Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
  import os, sys
  from xbob.db.replay import Database, File
  from .. import utils

  basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))
  ANNOTATIONS = os.path.join(basedir, 'annotations')
  FEATURES = os.path.join(basedir, 'framediff')

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
  parser.add_argument('annotations', metavar='DIR', type=str,
      default=ANNOTATIONS, nargs='?', help='Base directory containing the (flandmark) annotations to be treated by this procedure (defaults to "%(default)s")')
  parser.add_argument('path', metavar='PATH', type=str,
      help='Base path to the movie file you need plotting')
  parser.add_argument('output', metavar='FILE', type=str,
      help='Name of the output file to save the video')
  parser.add_argument('-M', '--maximum-displacement', metavar='FLOAT',
      type=float, dest="max_displacement", default=0.2, help="Maximum displacement (w.r.t. to the eye width) between eye-centers to consider the eye for calculating eye-differences")
  parser.add_argument('-S', '--skip-frames', metavar='INT', type=int,
      default=10, dest='skip', help="Number of frames to skip once an eye-blink has been detected (defaults to %(default)s)")
  parser.add_argument('-T', '--threshold-ratio', metavar='FLOAT', type=float,
      default=3.0, dest='thres_ratio', help="How many standard deviations to use for counting positive blink picks to %(default)s)")

  args = parser.parse_args()

  db = Database()

  # Gets the information concerning the input path or id
  splitted = args.path.split(os.sep)
  k = [splitted.index(k) for k in splitted if k in \
      ('train', 'test', 'devel', 'enroll')][0]
  splitted[-1] = os.path.splitext(splitted[-1])[0]
  path_query = os.sep.join(splitted[k:])
  obj = db.session.query(File).filter(File.path == path_query).one()

  video = bob.io.VideoReader(args.path)
  print "Opened movie file %s (%d frames), id = %d" % \
      (args.path, len(video), obj.id)

  # Choose the printed frames here.
  start = 0
  end = 225

  # Loads the input video
  frames = [bob.ip.rgb_to_gray(k) for k in video[start:end]]

  # Recalculates the features
  annotations = utils.flandmark_load_annotations(obj, args.annotations,

  # Light-normalizes detected faces
  #utils.light_normalize_tantriggs(frames, annotations, start, end)
  utils.light_normalize_histogram(frames, annotations, start, end)

  features = numpy.zeros((len(frames), 2), dtype='float64')

  sys.stdout.write("Computing features ")
  for k in range(start+1, end):
    curr_annot = annotations[k] if annotations.has_key(k) else None
    prev_annot = annotations[k-1] if annotations.has_key(k-1) else None
    use_annotation = (prev_annot, curr_annot)
    use_frames = (frames[k-1], frames[k])

    # maximum of 5 pixel displacement acceptable
    eye_diff, eye_pixels = utils.eval_eyes_difference(use_frames, 
        use_annotation, max_center_displacement=args.max_displacement)
    facerem_diff, facerem_pixels = utils.eval_face_remainder_difference(
        use_frames, use_annotation, eye_diff, eye_pixels)

    if eye_pixels != 0: features[k][0] = eye_diff/float(eye_pixels)
    else: features[k][0] = 0.

    if facerem_pixels != 0: features[k][1] = facerem_diff/float(facerem_pixels)
    else: features[k][1] = 1.

    if eye_diff == 0: sys.stdout.write('x')
    else: sys.stdout.write('.')

  scores = utils.score(features)


  # plot N sequential images containing the video on the top and the advancing
  # graph of the features of choice on the bottom
  fig = mpl.figure()
  sys.stdout.write("Writing %d frames " % (end-start))

  outv = None #output video place holder
  orows, ocolumns = None, None #the size of every frame in outv
  old_blinks = 0
  for k in range(start,end):

    mpl.title("Frame %05d" % k)

    use_annotation = annotations[k] if annotations.has_key(k) else None
    if use_annotation:
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['bbox']
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['eyes'][0]
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['eyes'][1]
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['face_remainder']
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)

    mpl.imshow(frames[k], cmap=GrayColorMap) #top plot


    score_set = scores[start:k+1]
    blinks = utils.count_blinks(score_set, args.thres_ratio, args.skip)
    rmean = utils.rmean(score_set)[-1]
    rstd = utils.rstd(score_set)[-1]
    threshold = (args.thres_ratio * rstd) + rmean

    mpl.plot(numpy.arange(start, k+1), score_set, linewidth=2, label='score')
    mpl.hlines(rmean, start, end, color='red', 
        linestyles='dashed', alpha=0.8, label='mean')
    mpl.hlines(threshold, start, end, color='red', 
        linestyles='solid', alpha=0.8, label='threshold')
    yrange = scores.max() - scores.min()
    mpl.axis((start, end, scores.min(), (0.2*yrange) + scores.max()))
    mpl.xlabel("Frames | Blinks = %d" % blinks[-1])

    figure = fig2array(fig)

    if outv is None:
      orows = 2*(figure.shape[1]/2)
      ocolumns = 2*(figure.shape[2]/2)
      outv = bob.io.VideoWriter(args.output, orows, ocolumns, video.frame_rate)

    if blinks[-1] != old_blinks:
      old_blinks = blinks[-1]
      sys.stdout.write('%d' % old_blinks)

def main():
  import os, sys
  from xbob.db.replay import Database, File
  from .. import utils

  basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))
  ANNOTATIONS = os.path.join(basedir, 'annotations')
  FEATURES = os.path.join(basedir, 'framediff')

