Exemplo n.º 1
def loadLanguageFile(langfile):
    """ Loads one or more languages from disk
    Returns list of language codes found."""
    global languagenames, languages
    tree = ElementTree(file=langfile)
    foundlangs = []
    langslist = tree.find("wurmlanguages")
    langs     = langslist.findall("languagedef")
    for language in langs:
        code = language.attrib["code"]
        name = language.attrib.get("name", code)
        languagenames[code] = name
        languages.setdefault(code, {}) # make sure the base map is ready
        if code not in foundlangs:
        lstrings = language.findall("string")
        for lstr in lstrings:
            orig = _parse(lstr.find("original").text.strip())
            tran = _parse(lstr.find("translation").text.strip())
            languages[code][orig] = tran
    return foundlangs
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fulltext_search(self, query, rows=None, start=None):
        """Does an advanced search on fulltext:blah.
        You get back a pair (x,y) where x is the total # of hits
        and y is a list of identifiers like ["foo", "bar", etc.]"""

        query = self._prefix_query('fulltext', query)
        result_list = self.raw_search(query, rows=rows, start=start)
        e = ElementTree()
        except SyntaxError as e:
            raise SolrError(e)

        total_nbr_text = e.find('info/range_info/total_nbr').text
        # total_nbr_text = e.find('result').get('numFound')  # for raw xml
        total_nbr = int(total_nbr_text) if total_nbr_text else 0

        out = []
        for r in e.getiterator('hit'):
            for d in r.find('metadata'):
                for x in list(d.getiterator()):
                    if x.tag == "identifier":
                        xid = six.text_type(x.text).encode('utf-8')
                        if xid.startswith('OCA/'):
                            xid = xid[4:]
                        elif xid.endswith('.txt'):
                            xid = xid.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
                        elif xid.endswith('_ZZ'):
                            xid = xid[:-3]
        return (total_nbr, out)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def load(cls, filename):
     project_root = ElementTree().parse(filename)
     settings_node = project_root.find(cls.__PROJECT_SETTINGS_NODE_NAME)
     tracks_node = project_root.find(cls.__PROJECT_TRACKS_NODE_NAME)
     track_nodes = tracks_node.findall(cls.__PROJECT_TRACK_NODE_NAME)
     for node in track_nodes:
         print node
Exemplo n.º 4
def _get_article_contrib_authors(tree):
    from sys import stderr
    Given an ElementTree, returns article authors in a format suitable for citation.
    authors = []
    front = ElementTree(tree).find('front')
    for contrib in front.iter('contrib'):
        contribTree = ElementTree(contrib)
            surname = contribTree.find('name/surname').text
        except AttributeError:  # author is not a natural person
                citation_name = contribTree.find('collab').text
                if citation_name is not None:
            except AttributeError:  # name has no immediate text node

            given_names = contribTree.find('name/given-names').text
            citation_name = ' '.join([surname, given_names[0]])
        except AttributeError:  # no given names
            citation_name = surname
        except TypeError:  # also no given names
            citation_name = surname
        if citation_name is not None:

    return ', '.join(authors)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _get_supplementary_material(tree, rid):
    Given an ElementTree and an rid, returns supplementary material as a dictionary
    containing url, mimetype and label and caption.
    for sup in tree.iter('supplementary-material'):
            if sup.attrib['id'] == rid:  # supplementary material found
                result = {}
                sup_tree = ElementTree(sup)

                label = sup_tree.find('label')
                result['label'] = ''
                if label is not None:
                    result['label'] = label.text

                caption = sup_tree.find('caption')
                result['caption'] = ''
                if caption is not None:
                    result['caption'] = ' '.join(caption.itertext())

                media = sup_tree.find('media')
                if media is not None:
                    result['mimetype'] = media.attrib['mimetype']
                    result['mime-subtype'] = media.attrib['mime-subtype']
                    result['url'] = _get_supplementary_material_url(
                    return result
        except KeyError:  # supplementary material has no ID
def main():
    super_concat = False
    options, args = interface()
    xml = ElementTree().parse(options.input,
    # delete the older subs. models from the xml file
    for node in [
            'HKYModel', 'gtrModel', 'siteModel', 'patterns', 'treeLikelihood'
        xml = delete_node(xml, node, 1)
    # delete the kappa and frequency parameters in 'operators'
    delete = [
        'kappa', 'frequencies', 'alpha', 'pInv', 'ac', 'ag', 'at', 'cg', 'gt'
    xml = delete_children_from_node(xml, xml.find('operators'), delete)
    xml = delete_children_from_node(
        xml.find('mcmc').find('posterior').find('prior'), delete)
    # there are 2 log tags, disambiguated w/ id params.  delete elements from
    # the one we want (fileLog)
    xml = delete_children_from_node(xml, get_file_log_section(xml), delete)

    # jettison some comments
    xml = comment_remover(xml, [
        'The general time reversible', 'HKY substitution model', 'site model',
        'The unique patterns from 1 to end', 'npatterns='

    # load our substitution model information
    substitution_models = cPickle.load(open(options.subs))
    snippets = ElementTree().parse(options.params,

    # insert patterns on a per locus basis
    insert_position = get_position(xml, 'alignment')
    xml = insert_patterns_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, insert_position,

    # insert substitution models on a per locus basis
    insert_position = get_position(xml, 'strictClockBranchRates')
    xml, insert_position = insert_models_for_locus(xml, substitution_models,
                                                   insert_position, snippets)

