindowId, "__int__" ): # self.window = xbmcgui.Window( currentWindowId ) if hasattr( currentWindowId, "__int__" ) and currentWindowId != self.windowId: self.removeControls() self.windowId = currentWindowId self.window = xbmcgui.Window( self.windowId ) self.initialize() if not self.window or not hasattr( self.window, "addControl" ): self.removeControls() error = 1 self.window.setProperty( "DialogAddonScan.Hide", __settings__.getSetting( "hidedialog" ) ) xbmcgui.unlock() if error: raise xbmcguiWindowError( "xbmcgui.Window(%s)" % repr( currentWindowId ) ) #self.canceled = ( self.window.getProperty( "DialogAddonScan.Cancel" ) == "true" ) self.window.setProperty( "DialogAddonScan.IsAlive", "true" )
def _set_controls_labels( self ): xbmcgui.lock() self.i_itemId = self.i_itemId or str( self.mainwin.getCurrentListPosition()+1 ) try: if self.i_previewPicture: filename = os.path.basename( self.i_previewPicture ) thumbnail = os.path.join( BASE_THUMBS_PATH, filename[ 0 ], filename ) if os.path.isfile( thumbnail ): self.i_thumbnail = thumbnail except: print_exc() try: self.getControl( 48 ).reset() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem( self.i_title, "", self.i_thumbnail, self.i_thumbnail ) listitem.setProperty( "title", self.i_title ) listitem.setProperty( "itemId", self.i_itemId ) listitem.setProperty( "author", self.i_author ) listitem.setProperty( "DLSource", self.i_dlsource ) listitem.setProperty( "type", self.i_type ) listitem.setProperty( "language", self.i_language ) listitem.setProperty( "version", self.i_version ) listitem.setProperty( "date", self.i_date ) listitem.setProperty( "added", self.i_added ) listitem.setProperty( "outline", self.i_outline ) #listitem.setProperty( "rating", self.i_rating ) # not implanted listitem.setProperty( "fileName", self.i_fileName ) listitem.setProperty( "description", self.i_description or _( 604 ) ) listitem.setProperty( "fanartpicture", self.i_previewPicture ) listitem.setProperty( "previewVideoURL", self.i_previewVideoURL ) self.getControl( 48 ).addItem( listitem ) except: print_exc() xbmcgui.unlock()
def download_data(self, arg, func, save=False): """Show a progress dialog while downloading and return the data.""" if (save): self.func = func self.arg = arg xbmcgui.lock() dlg = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dlg.create('YouTube', 'Downloading...'), dlg) try: data = func(arg) except: dlg.close() err_dlg = xbmcgui.Dialog() err_dlg.ok('YouTube', 'There was an error.') return None dlg.close() xbmcgui.unlock() return data
def _set_controls_values( self ): """ sets the value labels """ xbmcgui.lock() try: self.getControl( 201 ).setLabel( _( 201 ), label2=self.scrapers_title[ self.current_scraper ] ) self.getControl( 202 ).setLabel( _( 202 ) ) self.getControl( 202 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "save_lyrics" ] ) self.getControl( 203 ).setLabel( _( 203 ), label2=self.settings[ "lyrics_path" ] ) self.getControl( 203 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "save_lyrics" ] ) self.getControl( 204 ).setLabel( _( 204 ) ) self.getControl( 204 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "smooth_scrolling" ] ) self.getControl( 205 ).setLabel( _( 205 ) ) self.getControl( 205 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "show_viz" ] ) self.getControl( 206 ).setLabel( _( 206 ) ) self.getControl( 206 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "use_filename" ] ) self.getControl( 207 ).setLabel( _( 207 ), label2=self.filename_format[ self.settings[ "filename_format" ] ] ) self.getControl( 208 ).setLabel( _( 208 ), label2=self.settings[ "music_path" ] ) self.getControl( 209 ).setLabel( _( 209 ) ) self.getControl( 209 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "shuffle" ] ) self.getControl( 210 ).setLabel( _( 210 ) ) self.getControl( 210 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "compatible" ] ) self.getControl( 210 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "save_lyrics" ] ) self.getControl( 211 ).setLabel( _( 211 ) ) self.getControl( 211 ).setSelected( self.settings[ "use_extension" ] ) self.getControl( 211 ).setEnabled( self.settings[ "save_lyrics" ] ) self.getControl( 250 ).setEnabled( self.settings_original != self.settings ) self.getControl( 254 ).setEnabled( not xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio() ) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_10day_forecast(self): # fetch