Exemplo n.º 1
 def initialize(self):
     # XmlTagBuilderPart support
     self._tagStack = Stack(
     )  # Stack with running tags for closing and XML validation
     self._svgMode = False  # Some calls change behavior when in svg mode.
     self._canvasMode = False  # Some calls change behavior in HTML5 canvas mode.
Exemplo n.º 2
 def clear(self, result=None):
     u"""Initialize the <b>self.result</b> from the optional <i>result</i> stack."""
     assert result is None or isinstance(result, Stack)
     if result is None:
         result = Stack()
     self.result = result
     if not self.result:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def initializeResult(self, result):
     u"""Initialize the @self.result@ from the optional *result* stack."""
     assert result is None or isinstance(result, Stack)
     if result is None:
         result = Stack()
     self.result = result
     if not self.result: # If empty stack, so push a new root result writer
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, e=None, result=None, verbose=True, doIndent=True):
     self.e = e or Environment() # Store the theme.e environment in case running as server. Otherwise create.
     self._verbose = verbose
     self._doIndent = doIndent # Use indent for blocks on the output
     self._tabLevel = 0 # If indenting, keep tab level here.
     self._newLine = '\n' # Newline code to add˙at all closing of blocks
     self._loopLevel = Stack() # Storage of inheriting classes that want to filter on loop iterations.
     self._footnoteCount = 0
     # Initialize the stack of result writers
     # Allow inheriting builder classes to do initialization.
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, e=None, result=None, verbose=True):
     self.e = e or Environment(
     )  # Store the theme.e environment in case running as server. Otherwise create.
     )  # Clear the result stack or initialize with the optional result stack.
     self._verbose = verbose
     self._tabLevel = 0
     self._loopLevel = Stack(
     )  # Storage of inheriting classes that want to filter on loop iterations.
     self._footnoteCount = 0
Exemplo n.º 6
class XmlTagBuilderPart:
    def initialize(self):
        self._tagStack = Stack(
        )  # Stack with running tags for closing and XML validation
        self._svgMode = False  # Some calls change behavior when in svg mode.
        self._canvasMode = False  # Some calls change behavior in HTML5 canvas mode.

    GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES = set(['id', 'class_', 'title', 'onclick', 'style'])

    def class2SpaceString(cls, class_):
        # Format the class to comma separated output. Takes any construction of strings and lists.
        # class_ can be ['name', 'name'] or 'name name' or 'name, name' or ['name', ('name', 'name')]
        if not isinstance(class_, (list, tuple)):
            class_ = [class_]
        s = []
        for classNames in class_:
            if isinstance(classNames, (list, tuple)):
            classNames = classNames.replace(',', ' ')
            for className in classNames.split(' '):
                if not className:
        return ' '.join(s)

    def getandwrite_attributes(self, tagname, args):
        attributes = self.GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES.union(
                    tagname.upper() + '_ATTRIBUTES', set([])))
        default_attributes = getattr(self,
                                     tagname.upper() + '_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULTS',
        self.write_attributes(attributes, default_attributes, args, tagname)

    def get_clean_attribute_key(self, key):
        if key.endswith(
        ):  # Change width_html to width and height_html to height
            key = key[:-5]
        elif key.endswith('_css'):  # Change class_css, etc. to class_
            key = key[:-4]
        return key

    def write_attributes(self, attributes, default_attributes, args, tagname):
        Generic function to write HTML attributes. The new HTML5 feature to store custom data inside the attribute
        <code>'data-xxx'</code> is defined as attribute name <attr>data_xxx</attr>. See
        for key, value in args.items():
            if key == 'php':
            elif key in attributes or key.startswith(
                    u'data_'):  # or key.startswith(self.PHP_OPEN):
                # Write the regular attribute
                if not value is None:
                    key = self.get_clean_attribute_key(key)
                    self.get_attribute_exceptions(key, value)
            # If the key is not in the standard HTML list, is can be a CSS attribute. Just ignore it.

