Exemplo n.º 1
def unmount_storage(mountPoint):
    print "Attempting to unmount the NAS at %s..." %(mountPoint)

    if not xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is NOT mounted." %(mountPoint))
        cmd = "umount %s" %(mountPoint)
        out,err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)

        if err:
            print "Encountered error while unmounting..."
            print err
Exemplo n.º 2
def unmount_storage(mountPoint):
    print "Attempting to unmount the NAS at %s..." % (mountPoint)

    if not xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is NOT mounted." %
        cmd = "umount %s" % (mountPoint)
        out, err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)

        if err:
            print "Encountered error while unmounting..."
            print err
Exemplo n.º 3
def mount_nas_storage(hostname, user, passwd, mountPoint):
    print "Attempting to mount the NAS File Storage at %s" %(mountPoint)

    if xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is already in use." %(mountPoint))

    cmd = "mount -t cifs //%s/%s -o username=%s,password=%s,rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755 %s" %(hostname, user, user, passwd, mountPoint)
    out,err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)
    if err:
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("Error when mounting. (%s)" %(err))
        print "Success\n"

    # To help out with automount, print this msg
    print "\nNote: To configure automount on reboot, add the following into /etc/fstab:"
    cmd = "//%s/%s   %s cifs defaults,username=%s,password=%s 0 0" %(hostname,user,mountPoint,user,passwd)
    print "%s\n" %(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 4
def mount_consistent_storage(hostname, user, mountPoint):
    # TODO: would be good to be able to specify the nfs version as a argument
    print "Attempting to mount the Consistent Performance File Storage at %s" %(mountPoint)

    if xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is already in use." %(mountPoint))

    cmd = "mount -t nfs4 %s:/%s %s" %(hostname, user, mountPoint)
    out,err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)
    if err:
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("Error when mounting. (%s)" %(err))
        print "Success\n"

    # To help out with automount, print this msg
    print "\nNote: To configure automount on reboot, add the following into /etc/fstab:"
    cmd = "%s:/%s %s nfs4 defaults,hard,intr 0 0" %(hostname,user,mountPoint)
    print "%s\n" %(cmd)
Exemplo n.º 5
def mount_nas_storage(hostname, user, passwd, mountPoint):
    print "Attempting to mount the NAS File Storage at %s" % (mountPoint)

    if xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is already in use." %

    cmd = "mount -t cifs //%s/%s -o username=%s,password=%s,rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755 %s" % (
        hostname, user, user, passwd, mountPoint)
    out, err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)
    if err:
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("Error when mounting. (%s)" % (err))
        print "Success\n"

    # To help out with automount, print this msg
    print "\nNote: To configure automount on reboot, add the following into /etc/fstab:"
    cmd = "//%s/%s   %s cifs defaults,username=%s,password=%s 0 0" % (
        hostname, user, mountPoint, user, passwd)
    print "%s\n" % (cmd)
Exemplo n.º 6
def mount_consistent_storage(hostname, user, mountPoint):
    # TODO: would be good to be able to specify the nfs version as a argument
    print "Attempting to mount the Consistent Performance File Storage at %s" % (

    if xcatutils.isMounted(mountPoint):
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("The mount point %s is already in use." %

    cmd = "mount -t nfs4 %s:/%s %s" % (hostname, user, mountPoint)
    out, err = xcatutils.run_command(cmd)
    if err:
        raise xcatutils.xCatError("Error when mounting. (%s)" % (err))
        print "Success\n"

    # To help out with automount, print this msg
    print "\nNote: To configure automount on reboot, add the following into /etc/fstab:"
    cmd = "%s:/%s %s nfs4 defaults,hard,intr 0 0" % (hostname, user,
    print "%s\n" % (cmd)