Exemplo n.º 1
def edit_image(form):
  wgo.http_preamble(["Content-type: text/html"])

  wgo_admin.header('www.gimp.org - Administration - Splash Image',
                   [ {"rel" : "stylesheet", "href" : wgo_contest.config.contest_dir + "/wgo-contest.css", "type" : "text/css", "media" : "screen"} ])

  print xhtml.h1("www.gimp.org - Administrate Contest - Edit Entry", {"class" : "heading"})

  name = form["name"].value

  image = wgo_contest.gallery_image(name)
  cell = xhtml.table.cell
  row = xhtml.table.row

  fields = (xhtml.table.init({"cellspacing" : 6})
            + row(cell("Name:",          {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(name))
            + row(cell("Title:",         {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "title", "value" : image["title"]})))
            + row(cell("Artist's Name:", {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "author", "value" : image["author"]})))
            + row(cell("Artists Email:", {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "email", "value" : image["email"]})))
            + row(cell(xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "name", "value" : name}))
                  + cell(xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "mode", "value" : "SAVE"})
                         + xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "mode", "value" : "DELETE"})))
            + xhtml.table.fini())
  print xhtml.para(xhtml.form(xhtml.div(fields), {"enctype" : "multipart/form-data", "method" : "post", "action" : "gallery-edit.cgi"}))

  if image.exists():
    print xhtml.div(image.ashtml("image"), {"class": "splash-image"})
    print xhtml.div(xhtml.para("That image is not available in the gallery."))

  return (0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def html_news_edit(this_queue, other_queue, msg, editor):
  if this_queue == wgo_news.config.pending_queue and other_queue == wgo_news.config.current_queue:
    approve_disapprove = xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "action", "value" : "approve", "title" : "move this article to current queue"})
  elif this_queue == wgo_news.config.current_queue and other_queue == wgo_news.config.pending_queue:
    approve_disapprove = xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "action", "value" : "disapprove", "title" : "move article to pending queue"})
    approve_disapprove = ""

  image_selector = xhtml.input.select(wgo_news.icon_option_list(msg["image"]), {"name" : "image", "class" : "news-edit"})

  print xhtml.h1("GIMP ORG News Administration :: Edit %s Item" % (string.capitalize(this_queue)), {"class" : "heading"})

  print xhtml.form.init({"class" : "news-edit", "action" : "news-edit-action.cgi", "method" : "post"})

  print xhtml.div.init()
  print xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "message-id", "value" : xhtml.quote(msg["message-id"])})
  print xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "from",       "value" : xhtml.quote(msg["from"])})
  print xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "queue",      "value" : xhtml.quote(this_queue)})
  print xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "editor",     "value" : xhtml.quote(editor)})

  print xhtml.table.init({"class" : "news-edit", "cellpadding" : "1"})

  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("From:")       + xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.quote(msg["from"]), {"id" : "from"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("Message-Id:") + xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.quote(msg["message-id"]), {"id" : "message-id"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("Subject:")    + xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "subject", "value" : msg["subject"]}), {"id" : "subject"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("Date:")       + xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "date", "value" : msg["date"] })
                                                                           + "&nbsp;<i title='1-31 as appropriate for the month'>day</i>"
                                                                           + " <i title='Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'>month-name</i>"
                                                                           + " <i>year hour:minute:second TZ</i>", {"id" : "date"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("Image:")      + xhtml.table.cell(image_selector, {"id" : "image"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("Editor:")     + xhtml.table.cell("wilber", {"id" : "editor"}))

  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.input.textarea(xhtml.quote(msg["body"]), {"name"  : "body", "cols" : 80, "rows"  : 20 }), {"colspan" : "2"}))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell("&nbsp;"))
  print xhtml.table.row(xhtml.table.cell(xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "action", "value" : "save", "title" : "save changes"})
                                         + "&nbsp;" + approve_disapprove + "&nbsp;"
                                         + xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "action", "value" : "delete", "title" : "delete this article"}),
                                         {"colspan" : "2"}))
  print xhtml.table.fini()
  print xhtml.div.fini()
  print xhtml.form.fini()

  print xhtml.div("&nbsp;")

  print msg.as_news_item()

  return (1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def submit(form):
  wgo_contest.folio_init("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest Submission")
  image = 'images/gimp-splash.png'
  author = "Wilber Gimp"
  email = "*****@*****.**"

  print xhtml.h1("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest", {"class" : "heading"})
  #xhtml.div(thumb, {"class": "splash-thumb", "style" : "float: right; margin-left: 1em;"})
  print xhtml.para("""Welcome to the www.gimp.org 10th Anniversary Splash Contest.
  From here you may submit images to be considered as candidates
  for a splash image.""")

