Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_add_keywords(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart().add(chart_type=chart_type, name=name, source_data=Range('A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart(name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_add_keywords(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart.add(chart_type=chart_type, name=name, source_data=Range('A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart(name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
            assert_equal(kw.line_chart, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_add_properties(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('Sheet2', 'A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart.add('Sheet2')
        chart.chart_type = chart_type
        chart.name = name
        chart.set_source_data(Range('Sheet2', 'A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart('Sheet2', name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
            assert_equal(kw.line_chart, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    wb = Workbook()  # Creates a connection with a new workbook
    Range('A1').value = 'Foo 1'
    print Range('A1').value
    # 'Foo 1'
    Range('A1').value = [['Foo 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]]
    print Range('A1').table.value  # or: Range('A1:C2').value
    # [['Foo 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]]
    print Sheet(1).name
    # 'Sheet1'
    chart = Chart.add(source_data=Range('A1').table)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
	wb = Workbook()  # Creates a connection with a new workbook
	Range('A1').value = 'Foo 1'
	print Range('A1').value
	# 'Foo 1'
	Range('A1').value = [['Foo 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]]
	print Range('A1').table.value  # or: Range('A1:C2').value
	# [['Foo 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]]
	print Sheet(1).name
	# 'Sheet1'
	chart = Chart.add(source_data=Range('A1').table)	
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    wb = Workbook.caller()
    # User Inputs
    num_simulations = int(Range('E3').value)
    time = Range('E4').value
    num_timesteps = int(Range('E5').value)
    dt = time / num_timesteps  # Length of time period
    vol = Range('E7').value
    mu = np.log(1 + Range('E6').value)  # Drift
    starting_price = Range('E8').value
    perc_selection = [5, 50, 95]  # percentiles (hardcoded for now)
    # Animation
    if Range('E9').value.lower() == 'yes':
        animate = True
        animate = False

    # Excel: clear output, write out initial values of percentiles/sample path and set chart source
    # and x-axis values
    Range('P2').value = [
        starting_price, starting_price, starting_price, starting_price
    Chart('Chart 5').set_source_data(Range((1, 15), (num_timesteps + 2, 19)))
    Range('O2').value = np.round(
        np.linspace(0, time, num_timesteps + 1).reshape(-1, 1), 2)

    # Preallocation
    price = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, num_simulations))
    percentiles = np.zeros((num_timesteps + 1, 3))

    # Set initial values
    price[0, :] = starting_price
    percentiles[0, :] = starting_price

    # Simulation at each time step
    for t in range(1, num_timesteps + 1):
        rand_nums = np.random.randn(num_simulations)
        price[t, :] = price[t - 1, :] * np.exp((mu - 0.5 * vol**2) * dt +
                                               vol * rand_nums * np.sqrt(dt))
        percentiles[t, :] = np.percentile(price[t, :], perc_selection)
        if animate:
            Range((t + 2, 16)).value = percentiles[t, :]
            Range((t + 2, 19)).value = price[t, 0]  # Sample path
            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                wb.application.screen_updating = True

    if not animate:
        Range('P2').value = percentiles
        Range('S2').value = price[:, :1]  # Sample path
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_add_keywords(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart.add(chart_type=chart_type, name=name, source_data=Range('A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart(name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
            assert_equal(kw.line_chart, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_add_properties(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('Sheet2', 'A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart().add('Sheet2')
        chart.chart_type = chart_type
        chart.name = name
        chart.set_source_data(Range('Sheet2', 'A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart('Sheet2', name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_add_properties(self):
        name = 'My Chart'
        chart_type = ChartType.xlLine
        Range('Sheet2', 'A1').value = chart_data
        chart = Chart.add('Sheet2')
        chart.chart_type = chart_type
        chart.name = name
        chart.set_source_data(Range('Sheet2', 'A1').table)

        chart_actual = Chart('Sheet2', name)
        name_actual = chart_actual.name
        chart_type_actual = chart_actual.chart_type
        assert_equal(name, name_actual)
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            assert_equal(chart_type, chart_type_actual)
            assert_equal(kw.line_chart, chart_type_actual)
Exemplo n.º 10
from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart

wb = Workbook(r'C:\Users\mih\Desktop\Stock_Screener\Proj1.xlsx')

Range('A1').value = 'Two 2'

print Range('A1').value

Range('A1').value = [['Too 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 40.0]]