    # insert site models on a per locus basis
    xml, insert_position = insert_site_models_for_locus(
        xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert tree likelihoods on a per locus basis
    xml, insert_position = insert_tree_likelihoods_for_locus(
        xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert operators
    xml = insert_operators_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, snippets)
    write(xml, options.output)
    """model_names, site_names = get_xml_model_names(set(sub_models_from_modeltest.values()))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, 
                 protocol = None, 
                 host_name = None, 
                 user_name = None, 
                 password = None,
                 database_configuration = None,
                 test = False,
                 database_server_configuration_file_path = None,
                 sqlite_db_path = None):
        if database_server_configuration_file_path is None:
            database_server_configuration_file_path = os.path.join(os.environ['OPUS_HOME'], 'settings', 'database_server_configurations.xml')

        if (protocol is None or test) and host_name is None and user_name is None and password is None:
            if not os.path.exists(database_server_configuration_file_path):
                raise Exception('You do not have a file %s storing information about your database server configurations. Cannot load database.'%database_server_configuration_file_path)
            if database_configuration is None:
                db_node = self._database_configuration_node()
                db_node = database_configuration
            database_configuration = ElementTree(file = database_server_configuration_file_path).getroot().find(db_node)
            if database_configuration is None:
                raise Exception('Could not find an entry in %s for %s. Cannot load database.'%(database_server_configuration_file_path, db_node))
            self.protocol = database_configuration.find('protocol').text
            self.host_name = database_configuration.find('host_name').text
            self.user_name = database_configuration.find('user_name').text
            self.password = database_configuration.find('password').text
            if protocol is None:
                self.protocol = get_default_database_engine()
                self.protocol = protocol.lower()
            if host_name is None:
                self.host_name = 'localhost'
                self.host_name = host_name
            if user_name is None:
                self.user_name = ''
                self.user_name = user_name
            if password is None:
                self.password = ''
                self.password = password
        # If the password is the empty string or None, check if it is defined in the environment variable
        # SQLPASSWORD - if so, use that.
        if (self.password is None or self.password=='') and 'SQLPASSWORD' in os.environ:
            self.password = os.environ['SQLPASSWORD']

        self.sqlite_db_path = sqlite_db_path
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _getresponse(self):
     r = self.h.getresponse()
     if r.status == 200:
         et = ElementTree()
         if et.find('status').text == 'OK':
             return et
         raise NessusException(et.find('contents').text)
     elif r.status == 403:
         self.token = None
         raise NessusSessionException('Session timed out.')
     raise NessusException(r.read())
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _getresponse(self):
     r = self.h.getresponse()
     if r.status == 200:
         et = ElementTree()
         if et.find('status').text == 'OK':
             return et
         raise NessusException(et.find('contents').text)
     elif r.status == 403:
         self.token = None
         raise NessusSessionException('Session timed out.')
     raise NessusException(r.read())
def main():
    super_concat = False
    options, args = interface()
    xml = ElementTree().parse(options.input, parser=XMLParser(target=MyTreeBuilder()))
    # delete the older subs. models from the xml file
    for node in ["HKYModel", "gtrModel", "siteModel", "patterns", "treeLikelihood"]:
        xml = delete_node(xml, node, 1)
    # delete the kappa and frequency parameters in 'operators'
    delete = ["kappa", "frequencies", "alpha", "pInv", "ac", "ag", "at", "cg", "gt"]
    xml = delete_children_from_node(xml, xml.find("operators"), delete)
    xml = delete_children_from_node(xml, xml.find("mcmc").find("posterior").find("prior"), delete)
    # there are 2 log tags, disambiguated w/ id params.  delete elements from
    # the one we want (fileLog)
    xml = delete_children_from_node(xml, get_file_log_section(xml), delete)

    # jettison some comments
    xml = comment_remover(
            "The general time reversible",
            "HKY substitution model",
            "site model",
            "The unique patterns from 1 to end",

    # load our substitution model information
    substitution_models = cPickle.load(open(options.subs))
    snippets = ElementTree().parse(options.params, parser=XMLParser(target=MyTreeBuilder()))

    # insert patterns on a per locus basis
    insert_position = get_position(xml, "alignment")
    xml = insert_patterns_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert substitution models on a per locus basis
    insert_position = get_position(xml, "strictClockBranchRates")
    xml, insert_position = insert_models_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert site models on a per locus basis
    xml, insert_position = insert_site_models_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert tree likelihoods on a per locus basis
    xml, insert_position = insert_tree_likelihoods_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, insert_position, snippets)

    # insert operators
    xml = insert_operators_for_locus(xml, substitution_models, snippets)
    write(xml, options.output)

    """model_names, site_names = get_xml_model_names(set(sub_models_from_modeltest.values()))
Exemplo n.º 11
	def load(self):
		"Nacteni ze souboru."
		root = ElementTree(file=self.filename)

		ret = self.Result()
		size = int(root.find('world/cells').text)
		ret.world = [[None for j in range(size)] for i in range(size)]
		ret.species = int(root.find('world/species').text)
		ret.iterations = int(root.find('world/iterations').text)

		for organism in root.find('organisms'):
			ret.world[int(organism.find('x_pos').text)][int(organism.find('y_pos').text)] = organism.find('species').text

		return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
    def load(self):
        "Nacteni ze souboru."
        root = ElementTree(file=self.filename)

        ret = self.Result()
        size = int(root.find('world/cells').text)
        ret.world = [[None for j in range(size)] for i in range(size)]
        ret.species = int(root.find('world/species').text)
        ret.iterations = int(root.find('world/iterations').text)

        for organism in root.find('organisms'):
                organism.find('y_pos').text)] = organism.find('species').text

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 13
def extract_pos(link):
	root_namespace_reg = re.compile("\{.*\}", re.IGNORECASE)
	root_namespace = None
		data = urllib.urlopen(link)
		tree = ElementTree()
		parser = XMLParser(encoding="iso-8859-1")
		tree.parse(data, parser=parser)
		root_namespace = root_namespace_reg.findall(tree.getroot().tag)[0]
		name = tree.find(".//{0}Document//{0}name".format(root_namespace)).text

		# parse important datas
		unparsed = tree.find(".//{0}Document//{0}Placemark//{0}description".format(root_namespace)).text
	except Exception, e:
Exemplo n.º 14
	def localiseFontsConf (self, pathFonts, sysFontFolder) :
		'''Sets the <dir> and <cachdir> to be the directory in which
			   the fonts.conf file exists. This helps to provide better
			   seperation of our fonts from the host system.'''

		fileName = pathFonts + '/fonts.conf'
		scrName = sysFontFolder + '/fonts.conf'
		# First lets check to see if the fonts.conf file exists
		if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False :
			shutil.copy(scrName, fileName)

		# Import this module for this process only (May need to move it
		# if other processes ever need it)
		from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree

		et = ElementTree(file = fileName)
		path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fileName))
		for p in ('dir', 'cachedir') :
			et.find(p).text = path

