def write_to_file(a_filename, asset_coll, prop_coll, cat_coll, dept_coll): wb = Workbook() asset_sheet = wb.add_sheet('Assets') write_assets(asset_sheet, asset_coll) prop_sheet = wb.add_sheet('Property Master') write_prop(prop_sheet, prop_coll) cat_sheet = wb.add_sheet('Category & Class') write_cat(cat_sheet, cat_coll) dept_sheet = wb.add_sheet('Department') write_dept(dept_sheet, dept_coll)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman from xlwt3 import Workbook w = Workbook() ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude') ws.write(0, 0, 1) ws.write(1, 0, 1.23) ws.write(2, 0, 12345678) ws.write(3, 0, 123456.78) ws.write(0, 1, -1) ws.write(1, 1, -1.23) ws.write(2, 1, -12345678) ws.write(3, 1, -123456.78) ws.write(0, 2, -17867868678687.0) ws.write(1, 2, -1.23e-5) ws.write(2, 2, -12345678.90780980) ws.write(3, 2, -123456.78)'numbers.xls')
def SaveFinalResultsExcel(Results): currentRow = 0 wb = Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet('Testing Results') ws.write(0, 0, 'Files Tested') currentRow += 1 ### Output the number of files ran per machine ### for file in Results._files: machine = file.replace("../Resources/", "") machine = machine.replace(".txt", "") ws.write(currentRow, 0, machine) ws.write(currentRow, 1, str(Results._current_Output[file]['Numb Files'])) currentRow += 1 #### Output the any errors in the standard files #### currentRow += 1 ws.write(currentRow, 0, 'Standard Files Errors') currentRow += 1 for file in Results._files: machine = file.replace("../Resources/", "") machine = machine.replace(".txt", "") for key in Results._standard_Errors[file].keys(): ws.write(currentRow, 0, machine + " - " + key) for col in range(len(Results._standard_Errors[file][key])): ws.write(currentRow, col + 1, Results._standard_Errors[file][key][col]) currentRow += 1 #### Standard Files Missing #### currentRow += 1 ws.write(currentRow, 0, 'Missing Standard Files') currentRow += 1 for file in Results._files: machine = file.replace("../Resources/", "") machine = machine.replace(".txt", "") for key in Results._standard_Missing[file]: ws.write(currentRow, 0, machine) ws.write(currentRow, 1, key) currentRow += 1 #### Output the Error terminations #### currentRow += 1 ws.write(currentRow, 0, 'Error Terminations') currentRow += 1 #Write the Machine names across the top currentCol = 1 for file in Results._files: machine = file.replace("../Resources/", "") machine = machine.replace(".txt", "") ws.write(currentRow, currentCol, machine) currentCol += 1 currentRow += 1 #Loop through the files and output errors for file in Results._files: for key in Results._current_Errors.keys(): ws.write(currentRow, 0, key) for col in range(len(Results._current_Errors[key])): ws.write(currentRow, col + 1, Results._current_Errors[key][col]) currentRow += 1 #### Write out the Variations currentRow += 1 ws.write(currentRow, 0, 'Variations') currentRow += 1 ws.write(currentRow, 0, '- = Nothing Wrong') ws.write(currentRow, 2, 'M = Missing Standard') ws.write(currentRow, 4, 'R = Residual') ws.write(currentRow, 6, 'S = Steps') ws.write(currentRow, 8, 'U = Unknown Issue') currentRow += 1 #Write the Machine names across the top currentCol = 1 for file in Results._files: machine = file.replace("../Resources/", "") machine = machine.replace(".txt", "") ws.write(currentRow, currentCol, machine) currentCol += 1 currentRow += 1 for key in Results._variations.keys(): ws.write(currentRow, 0, key) for col in range(len(Results._variations[key])): ws.write(currentRow, col + 2, Results._variations[key][col]) currentRow += 1 today = ExcelFile = '../Results/Results-' + str(today) + '.xls'
def processFIle(metfile,keywordfile,outputfile): """ searches for keywords in filenames that are suspicious regarding pedo content""" regexp = re.compile("!|[]|]|;|\?|\(|\)|-|_|\.|\,") wb = open_workbook(metfile) book = Workbook() sheet1=book.add_sheet('Found') sheet2=book.add_sheet("NOT FOUND") s=wb.sheets()[0] sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) #input sheet book = Workbook() sheet1=book.add_sheet('Found') sheet2=book.add_sheet("NOT FOUND",cell_overwrite_ok=True) #print ("number of roews",s.nrows) hashCalcprog=[] filesize=[] knowndotMedHashes=[] lastpostedUTC=[] lastsharedUTC=[] requestsAccepted=[] bytesUploaded=[] filenames=[] keywords=[] with open(keywordfile) as f: # Returns a file object keywords=[line.replace('\n','').encode('utf8') for line in f] # Invokes readline() method on file k=0 sheet1.write(k,0,'Α/Α') sheet1.write(k,1,'keyword') for col in range(sheet.ncols): sheet1.write(k,col+2,sheet.cell_value(0,col) ) for i in range(sheet.nrows):#read hashes of met xls file if i>1: Found=False knowndotMedHashes.append(sheet.cell_value(i,17)) filename=str(sheet.cell_value(i,0)).encode('utf8') filenames.append(filename) filesize=sheet.cell_value(i,2) lastpostedUTC=sheet.cell_value(i,5) lastsharedUTC=sheet.cell_value(i,6) requestsAccepted=sheet.cell_value(i,8) bytesUploaded=sheet.cell_value(i,9) for term in regexp.sub(' ',filename.decode()).split(' '): if term.encode('utf8').lower() in keywords: print ("FOUND",term.encode('utf8').lower(),term.encode('utf8').lower() in keywords,type(term.encode('utf8').lower())) k+=1 sheet1.write(k,0,k) sheet1.write(k,1,term) for col in range(sheet.ncols): sheet1.write(k,col+2,sheet.cell_value(i,col) ) Found=True break if not Found: sheet2.write(i,0,i) for col in range(sheet.ncols): sheet2.write(i,col+1,sheet.cell_value(i,col) )
result_file.write('follow:') tmp = list(network[i]['follow']) n=0 s='' while n < len(tmp): s += str(tmp[n]) s += ' ' n += 1 result_file.write(s) result_file.write('\n') result_file.write('\n') #print(visited) from tempfile import TemporaryFile from xlwt3 import Workbook book = Workbook() book.add_sheet('Node Graph') book.add_sheet('Edge Graph') edge_row = 0 for i in range(len(network)): sheet1 = book.get_sheet(0) for k in range(25): sheet1.col(k).width = 5000 sheet1.write(i+1, 0, i+1) m =, network[i]['info']) if m != None: loca =[3:-2].split(',') for j in range(len(loca)): sheet1.write(i+1, j+1, loca[j])