        for key, value in default_attributes.items():
            if key not in args.keys():
                self.get_attribute_exceptions(key, value)

    def write_attribute(self, key, value):
        Auxiliary function to write each attribute to <code>self.result</code>. If the <attr>key</attr> is defined in
        <code>self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES</code> then only output the single key name (even if this breaks XML
        validation). By default the <code>self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES</code> is empty, but it can be redefined by the
        inheriting application class.<br/>
        If the <attr>key</attr> is in <code>self.CASCADING_ATTRIBUTES</code> and the <attr>value</attr> is tuple or
        a list, then join the <attr>value</attr>, separated by spaces. This feature is especially used to build flexible
        cascading <attr>class_</attr> attributes.<br/>
        If the attribute has no value, then the output is skipped.
        line = None
        if key == 'class_':
            key = 'class'
            value = self.class2SpaceString(value)
        if key in self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES:
            line = u' ' + key
        elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            if key in self.CASCADING_ATTRIBUTES:
                value = TX.flatten2Class(value)
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = value.replace('"', '&quot;')
                if value:
                    line = u' %s="%s"' % (key, value)
                raise ValueError(
                    '[XmlTagBuilder.write_attribute] No list attribute value allowed for %s="%s"'
                    % (key, ` value `))
        elif value:
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = value.replace('"', '&quot;')
            line = u' %s="%s"' % (key, value)
        if line:

    def write_php_attribute(self, value):
        self.output(' ')

    def write_tag(self, tagname, open, args):
        Writes a normally formatted HTML tag, exceptions have a custom implementation, see respective functions.
        self.output(u'<' + tagname)
        self.getandwrite_attributes(tagname, args)

        if open:
            # Push as last, so we can see the current tag on the stack

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     B L O C K

    def buildTag(self, tag, **kwargs):
        if tag is not None and hasattr(self, tag):
            getattr(self, tag)(**kwargs)

    def _buildTag(self, tag, **kwargs):
        if tag is not None:
            tag = '_' + tag
            if hasattr(self, tag):
                getattr(self, tag)(**kwargs)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     N O D E S T A C K

    def _pushTag(self, tag):

    def _closeTag(self, tag):
        self.output(u'</%s>' % tag)

    def _popTag(self, tag):
        Pop tag from the tag stack.
        runningTag = self._tagStack.pop()
        if runningTag is None or not runningTag == tag:
                '<div color=%s>Mismatch in closing tag "%s", expected "%s" in tree "%s".</div>'
                % (self.CLASS_ERROR, tag, runningTag, ` self._tagStack `))

    def _peekTag(self):
        return self._tagStack.top()

    def getTagStack(self):
        return self._tagStack
Exemplo n.º 7
 def initialize(self):
     self._tagStack = Stack() # Stack with running tags for closing and XML validation
     self._svgMode = False # Some calls change behavior when in svg mode.
     self._canvasMode = False # Some calls change behavior in HTML5 canvas mode.
Exemplo n.º 8
class XmlTagBuilderPart:

    def initialize(self):
        self._tagStack = Stack() # Stack with running tags for closing and XML validation
        self._svgMode = False # Some calls change behavior when in svg mode.
        self._canvasMode = False # Some calls change behavior in HTML5 canvas mode.
    GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES = set(['id', 'class_', 'title', 'onclick', 'style'])

    def class2SpaceString(cls, class_):
        # Format the class to comma separated output. Takes any construction of strings and lists.
        # class_ can be ['name', 'name'] or 'name name' or 'name, name' or ['name', ('name', 'name')]
        if not isinstance(class_, (list, tuple)):
            class_ = [class_]
        s = []
        for classNames in class_:
            if isinstance(classNames, (list, tuple)):
            classNames = classNames.replace(',', ' ')
            for className in classNames.split(' '):
                if not className:
        return ' '.join(s)

