Exemplo n.º 1
def test_gray2rgb():
    image_path = '../lena.jpg'
    img = Image.open(image_path).convert('L')
    img = np.array(img)
    print('input grayscale image has dimension of: '),
    assert isgrayimage_dimension(img), 'the input image is not a gray image'
    visualize_image(img, vis=True)

    img_rgb = gray2rgb(img, with_color=True)
    print('converted rgb image has dimension of: '),
    assert iscolorimage_dimension(
        img_rgb), 'the converted image is not a color image'
    visualize_image(img_rgb, vis=True)

    # test when input image is float image
    test_floatimage = (img.astype('float32')) / 255.
    img_rgb = gray2rgb(test_floatimage, with_color=True)
    assert iscolorimage_dimension(
        img_rgb), 'the converted image is not a color image'
    visualize_image(img_rgb, vis=True)

    # test when input image is PIL image
    test_pil_format_image = Image.fromarray(img)
    img_rgb = gray2rgb(test_pil_format_image, with_color=True)
    assert iscolorimage_dimension(
        img_rgb), 'the converted image is not a color image'

    print('\n\nDONE! SUCCESSFUL!!\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
def image_clahe(input_image,
	do contrast limited adative histogram equalization for an image: could be a color image or gray image
	the color space used for histogram equalization is LAB
		input_image:		a pil or numpy image

		clahe_image:		an uint8 numpy image (rgb or gray)
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isfloatimage(np_image):
        np_image = (np_image.astype('float32') * 255.).astype('uint8')
    if debug:
        assert isuintimage(np_image), 'the input image should be a uint8 image'

    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=clip_limit,
                            tileGridSize=(grid_size, grid_size))
    if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image):
        lab_image = rgb2lab(np_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
        input_data = lab_image[:, :, 0]  # extract the value channel
        clahe_lab_image = clahe.apply(input_data)
        lab_image[:, :, 0] = clahe_lab_image
        clahe_image = lab2rgb(lab_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    elif isgrayimage_dimension(np_image):
        clahe_image = clahe.apply(np_image)
        assert False, 'the input image is neither a color image or a grayscale image'

    return clahe_image
Exemplo n.º 3
def image_hist_equalization_hsv(input_image, warning=True, debug=True):
	do histogram equalization for an image: could be a color image or gray image
	the color space used for histogram equalization is HSV
		input_image:		a pil or numpy image

		equalized_image:	an uint8 numpy image (rgb or gray)
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isuintimage(np_image): np_image = np_image.astype('float32') / 255.
    if debug:
        assert isfloatimage(
            np_image), 'the input image should be a float image'

    if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image):
        hsv_image = rgb2hsv(np_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
        input_data = hsv_image[:, :, 2]  # extract the value channel
        equalized_hsv_image = (
            hist_equalization(input_data, num_bins=256, debug=debug) *
        hsv_image[:, :, 2] = equalized_hsv_image
        equalized_image = hsv2rgb(hsv_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    elif isgrayimage_dimension(np_image):
        equalized_image = (
            hist_equalization(np_image, num_bins=256, debug=debug) *
        assert False, 'the input image is neither a color image or a grayscale image'

    return equalized_image
Exemplo n.º 4
    def convolve(self, input_image):
		convolve the kernel with the input image, whatever the input image format is. If the input image 
		is a color image, the filter is expanded to a 3D shape
			input_image:		an pil or numpy, gray or color image

			filtered_image:		a float32 numpy image, shape is same as before
        np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image,
        if isuintimage(np_image): np_image = np_image.astype('float32') / 255.