		# Write out the new font.conf file
		if et.write(fileName, encoding = 'utf-8') == None :
			self._log_manager.log('INFO', 'Fonts have been localised', 'true')

Exemplo n.º 15
def search(query):
    query = query.lower()
    parsed = expr.parseString(query)[0]
    res = parsed()
    print("Searching for \"{}\"".format(query))
    if res[1]:
        print("Found {} results".format(len(res[0])))
        for file_id in list(res[0])[:5]:
            words = parsed.words()
            tree = ElementTree()
            body = tree.find('text').find('body')
            for p in body:
                words_copy = list(words)
                at_least_one = False
                for word in words_copy:
                    if word in word_reg_exp.findall(p.text.lower().encode('utf-8')):
                        at_least_one = True
                if at_least_one:
                    print("----| {}".format(p.text.encode('utf-8')))
        print("Negative requests are not allowed")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def extractElement(self, elementpath, respdata):

            tree = ElementTree()
            return None

        # Strip off the top-level item
        if elementpath[0] == '/':
            elementpath = elementpath[1:]
            splits = elementpath.split('/', 1)
            root = splits[0]
            if tree.getroot().tag != root:
                return None
            elif len(splits) == 1:
                return tree.getroot().text
                elementpath = splits[1]

        e = tree.find(elementpath)
        if e is not None:
            return e.text
            return None
Exemplo n.º 17
 def get_hash_credential(self, xml_file):
     tree = ElementTree(file=xml_file)
     encrypted_hash = tree.find('Lib/Account/Credentials3')
     if encrypted_hash is not None:
         return encrypted_hash.text
         return False
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _getBugInfo(self, bugno):
        def _formatEmail(e):
            if e.get('name'):
                return '%s <%s>' % (self._encode(e.get('name')), e.text)
            return e.text

        bugXML = utils.web.getUrlFd(self.bugzillaRoot +
                'excludefield=long_desc&excludefield=attachment&id=' +
        etree = ElementTree(file=bugXML)
        bugRoot = etree.find('bug')
        buginfo = {
                'bug_id':               bugRoot.find('bug_id').text,
                'summary':              self._encode(bugRoot.find('short_desc').text),
                'creation_time':        bugRoot.find('creation_ts').text,
                'last_change_time':     bugRoot.find('delta_ts').text,
                'bug_severity':         bugRoot.find('bug_severity').text,
                'bug_status':           bugRoot.find('bug_status').text,
                'resolution':           ' ' + bugRoot.find('resolution').text
                                            if bugRoot.find('resolution') != None
                                            else '',
                'product':              self._encode(bugRoot.find('product').text),
                'component':            bugRoot.find('component').text,
                'reporter':             _formatEmail(bugRoot.find('reporter')),
                'assigned_to':          _formatEmail(bugRoot.find('assigned_to')),
                'url':                  self.bugzillaRoot + str(bugno),
        return buginfo
Exemplo n.º 19
    def extractElement(self, elementpath, respdata):

            tree = ElementTree()
            return None

        # Strip off the top-level item
        if elementpath[0] == '/':
            elementpath = elementpath[1:]
            splits = elementpath.split('/', 1)
            root = splits[0]
            if tree.getroot().tag != root:
                return None
            elif len(splits) == 1:
                return tree.getroot().text
                elementpath = splits[1]

        e = tree.find(elementpath)
        if e is not None:
            return e.text
            return None
Exemplo n.º 20
    def fulltext_search(self, query, rows=None, start=None):
        """Does an advanced search on fulltext:blah.
        You get back a pair (x,y) where x is the total # of hits
        and y is a list of identifiers like ["foo", "bar", etc.]"""

        query = self._prefix_query('fulltext', query)
        result_list = self.raw_search(query, rows=rows, start=start)
        e = ElementTree()
        except SyntaxError as e:
            raise SolrError(e)

        total_nbr_text = e.find('info/range_info/total_nbr').text
        # total_nbr_text = e.find('result').get('numFound')  # for raw xml
        total_nbr = int(total_nbr_text) if total_nbr_text else 0

        out = []
        for r in e.getiterator('hit'):
            for d in r.find('metadata'):
                for x in list(d.getiterator()):
                    if x.tag == "identifier":
                        xid = six.text_type(x.text).encode('utf-8')
                        if xid.startswith('OCA/'):
                            xid = xid[4:]
                        elif xid.endswith('.txt'):
                            xid = xid.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
                        elif xid.endswith('_ZZ'):
                            xid = xid[:-3]
        return (total_nbr, out)
Exemplo n.º 21
def read_macro(filename):
    # Extract the OAD script code from ZEN macro file: *.czmac

    print('Reading OAD Macro: ', filename)
    tree = ElementTree(file=filename)
    pyscript = tree.find('Text').text

    return pyscript
Exemplo n.º 22
 def set_game_info(self, info):
     self.info = info
     tree = ElementTree()
     link_node = tree.find("link")
     if link_node is not None:
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_username(self, path):
     xml_file = os.path.join(path, 'shared.xml')
     if os.path.exists(xml_file):
         tree = ElementTree(file=xml_file)
         username = tree.find('Lib/Account/Default')
             return username.text
         except Exception:
Exemplo n.º 24
 def set_game_info(self, info):
     self.info = info
     tree = ElementTree()
     link_node = tree.find("link")
     if link_node is not None:
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_categories_from_pmid(pmid):
    Gets MeSH headings, returns those not deemed too broad.
    if not type(pmid) == int:
        raise TypeError, "Cannot get Categories for PMID %s of type %s." % (pmid, type(pmid))
    url = 'http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=%s&retmode=xml' % pmid
    xml_file = _get_file_from_url(url)
    tree = ElementTree()
    categories = []
    for heading in tree.iterfind('PubmedArticle/MedlineCitation/MeshHeadingList/MeshHeading'):
        htree = ElementTree(heading)
        descriptor_text = htree.find('DescriptorName').text
        if (htree.find('QualifierName') is not None) or \
            (' ' in descriptor_text and not 'and' in descriptor_text):
    return categories
Exemplo n.º 26
 def get_username(self, path):
     xml_file = os.path.join(path, u'shared.xml')
     if os.path.exists(xml_file):
         tree = ElementTree(file=xml_file)
         username = tree.find('Lib/Account/Default')
             return win.string_to_unicode(username.text)
         except Exception:
     return False
Exemplo n.º 27
def _get_article_date(tree):
    Given an ElementTree, returns article date.
    article_meta = ElementTree(tree).find('front/article-meta')
    for pub_date in article_meta.iter('pub-date'):
        if pub_date.attrib['pub-type'] == 'epub':
            pub_date_tree = ElementTree(pub_date)
            year = int(pub_date_tree.find('year').text)
                month = int(pub_date_tree.find('month').text)
            except AttributeError:
                month = 1 # TODO: is this correct?
                day = int(pub_date_tree.find('day').text)
            except AttributeError:
                day = 1  # TODO: is this correct?
            return str(date(year, month, day))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 28
def list_by_path(manifest_name, path, cache):
    List ROS stacks or packages within the specified path.

