def getRadar(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Radar: namelist = sheet.col_values(0, 1) maxvaluelist = sheet.col_values(1, 1) maxlist = [ opts.RadarIndicatorItem(name=namelist[i], max_=maxvaluelist[i]) for i in range(len(namelist)) ] valuelists = dict() for i in range(2, sheet.ncols): valuelists[sheet.cell(0, i).value] = sheet.col_values(i, 1) r = Radar() r.add_schema( schema=maxlist, splitarea_opt=opts.SplitAreaOpts( is_show=True, areastyle_opts=opts.AreaStyleOpts(opacity=1)), textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(color="#fff"), ) #设置颜色的列表 colorstr = ["#CD0000", "#5CACEE", "#7B68EE", "#FFFF00"] colorth = 0 for name, values in valuelists.items(): r.add( series_name=name, data=values, linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(color=colorstr[colorth]), ) colorth = (colorth + 1) % len(colorstr) #颜色循环 r.set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False)) r.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(, title_textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(color="#fff")), legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts()) return r
def getPie(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Pie: names = sheet.col_values(0) values = sheet.col_values(1) c = (Pie(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="chalk")).add( "tooltip 名", list(zip(names, values)), radius=["40%", "75%"], ).set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(, legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(orient="vertical", pos_top="15%", pos_left="2%"), ).set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(formatter="{b}: {c}"))) return c
def checkSheet(sheet: xlrd.sheet, path: str): if (sheet.nrows <= 0 or sheet.ncols <= 0): return importType = str(sheet.cell(0, 1).value) configName = str(sheet.cell(1, 1).value) configHead = str(sheet.cell(0, 4).value) configTail = str(sheet.cell(1, 4).value) configKeyCount = int(sheet.cell(2, 1).value) if (len(importType) > 0): if (importType.find('tiny') >= 0): doTiny(sheet, configName, configHead, configTail, configKeyCount) elif (importType.find('base') >= 0): doBase(sheet, configName, configHead, configTail, configKeyCount) else: print(path, "->表格数据错误")
def get_sheet_row_as_array(workbook_sheet: xlrd.sheet, sheet_row_number: int = 1): worksheet_col_count = workbook_sheet.ncols row_as_array = [] for each_col in range(0, worksheet_col_count): row_as_array.append( workbook_sheet.cell(sheet_row_number, each_col).value) return row_as_array
def __get_indices(self, data: xlrd.sheet, kwargs: dict) -> dict: indices = [] for x in [*kwargs.values()]: try: indices.append(data.row_values(0).index(x)) except ValueError: continue return dict(zip(indices, [*kwargs.keys()]))
def getGauge(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Gauge: key = sheet.cell(0, 0).value value = sheet.cell(0, 1).value g = Gauge() g.add(, data_pair=[(key, value)], title_label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(font_size=40, color="blue", font_family="Microsoft YaHei"), ) #改标题字体颜色 g.set_global_opts( legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(is_show=False), #tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(is_show=True, formatter="{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%",textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(color="#fff")),#图例颜色和显示格式 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts( #加上图标题 ) return g
def sheet_to_json(sheet: xlrd.sheet, sheetname: str, key_column, value_column, start_row, end_row): if not end_row: # getting end row if end row is not supplied end_row = sheet.nrows key_column -= 1 # subtracting 1 to match the python index with excel index value_column -= 1 start_row -= 1 js = {} for row in range(start_row, end_row): try: key = int(sheet.cell(row, key_column).value * 100) value = int(sheet.cell(row, value_column).value * 100) js[key] = value except Exception as ex: print(f"Exception in row {str(row)}: {str(ex)}") with open(sheetname + ".json", "w") as file: # using sheetname as filename json.dump(js, file, indent=4) print(sheetname + ".json created successfully.")