        if self.debug:
            assert isfloatimage(
                np_image), 'the input image should be a float image'
            self.weights is not None, 'the kernel is not defined yet'

        if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image):
            self.weights = self.expand_3d(
            )  # expand the filter to 3D for color image
        elif isgrayimage_dimension(np_image):
            np_image = np_image.reshape(
                np_image.shape[1])  # squeeze the image dimension to 2

        filtered_image = ndimage.filters.convolve(np_image, self.weights)
        return filtered_image
Exemplo n.º 5
def visualize_image(input_image, bgr2rgb=False, save_path=None, vis=False, warning=True, debug=True, closefig=True):
	visualize an image

		input_image:		a pil or numpy image
		bgr2rgb:			true if the image needs to be converted from bgr to rgb
		save_path:			a path to save. Do not save if it is None
		closefig:			False if you want to add more elements on the image

		fig, ax:			figure handle for future use
	np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	width, height = np_image.shape[1], np_image.shape[0]
	fig, ax = get_fig_ax_helper(fig=None, ax=None, width=width, height=height, frameon=False)
	ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

	# display image
	if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image):
		if bgr2rgb: np_image = image_bgr2rgb(np_image)
		ax.imshow(np_image, interpolation='nearest')
	elif isgrayimage_dimension(np_image):
		np_image = np_image.reshape(np_image.shape[0], np_image.shape[1])
		ax.imshow(np_image, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
	else: assert False, 'unknown image type'

	ax.set(xlim=[0, width], ylim=[height, 0], aspect=1)
	return save_vis_close_helper(fig=fig, ax=ax, vis=vis, save_path=save_path, debug=debug, warning=warning, closefig=closefig)
Exemplo n.º 6
def tracking_lk_opencv(input_image1, input_image2, input_pts, backward=False, win_size=15, pyramid=5, warning=True, debug=True):
	tracking a set of points in two images using Lucas-Kanade tracking implemented in opencv

		input_image1, input_image2:				a pil or numpy image, color or gray
		input_pts: 			a list of 2 elements, a listoflist of 2 elements: 
							e.g., [[1,2], [5,6]], a numpy array with shape or (2, N) or (2, )
		backward:			run backward tracking if true
		win_sie:			window sized used for lucas kanade tracking
		pyramid:			number of levels of pyramid used for lucas kanade tracking

		pts_forward:		tracked points in forward pass, 2 x N float32 numpy
		pts_bacward:		tracked points in backward pass, 2 x N float32 numpy, None is not runnign the backward pass
		backward_err_list:	a list of error in forward-backward pass check, None if not running the backward pass
		found_index_list:	a list of 0 or 1, 1 if the tracking converges, 0 if not converging
	np_image1, _ = safe_image(input_image1, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	np_image2, _ = safe_image(input_image2, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	np_pts = safe_2dptsarray(input_pts, homogeneous=False, warning=warning, debug=debug).astype('float32')		# 2 x N
	if debug: assert isscalar(win_size) and isscalar(pyramid), 'the hyperparameters of lucas-kanade tracking is not correct'
	num_pts = np_pts.shape[1]

	# formatting the input
	if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image1): np_image1 = rgb2gray(np_image1)
	if iscolorimage_dimension(np_image2): np_image2 = rgb2gray(np_image2)

	lk_params = dict(winSize=(win_size, win_size), maxLevel=pyramid, criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10000, 0.03))
	pts_root = np.expand_dims(np_pts.transpose(), axis=1) 			# N x 1 x 2
	pts_forward, status_for, err_for = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(np_image1, np_image2, pts_root, None, **lk_params) 
	found_index_for = np.where(status_for[:, 0] == 1)[0].tolist()
	if backward: 
		pts_bacward, status_bac, err_bac = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(np_image2, np_image1, pts_forward, None, **lk_params)
		# print(status_bac)
		found_index_bac = np.where(status_bac[:, 0] == 1)[0].tolist()
		# aa
		pts_bacward = pts_bacward.reshape((-1, 2)).transpose()
		_, backward_err_list = pts_euclidean(np_pts, pts_bacward, warning=warning, debug=debug)
		found_index_list = find_unique_common_from_lists(found_index_for, found_index_bac, warning=warning, debug=debug)
		pts_bacward, backward_err_list = None, None
		found_index_list = found_index_for

