Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_autofit_col(self):
     # TODO: compare col/row widths before/after - not implemented yet
     Range('Sheet1', 'A1:D4').value = 'test_string'
     Range('Sheet1', 'A:D').autofit()
     Range('Sheet1', 'A:D').autofit('r')
     Range('Sheet1', 'A:D').autofit('c')
     Range('Sheet1', 'A:D').autofit('rows')
     Range('Sheet1', 'A:D').autofit('columns')
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_book(ticker, line):

    Range('A' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";bid_num_1\'"
    Range('B' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";bid\'"
    Range('C' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";ask\'"
    Range('D' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";ask_num_1\'"
    Range('E' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";last\'"
    Range('F' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";volume\'"
    #Add ref close for simplicity
    Range('G' + str(line + 1)).value = "=FDF|Q!\'" + ticker + ";close\'"

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
    def lluvia_max():
        muestra = Range('LLUVIA', 'C5').table.value
        #numero de datos
        DataNr = len(muestra)
        #cambiamos tipo de dato a 'array'
        muestra = np.asarray(muestra)
        #todos valores de los parametrod de Gumbel hasta 58 datos
        Yn = Range('+', 'C4:C29').value
        Sigma = Range('+', 'D4:D29').value
        Indeks = Range('+', 'B4:B29').value.index(DataNr)

        #Valores adoptados por los parametros de la funcion Gumbel:
        Yn = Yn[Indeks]
        Sigma = Sigma[Indeks]
        ### empty lists creation
        s = []
        m = []
        alfa = []
        mu = []
        P = []
        Prob = []
        #los parametros de la funcion de Gumbel para cada estacion
        #ddof: "Delta Degrees of Freedom" by default 0
        for i in range(0, 4):
            columna = muestra[:, i]
            s.append(np.std(columna, ddof=1))
            alfa.append(s[i] / Sigma)
            mu.append(m[i] - Yn * alfa[i])
            P.append(mu[i] - alfa[i] * np.log(np.log(T / (T - 1))))
            Prob.append(1 - 1 / T)
        ### PESOS
        dist = np.asarray([3968, 14046, 13251, 12596])  #distancias...
        pesos = 1 / dist**2
        sq = [1 / i**2 for i in dist]
        pesos = pesos / sum(sq)
        ### Pmax24
        return sum(P * pesos)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_unicode_path(self):
     # pip3 seems to struggle with unicode filenames
     src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     shutil.move(src, dst)
     wb = Workbook(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     Range('A1').value = 1
     shutil.move(dst, src)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_hyperlink(self):
        address = 'www.xlwings.org'
        # Naked address
        assert_equal(Range('A1').value, address)
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            assert_equal(Range('A1').hyperlink, 'http://' + address)
            assert_equal(Range('A1').hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')

        # Address + FriendlyName
        Range('A2').add_hyperlink(address, 'test_link')
        assert_equal(Range('A2').value, 'test_link')
        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
            assert_equal(Range('A2').hyperlink, 'http://' + address)
            assert_equal(Range('A2').hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')
def test_cells():
    cells = Range('C6:C441').value
    count = 0
    master_text = []
    while count < len(cells):
        if isinstance(cells[count], basestring):
            current_cell = cells[count].split(" ")
            current_text_count = 0
            while current_text_count < len(current_cell):
                current_text_count += 1
            count += 1
            count += 1
    return cell_word_count(master_text)
Exemplo n.º 7
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
Exemplo n.º 8
def playlist():
    Get the playlist content based on the ID from the Dropdown

    # Get PlaylistId from ComboBox
    playlist_id = wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(

    # Database query
        t.Name AS Track, alb.Title AS Album,  art.Name AS Artist, t.Composer
        FROM PlaylistTrack pt
        INNER JOIN Track t ON pt.TrackId = t.TrackId
        INNER JOIN Album alb ON t.AlbumId = alb.AlbumId
        INNER JOIN Artist art ON alb.ArtistId = art.ArtistId
        WHERE PlaylistId = ?
        """, (playlist_id, ))

    # Get the result and column names
    col_names = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    rows = cursor.fetchall()

    # Clear the sheet and write the column names and result to Excel
    Range('A9').value = col_names
    if len(rows):
        Range('A10').value = rows
        Range('A10').value = 'Empty Playlist!'