    The cache will be updated with the resource->path
    mappings. list_by_path() does NOT returned cached results
    -- it only updates the cache.

    :param manifest_name: MANIFEST_FILE or STACK_FILE, ``str``
    :param path: path to list resources in, ``str``
    :param cache: path cache to update. Maps resource name to directory path, ``{str: str}``
    :returns: complete list of resources in ROS environment, ``[str]``
    resources = []
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    basename = os.path.basename
    for d, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True, followlinks=True):
        if 'CATKIN_IGNORE' in files:
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        if PACKAGE_FILE in files:
            # parse package.xml and decide if it matches the search criteria
            root = ElementTree(None, os.path.join(d, PACKAGE_FILE))
            is_metapackage = root.find('./export/metapackage') is not None
            if (
                (manifest_name == STACK_FILE and is_metapackage) or
                (manifest_name == MANIFEST_FILE and not is_metapackage) or
                manifest_name == PACKAGE_FILE
                resource_name = root.findtext('name').strip(' \n\r\t')
                if resource_name not in resources:
                    if cache is not None:
                        cache[resource_name] = d
                del dirs[:]
                continue  # leaf
        if manifest_name in files:
            resource_name = basename(d)
            if resource_name not in resources:
                if cache is not None:
                    cache[resource_name] = d
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        elif MANIFEST_FILE in files or PACKAGE_FILE in files:
            # noop if manifest_name==MANIFEST_FILE, but a good
            # optimization for stacks.
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        elif 'rospack_nosubdirs' in files:
            del dirs[:]
            continue   # leaf
        # remove hidden dirs (esp. .svn/.git)
        [dirs.remove(di) for di in dirs if di[0] == '.']
    return resources
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_pmid_from_doi(doi):
    if not type(doi) == unicode:
        raise TypeError, "Cannot get PMID for DOI %s of type %s." % (doi, type(doi))
    url = 'http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term=%s' % doi
    xml_file = _get_file_from_url(url)
    tree = ElementTree()
        return int(tree.find('IdList/Id').text)
    except AttributeError:
        return None
Exemplo n.º 30
def list_by_path(manifest_name, path, cache):
    List ROS stacks or packages within the specified path.

    The cache will be updated with the resource->path
    mappings. list_by_path() does NOT returned cached results
    -- it only updates the cache.

    :param manifest_name: MANIFEST_FILE or STACK_FILE, ``str``
    :param path: path to list resources in, ``str``
    :param cache: path cache to update. Maps resource name to directory path, ``{str: str}``
    :returns: complete list of resources in ROS environment, ``[str]``
    resources = []
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    basename = os.path.basename
    for d, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True, followlinks=True):
        if 'CATKIN_IGNORE' in files:
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        if PACKAGE_FILE in files:
            # parse package.xml and decide if it matches the search criteria
            root = ElementTree(None, os.path.join(d, PACKAGE_FILE))
            is_metapackage = root.find('./export/metapackage') is not None
            if ((manifest_name == STACK_FILE and is_metapackage)
                    or (manifest_name == MANIFEST_FILE and not is_metapackage)
                    or manifest_name == PACKAGE_FILE):
                resource_name = root.findtext('name').strip(' \n\r\t')
                if resource_name not in resources:
                    if cache is not None:
                        cache[resource_name] = d
                del dirs[:]
                continue  # leaf
        if manifest_name in files:
            resource_name = basename(d)
            if resource_name not in resources:
                if cache is not None:
                    cache[resource_name] = d
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        elif MANIFEST_FILE in files or PACKAGE_FILE in files:
            # noop if manifest_name==MANIFEST_FILE, but a good
            # optimization for stacks.
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        elif 'rospack_nosubdirs' in files:
            del dirs[:]
            continue  # leaf
        # remove hidden dirs (esp. .svn/.git)
        [dirs.remove(di) for di in dirs if di[0] == '.']
    return resources
Exemplo n.º 31
def getPlaceName(latitude, longitude):
    url = "http://ws.geonames.org/findNearbyPlaceName?lat=%s&lng=%s" % \
        (latitude, longitude)
    cached_name = name_cache.get(url)
    if cached_name:
        return cached_name
    request = get(url)
    tree = ElementTree()
    name = tree.find('geoname/toponymName').text
    name_cache.set(url, name)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 32
def read_data(folder):
    data = dict()
    folder = os.path.abspath(folder)
    for subfolder in [os.path.join(folder, x) for x in os.listdir(folder)
                      if x not in [".", ".."] and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, x))]:
        for f in [os.path.join(subfolder, x) for x in os.listdir(subfolder) if x not in [".", ".."]]:
            data[f] = dict()
            tree = ElementTree()
            body = tree.find('text').find('body')
            for p in body:
                data[f][p.get('n')] = p.text
    return data
Exemplo n.º 33
class etree(ebase):
    def  __init__( self, fname ):
        ebase.__init__( self )
        self.et = ElementTree( file=fname )

    def write( self, fname ):

    def ensure_child( self, tag ):
        retval = self.et.find("./"+tag)
        if not retval is None:
            return elem( retval )
            return elem( SubElement( self.et.getroot(), tag ) )
Exemplo n.º 34
    def __init__(self):
        self._faces = OrderedDict()
        tree = ElementTree(file=path.face_path + "face.xml")