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
  parser.add_argument('annotations', metavar='DIR', type=str,
      default=ANNOTATIONS, nargs='?', help='Base directory containing the (flandmark) annotations to be treated by this procedure (defaults to "%(default)s")')
  parser.add_argument('path', metavar='PATH', type=str,
      help='Base path to the movie file you need plotting')
  parser.add_argument('output', metavar='FILE', type=str,
      help='Name of the output file to save the video')
  parser.add_argument('-M', '--maximum-displacement', metavar='FLOAT',
      type=float, dest="max_displacement", default=0.2, help="Maximum displacement (w.r.t. to the eye width) between eye-centers to consider the eye for calculating eye-differences")
  parser.add_argument('-S', '--skip-frames', metavar='INT', type=int,
      default=10, dest='skip', help="Number of frames to skip once an eye-blink has been detected (defaults to %(default)s)")
  parser.add_argument('-T', '--threshold-ratio', metavar='FLOAT', type=float,
      default=3.0, dest='thres_ratio', help="How many standard deviations to use for counting positive blink picks to %(default)s)")

  args = parser.parse_args()

  db = Database()

  # Gets the information concerning the input path or id
  splitted = args.path.split(os.sep)
  k = [splitted.index(k) for k in splitted if k in \
      ('train', 'test', 'devel')][0]
  splitted[-1] = os.path.splitext(splitted[-1])[0]
  path_query = os.sep.join(splitted[k:])
  obj = db.session.query(File).filter(File.path == path_query).one()

  video = bob.io.VideoReader(args.path)
  print "Opened movie file %s (%d frames), id = %d" % \
      (args.path, len(video), obj.id)

  # Choose the printed frames here.
  start = 0
  end = 225

  # Loads the input video
  frames = [bob.ip.rgb_to_gray(k) for k in video[start:end]]

  # Recalculates the features
  annotations = utils.flandmark_load_annotations(obj, args.annotations,

  # Light-normalizes detected faces
  #utils.light_normalize_tantriggs(frames, annotations, start, end)
  utils.light_normalize_histogram(frames, annotations, start, end)

  features = numpy.zeros((len(frames), 2), dtype='float64')

  sys.stdout.write("Computing features ")
  for k in range(start+1, end):
    curr_annot = annotations[k] if annotations.has_key(k) else None
    prev_annot = annotations[k-1] if annotations.has_key(k-1) else None
    use_annotation = (prev_annot, curr_annot)
    use_frames = (frames[k-1], frames[k])

    # maximum of 5 pixel displacement acceptable
    eye_diff, eye_pixels = utils.eval_eyes_difference(use_frames, 
        use_annotation, max_center_displacement=args.max_displacement)
    facerem_diff, facerem_pixels = utils.eval_face_remainder_difference(
        use_frames, use_annotation, eye_diff, eye_pixels)

    if eye_pixels != 0: features[k][0] = eye_diff/float(eye_pixels)
    else: features[k][0] = 0.

    if facerem_pixels != 0: features[k][1] = facerem_diff/float(facerem_pixels)
    else: features[k][1] = 1.

    if eye_diff == 0: sys.stdout.write('x')
    else: sys.stdout.write('.')

  scores = utils.score(features)


  # plot N sequential images containing the video on the top and the advancing
  # graph of the features of choice on the bottom
  fig = mpl.figure()
  sys.stdout.write("Writing %d frames " % (end-start))

  outv = None #output video place holder
  orows, ocolumns = None, None #the size of every frame in outv
  old_blinks = 0
  for k in range(start,end):

    mpl.title("Frame %05d" % k)

    use_annotation = annotations[k] if annotations.has_key(k) else None
    if use_annotation:
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['bbox']
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['eyes'][0]
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['eyes'][1]
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)
      x, y, width, height = use_annotation['face_remainder']
      bob.ip.draw_box(frames[k], x, y, width, height, 255)

    mpl.imshow(frames[k], cmap=GrayColorMap) #top plot


    score_set = scores[start:k+1]
    blinks = utils.count_blinks(score_set, args.thres_ratio, args.skip)
    rmean = utils.rmean(score_set)[-1]
    rstd = utils.rstd(score_set)[-1]
    threshold = (args.thres_ratio * rstd) + rmean

    mpl.plot(numpy.arange(start, k+1), score_set, linewidth=2, label='score')
    mpl.hlines(rmean, start, end, color='red', 
        linestyles='dashed', alpha=0.8, label='mean')
    mpl.hlines(threshold, start, end, color='red', 
        linestyles='solid', alpha=0.8, label='threshold')
    yrange = scores.max() - scores.min()
    mpl.axis((start, end, scores.min(), (0.2*yrange) + scores.max()))
    mpl.xlabel("Frames | Blinks = %d" % blinks[-1])

    figure = fig2array(fig)

    if outv is None:
      orows = 2*(figure.shape[1]/2)
      ocolumns = 2*(figure.shape[2]/2)
      outv = bob.io.VideoWriter(args.output, orows, ocolumns, video.frame_rate)

    if blinks[-1] != old_blinks:
      old_blinks = blinks[-1]
      sys.stdout.write('%d' % old_blinks)