    # Close cursor and connection
Exemplo n.º 9
def combobox():
    This populates the ComboBox with the values from the database

    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Place the database next to the Excel file
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'chinook.sqlite')

    # Database connection and creation of cursor
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_file,
                          | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
    cursor = con.cursor()

    # Database Query
    cursor.execute("SELECT PlaylistId, Name FROM Playlist")

    # Write IDs and Names to hidden sheet
    Range('Source', 'A1').table.clear_contents()
    Range('Source', 'A1').value = cursor.fetchall()

    # Format and fill the ComboBox to show Names (Text) and give back IDs (Values)
    # TODO: implement natively in xlwings
    combo = "ComboBox1"
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ListFillRange = \
        'Source!{}'.format(str(Range('Source', 'A1').table.xl_range.Address))
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.BoundColumn = 1
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnCount = 2
    wb.xl_workbook.ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(combo).Object.ColumnWidths = 0

    # Close cursor and connection
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_integers(self):
        """Covers GH 227"""
        Range('A99').value = 2147483647  # max SInt32
        assert_equal(Range('A99').value, 2147483647)

        Range('A100').value = 2147483648  # SInt32 < x < SInt64
        assert_equal(Range('A100').value, 2147483648)

        Range('A101').value = 10000000000000000000  # long
        assert_equal(Range('A101').value, 10000000000000000000)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_unicode_path(self):
     # pip3 seems to struggle with unicode filenames
     src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
         dst = os.path.join(
             os.path.expanduser("~") +
         dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
     shutil.copy(src, dst)
     wb = Workbook(dst, app_visible=False, app_target=APP_TARGET)
     Range('A1').value = 1
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_calculation(self):
        Range('A1').value = 2
        Range('B1').formula = '=A1 * 2'

        app = Application(wkb=self.wb)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationManual
        Range('A1').value = 4
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)

        app.calculation = Calculation.xlCalculationAutomatic
        app.calculate()  # This is needed on Mac Excel 2016 but not on Mac Excel 2011 (changed behaviour)
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 8)

        Range('A1').value = 2
        assert_equal(Range('B1').value, 4)
Exemplo n.º 13
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    Read in the data from the sqlite database, then manipulate and return it to excel
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Connect to sqlite db
    db_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wb.fullname), 'pbp_proj.db')
    engine = create_engine(r"sqlite:///{}".format(db_file))

    # Retrieve the account number from the excel sheet as an int
    account = Range('B2').options(numbers=int).value

    # Get our dates - in real life would need to do some error checking to ensure
    # the correct format
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Clear existing data

    # Create SQL query
    sql = 'SELECT * from sales WHERE account="{}" AND date BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format(
        account, start_date, end_date)

    # Read query directly into a dataframe
    sales_data = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)

    # Analyze the data however we want
    summary = sales_data.groupby(["sku"])["quantity", "ext-price"].sum()

    total_sales = sales_data["ext-price"].sum()

    # Output the results
    if summary.empty:
        Range('A5').value = "No Data for account {}".format(account)
        Range('A5').options(index=True).value = summary
        Range('E5').value = "Total Sales"
        Range('F5').value = total_sales
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_spot_purchase_values(year):
    ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())

    if year < 2005:
        raise ValueError('Data only goes back to 2005')
    elif year < 2015:
        wb = Workbook(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,
        wb = Workbook(os.path.join(
            ROOT_DIR, 'results/notgrapefruit{0}.xlsm'.format(year)),

    raw_price_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C5:N10', atleast_2d=True).value),
                                columns=Range('grove', 'C4:N4').value,
                                index=Range('grove', 'B5:B10').value)

    exchange_rate_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C14:N15', atleast_2d=True).value),
                                    columns=Range('grove', 'C13:N13').value,
                                    index=Range('grove', 'B14:B15').value)

    quantity_mat_weekly = np.array(
        Range('grove', 'C38:AX43', atleast_2d=True).value)
    # The matrix retrieved has values for each week.  We want an average weekly
    # quantity for the given month.
    quantity_mat_av = np.zeros((6, 12))
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        this_month = quantity_mat_weekly[:, (4 * i):(4 * i + 4)]
        quantity_mat_av[:, i] = np.mean(this_month, 1)
    quantity_df = pd.DataFrame(quantity_mat_av,
                               index=Range('grove', 'B38:B43').value,
                               columns=Range('grove', 'C4:N4').value)
    return (raw_price_df, exchange_rate_df, quantity_df)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test():
    credentials = authorization.get_credentials(SCOPES, CLIENT_SECRET_FILE,
    service = build('gmail', 'v1', http=credentials.authorize(Http()))
    results = service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
    labels = results.get('labels', [])

    if not labels:
        print 'No labels found.'
        print 'Labels:'
        i = 1
        for label in labels:
                wb = Workbook('Book1')
                Range((i, 1)).value = label['name'].encode("shift-jis")
                print "error"
            i += 1
Exemplo n.º 16
    def insert_one_dataframe(self, df, cell_specification):
        Populate the current workbook given a single
        :class=:`pandas.DataFrame` object.
        if not len(df):

        index = cell_specification.get('index', False)
        header = cell_specification.get('header', False)
        top_left_cell = cell_specification.get('top_left_cell', 'A0')