        category = ""
        for face in tree.iterfind("./FACEINFO/"):
            assert face.tag == "FACE"
            face = FaceItem(face)

            if category != face.category:
                category = face.category
                self._faces[category] = OrderedDict()
                self._faces[category][face.name] = face

        size = tree.find("./WNDCONFIG/Align")
        self._col, self._row = int(size.get("Col")), int(size.get("Row"))

        self._all_faces_cache = []
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self):
        self._faces = OrderedDict()
        tree = ElementTree(file=path.face_path + "face.xml")

        category = ""
        for face in tree.iterfind("./FACEINFO/"):
            assert face.tag == "FACE"
            face = FaceItem(face)

            if category != face.category:
                category = face.category
                self._faces[category] = OrderedDict()
                self._faces[category][face.name] = face

        size = tree.find("./WNDCONFIG/Align")
        self._col, self._row = int(size.get("Col")), int(size.get("Row"))

        self._all_faces_cache = []
Exemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, result_xml):
        et = ElementTree()
            w = result_xml.encode('utf-8')
            def tx(a): return (type(a), len(a))
        except SyntaxError as e:
            ptb = traceback.extract_stack()
            raise SolrError(e, result_xml, traceback.format_list(ptb))
        range_info = et.find('info').find('range_info')

        def gn(tagname):
            return int(range_info.findtext(tagname))
        self.total_results = gn('total_nbr')
        self.begin = gn('begin')
        self.end = gn('end')
        self.results_this_page = gn('contained_in_this_set')

        self.result_list = list(str(a.text) \
                                for a in et.getiterator('identifier'))
Exemplo n.º 37
    def __init__(self, result_xml):
        et = ElementTree()
            w = result_xml.encode('utf-8')
            def tx(a): return (type(a), len(a))
        except SyntaxError as e:
            ptb = traceback.extract_stack()
            raise SolrError(e, result_xml, traceback.format_list(ptb))
        range_info = et.find('info').find('range_info')

        def gn(tagname):
            return int(range_info.findtext(tagname))
        self.total_results = gn('total_nbr')
        self.begin = gn('begin')
        self.end = gn('end')
        self.results_this_page = gn('contained_in_this_set')

        self.result_list = list(str(a.text) \
                                for a in et.getiterator('identifier'))
Exemplo n.º 38
class GEXFReader(GEXF):
    # Class to read GEXF format files
    # use read_gexf() function
    def __init__(self, node_type=None, version='1.1draft'):
            import xml.etree.ElementTree
        except ImportError:
             raise ImportError('GEXF reader requires '
        self.node_type = node_type
        # assume simple graph and test for multigraph on read
        self.simple_graph = True

    def __call__(self, stream):
        self.xml = ElementTree(file=stream)
        g = self.xml.find('{%s}graph' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if g is not None:
            return self.make_graph(g)
        # try all the versions
        for version in self.versions:
            g = self.xml.find('{%s}graph' % self.NS_GEXF)
            if g is not None:
                return self.make_graph(g)
        raise nx.NetworkXError('No <graph> element in GEXF file.')

    def make_graph(self, graph_xml):
        # start with empty DiGraph or MultiDiGraph
        edgedefault = graph_xml.get('defaultedgetype', None)
        if edgedefault == 'directed':
            G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
            G = nx.MultiGraph()

        # graph attributes
        graph_name = graph_xml.get('name', '')
        if graph_name != '':
            G.graph['name'] = graph_name
        graph_start = graph_xml.get('start')
        if graph_start is not None:
            G.graph['start'] = graph_start
        graph_end = graph_xml.get('end')
        if graph_end is not None:
            G.graph['end'] = graph_end
        graph_mode = graph_xml.get('mode', '')
        if graph_mode == 'dynamic':
            G.graph['mode'] = 'dynamic'
            G.graph['mode'] = 'static'

        # timeformat
        self.timeformat = graph_xml.get('timeformat')
        if self.timeformat == 'date':
            self.timeformat = 'string'

        # node and edge attributes
        attributes_elements = graph_xml.findall('{%s}attributes' % self.NS_GEXF)
        # dictionaries to hold attributes and attribute defaults
        node_attr = {}
        node_default = {}
        edge_attr = {}
        edge_default = {}
        for a in attributes_elements:
            attr_class = a.get('class')
            if attr_class == 'node':
                na,nd = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph['node_default'] = node_default
            elif attr_class == 'edge':
                ea,ed = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph['edge_default'] = edge_default
                raise # unknown attribute class

        # Hack to handle Gephi0.7beta bug
        # add weight attribute
        ea = {'weight': {'type': 'double', 'mode': 'static', 'title': 'weight'}}
        ed = {}
        G.graph['edge_default'] = edge_default

        # add nodes
        nodes_element = graph_xml.find('{%s}nodes' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if nodes_element is not None:
            for node_xml in nodes_element.findall('{%s}node' % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr)

        # add edges
        edges_element = graph_xml.find('{%s}edges' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if edges_element is not None:
            for edge_xml in edges_element.findall('{%s}edge' % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_edge(G, edge_xml, edge_attr)

        # switch to Graph or DiGraph if no parallel edges were found.
        if self.simple_graph:
            if G.is_directed():
                G = nx.DiGraph(G)
                G = nx.Graph(G)
        return G

    def add_node(self, G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=None):
        # add a single node with attributes to the graph

        # get attributes and subattributues for node
        data = self.decode_attr_elements(node_attr, node_xml)
        data = self.add_parents(data, node_xml) # add any parents
        if self.version == '1.1':
            data = self.add_slices(data, node_xml)  # add slices
            data = self.add_spells(data, node_xml)  # add spells
        data = self.add_viz(data, node_xml) # add viz
        data = self.add_start_end(data, node_xml) # add start/end

        # find the node id and cast it to the appropriate type
        node_id = node_xml.get('id')
        if self.node_type is not None:
            node_id = self.node_type(node_id)

        # every node should have a label
        node_label = node_xml.get('label')
        data['label'] = node_label

        # parent node id
        node_pid = node_xml.get('pid', node_pid)
        if node_pid is not None:
            data['pid'] = node_pid