hour by hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, headings, forecasts = self.TWCClient.fetch_10day_forecast() # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # reset list self.getControl(self.CONTROL_10DAY_LIST).reset() # enumerate thru and set our heading properties for count, heading in enumerate(headings): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("10DayHead%d" % (count + 1,), heading.strip()) # enumerate thru and set the info for forecast in forecasts: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(forecast[0]) listitem.setProperty("date", forecast[1]) listitem.setProperty("icon", forecast[2]) listitem.setProperty("brief", forecast[3].replace(" / ", "/").replace(" ", "\n").replace("/", " /\n")) listitem.setProperty("high", forecast[4]) listitem.setProperty("low", forecast[5]) listitem.setProperty("precip", forecast[6]) listitem.setProperty("wind", forecast[7]) listitem.setProperty("speed", forecast[8]) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_10DAY_LIST).addItem(listitem) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def onAction(self, action): if action == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU: self.close() elif ( action == ACTION_MOVE_LEFT or action == ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT or action == ACTION_MOVE_UP or action == ACTION_MOVE_DOWN or action == ACTION_PAGE_UP or action == ACTION_PAGE_DOWN or action == ACTION_SCROLL_UP or action == ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN ): def SubthreadUpdate(self): self.lblDescription.reset() try: self.lblDescription.setText(self.listedItems[self.lstVideos.getSelectedPosition()].description) except: pass subThread = threading.Thread(target=SubthreadUpdate, args=[self]) subThread.setDaemon(True) xbmcgui.lock() subThread.start() subThread.join(0.05) xbmcgui.unlock() if action == ACTION_MOVE_LEFT: self.setFocus(self.btnCategories[self.currentCategory])
def _show_credits( self ): try: xbmcgui.lock() #team credits self.getControl( 20 ).setLabel( __scriptname__ ) self.getControl( 30 ).setLabel( "%s: %s-%s" % ( _( 1006 ), __version__, __svn_revision__, ) ) self.getControl( 40 ).addLabel( __svn_url__ ) self.getControl( 901 ).setLabel( _( 901 ) ) self.getControl( 101 ).reset() list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_l1__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_r1__ ) self.getControl( 101 ).addItem( list_item ) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_l2__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_r2__ ) self.getControl( 101 ).addItem( list_item ) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_l3__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__credits_r3__ ) self.getControl( 101 ).addItem( list_item ) # Additional credits self.getControl( 902 ).setLabel( _( 902 ) ) self.getControl( 102 ).reset() list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_l1__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_r1__ ) self.getControl( 102 ).addItem( list_item ) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_l2__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_r2__ ) self.getControl( 102 ).addItem( list_item ) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_l3__, sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__add_credits_r3__ ) self.getControl( 102 ).addItem( list_item ) # Skin credits self.getControl( 903 ).setLabel( _( 903 ) ) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def refresh(self): xbmcgui.lock() self.getCurr() xbmcgui.unlock() #print "hello world" self.t = Timer(30.0,self.refresh) self.t.start()
def CtMnUpdateItem(self, selectedIndex): logFile.debug('Updating item (Called from ContextMenu)') #tempPB = uriPB = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() #tempPB.create("Updating item", "Please Wait") xbmcgui.lock() self.onUpDown(ignoreDisabled = True) xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_hour_forecast(self): # fetch hour by hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, headings, forecasts = self.TWCClient.fetch_hour_forecast( ) try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() # reset list self.getControl(self.CONTROL_HOUR_LIST).reset() # enumerate thru and set our heading properties for count, heading in enumerate(headings): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("HBHHead%d" % (count + 1, ), heading) # enumerate thru and set the info for