            "insert %d by %d rows/cols dataframe "
            "at cell '%s' in sheet '%s'", len(df), len(df.columns),

        Range(top_left_cell, index=index, header=header).value = df
Exemplo n.º 17
def refresh():
    Refreshes the tables in Excel given the input parameters.
    # Connect to the Workbook
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Read input
    start_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'start_date').value
    end_date = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'end_date').value
    account_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'account').value
    property_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'property').value
    profile_name = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'view').value
    max_results = Range(sheet_dashboard, 'max_rows').value

    # Clear Content
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'behavior').clear_contents()
    Range(sheet_dashboard, 'effective').clear_contents()

    # Behavior table
    behavior(start_date, end_date, account_name, property_name, profile_name, max_results)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_resize(self):
        r = Range('A1').resize(4, 5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 5))

        r = Range('A1').resize(row_size=4)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 1))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize(column_size=5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 5))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize(row_size=5)
        assert_equal(r.shape, (5, 2))

        r = Range('A1:B4').resize()
        assert_equal(r.shape, (4, 2))

        assert_raises(AssertionError, Range('A1:B4').resize, row_size=0)
        assert_raises(AssertionError, Range('A1:B4').resize, column_size=0)
Exemplo n.º 19
def parse_variable_values(workbook, start_cell, end_cell):
    Given the workbook reference and START-END index pair, this function parses the values in the variable row
    and saves it as a list of the same name.

    workbook:   Workbook xlwings object
    start_cell: Start cell dictionary
    end_cell:   End cell dictionary

    returns:    lists of variables, formulas, comments
    workbook.set_current()  # sets the workbook as the current working workbook
    variables = dict()
    formulas = dict()
    comments = dict()
    start = (start_cell['row'], start_cell['col'])
    end = (end_cell['row'], start_cell['col'])

    start_column = Range(get_sheet(), start, end).value
    # [1:] excludes 'START' element
    start_column = start_column[1:]

    for relative_index, element in enumerate(start_column):
        current_index = start_cell['row'] + relative_index + 1
        if element:  # if non-empty
            if not isinstance(element, str):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The column below START can contain only strings")

            # print(element)
            element = element.strip()

            if '=' in element:
                formulas[element] = current_index
            elif '#' == element[0]:
                comments[element] = current_index
                variables[element] = current_index

    return variables, formulas, comments
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_array(self):

        # 1d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A1').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A1:D1', asarray=True).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_1d)

        # 2d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A4').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A4', asarray=True).table.value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)

        # 1d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A10').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A10:D10', asarray=True, atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, np.atleast_2d(array_1d))

        # 2d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A12').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A12', asarray=True, atleast_2d=True).table.value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_array(self):

        # 1d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A1').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A1:D1').options(np.array).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_1d)

        # 2d array
        Range('Sheet6', 'A4').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A4').options(np.array, expand='table').value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)

        # 1d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A10').value = array_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A10:D10').options(np.array, ndim=2).value
        assert_array_equal(cells, np.atleast_2d(array_1d))

        # 2d array (atleast_2d)
        Range('Sheet6', 'A12').value = array_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet6', 'A12').options(np.array, ndim=2, expand='table').value
        assert_array_equal(cells, array_2d)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def check_cell(self, address, value):
        # Active Sheet
        Range(address).value = value
        cell = Range(address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)

        # SheetName
        Range('Sheet2', address).value = value
        cell = Range('Sheet2', address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)

        # SheetIndex
        Range(3, address).value = value
        cell = Range(3, address).value
        assert_equal(cell, value)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def insert_one_series(self, series, cell_specification):
        Populate the current workbook given a single
        :class=:`pandas.Series` object.
        if not len(series):