        # check for subnodes, recursive
        subnodes = node_xml.find('{%s}nodes' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if subnodes is not None:
            for node_xml in subnodes.findall('{%s}node' % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=node_id)

        G.add_node(node_id, data)

    def add_start_end(self, data, xml):
        # start and end times
        ttype = self.timeformat
        node_start = xml.get('start')
        if node_start is not None:
            data['start'] = self.python_type[ttype](node_start)
        node_end = xml.get('end')
        if node_end is not None:
            data['end'] = self.python_type[ttype](node_end)
        return data

    def add_viz(self, data, node_xml):
        # add viz element for node
        viz = {}
        color = node_xml.find('{%s}color' % self.NS_VIZ)
        if color is not None:
            if self.VERSION == '1.1':
                viz['color'] = {'r': int(color.get('r')),
                                'g': int(color.get('g')),
                                'b': int(color.get('b'))}
                viz['color'] = {'r': int(color.get('r')),
                                'g': int(color.get('g')),
                                'b': int(color.get('b')),
                                'a': float(color.get('a', 1))}

        size=node_xml.find('{%s}size' % self.NS_VIZ)
        if size is not None:
            viz['size'] = float(size.get('value'))

        thickness = node_xml.find('{%s}thickness' % self.NS_VIZ)
        if thickness is not None:
            viz['thickness'] = float(thickness.get('value'))

        shape = node_xml.find('{%s}shape' % self.NS_VIZ)
        if shape is not None:
            viz['shape'] = shape.get('shape')
            if viz['shape'] == 'image':
                viz['shape'] = shape.get('uri')

        position = node_xml.find('{%s}position' % self.NS_VIZ)
        if position is not None:
            viz['position'] = {'x': float(position.get('x', 0)),
                               'y': float(position.get('y', 0)),
                               'z': float(position.get('z', 0))}

        if len(viz) > 0:
            data['viz'] = viz
        return data

    def add_parents(self, data, node_xml):
        parents_element = node_xml.find('{%s}parents' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if parents_element is not None:
            data['parents'] = []
            for p in parents_element.findall('{%s}parent' % self.NS_GEXF):
                parent = p.get('for')
        return data

    def add_slices(self, data, node_or_edge_xml):
        slices_element = node_or_edge_xml.find('{%s}slices' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if slices_element is not None:
            data['slices'] = []
            for s in slices_element.findall('{%s}slice' % self.NS_GEXF):
                start = s.get('start')
                end = s.get('end')
                data['slices'].append((start, end))
        return data

    def add_spells(self, data, node_or_edge_xml):
        spells_element=node_or_edge_xml.find('{%s}spells' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if spells_element is not None:
            data['spells'] = []
            ttype = self.timeformat
            for s in spells_element.findall('{%s}spell' % self.NS_GEXF):
                start = self.python_type[ttype](s.get('start'))
                end = self.python_type[ttype](s.get('end'))
                data['spells'].append((start, end))
        return data

    def add_edge(self, G, edge_element, edge_attr):
        # add an edge to the graph

        # raise error if we find mixed directed and undirected edges
        edge_direction = edge_element.get('type')
        if G.is_directed() and edge_direction == 'undirected':
            raise nx.NetworkXError(\
                'Undirected edge found in directed graph.')
        if (not G.is_directed()) and edge_direction == 'directed':
            raise nx.NetworkXError(\
                'Directed edge found in undirected graph.')

        # Get source and target and recast type if required
        source = edge_element.get('source')
        target = edge_element.get('target')
        if self.node_type is not None:
            source = self.node_type(source)
            target = self.node_type(target)

        data = self.decode_attr_elements(edge_attr, edge_element)
        data = self.add_start_end(data, edge_element)

        if self.version == '1.1':
            data = self.add_slices(data, edge_element)  # add slices
            data = self.add_spells(data, edge_element)  # add spells

        # GEXF stores edge ids as an attribute
        # NetworkX uses them as keys in multigraphs
        # if networkx_key is not specified as an attribute
        edge_id = edge_element.get('id')
        if edge_id is not None:
            data['id'] = edge_id

        # check if there is a 'multigraph_key' and use that as edge_id
        multigraph_key = data.pop('networkx_key', None)
        if multigraph_key is not None:
            edge_id = multigraph_key

        weight = edge_element.get('weight')
        if weight is not None:
            data['weight'] = float(weight)

        edge_label = edge_element.get('label')
        if edge_label is not None:
            data['label'] = edge_label

        if G.has_edge(source,target):
            # seen this edge before - this is a multigraph
            self.simple_graph = False
        G.add_edge(source, target, key=edge_id, **data)
        if edge_direction == 'mutual':
            G.add_edge(target, source, key=edge_id, **data)

    def decode_attr_elements(self, gexf_keys, obj_xml):
        # Use the key information to decode the attr XML
        attr = {}
        # look for outer '<attvalues>' element
        attr_element=obj_xml.find('{%s}attvalues' % self.NS_GEXF)
        if attr_element is not None:
            # loop over <attvalue> elements
            for a in attr_element.findall('{%s}attvalue' % self.NS_GEXF):
                key = a.get('for') # for is required
                try: # should be in our gexf_keys dictionary
                    title = gexf_keys[key]['title']
                except KeyError:
                    raise nx.NetworkXError('No attribute defined for=%s.' % key)
                atype = gexf_keys[key]['type']
                value = a.get('value')
                if atype == 'boolean':
                    value = self.convert_bool[value]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](value)
                if gexf_keys[key]['mode'] == 'dynamic':
                    # for dynamic graphs use list of three-tuples
                    # [(value1,start1,end1), (value2,start2,end2), etc]
                    ttype = self.timeformat
                    start = self.python_type[ttype](a.get('start'))
                    end = self.python_type[ttype](a.get('end'))
                    if title in attr:
                        attr[title].append((value, start, end))
                        attr[title] = [(value,start,end)]
                    # for static graphs just assign the value
                    attr[title] = value
        return attr