forecast in forecasts: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(forecast[0]) listitem.setProperty("icon", forecast[1]) listitem.setProperty("temp", forecast[2]) listitem.setProperty("brief", forecast[3]) listitem.setProperty("feels", forecast[4]) listitem.setProperty("precip", forecast[5]) #listitem.setProperty( "dew", forecast[ 6 ] ) listitem.setProperty("humidity", forecast[6]) listitem.setProperty("wind", forecast[7]) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_HOUR_LIST).addItem(listitem) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_10day_forecast(self): # fetch hour by hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, headings, forecasts = self.TWCClient.fetch_10day_forecast( ) # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # reset list self.getControl(self.CONTROL_10DAY_LIST).reset() # enumerate thru and set our heading properties for count, heading in enumerate(headings): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("10DayHead%d" % (count + 1, ), heading.strip()) # enumerate thru and set the info for forecast in forecasts: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(forecast[0]) listitem.setProperty("date", forecast[1]) listitem.setProperty("icon", forecast[2]) listitem.setProperty( "brief", forecast[3].replace(" / ", "/").replace( " ", "\n").replace("/", " /\n")) listitem.setProperty("high", forecast[4]) listitem.setProperty("low", forecast[5]) listitem.setProperty("precip", forecast[6]) listitem.setProperty("wind", forecast[7]) listitem.setProperty("speed", forecast[8]) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_10DAY_LIST).addItem(listitem) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_36_forecast(self, showView=True): # fetch 36 hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, forecasts, video = self.TWCClient.fetch_36_forecast( self.CURRENT_WINDOW.getProperty("Video") ) # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # set video self._set_video(video) # enumerate thru and set the info for day, forecast in enumerate(forecasts): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dicon" % (day + 1,), forecast[1]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dbrief" % (day + 1,), forecast[2]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dtemptitle" % (day + 1,), forecast[3]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dtemp" % (day + 1,), forecast[4]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dpreciptitle" % (day + 1,), forecast[5]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dprecip" % (day + 1,), forecast[6]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%doutlook" % (day + 1,), forecast[7]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%ddaylight" % (day + 1,), forecast[8]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dtitle" % (day + 1,), forecast[0]) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def refresh(self): self.lock.acquire() xbmcgui.lock() try: #May be XBMC is not playing any media file cur_time = xbmc.Player().getTime() nums = self.getControl( 110 ).size() pos = self.getControl( 110 ).getSelectedPosition() if (cur_time < self.pOverlay[pos][0]): while (pos > 0 and self.pOverlay[pos - 1][0] > cur_time): pos = pos -1 else: while (pos < nums - 1 and self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] < cur_time): pos = pos +1 if (pos + 5 > nums - 1): self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( nums - 1 ) else: self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( pos + 5 ) self.getControl( 110 ).selectItem( pos ) self.setFocus( self.getControl( 110 ) ) if (self.allowtimer and cur_time < self.pOverlay[nums - 1][0]): waittime = self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] - cur_time self.timer = Timer(waittime, self.refresh) self.timer.start() xbmcgui.unlock() self.lock.release() except: xbmcgui.unlock() self.lock.release()
def show_choices( self, choices ): xbmcgui.lock() for song in choices: self.getControl( 120 ).addItem( song[ 0 ] ) self.getControl( 120 ).selectItem( 0 ) self.menu_items = choices self.show_control( 120 )