	pts_forward = pts_forward.reshape((-1, 2)).transpose()			#  2 x N
	return pts_forward, pts_bacward, backward_err_list, found_index_list
Exemplo n.º 7
def image_rgb2bgr(input_image, warning=True, debug=True):
	this function converts a rgb image to a bgr image

		input_image:	a pil or numpy rgb image

		np_image:		a numpy bgr image
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if debug:
        assert iscolorimage_dimension(
            np_image), 'the input image is not a color image'

    np_image = np_image[:, :, ::-1]  # convert RGB to BGR
    return np_image
Exemplo n.º 8
def rgb2hsv(input_image, warning=True, debug=True):
	convert a rgb image to a hsv image using opencv package

		input_image:	an pil or numpy image

		hsv_image: 		an uint8 hsv numpy image
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isfloatimage(np_image): np_image = (np_image * 255.).astype('uint8')

    if debug:
        assert iscolorimage_dimension(
            np_image), 'the input image should be a rgb image'
        assert isuintimage(
        ), 'the input numpy image should be uint8 image in order to use opencv'

    hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(np_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
    return hsv_img
Exemplo n.º 9
def rgb2gray(input_image, warning=True, debug=True):
	convert a color image to a grayscale image (1-channel)
		input_image:	an pil or numpy image

		gray_image:		an uint8 HW gray numpy image
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isfloatimage(np_image): np_image = (np_image * 255.).astype('uint8')
    if debug:
        assert iscolorimage_dimension(
            np_image), 'the input numpy image is not correct: {}'.format(
        assert isuintimage(
        ), 'the input numpy image should be uint8 image in order to use opencv'

    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(np_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    return gray_image
Exemplo n.º 10
def rgb2hsv_v2(input_image, warning=True, debug=True):
	convert a rgb image to a hsv image, using PIL package, not compatible with opencv package

		input_image:	an pil or numpy image

		hsv_image: 		an uint8 hsv numpy image
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isfloatimage(np_image): np_image = (np_image * 255.).astype('uint8')

    if debug:
        assert iscolorimage_dimension(
            np_image), 'the input image should be a rgb image'
        assert isuintimage(
        ), 'the input numpy image should be uint8 image in order to use PIL'

    pil_rgb_img = Image.fromarray(np_image)
    pil_hsv_img = pil_rgb_img.convert('HSV')
    hsv_img = np.array(pil_hsv_img)
    return hsv_img
Exemplo n.º 11
def visualize_nearest_neighbor(featuremap_dict,
    visualize nearest neighbor for featuremap from images

        featuremap_dict: a dictionary contains image path as key, and featuremap as value, the featuremap needs to be numpy array with any shape. No flatten needed
        num_neighbor: number of neighbor to visualize, the first nearest is itself
        top_number: number of top to visualize, since there might be tons of featuremap (length of dictionary), we choose the top ten with lowest distance with their nearest neighbor
        csv_save_path: path to save .csv file which contains indices and distance array for all elements
        nn_save_folder: save the nearest neighbor images for top featuremap

        all_sorted_nearest_id: a 2d matrix, each row is a feature followed by its nearest neighbor in whole feature dataset, the column is sorted by the distance of all nearest neighbor each row
        selected_nearest_id: only top number of sorted nearest id 
    print('processing feature map to nearest neightbor.......')
    if debug:
        assert isdict(featuremap_dict), 'featuremap should be dictionary'
        assert all(
            isnparray(featuremap_tmp) for featuremap_tmp in featuremap_dict.
            values()), 'value of dictionary should be numpy array'
        assert isinteger(
        ) and num_neighbor > 1, 'number of neighborhodd is an integer larger than 1'
        if save_csv and csv_save_path is not None:
            assert is_path_exists_or_creatable(
                csv_save_path), 'path to save .csv file is not correct'

        if save_vis or save_img:
            if nn_save_folder is not None:  # save image directly
                assert isstring(ext_filter), 'extension filter is not correct'
                assert is_path_exists(
                    img_src_folder), 'source folder for image is not correct'
                assert all(
                    isstring(path_tmp) for path_tmp in featuremap_dict.keys()
                )  # key should be the path for the image
                assert is_path_exists_or_creatable(
                ), 'folder to save top visualized images is not correct'
                assert isstring(
                    save_thumb_name), 'name of thumbnail is not correct'

    if ext_filter.find('.') == -1:
        ext_filter = '.%s' % ext_filter

    # flatten the feature map
    nn_feature_dict = dict()
    for key, featuremap_tmp in featuremap_dict.items():
        nn_feature_dict[key] = featuremap_tmp.flatten()
    num_features = len(nn_feature_dict)