    def find_gexf_attributes(self, attributes_element):
        # Extract all the attributes and defaults
        attrs = {}
        defaults = {}
        mode = attributes_element.get('mode')
        for k in attributes_element.findall('{%s}attribute' % self.NS_GEXF):
            attr_id = k.get('id')
            title = k.get('title')
            atype = k.get('type')
            attrs[attr_id] = {'title': title, 'type': atype, 'mode': mode}
            # check for the 'default' subelement of key element and add
            default = k.find('{%s}default' % self.NS_GEXF)
            if default is not None:
                if atype == 'boolean':
                    value = self.convert_bool[default.text]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](default.text)
                defaults[title] = value
        return attrs, defaults
Exemplo n.º 39
Arquivo: gexf.py Projeto: paulrt/evo
class GEXFReader(GEXF):
    # Class to read GEXF format files
    # use read_gexf() function
    def __init__(self, node_type=None, version='1.1draft'):
            import xml.etree.ElementTree
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('GEXF reader requires '
        self.node_type = node_type
        # assume simple graph and test for multigraph on read
        self.simple_graph = True

    def __call__(self, stream):
        self.xml = ElementTree(file=stream)
        g = self.xml.find("{%s}graph" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if g is not None:
            return self.make_graph(g)
        # try all the versions
        for version in self.versions:
            g = self.xml.find("{%s}graph" % self.NS_GEXF)
            if g is not None:
                return self.make_graph(g)
        raise nx.NetworkXError("No <graph> element in GEXF file")

    def make_graph(self, graph_xml):
        # mode is "static" or "dynamic"
        graph_mode = graph_xml.get("mode", "")
        self.dynamic = (graph_mode == 'dynamic')

        # start with empty DiGraph or MultiDiGraph
        edgedefault = graph_xml.get("defaultedgetype", None)
        if edgedefault == 'directed':
            G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
            G = nx.MultiGraph()

        # graph attributes
        graph_start = graph_xml.get('start')
        if graph_start is not None:
            G.graph['start'] = graph_start
        graph_end = graph_xml.get('end')
        if graph_end is not None:
            G.graph['end'] = graph_end

        # node and edge attributes
        attributes_elements = graph_xml.findall("{%s}attributes" %
        # dictionaries to hold attributes and attribute defaults
        node_attr = {}
        node_default = {}
        edge_attr = {}
        edge_default = {}
        for a in attributes_elements:
            attr_class = a.get("class")
            if attr_class == 'node':
                na, nd = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph['node_default'] = node_default
            elif attr_class == 'edge':
                ea, ed = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph['edge_default'] = edge_default
                raise  # unknown attribute class

        # Hack to handle Gephi0.7beta bug
        # add weight attribute
        ea = {
            'weight': {
                'type': 'double',
                'mode': 'static',
                'title': 'weight'
        ed = {}
        G.graph['edge_default'] = edge_default

        # add nodes
        nodes_element = graph_xml.find("{%s}nodes" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if nodes_element is not None:
            for node_xml in nodes_element.findall("{%s}node" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr)

        # add edges
        edges_element = graph_xml.find("{%s}edges" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if edges_element is not None:
            for edge_xml in edges_element.findall("{%s}edge" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_edge(G, edge_xml, edge_attr)

        # switch to Graph or DiGraph if no parallel edges were found.
        if self.simple_graph:
            if G.is_directed():
                G = nx.DiGraph(G)
                G = nx.Graph(G)
        return G

    def add_node(self, G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=None):
        # add a single node with attributes to the graph

        # get attributes and subattributues for node
        data = self.decode_attr_elements(node_attr, node_xml)
        data = self.add_parents(data, node_xml)  # add any parents
        if self.version == '1.1':
            data = self.add_slices(data, node_xml)  # add slices
            data = self.add_spells(data, node_xml)  # add spells
        data = self.add_viz(data, node_xml)  # add viz
        data = self.add_start_end(data, node_xml)  # add start/end

        # find the node id and cast it to the appropriate type
        node_id = node_xml.get("id")
        if self.node_type is not None:
            node_id = self.node_type(node_id)

        # every node should have a label
        node_label = node_xml.get("label")
        data['label'] = node_label

        # parent node id
        node_pid = node_xml.get("pid", node_pid)
        if node_pid is not None:
            data['pid'] = node_pid

        # check for subnodes, recursive
        subnodes = node_xml.find("{%s}nodes" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if subnodes is not None:
            for node_xml in subnodes.findall("{%s}node" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=node_id)

        G.add_node(node_id, data)

    def add_start_end(self, data, xml):
        # start and end times
        node_start = xml.get("start")
        if node_start is not None:
            data['start'] = node_start
        node_end = xml.get("end")
        if node_end is not None:
            data['end'] = node_end
        return data

    def add_viz(self, data, node_xml):
        # add viz element for node
        viz = {}
        color = node_xml.find("{%s}color" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if color is not None:
            if self.VERSION == '1.1':
                viz['color'] = {
                    'r': int(color.get('r')),
                    'g': int(color.get('g')),
                    'b': int(color.get('b'))
                viz['color'] = {
                    'r': int(color.get('r')),
                    'g': int(color.get('g')),
                    'b': int(color.get('b')),
                    'a': float(color.get('a', 1)),

        size = node_xml.find("{%s}size" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if size is not None:
            viz['size'] = float(size.get('value'))

        thickness = node_xml.find("{%s}thickness" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if thickness is not None:
            viz['thickness'] = float(thickness.get('value'))

        shape = node_xml.find("{%s}shape" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if shape is not None:
            viz['shape'] = shape.get('shape')
            if viz['shape'] == 'image':
                viz['shape'] = shape.get('uri')

        position = node_xml.find("{%s}position" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if position is not None:
            viz['position'] = {
                'x': float(position.get('x', 0)),
                'y': float(position.get('y', 0)),
                'z': float(position.get('z', 0))

        if len(viz) > 0:
            data['viz'] = viz
        return data

    def add_parents(self, data, node_xml):
        parents_element = node_xml.find("{%s}parents" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if parents_element is not None:
            data['parents'] = []
            for p in parents_element.findall("{%s}parent" % self.NS_GEXF):
                parent = p.get('for')
        return data

    def add_slices(self, data, node_xml):
        slices_element = node_xml.find("{%s}slices" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if slices_element is not None:
            data['slices'] = []
            for s in slices_element.findall("{%s}slice" % self.NS_GEXF):
                start = s.get('start')
                end = s.get('end')
                data['slices'].append((start, end))
        return data

    def add_spells(self, data, node_xml):
        spells_element = node_xml.find("{%s}spells" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if spells_element is not None:
            data['spells'] = []
            for s in spells_element.findall("{%s}spell" % self.NS_GEXF):
                start = s.get('start')
                end = s.get('end')
                data['spells'].append((start, end))
        return data

    def add_edge(self, G, edge_element, edge_attr):
        # add an edge to the graph

