Exemplo n.º 1
def subtract_background_from_ydats(scanfile, indir, outdir, scannumber=-1, highqnorm=False):
    """Subtract backround from SAXS data in .ydat files.

    If `highqnorm` is True, normalize the buffer to the sample intensity
    in q-range [4.0, 5.0] 1/nm and adjust with a constant before subtracting.
    scans = read_yaml(scanfile)
    if scannumber > 0:
        scannos = [ scannumber ]
        scannos = scans.keys()
    for scanno in scannos:
        print("Scan #%03d" % scanno)
            bufscan = scans[scanno][0]
        except TypeError:
            print("Scan #%03d is a buffer" % scanno)
            conc = scans[scanno][1]
        except TypeError:
            print("No concentration for scan #02d." % scanno)
            conc = 1.0
        print("Using concentration %g g/l." % conc)
        filelist = glob.glob(indir+"/s%03d.*.fil.ydat" % scanno)
        for posno in xrange(len(filelist)):
            bufname = indir + "/bufs%03d.p%02d.out.ydat" % (bufscan, posno)
            buf, dbuf = read_ydat(bufname, addict=1)
            fname = indir + "/s%03d.p%02d.fil.ydat" % (scanno, posno)
            sam, dsam = read_ydat(fname, addict=1)
            outname = os.path.basename(fname)
            outname = outdir+'/'+outname[:outname.find('.fil.ydat')]+'.sub.ydat'
            ad = {
                'samfile': [os.path.basename(fname), md5_file(fname)],
                'buffile': [os.path.basename(bufname), md5_file(bufname)],
                'position' : dsam.get('inputposition', "unknown"),
                'q~unit' : dsam.get('q~unit', "unknown"),
                'I~unit' : dsam.get('I~unit', "unknown"),
                'Ierr~unit' : dsam.get('Ierr~unit', "unknown"),
            if highqnorm:
                # 1 + 0.007 1/(g/l) is the excess of scattered intensity
                # in a protein sample versus buffer in the q-range
                # used [4.0, 5.0] 1/nm per concentration.
                scale = highq_scale(sam, buf)
                bufscale = scale * 1.0/(1.0 + 0.007*conc)
                print("scale: %g, bufscale: %g" % (scale, bufscale))
                buf[1,:] = bufscale * buf[1,:]
                buf[2,:] = bufscale * buf[2,:]
                ad['normalization'] = float(bufscale)
                ad['normalization'] = 'transmission'
            # Assumes the standard q, I, Ierr ordering in index 0 columns
            sub = errsubtract(sam, buf)
            sub[1:3,:] = sub[1:3,:] / conc
            write_ydat(sub, outname, addict=ad, attributes=['~unit'])
Exemplo n.º 2
def excess_ratio(scanfile, qrange=[4.0, 5.0], cnorm=True):
    """Return ratio of (sam/buf)-1 in subtractions in the `qrange` given.

    Subtractions are made from data given in `scanfile` as in
    'subtract_background_from_ydats()', but only the ratios of
    sample / buffer intensity are returned in a list of arrays.

    If `cnorm` is True (default) then the ratio is normalized to the
    concentration read from the scanfile.

    Results from this function can be used to calibrate high-q normalized
    scans = read_yaml(scanfile)
    scannos = scans.keys()
    indir = '.'
    mlist = []
    indlist = []
    clist = []
    for scanno in scannos:
            bufscan = scans[scanno][0]
        except TypeError:
            logging.warning("Scan #%03d is a buffer" % scanno)
            conc = scans[scanno][1]
        except TypeError:
            print("No concentration for scan #02d." % scanno)
            raise TypeError()
        logging.warning("Scan #%03d" % scanno)
        filelist = glob.glob(indir+"/s%03d.*.fil.ydat" % scanno)
        marr= np.zeros((len(filelist)))
        for posno in xrange(len(filelist)):
            bufname = indir + "/bufs%03d.p%02d.out.ydat" % (bufscan, posno)
            buf, dbuf = read_ydat(bufname, addict=1)
            fname = indir + "/s%03d.p%02d.fil.ydat" % (scanno, posno)
            sam, dsam = read_ydat(fname, addict=1)
            # Assumes the standard q, I, Ierr ordering in index 0 columns
            q = sam[0,:]
            qind = np.logical_and(q > qrange[0], q < qrange[1])
            ratio = np.mean(sam[1,qind]) / np.mean(buf[1,qind]) - 1.0
            if cnorm:
                ratio = ratio / conc
            marr[posno] = ratio
    return mlist, indlist, clist
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_filtered(fname):
    """Return dat-array, inclusion map and first data read from file `fname`.
    dat, yd = read_ydat(fname, addict=1)
    first = None
    aver = None
    if dat.shape[0] >= 5:
        first = np.zeros((3, dat.shape[1]))
        first[0,:] = dat[0,:]
        first[1:3,:] = dat[3:5,:]
    if dat.shape[0] >= 7:
        aver = np.zeros((3, dat.shape[1]))
        aver[0,:] = dat[0,:]
        aver[1:3,:] = dat[5:7,:]
    incmap = strings_to_incmap(yd['incmap']).T
    return (dat[0:3,:], first, aver, incmap)
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_outliers(fname):
    dat, yd = read_ydat(fname, addict=1)
    first = None
    aver = None
    if dat.shape[0] >= 5:
        first = np.zeros((3, dat.shape[1]))
        first[0,:] = dat[0,:]
        first[1:3,:] = dat[3:5,:]
    if dat.shape[0] >= 7:
        aver = np.zeros((3, dat.shape[1]))
        aver[0,:] = dat[0,:]
        aver[1:3,:] = dat[5:7,:]
    cdm = np.array(yd['chi2matrix'])
    incinds = np.array(yd['incinds'])
    threshold = yd['chi2cutoff']

    return (dat[0:3,:], first, aver, incinds, cdm, threshold)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_bg(indir, scanno, posno):
    """Read background SAXS curve from an ydat-file.
    fname = indir + "/bufs%03d.p%02d.out.ydat" % (scanno, posno)
    return read_ydat(fname)