    def getandwrite_attributes(self, tagname, args):
        attributes = self.GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES.union(getattr(self, tagname.upper() + '_ATTRIBUTES', set([])))
        default_attributes = getattr(self, tagname.upper() + '_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULTS', {})
        self.write_attributes(attributes, default_attributes, args, tagname)

    def get_clean_attribute_key(self, key):
        if key.endswith('_html'): # Change width_html to width and height_html to height
            key = key[:-5]
        elif key.endswith('_css'): # Change class_css, etc. to class_
            key = key[:-4]
        return key

    def write_attributes(self, attributes, default_attributes, args, tagname):
        Generic function to write HTML attributes. The new HTML5 feature to store custom data inside the attribute
        <code>'data-xxx'</code> is defined as attribute name <attr>data_xxx</attr>. See
        for key, value in args.items():
            if key == 'php':
            elif key in attributes or key.startswith(u'data_'): # or key.startswith(self.PHP_OPEN):
                # Write the regular attribute
                if not value is None:
                    key = self.get_clean_attribute_key(key)
                    self.get_attribute_exceptions(key, value)
            # If the key is not in the standard HTML list, is can be a CSS attribute. Just ignore it.

        for key, value in default_attributes.items():
            if key not in args.keys():
                self.get_attribute_exceptions(key, value)

    def write_attribute(self, key, value):
        Auxiliary function to write each attribute to <code>self.result</code>. If the <attr>key</attr> is defined in
        <code>self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES</code> then only output the single key name (even if this breaks XML
        validation). By default the <code>self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES</code> is empty, but it can be redefined by the
        inheriting application class.<br/>
        If the <attr>key</attr> is in <code>self.CASCADING_ATTRIBUTES</code> and the <attr>value</attr> is tuple or
        a list, then join the <attr>value</attr>, separated by spaces. This feature is especially used to build flexible
        cascading <attr>class_</attr> attributes.<br/>
        If the attribute has no value, then the output is skipped.
        line = None
        if key == 'class_':
            key = 'class'
            value = self.class2SpaceString(value)
        if key in self.SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES:
            line = u' ' + key
        elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            if key in self.CASCADING_ATTRIBUTES:
                value = TX.flatten2Class(value)
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = value.replace('"', '&quot;');
                if value:
                    line = u' %s="%s"' % (key, value)
                raise ValueError('[XmlTagBuilder.write_attribute] No list attribute value allowed for %s="%s"' % (key, `value`))
        elif value:
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = value.replace('"', '&quot;');
            line = u' %s="%s"' % (key, value)
        if line:

    def write_php_attribute(self, value):
        self.output(' ')

    def write_tag(self, tagname, open, args):
        Writes a normally formatted HTML tag, exceptions have a custom implementation, see respective functions.
        self.output(u'<' + tagname)
        self.getandwrite_attributes(tagname, args)

        if open:
            # Push as last, so we can see the current tag on the stack

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     B L O C K

    def buildTag(self, tag, **kwargs):
        if tag is not None and hasattr(self, tag):
            getattr(self, tag)(**kwargs)

    def _buildTag(self, tag, **kwargs):
        if tag is not None:
            tag = '_' + tag
            if hasattr(self, tag):
                getattr(self, tag)(**kwargs)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     N O D E S T A C K

    def _pushTag(self, tag):

    def _closeTag(self, tag):
        self.output(u'</%s>' % tag)

    def _popTag(self, tag):
        Pop tag from the tag stack.
        runningTag = self._tagStack.pop()
        if runningTag is None or not runningTag == tag:
            self.output('<div color=%s>Mismatch in closing tag "%s", expected "%s" in tree "%s".</div>' %
                    (self.CLASS_ERROR, tag, runningTag, `self._tagStack`))

    def _peekTag(self):
        return self._tagStack.top()

    def getTagStack(self):
        return self._tagStack