def _set_controls_values(self): """ sets the value labels """ xbmcgui.lock() try: self.getControl(201).setLabel( self.getControl(201).getLabel(), label2=self.scrapers_title[self.current_scraper]) self.getControl(202).setSelected(self.settings["save_lyrics"]) self.getControl(203).setLabel(self.getControl(203).getLabel(), label2=self.settings["lyrics_path"]) self.getControl(203).setEnabled(self.settings["save_lyrics"]) self.getControl(204).setSelected(self.settings["smooth_scrolling"]) self.getControl(205).setSelected(self.settings["show_viz"]) self.getControl(206).setSelected(self.settings["use_filename"]) self.getControl(207).setLabel( self.getControl(207).getLabel(), label2=self.filename_format[self.settings["filename_format"]]) self.getControl(208).setLabel(self.getControl(208).getLabel(), label2=self.settings["music_path"]) self.getControl(209).setSelected(self.settings["shuffle"]) self.getControl(209).setEnabled(self.settings["music_path"] != "") self.getControl(210).setSelected(self.settings["compatible"]) self.getControl(210).setEnabled(self.settings["save_lyrics"]) self.getControl(211).setSelected(self.settings["use_extension"]) self.getControl(211).setEnabled(self.settings["save_lyrics"]) self.getControl(250).setEnabled( self.settings_original != self.settings) self.getControl(254).setEnabled(not xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio()) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_hour_forecast(self): # fetch hour by hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, headings, forecasts = self.TWCClient.fetch_hour_forecast() try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() # reset list self.getControl(self.CONTROL_HOUR_LIST).reset() # enumerate thru and set our heading properties for count, heading in enumerate(headings): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("HBHHead%d" % (count + 1,), heading) # enumerate thru and set the info for forecast in forecasts: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(forecast[0]) listitem.setProperty("icon", forecast[1]) listitem.setProperty("temp", forecast[2]) listitem.setProperty("brief", forecast[3]) listitem.setProperty("feels", forecast[4]) listitem.setProperty("precip", forecast[5]) # listitem.setProperty( "dew", forecast[ 6 ] ) listitem.setProperty("humidity", forecast[6]) listitem.setProperty("wind", forecast[7]) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_HOUR_LIST).addItem(listitem) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def refresh(self): self.lock.acquire() xbmcgui.lock() try: #May be XBMC is not playing any media file cur_time = xbmc.Player().getTime() nums = self.getControl(110).size() pos = self.getControl(110).getSelectedPosition() if (cur_time < self.pOverlay[pos][0]): while (pos > 0 and self.pOverlay[pos - 1][0] > cur_time): pos = pos - 1 else: while (pos < nums - 1 and self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] < cur_time): pos = pos + 1 if (pos + 5 > nums - 1): self.getControl(110).selectItem(nums - 1) else: self.getControl(110).selectItem(pos + 5) self.getControl(110).selectItem(pos) self.setFocus(self.getControl(110)) if (self.allowtimer and cur_time < self.pOverlay[nums - 1][0]): waittime = self.pOverlay[pos + 1][0] - cur_time self.timer = Timer(waittime, self.refresh) self.timer.start() xbmcgui.unlock() self.lock.release() except: xbmcgui.unlock() self.lock.release()
def onControl(self, control): if not self.listen: return LOG('OC1 - ' + str(control.getId())) if control == self.btnUsername: oldname = self.username self.setUsername(unikeyboard(self.username, _(76))) self.dlgHighScores.replaceName(oldname, self.username, self.score) if self.dlgSubmit.username == '': self.dlgSubmit.setUsername(self.username) LOG('OC2') if control == self.btnNewGame: LOG('OC2.3') self.retVal = True xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG('OC3') if control == self.btnQuit: self.retVal = False xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG('OC4') if control == self.btnSubmit: self.listen = False self.dlgSubmit.doModal() self.listen = True LOG('OC5') if control == self.btnHighScores: self.listen = False self.dlgHighScores.doModal() self.listen = True LOG('OC6')
def onAction(self, action): # # Exit # if (action in self.ACTION_EXIT_SCRIPT): # File changed, save? if self.fileChanged: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() save = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(self.fileName, xbmc.getLocalizedString(30203)) if save: xbmcgui.lock() numLines = self.listControl.size() textLines = [] for i in range(0, numLines): textLine = self.listControl.getListItem(i).getLabel2() if i < numLines - 1: textLine = textLine + os.linesep textLines.append(textLine) xbmcgui.unlock() # Save file... f = open(self.file, "wb") f.writelines(textLines) f.close() # Close window... self.close()