    # nearest neighbor
    featuremap = np.array(nn_feature_dict.values())
    nearbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=num_neighbor,
    distances, indices = nearbrs.kneighbors(featuremap)

    if debug:
        assert featuremap.shape[
            0] == num_features, 'shape of feature map is not correct'
        assert indices.shape == (
            num_features, num_neighbor), 'shape of indices is not correct'
        assert distances.shape == (
            num_features, num_neighbor), 'shape of indices is not correct'

    # convert the nearest indices for all featuremap to the key accordingly
    id_list = nn_feature_dict.keys()
    max_length = len(max(
        id_list, key=len))  # find the maximum length of string in the key
    nearest_id = np.chararray(indices.shape, itemsize=max_length + 1)
    for x in range(nearest_id.shape[0]):
        for y in range(nearest_id.shape[1]):
            nearest_id[x, y] = id_list[indices[x, y]]

    if debug:
        assert list(nearest_id[:,
                               0]) == id_list, 'nearest neighbor has problem'

    # sort the feature based on distance
    print('sorting the feature based on distance')
    featuremap_distance = np.sum(distances, axis=1)
    if debug:
        assert featuremap_distance.shape == (
            num_features, ), 'distance is not correct'
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(featuremap_distance)
    all_sorted_nearest_id = nearest_id[sorted_indices, :]

    # save to the csv file
    if save_csv and csv_save_path is not None:
        print('Saving nearest neighbor result as .csv to path: %s' %
        with open(csv_save_path, 'w+') as file:
            np.savetxt(file, distances, delimiter=',', fmt='%f')
            np.savetxt(file, all_sorted_nearest_id, delimiter=',', fmt='%s')

    # choose the best to visualize
    selected_sorted_indices = sorted_indices[0:top_number]
    if debug:
        for i in range(num_features - 1):
            assert featuremap_distance[
                sorted_indices[i]] < featuremap_distance[sorted_indices[
                    i + 1]], 'feature map is not well sorted based on distance'
    selected_nearest_id = nearest_id[selected_sorted_indices, :]

    if save_vis:
        fig, axarray = plt.subplots(top_number, num_neighbor)
        for index in range(top_number):
            for nearest_index in range(num_neighbor):
                img_path = os.path.join(
                    img_src_folder, '%s%s' %
                    (selected_nearest_id[index, nearest_index], ext_filter))
                if debug:
                    print('loading image from %s' % img_path)
                img = imread(img_path)
                if isgrayimage_dimension(img):
                    axarray[index, nearest_index].imshow(img, cmap='gray')
                elif iscolorimage_dimension(img):
                    axarray[index, nearest_index].imshow(img)
                    assert False, 'unknown error'
                axarray[index, nearest_index].axis('off')
        save_thumb = os.path.join(nn_save_folder, save_thumb_name)
        if vis:

    # save top visualization to the folder
    if save_img and nn_save_folder is not None:
        for top_index in range(top_number):
            file_list = selected_nearest_id[top_index]
            save_subfolder = os.path.join(nn_save_folder, file_list[0])
            for file_tmp in file_list:
                file_src = os.path.join(img_src_folder,
                                        '%s%s' % (file_tmp, ext_filter))
                save_path = os.path.join(save_subfolder,
                                         '%s%s' % (file_tmp, ext_filter))
                if debug:
                    print('saving %s to %s' % (file_src, save_path))
                shutil.copyfile(file_src, save_path)

    return all_sorted_nearest_id, selected_nearest_id