        # contiguous cells
        #TODO: (use vertical and horizontal properties of xlwings)

        # non-contiguous user-defined cells
        for cs in cell_specification.get('cells', []):
            ws = cs.get('worksheet') or Sheet.active(self.wkb).name
            content = self.jinja_env.from_string(

            logger.debug("insert content '%s' at cell '%s' in sheet '%s'",
                         content, cs['cell'], ws)

            Range(ws, cs['cell']).value = content
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_list(self):

        # 1d List Row
        Range('Sheet4', 'A27').value = list_row_1d
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A27:C27').value
        assert_equal(list_row_1d, cells)

        # 2d List Row
        Range('Sheet4', 'A29').value = list_row_2d
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A29:C29', atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_equal(list_row_2d, cells)

        # 1d List Col
        Range('Sheet4', 'A31').value = list_col
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A31:A33').value
        assert_equal([i[0] for i in list_col], cells)
        # 2d List Col
        cells = Range('Sheet4', 'A31:A33', atleast_2d=True).value
        assert_equal(list_col, cells)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def importMethod(self):
        print("import button clicked!")
        self.filepath = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName())
        self.wb = Workbook(self.filepath)     
        self.data = Range('Sheet1','A2', asarray=True).table.value
#        print self.data
        for m in np.arange(0,len(self.data)):
            for n in np.arange(0,len(self.colnames)-1):            
                newitem = QTableWidgetItem(str(self.data[m,n]))                
        # Enable convert button
def summarize_sales():
    Retrieve the account number and date ranges from the Excel sheet
    # Make a connection to the calling Excel file
    wb = Workbook.caller()

    # Retrieve the account number and dates
    account = Range('B2').value
    start_date = Range('D2').value
    end_date = Range('F2').value

    # Output the data just to make sure it all works
    Range('A5').value = account
    Range('A6').value = start_date
    Range('A7').value = end_date
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_excel_formula_as_string(right_side_expression, time_period, variables):
    Using the right-hand side of a math expression (e.g. a(t)=a(t-1)*a_rate(t)), converted to sympy
    expression, and substituting the time index variable (t) in it, the function finds the Excel formula
    corresponding to the right-hand side expression.

    right_side_expression:         sympy expression, e.g. a(t-1)*a_rate(t)
    time_period:        value of time index variable (t) for time_periodtitution
    formula_string:     a string of excel formula, e.g. '=A20*B21'
    right_dict = simplify_expression(right_side_expression, time_period,
    for right_key, right_coords in right_dict.items():
        excel_index = str(
            Range(get_sheet(), tuple(right_coords)).get_address(False, False))
        right_side_expression = right_side_expression.subs(
            right_key, excel_index)
    formula_str = '=' + str(right_side_expression)
    return formula_str
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_hyperlink(self):
        address = 'www.xlwings.org'
        # Naked address
        assert_equal(Range('A1').value, address)
        hyperlink = Range('A1').hyperlink
        if not hyperlink.endswith('/'):
            hyperlink += '/'
        assert_equal(hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')

        # Address + FriendlyName
        Range('A2').add_hyperlink(address, 'test_link')
        assert_equal(Range('A2').value, 'test_link')
        hyperlink = Range('A2').hyperlink
        if not hyperlink.endswith('/'):
            hyperlink += '/'
        assert_equal(hyperlink, 'http://' + address + '/')
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_get_address(self):
        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address()
        assert_equal(res, '$A$1:$C$3')

        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address(False)
        assert_equal(res, '$A1:$C3')

        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address(True, False)
        assert_equal(res, 'A$1:C$3')

        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address(False, False)
        assert_equal(res, 'A1:C3')

        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address(include_sheetname=True)
        assert_equal(res, 'Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3')

        res = Range('Sheet2', (1,1),(3,3)).get_address(include_sheetname=True)
        assert_equal(res, 'Sheet2!$A$1:$C$3')

        res = Range((1,1),(3,3)).get_address(external=True)
        assert_equal(res, '[test_range_1.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3')
Exemplo n.º 30
    def to_excel(self):
        Create an Excel spreadsheet from the device's point histories.
        his = {}
        for name in list(self.points_name):
                his[name] = self._findPoint(name,
                                                ['inactive', 'active'],
                                                [0, 1]).resample('1ms')
            except TypeError:
                his[name] = self._findPoint(
                    name, force_read=False).history.resample('1ms')

        his['Notes'] = self.notes
        df = pd.DataFrame(his).fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')

        if _XLWINGS:
            wb = Workbook()
            Range('A1').value = df