def CtMnUpdateItem(self, selectedIndex): logFile.debug('Updating item (Called from ContextMenu)') #tempPB = uriPB = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() #tempPB.create("Updating item", "Please Wait") xbmcgui.lock() self.onUpDown(ignoreDisabled=True) xbmcgui.unlock()
def onAction(self, action): LOG("PW - OA") if not self.listen: return if action.getId() == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU or action.getId() == ACTION_PAUSE or action.getButtonCode() == KEY_BUTTON_START: xbmcgui.lock() self.close()
def _fill_cast( self, listitem ): xbmcgui.lock() try: # clear the cast list self.getControl( self.CONTROL_INFO_CAST ).reset() # grab the cast from the main lists listitem, we use this for actor thumbs cast = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Cast" ) # if cast exists we fill the cast list if ( cast ): # we set these class variables for the player self.title = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Title" ) self.genre = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Genre" ) self.plot = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Plot" ) self.director = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Director" ) self.year = int( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Year" ) ) self.trailer = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.Trailer" ) self.thumb = xbmc.getInfoImage( "Container(100).ListItem.Thumb" ) # we actually use the ListItem.CastAndRole infolabel to fill the list role = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Container(100).ListItem.CastAndRole" ).split( "\n" ) # enumerate through our cast list and set cast and role for count, actor in enumerate( cast.split( "\n" ) ): # create the actor cached thumb actor_path = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( "P:\\Thumbnails", "Video", xbmc.getCacheThumbName( "actor" + actor )[ 0 ], xbmc.getCacheThumbName( "actor" + actor ) ) ) # if an actor thumb exists use it, else use the default thumb actor_thumbnail = ( "DefaultActorBig.png", actor_path, )[ os.path.isfile( actor_path ) ] # set the default icon actor_icon = "DefaultActorBig.png" # add the item to our cast list self.getControl( self.CONTROL_INFO_CAST ).addItem( xbmcgui.ListItem( role[ count ], iconImage=actor_icon, thumbnailImage=actor_thumbnail ) ) # set the play trailer buttons status self._set_trailer_button( self.trailer ) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def onControl(self, control): if not self.focusWindow == WINDOW_GAME: return LOG('OC1 - ' + str(control.getId())) if control == self.btnUsername: oldname = self.username self.setUsername(unikeyboard(self.username, "Enter New Name")) self.dlgHighScores.replaceName(oldname, self.username, self.score) if self.dlgSubmit.username == '': self.dlgSubmit.setUsername(self.username) LOG('OC2') if control == self.btnNewGame: LOG('OC2.3') self.retVal = True xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG('OC3') if control == self.btnQuit: self.retVal = False xbmcgui.lock() self.close() LOG('OC4') if control == self.btnSubmit: self.focusWindow = WINDOW_SUBMIT self.dlgSubmit.doModal() self.focusWindow = WINDOW_GAME LOG('OC5') if control == self.btnHighScores: self.focusWindow = WINDOW_HIGHSCORE self.dlgHighScores.doModal() self.focusWindow = WINDOW_GAME LOG('OC6')
def show_lyrics(self, lyrics): try: xbmcgui.lock() self.reset_controls() self.getControl(100).setText("") self.getControl(200).setLabel("") self.menu_items = [] self.allow_exception = False if (self.current_song == lyricsText = lyrics.lyrics if (lyricsText == "{{Instrumental}}"): lyricsText = "Instrumental" self.getControl(100).setText(lyricsText) splitLyrics = lyricsText.splitlines() for x in splitLyrics: self.getControl(110).addItem(x) self.getControl(110).selectItem(0) self.focus_lyrics() self.getControl(200).setEnabled(False) self.getControl(200).setLabel(lyrics.source) finally: xbmcgui.unlock()