def getLine(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Line: #记录第一列的第二个单元格开始的数据,表示横轴 xlist = sheet.col_values(0, 1) #记录所有的列数据,表示y ylist = dict() for i in range(1, sheet.ncols): ylist[sheet.cell(0, i).value] = sheet.col_values(i, 1) c = (Line(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="chalk")).add_xaxis( xaxis_data=xlist)) for name, list in ylist.items(): c.add_yaxis(series_name=name, y_axis=list) c.set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(, tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(trigger="axis"), #hover时的状态 #toolbox_opts=opts.ToolboxOpts(is_show=True),#是否显示工具栏 xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(type_="category", boundary_gap=False), legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(pos_left="20%", pos_top='5%')) return c
def analysis_data(self, work_sheet: sheet): """ 分析数据 :param work_sheet: excel完整路径 :return: """ __results = [] if self.__auditType == AuditType.ACCESS: __results = [self.__accessCount, self.__accessResultCount] self.__headers += self.__cmdTypeCount.keys() __results += self.__cmdTypeCount.values() if self.__auditType == AuditType.LOGON: __results = [self.__logonCount, self.__logoffCount] nrows = len(work_sheet.rows) for index, header in enumerate(self.__headers): work_sheet.write(nrows + index, 0, header) work_sheet.write(nrows + index, 1, __results[index])
def getCell(st: sheet, row, col): """ 获取指定单元格内容 :param st: sheet :param row: 行数 :param col: 列数 :return: 单元格内容 """ value = st.cell(row, col).value.strip() return value
def __FromRowAtToList(self, sheet : xlrd.sheet, start:int , end:int): records = list(); for i in range(start, end): row = sheet.row(i) table = list() for cell in row: table.append(cell.value) records.append(table) return records
def doBase(sheet: xlrd.sheet, configName: str, configHead: str, configTail: str, configKeyCount: int): outputTypeList = sheet.row_values(5, 1, sheet.ncols) markList = sheet.row_values(6, 1, sheet.ncols) clientConfig = {} serverConfig = [] print("key数量:", configKeyCount) for i in range(configKeyCount): for j in range(7, sheet.nrows): cellValue = sheet.cell(j, i + 1).value tempdict = {} if ((cellValue in clientConfig) == True): for k in range(1, sheet.ncols): tempdict[markList[k - 1]] = sheet.cell(j, k).value clientConfig[cellValue].append(tempdict) else: for n in range(1, sheet.ncols): tempdict[markList[n - 1]] = sheet.cell(j, n).value clientConfig[cellValue] = [tempdict] print("数据:", clientConfig)
def getBar(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Bar: # 记录第一列的第二个单元格开始的数据,表示横轴 xlist = sheet.col_values(0, 1) # 记录所有的列数据,表示y ylist = dict() for i in range(1, sheet.ncols): ylist[sheet.cell(0, i).value] = sheet.col_values(i, 1) c = Bar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="wonderland")) c.add_xaxis(xlist) for k, v in ylist.items(): c.add_yaxis(k, v) c.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts( + "\n", pos_left='left', title_textstyle_opts={'color': '#FFFFFF'}), legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(pos_left="20%", pos_top='5%')) #设置x轴大小 # c.set_global_opts(xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(font_size=10,interval=0))) return c
def analysis_data(self, work_sheet: sheet, *args): expect_results = None audit_type = None for param in args: if isinstance(param, AuditType): audit_type = param if isinstance(param, list) and len(param) > 0 and isinstance( param[0], ExpectResult): expect_results = param nrows = len(work_sheet.rows) for index, header in enumerate(self.__headers): work_sheet.write(nrows, index, header) if expect_results is not None: for row_index in range(len(expect_results)): if expect_results[ row_index].strategyType == StrategyType.MULTIPLE_FIELDS_MATCH: row = expect_results[row_index].to_list_for_out(audit_type) for cell_index in range(len(row)): work_sheet.write(row_index + 1, cell_index, str(row[cell_index]))
def __init__(self, env: simpy.Environment, sheet: xlrd.sheet, machine: Machine, conditions: RoadConditionsState, user_memory: UserMemory, persona: str, max_mental: int, max_perc: int): self.visual = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.visual_peripheral = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.sound_vocal = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.sound_non_vocal = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.haptic_hands = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.haptic_seat = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.psychomotor = simpy.PreemptiveResource(env, capacity=1) self.cognitive_workload = simpy.Container(env, capacity=max_mental) self.perceptional_workload = simpy.Container(env, capacity=max_perc) self.machine = machine self.road_conditions = conditions self.user_memory = user_memory # cognitive resources of human self.tasks = [ Task(env=env, row=sheet.row_values(i), resources=[ self.visual, self.visual_peripheral, self.sound_vocal, self.sound_non_vocal, self.haptic_hands, self.haptic_seat, self.psychomotor, self.cognitive_workload, self.perceptional_workload ], machine=machine, user_memory=user_memory, road_conditions=conditions) for i in np.arange(1, sheet.nrows) ] self.tasks = [ task for task in self.tasks if task.persona == persona or task.persona == '' ] self.control_tasks = [ task for task in self.tasks if 'user_switch_regime' in task.trigger ] self.env = env self.tasks_to_execute: List[Task] = [] self.interrupted_tasks = [] self.finished_tasks = [] self.env.process(self.interrupted_tasks_monitor())