Range('A1').table.value  # or: Range('A1:C2').value


chart = Chart.add(source_data=Range('A1').table)

Exemplo n.º 11
def hietograma():
    def lluvia_max():
        muestra = Range('LLUVIA', 'C5').table.value
        #numero de datos
        DataNr = len(muestra)
        #cambiamos tipo de dato a 'array'
        muestra = np.asarray(muestra)
        #todos valores de los parametrod de Gumbel hasta 58 datos
        Yn = Range('+', 'C4:C29').value
        Sigma = Range('+', 'D4:D29').value
        Indeks = Range('+', 'B4:B29').value.index(DataNr)

        #Valores adoptados por los parametros de la funcion Gumbel:
        Yn = Yn[Indeks]
        Sigma = Sigma[Indeks]
        ### empty lists creation
        s = []
        m = []
        alfa = []
        mu = []
        P = []
        Prob = []
        #los parametros de la funcion de Gumbel para cada estacion
        #ddof: "Delta Degrees of Freedom" by default 0
        for i in range(0, 4):
            columna = muestra[:, i]
            s.append(np.std(columna, ddof=1))
            alfa.append(s[i] / Sigma)
            mu.append(m[i] - Yn * alfa[i])
            P.append(mu[i] - alfa[i] * np.log(np.log(T / (T - 1))))
            Prob.append(1 - 1 / T)
        ### PESOS
        dist = np.asarray([3968, 14046, 13251, 12596])  #distancias...
        pesos = 1 / dist**2
        sq = [1 / i**2 for i in dist]
        pesos = pesos / sum(sq)
        ### Pmax24
        return sum(P * pesos)

    wb = Workbook.caller()

    #### clear table

    #### introduccion de los datos
    ####periodo de  retorno
    T = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D8').value)
    #### duracion de lluvia
    dur = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D10').value)
    #### intervalo de tiempo
    inval = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D12').value)
    #### En este script I1/Id se denomina X
    X = int(Range('INTERFACE', 'D14').value)

    #### Precipitaciones maximas diarias
    P24 = Range('P24', 'C14:J14').value

    if Range('INTERFACE', 'D12').value == 'Ya tengo P24':
        P24 = Range('INTERFACE', 'D18').value
        #P24=Range('P24', 'C14:J14').value
        P24 = lluvia_max()
    #### periodos de retorno disponibles
    Tr = [2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
    ind = Tr.index(T)

    #### generacion del tiempo eje X
    time = np.arange(inval, dur * 60 + inval, inval)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'R5').value = np.arange(inval, dur * 60 + inval,
                                               inval)[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Precipitaciones maximas diarias mm/hr
    #Id=[i/24 for i in P24]
    Id = P24 / 24

    #### Intensidad de lluvia mm/hr
    I = Id * (X)**((28**0.1 - (time / 60)**0.1) / (28**0.1 - 1))
    Range('INTERFACE', 'S5').value = I[:, np.newaxis]

    lluvia = I * time / 60
    Range('INTERFACE', 'T5').value = lluvia[:, np.newaxis]
    x = lluvia[0]
    #### Incremental depth
    IncDep = []
    for i in range(1, len(lluvia)):
        IncDep.append(lluvia[i] - lluvia[i - 1])
    IncDep.insert(0, x)
    IncDep = np.asarray(IncDep)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'U5').value = IncDep[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Ordenacion methodo de bloques alternos
    nr = Range('U5').table.last_cell.row
    tt = sorted(Range('INTERFACE', 'U5:U' + str(nr)).value)
    new_tt = sorted(tt)[1::2] + sorted(tt)[::2][::-1]
    new_tt = np.asarray(new_tt)
    Range('INTERFACE', 'V5:V' + str(nr)).value = new_tt[:, np.newaxis]

    #### Chart
    chart = Chart('Wykres 4', source_data=Range('V5:V' + str(nr)).table)
Exemplo n.º 12
import xlwings
from xlwings import Workbook, Sheet, Range, Chart

# Creates a connection with a new workbook
# wb = Workbook()  

wb = Workbook.caller()
Range('A1').value = 'Foo 1'
print Range('A1').value
Range('A1').value = [['Foo 1', 'Foo 2', 'Foo 3'], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0]]
print Range('A1').table.value  # or: Range('A1:C2').value
print Sheet(1).name
chart = Chart.add(source_data=Range('A1').table)	

# to open excel template
# from xlwings import Workbook
# Workbook.open_template()