def __init__(self): self.addControl(xbmcgui.ControlImage(0,0,720,576, 'background.png')) self.list = xbmcgui.ControlList(200, 100, 400, 400) self.strAction = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(50, 100, 100, 20, 'action', 'font13', '0xFFFF3300') self.strButton = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(50, 150, 100, 20, 'button', 'font13', '0xFFFFFFFF') self.addControl(self.list) self.addControl(self.strAction) self.addControl(self.strButton) self.button1 = xbmcgui.ControlButton(50, 200, 90, 30, "Button 1") self.button2 = xbmcgui.ControlButton(50, 240, 90, 30, "Button 2") self.addControl(self.button1) self.addControl(self.button2) self.button1.controlDown(self.button2) self.button1.controlRight(self.list) self.button2.controlUp(self.button1) self.button2.controlRight(self.list) self.list.controlLeft(self.button1) # add a few items to the list xbmcgui.lock() for i in range(50): self.list.addItem('item' + str(i)) xbmcgui.unlock() self.setFocus(self.button1)
def hidegroup(self, strgrp): """ hides all controls that have group=strgroup if strgrp is "" nothing will happen """ log.debug("hidegroup( strgrp=[%s] )"%strgrp ) # lock the gui for speed xbmcgui.lock() isLocked = 1 try: # add/hide all the controls for id in self.controls: n = self.controls[id] m = n.getoption("group") try: if m == strgrp: if != "nt": n.control.setVisible(False) else: self.removeControl(n.control) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock() isLocked = 0 except: if isLocked > 0: xbmcgui.unlock() traceback.print_exc() raise
def setupvars(self): xbmcgui.lock() self.unreadvalue = 0 = 0 self.ziplist = [] self.subject = self.emailsettings[1][0] self.emfrom = self.emailsettings[1][1] = self.myemail.get('to').replace("\n","") = self.myemail.get('Cc') if == None: = "" ="\n","") date = self.myemail.get('date') if date == None: mytime = time.strptime(xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Date") + xbmc.getInfoLabel("System.Time"),'%A , %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p') self.sent = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %X +0000',mytime).replace("\n","") else:self.sent = str(date).replace("\n","") self.attachments = [] self.replyvalue = 0 self.curpos = 0 self.showing = False self.returnvalue = "-" self.control_action = XinBox_Util.setControllerAction() self.attachlist = False xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(attachlistnotempty)") xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(emaildialog)")
def _get_log_list(self, channel): try: self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LABEL_HEADING).setLabel( "%s - (%s)" % ( __script__, channel, )) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LIST_LOGS).reset() self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LIST_MESSAGES).reset() self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LABEL_LOG_TITLE).setLabel("") self.getControl( self.CONTROL_LIST_LOGS).addItem("Fetching log list...") xbmcgui.lock() htmlSource = self._fetch_info(url=self.BASE_LOG_URL % self.domain) log_list = self._parse_list(htmlSource) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LIST_LOGS).reset() for log in log_list: # create our listitem listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(log[1], log[0]) self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LIST_LOGS).addItem(listitem) self.setFocus(self.getControl(self.CONTROL_LIST_LOGS)) except: # oops print error message print "ERROR: %s::%s (%d) - %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_code.co_name, sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno, sys.exc_info()[1], ) self.setFocus(self.getControl(self.CONTROL_BUTTON_XBMC)) xbmcgui.unlock()
def init_button_state(self): xbmcgui.lock() visible = True self.getControl(02).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(10).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(11).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(14).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(13).setVisible(visible) visible = False self.getControl(6).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(20).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(21).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(22).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(23).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(24).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(25).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(26).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(27).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(28).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(30).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(31).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(32).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(33).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(90).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(91).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(92).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(40).setVisible(visible) self.getControl(41).setVisible(visible) xbmcgui.unlock()
