Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: robw4/xmen
def commented_to_py(x, seq=tuple):
    from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedSeq, CommentedMap
    if type(x) is CommentedMap:
        return {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in x.items()}
    if type(x) is CommentedSeq:
        return seq(commented_to_py(v) for v in x)
        return x
Exemplo n.º 2
def multi_client_server_2():
    from xmen.utils import commented_to_py
    # get the hostname
    import struct
    import ruamel.yaml
    from xmen.experiment import IncompatibleYmlException
    host = socket.gethostname()
    port = 6011  # initiate port no above 1024

    server_socket = socket.socket()  # get instance
    # look closely. The bind() function takes tuple as argument
    server_socket.bind((host, port))  # bind host address and port together

    # configure how many client the server can listen simultaneously
    while True:
        conn, address = server_socket.accept()
        print("Connection from: " + str(address))
        length = conn.recv(struct.calcsize('Q'))
        if length:
            length, = struct.unpack('Q', length)
            print('length = ', length)
            params = conn.recv(length).decode()

            yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
                params = yaml.load(params)
                raise IncompatibleYmlException
            params = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in params.items()}
        conn.close()  # close the connection
Exemplo n.º 3
    def from_yml(self, path, copy=False):
        """Load state from either a ``params.yml`` or ``defaults.yml`` file (inferred from the filename).
        The status of the experiment will be updated to ``'default'`` if ``'defaults.yml'``
        file else ``'registered'`` if ``params.yml`` file.

        If copy is ``True`` then only user defined parameters themselves will be copied from the params.yml file.
        from xmen.utils import dic_from_yml
        params = dic_from_yml(path=path)

        # backward compatibility
        if '_name' in params:
            params['_root'] = os.path.join(params['_root'],
        if '_created' in params:
            params['_timestamps'] = get_timestamps()
            params['_timestamps']['created'] = params.pop('_created')
        params = {
            k: commented_to_py(v)
            for k, v in params.items() if k in self.__dict__

        if copy:
            # Copy only parameter values themselves (and not specials)
            params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if not k.startswith('_')}

        # update created date
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: robw4/xmen
def load_params(roots):
    """Load params.yml files into a list of dictionaries from a list of paths"""
    import ruamel.yaml
    from xmen.utils import commented_to_py
    out = []
    for path in roots:
        with open(os.path.join(path, 'params.yml'), 'r') as params_yml:
            params = ruamel.yaml.load(params_yml, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader)
        params = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in params.items()}
    return out
Exemplo n.º 5
def send(dic, conn, typ='safe'):
    """Send dictionary to connected socket"""
    from xmen.utils import commented_to_py
    import gzip
    if hasattr(dic, '_asdict'):
        dic = dic._asdict()
    # data is always sent without comments
    dic = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in dic.items()}
    string = dic_to_yaml(dic, typ, True)

    buffer = string.encode()
    # compress
    buffer = gzip.compress(buffer)
    conn.sendall(struct.pack('Q', len(buffer)) + buffer)
Exemplo n.º 6
def updates_client(q, interval):
    from xmen.utils import commented_to_py
    import os
    import socket
    import time
    # get the hostname
    import struct
    import ruamel.yaml
    from xmen.experiment import IncompatibleYmlException
    host = ''
    port = 6011  # initiate port no above 1024

    server_socket = socket.socket()  # get instance
    # look closely. The bind() function takes tuple as argument
    server_socket.bind((host, port))  # bind host address and port together

    # configure how many client the server can listen simultaneously

    while True:
        updates = {}
        last = time.time()
        while time.time() - last < interval:
            conn, address = server_socket.accept()
            # print("Connection from: " + str(address))
            length = conn.recv(struct.calcsize('Q'))
            if length:
                length, = struct.unpack('Q', length)
                # print('length = ', length)
                params = conn.recv(length).decode()
                yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
                    params = yaml.load(params)
                    raise IncompatibleYmlException
                params = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in params.items()}
                # print(params)
                                     params['_name'])] = params
            conn.close()  # close the connection
        if updates:
            q.put((updates, last))
Exemplo n.º 7
def receive(conn, typ='safe', default_flow_style=False):
    """Receive dictionary over connected socket"""
    import ruamel.yaml
    from xmen.utils import IncompatibleYmlException
    from xmen.utils import commented_to_py
    import gzip

    length = receive_message(conn, struct.calcsize('Q'))
    dic = None
    if length:
        length, = struct.unpack('Q', length)
        buffer = receive_message(conn, length)
        buffer = gzip.decompress(buffer)
        yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=typ)
        yaml.default_flow_style = default_flow_style
            dic = yaml.load(buffer)
        except Exception as m:
            raise IncompatibleYmlException
        dic = {k: commented_to_py(v) for k, v in dic.items()}
    return dic
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: robw4/xmen
def recursive_print_lines(dic, helps=None, start=''):
    import collections
    from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap
    lines = []
    dic = commented_to_py(dic)
    for k, v in dic.items():
        if type(v) is dict or type(v) is collections.OrderedDict or type(v) is CommentedMap:
            lines += [f'{k}:']
            lines += ['  ' + start + l for l in recursive_print_lines(v)]
        elif v is not None:
            h = ''
            if helps is not None:
                h = helps.get(k, None)
                if h is not None:
                    h = helps[k].split(":")[1].strip()
                    h = ''
            if h != '':
                lines += [f'{start}{k}: {v}   # {h}']
                lines += [f'{start}{k}: {v}']
    return lines