Exemplo n.º 1
 def getMelioClient(self, host):
     # Get an instance of the websockets library to the Melio UI
     logName="melio-%s" % threading.currentThread().getName()
     if not logName in self.logNames:
         xenrt.setupLogging(logName, forceThisTEC=True)
     return self._MelioClient("%s:8080" % host.getIP(), request_timeout=300, log_name=logName)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, hosts, iscsiHost=None):
        self.hosts = hosts
        for host in self.hosts:
            host.melioHelper = self
        self.lun = None
        self._scsiid = None
        self.guid = None
        self._iscsiHost = iscsiHost
        self.logNames = []
        # Get a checkout of the Melio Python library
        if not xenrt.TEC().lookup("MELIO_PYTHON_LOCAL_PATH", None):
            d = xenrt.TempDirectory()
            xenrt.util.command("cd %s && git clone %s melio-python" % (d.path(), xenrt.TEC().lookup("MELIO_PYTHON_REPO", "https://gitlab.citrite.net/xs-melio/python-melio-linux.git")))
            xenrt.util.command("cd %s/melio-python && git checkout %s" % (d.path(), xenrt.TEC().lookup("MELIO_PYTHON_BRANCH", "master")))
            xenrt.GEC().config.setVariable("MELIO_PYTHON_LOCAL_PATH", "%s/melio-python" % d.path())
            sys.path.append("%s/melio-python/lib" % d.path())

        import sanbolic
        self._MelioClient = sanbolic.Client