def _fetch_36_forecast(self, showView=True): # fetch 36 hour forecast alerts, alertscolor, alertscount, forecasts, video = self.TWCClient.fetch_36_forecast( self.CURRENT_WINDOW.getProperty("Video")) # lock the gui for faster updating xbmcgui.lock() try: # set any alerts self._set_alerts(alerts, alertscolor, alertscount) # set video self._set_video(video) # enumerate thru and set the info for day, forecast in enumerate(forecasts): self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dicon" % (day + 1, ), forecast[1]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dbrief" % (day + 1, ), forecast[2]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour%dtemptitle" % (day + 1, ), forecast[3]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dtemp" % (day + 1, ), forecast[4]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour%dpreciptitle" % (day + 1, ), forecast[5]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dprecip" % (day + 1, ), forecast[6]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour%doutlook" % (day + 1, ), forecast[7]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour%ddaylight" % (day + 1, ), forecast[8]) self.CURRENT_WINDOW.setProperty("36Hour%dtitle" % (day + 1, ), forecast[0]) except: pass # unlock the gui xbmcgui.unlock()
def showInfo(self): log("> showInfo()") backend_version = "unknown" for node in self.dom.getElementsByTagName('version'): backend_version = options = {"cdr":120,"vm":121} if (__os__ == 'xbox'): xbmcgui.lock() for option in options.keys(): self.getControl(options[option]).reset() # Parse CDR/VM XML content for node in self.dom.getElementsByTagName(option): listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem() for childNode in node.childNodes: if (childNode.nodeName != "#text"): if (childNode.firstChild): listitem.setProperty(childNode.nodeName, else: listitem.setProperty(childNode.nodeName,"") self.getControl(options[option]).addItem(listitem) del listitem if (__os__ == 'xbox'): xbmcgui.unlock() del self.dom if (backend_version != __version__): log(">> Version mismatch!: Frontend is " + __version__ + " while Backend is " + backend_version) xbmc_notification = "You have to update the backend!" xbmc_img = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH,'media','xbmc-pbx-addon.png')) log(">> Notification: " + xbmc_notification) xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification("+ __language__(30051) +","+ xbmc_notification +","+ str(15*1000) +","+ xbmc_img +")")
def show_choices(self, choices): xbmcgui.lock() for song in choices: self.getControl(120).addItem(song[0]) self.getControl(120).selectItem(0) self.menu_items = choices self.show_control(120)
def loadData( self ): log.debug( '> schedules.Window.loadData()' ) self.schedules = [] xbmcgui.lock() try: listControl = self.controls["schedule_list"].control listControl.reset() self.schedules = self.db.getRecordingSchedules() self.schedules.sort( compareTypeAsc ) for s in self.schedules: item = xbmcgui.ListItem() label = s.title() if s.type() == 3: # channel # item.setLabel2( s.formattedChannel() ) label += " (%s)"%s.formattedChannel() else: # item.setLabel2( s.formattedType() ) label += " (%s)"%s.formattedType() item.setLabel( label ) listControl.addItem( item ) #self.updateShowDetails( 0 ) xbmcgui.unlock() except: xbmcgui.unlock() raise log.debug( '< schedules.Window.loadData()' )
def _add_items(self, items): xbmcgui.lock() try: for revision, author, date, message in items: self._add_item(revision, author, date, message) except: pass xbmcgui.unlock()
def populateList(self, scores): LOG("PL setting to " + str(scores)) xbmcgui.lock() self.updateTabImages() self.lstHighScores.reset() for name, score in scores: self.lstHighScores.addItem(xbmcgui.ListItem(name, str(score))) xbmcgui.unlock()
def update_list_mini(self, content_list): xbmcgui.lock() for listitem in self.listItems: content_list.addItem(listitem) content_list.setCurrentListPosition(self.current_position) xbmcgui.unlock()