def getFunnel(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet) -> Funnel: x_data = sheet.col_values(0) y_data = sheet.col_values(1) data = [(x_data[i], y_data[i]) for i in range(len(x_data))] f = Funnel() f.add(, data_pair=data, gap=2, #tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(trigger="item", formatter="{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%",textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(color="#fff")),#图例颜色和显示格式 label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True, position="inside"), itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(border_color="#fff", border_width=1), ) f.set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(, title_textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts( color="#fff"))) return f
def checkData(self, sheet: xlrd.sheet, typename) -> bool: if typename == "柱状图": if sheet.cell(1, 1).ctype == 0 or sheet.cell(1, 0).ctype == 0: return False #空格问题太要命,先不检测数据是否完整了 elif typename == "折线图": if sheet.cell(1, 1).ctype == 0 or sheet.cell(1, 0).ctype == 0: return False elif typename == "饼图": if sheet.cell(0, 1).ctype == 0 or sheet.cell(0, 0).ctype == 0: return False elif typename == "仪表盘": if sheet.cell(0, 0).ctype == 0 or sheet.cell(0, 1).ctype == 0: return False elif typename == "漏斗图": if sheet.cell(0, 0).ctype == 0 or sheet.cell(0, 1).ctype == 0: return False elif typename == "雷达图": #检查 是否maxvalue齐全 if 0 in sheet.col_types(1, 1) or 0 in sheet.col_types(2, 1): return False #检查每个value是否小于等于maxvalue for j in range(2, sheet.ncols): for i in range(1, sheet.nrows): if sheet.cell(i, j).value > sheet.cell(i, 1).value: return False return True
def doTiny(sheet: xlrd.sheet, configName: str, configHead: str, configTail: str, configKeyCount: int): clientConfig = {} fileName = configHead.split("=")[0] for i in range(5, sheet.nrows): markSign = sheet.cell(i, 1).value param = sheet.cell(i, 2).value value = sheet.cell(i, 3).value print("参数名字", param) #分析单元格数据 if (type(value) == str): print("字符串数据", value) valueList = re.findall(r'{(.*)}', value) print("valueList:", valueList) if (len(valueList) > 0): str1 = valueList[0] valueList1 = re.findall(r'{(.*?)}', str1) #双层括号变数组 if (len(valueList1) > 0): resultList = [] for item in range(len(valueList1)): temp = valueList1[item] doubleList2 = temp.split(",") resultDict = {} for item2 in range(len(doubleList2)): str3 = doubleList2[item2] doubleList3 = str3.split("=") # print(doubleList3) if is_number(doubleList3[1]) == True: doubleList3[1] = float(doubleList3[1]) resultDict[doubleList3[0]] = doubleList3[1] resultList.append(resultDict) # print("result:",resultList) if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): clientConfig[param] = resultList #单层括号拆分 else: # print("单层括号:",str1) if (str1.find("=") >= 0): str1List = str1.split(",") resultDict = {} for mark in range(len(str1List)): str2 = str1List[mark] str2List = str2.split("=") testArray = re.findall(r'[[](.*?)[]]', str2List[0]) if is_number(str2List[1]) == True: str2List[1] = float(str2List[1]) if len(testArray) > 0: resultDict[testArray[0]] = str2List[1] else: # print("str2List",str2List) resultDict[str2List[0]] = str2List[1] # print("result:",resultDict) if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): clientConfig[param] = resultDict else: str1List = str1.split(",") if len(str1List) > 0: resultList = [] resultList = str1List if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): clientConfig[param] = resultList else: if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): if is_number(str1) == True: str1 = float(str1) clientConfig[param] = str1 else: print("无大括号的数据", value) if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): clientConfig[param] = value else: print("不是字符串的数据", value) if (markSign.find("c") >= 0): clientConfig[param] = value print("最终结果", clientConfig) if (len(clientConfig) > 0): fileDict = {} fileDict[fileName] = clientConfig outputResult = json.dumps(fileDict, ensure_ascii=False) os.chdir(targetPath) file_obj = open(fileName + ".json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") file_obj.write(outputResult) file_obj.close()