  print xhtml.h2("Submit Your Image", {"class" : "subtitle"})

  cell = xhtml.table.cell
  row = xhtml.table.row

  thumb = wgo_contest.image_generate("Your Image Here", image, "Wilber", "*****@*****.**")

  fields = (xhtml.table.init({"cellspacing" : 0})
            + row(cell("Image File name:",     {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.file({"name" : "image"})))
            + row(cell("Title:",         {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "title"})))
            + row(cell("Artist's Name:", {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "author"})))
            + row(cell("Artist's Email:", {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.text({"name" : "email"})))
            + row(cell("Tutorial File name:",     {"style" : "font-weight: bold"}) + cell(xhtml.input.file({"name" : "tutorial"})))
            + row(cell(xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "mode","value" : "preview"})) + cell(xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "preview", "value" : "PREVIEW"})))
            + xhtml.table.fini())
  form = xhtml.form(fields, {"enctype" : "multipart/form-data",
                             "method" : "post",
                             "action" : "contest.cgi",
                             "style" : "margin: 1.33em 0px; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px;" })

  guidelines = (xhtml.para("Fill in the fields below, and click the "
                             + xhtml.input.submit({"value" : "PREVIEW", "disabled" : "disabled"})
                             + " button below."))

  print guidelines
  print form

Exemplo n.º 4
def approved(form):
  wgo_contest.folio_init("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest Submission Approved")

  print xhtml.h1("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest", {"class" : "heading"})
  print xhtml.para("""Welcome to the www.gimp.org splash image contest. """
                   """From here you may submit images to be considered as candidates for a "splash" image.""")
  print xhtml.h2("Thank You!", {"class" : "subtitle"})
  print xhtml.para("Again, we offer No Promises on what may become of your image here.")
  name = os.path.basename(form.getvalue("name", ""))
  entry = wgo_contest.gallery_image(name)
  entry["title"] = xhtml.quote(form.getvalue("title", ""))
  entry["author"] = xhtml.quote(form.getvalue("author", ""))
  entry["email"] = xhtml.quote(form.getvalue("email", ""))

  tutorial_path = wgo_contest.spool_path(name, ".tut")

  image_path = wgo_contest.spool_path(name, ".png")
  thumb_path = wgo_contest.spool_path(name, "-t.png")
  thumb_path = wgo_contest.spool_path(name, "-t.jpg")
  image_file = wgo_contest.gallery_file(name, ".png")
  thumb_file = wgo_contest.gallery_file(name, "-t.png")
  thumb_file = wgo_contest.gallery_file(name, "-t.jpg")
  image_html = wgo_contest.gallery_path(name, ".html")
  thumb_html = wgo_contest.gallery_path(name, "-t.html")
  #print "/bin/cp -f '%s' '%s' '%s'<br />" % (image_path, thumb_path, wgo_contest.config.gallery_path)
  os.system("/bin/cp -f '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (tutorial_path, image_path, thumb_path, wgo_contest.config.gallery_path))


  #print xhtml.div(entry.ashtml("image"), {"class" : "splash-image"})
  print entry.ashtml("image")

  print xhtml.para("You can " + xhtml.hyperlink("submit another image", {"href" : "/contest/contest.cgi"})
                  + " or "  + xhtml.hyperlink("view the gallery.", {"href" : "/contest/gallery.cgi?display=gallery"}))

Exemplo n.º 5
  def as_news_item(self):               # As a line in the blotter
    iso_date = time.strftime(config.datetime_format,

    s = str(xhtml.comment("$Id$")) + str(xhtml.span(xhtml.quote(self["subject"]), {"class" : "newstitle"})
                      + xhtml.span(xhtml.quote(iso_date), {"class" : "newsdate"}))

    s = xhtml.h1(s + "&nbsp;", {"class" : "newsheading"})

    img = ""
    if icon_by_name(self["image"]) != "":
      img = xhtml.image({"src" : config.icon_dir + icon_by_name(self["image"])})

    s += str(xhtml.div(img + as_para(self["body"]), {"class" : "news"}))

    return (s)
Exemplo n.º 6
    os.system("/usr/bin/convert -geometry 150 '%s' 'png:%s'\n" % (image_path, thumb_path))
    os.system("/usr/bin/convert -geometry 150 '%s' 'jpg:%s'\n" % (image_path, thumb_path))
  except Exception, e:
    wgo_contest.folio_init("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest Preview Failed")
    try: os.remove(image_path)
    except: pass
    try: os.remove(thumb_path)
    except: pass

    print wgo.error(str(e))
    return (1)

  wgo_contest.folio_init("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest Preview")

  print xhtml.h1("GIMP 10th Anniversary Contest", {"class" : "heading"})
  print xhtml.para("""Welcome to the www.gimp.org 10th Anniversary Splash Contest. """
                   """From here you may submit images with tutorials to be considered as candidates
                   for a "splash" image.  We appreciate your participation, but we
                   offer No Promises on what may become of your image here.""")

  print xhtml.h2("Approve Your Image", {"class" : "subtitle"})

  form = xhtml.form(xhtml.input.submit({"name" : "approve", "value" : "APPROVE"})
                    + xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "mode", "value" : "approve"})
                    + xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "name", "value" : name})
                    + xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "title", "value" : title})
                    + xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "author", "value" : author})
                    + xhtml.input.hidden({"name" : "email", "value" : email}),
                    {"enctype" : "multipart/form-data", "method" : "post", "action" : "contest.cgi"})