def setChannelButtons(self, starttime, curchannel, singlerow=-1): self.log('setChannelButtons ' + str(starttime) + ', ' + str(curchannel)) xbmcgui.lock() self.removeControl(self.currentTimeBar) self.centerChannel = self.MyOverlayWindow.fixChannel(curchannel) # This is done twice to guarantee we go back 2 channels. If the previous 2 channels # aren't valid, then doing a fix on curchannel - 2 may result in going back only # a single valid channel. curchannel = self.MyOverlayWindow.fixChannel(curchannel - 1, False) curchannel = self.MyOverlayWindow.fixChannel(curchannel - 1, False) starttime = self.roundToHalfHour(int(starttime)) self.setTimeLabels(starttime) self.shownTime = starttime basex, basey = self.getControl(111).getPosition() basew = self.getControl(111).getWidth() tmpx, tmpy = self.getControl(110 + self.rowCount).getPosition() timex, timey = self.getControl(120).getPosition() timew = self.getControl(120).getWidth() timeh = self.getControl(120).getHeight() for i in range(self.rowCount): if singlerow == -1 or singlerow == i: self.setButtons(starttime, curchannel, i) self.getControl(301 + i).setLabel( self.MyOverlayWindow.channels[curchannel - 1].name) try: self.getControl(311 + i).setLabel(str(curchannel)) except: pass try: self.getControl(321 + i).setImage( self.channelLogos + self.MyOverlayWindow.channels[curchannel - 1].name + ".png") except: pass curchannel = self.MyOverlayWindow.fixChannel(curchannel + 1) if time.time() >= starttime and time.time() < starttime + 5400: dif = int((starttime + 5400 - time.time())) self.currentTimeBar.setPosition( int((basex + basew - 2) - (dif * (basew / 5400.0))), timey) else: if time.time() < starttime: self.currentTimeBar.setPosition(basex + 2, timey) else: self.currentTimeBar.setPosition(basex + basew - 2 - timew, timey) self.addControl(self.currentTimeBar) xbmcgui.unlock() self.log('setChannelButtons return')
def onInit(self): self.controls = {} try: xbmcgui.lock() self.getControls() except: print_exc() xbmcgui.unlock() self.close()
def onInit(self): xbmcgui.lock() self.getControl(4).setLabel("[B]" + self.title + "[/B]") if (self.isZX == "yes"): self.getControl(25).setLabel("втя║рфЁЖ") self.setFocus(self.getControl(20)) self.showMin() #self.getControl( 30 ).setText(self.cont) xbmcgui.unlock()
def remove_control(self): #self.delay += 1 if not self._stop: self.enemyControl.setVisible(0) try: xbmcgui.lock() self.window.removeControl(self.enemyControl) except: print_exc() xbmcgui.unlock() self._stop = True
def processEvent(self, event, rows): xbmcgui.lock() LOG('ProcessEvent-> ' + str(event) + ' ' + str(rows)) self.updatePiece() entryEvent = event clearLev = bloomX = bloomY = 0 if event == EVENT_NEW_PIECE or event == EVENT_LEVEL_UP: if rows > 0 or True: clearLev = self.controller.nLevel - (event == EVENT_LEVEL_UP) bloomX = self.controller.curPiece.x + self.controller.curPiece.type.size / 2 - 1 bloomY = self.controller.curPiece.y self.imgBlocks.extend(self.imgPiece) self.imgPiece = [] event = self.controller.doNewPiece() self.updatePiece() if event == EVENT_GAME_OVER: #sound priority self.state = STATE_PAUSED xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "gameover.wav") xbmcgui.unlock() doNewGame = self.dlgGame.showDialog( self.controller.nScore) #it unlocks and locks gui xbmcgui.lock() if doNewGame: self.state = STATE_READY self.controller.newGame() self.updateBlocks() self.updatePiece() else: self.state = STATE_QUITTING self.close() LOG('PE after GO - ' + str(self.state)) elif entryEvent == EVENT_LEVEL_UP: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "levelup.wav") self.updateBlocks() self.drawBloom("+" + str(rows * rows * clearLev), bloomX, bloomY) self.drawBloom("Level Up! +" + str(self.controller.nLevel * 15), -1, 5, font="font14", duration=90) elif rows > 0: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "clear" + str(rows) + ".wav") self.updateBlocks() self.drawBloom("+" + str(rows * rows * clearLev), bloomX, bloomY) elif entryEvent == EVENT_NEW_PIECE: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "lock.wav") elif entryEvent == EVENT_MOVE: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "move.wav") elif entryEvent == EVENT_ROTATE: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "rotate.wav") elif entryEvent == EVENT_DROP: xbmc.playSFX(SOUND_DIR + "drop.wav") LOG('ProcessEvent<-') xbmcgui.unlock()
def remove_control(self): self.vausCatch = None if not self._stop: self.bonus.setVisible(0) try: xbmcgui.lock() self.window.removeControl(self.bonus) except: print_exc() xbmcgui.unlock() self._stop = True