        # raise error if we find mixed directed and undirected edges
        edge_direction = edge_element.get("type")
        if G.is_directed() and edge_direction == 'undirected':
            raise nx.NetworkXError(\
                "Undirected edge found in directed graph.")
        if (not G.is_directed()) and edge_direction == 'directed':
            raise nx.NetworkXError(\
                "Directed edge found in undirected graph.")

        # Get source and target and recast type if required
        source = edge_element.get("source")
        target = edge_element.get("target")
        if self.node_type is not None:
            source = self.node_type(source)
            target = self.node_type(target)

        data = self.decode_attr_elements(edge_attr, edge_element)
        data = self.add_start_end(data, edge_element)
        if self.version == '1.1':
            data = self.add_slices(data, edge_element)  # add slices
            data = self.add_spells(data, edge_element)  # add spells
        # GEXF stores edge ids as an attribute
        # NetworkX uses them as keys in multigraphs
        # if networkx_key is not specified as an attribute
        edge_id = edge_element.get("id")
        if edge_id is not None:
            data["id"] = edge_id

        weight = edge_element.get('weight')
        if weight is not None:
            data['weight'] = float(weight)

        edge_label = edge_element.get("label")
        if edge_label is not None:
            data['label'] = edge_label

        if G.has_edge(source, target) or source == target:
            # seen this edge before - this is a multigraph
            self.simple_graph = False
        G.add_edge(source, target, **data)
        if edge_direction == 'mutual':
            G.add_edge(target, source, **data)

    def decode_attr_elements(self, gexf_keys, obj_xml):
        # Use the key information to decode the attr XML
        attr = {}
        # look for outer "<attvalues>" element
        attr_element = obj_xml.find("{%s}attvalues" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if attr_element is not None:
            # loop over <attvalue> elements
            for a in attr_element.findall("{%s}attvalue" % self.NS_GEXF):
                key = a.get('for')  # for is required
                try:  # should be in our gexf_keys dictionary
                    title = gexf_keys[key]['title']
                except KeyError:
                    raise nx.NetworkXError("No attribute defined for=%s" % key)
                atype = gexf_keys[key]['type']
                value = a.get('value')
                if atype == 'boolean':
                    value = self.convert_bool[value]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](value)
                if gexf_keys[key]['mode'] == 'dynamic':
                    # for dynamic graphs use list of three-tuples
                    # [(value1,start1,end1), (value2,start2,end2), etc]
                    start = a.get('start')
                    end = a.get('end')
                    if title in attr:
                        attr[title].append((value, start, end))
                        attr[title] = [(value, start, end)]
                    # for static graphs just assign the value
                    attr[title] = value
        return attr

    def find_gexf_attributes(self, attributes_element):
        # Extract all the attributes and defaults
        attrs = {}
        defaults = {}
        mode = attributes_element.get('mode')
        for k in attributes_element.findall("{%s}attribute" % self.NS_GEXF):
            attr_id = k.get("id")
            title = k.get('title')
            atype = k.get('type')
            attrs[attr_id] = {'title': title, 'type': atype, 'mode': mode}
            # check for the "default" subelement of key element and add
            default = k.find("{%s}default" % self.NS_GEXF)
            if default is not None:
                if atype == 'boolean':
                    value = self.convert_bool[default.text]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](default.text)
                defaults[title] = value
        return attrs, defaults
Exemplo n.º 40
class DatabaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tree = ElementTree(file=PROVIDERS_PATH)
        self.countries_xml = self.tree.findall('country')
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        countries = db.get_countries()
        self.codes = [country.code for country in countries]

    def find_country_idx(self, country_code):
        return self.codes.index(country_code)

    def test_country_list(self):
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        country_list = db.get_countries()
        self.assertEqual(len(country_list), len(self.countries_xml))

    def test_provider_list(self):
        country_code = 'es'
        country = self.find_country_idx(country_code)
        providers_xml = self.tree.find('country[@code="%s"]' % country_code)
        providers_xml = providers_xml.findall('provider')
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        providers_list = db.get_providers()
        self.assertEqual(len(providers_list), len(providers_xml))

    def test_provider_details(self):
        country_code = 'es'
        country = self.find_country_idx(country_code)
        provider = 1
        provider_xml = self.tree.find('country[@code="%s"]' % country_code)
        provider_xml = provider_xml.find('provider[%s]' % (provider + 1))
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        provider = db.get_provider()
        self.assertTrue(provider.name, provider_xml.find('name').text)

    def test_plan_list(self):
        country_code = 'es'
        country = self.find_country_idx(country_code)
        provider = 1
        plans_xml = self.tree.find('country[@code="%s"]' % country_code)
        plans_xml = plans_xml.find('provider[%s]' % (provider + 1))
        plans_xml = plans_xml.findall('.//apn')
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        plans_list = db.get_plans()
        self.assertEqual(len(plans_list), len(plans_xml))

    def test_plan_details(self):
        country_code = 'es'
        country = self.find_country_idx(country_code)
        provider = 1
        plan = 0
        plan_xml = self.tree.find('country[@code="%s"]' % country_code)
        plan_xml = plan_xml.find('provider[%s]' % (provider + 1))
        plan_xml = plan_xml.find('.//apn[%s]' % (plan + 1))
        apn = plan_xml.attrib['value']
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        plan = db.get_plan()
        self.assertTrue(apn, plan.apn)

    def test_go_through_all_options_from_xml(self):
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        for country_el in self.tree.findall('country'):
            country_code = country_el.attrib['code']
            country_idx = self.find_country_idx(country_code)
            country = db.get_country()
            self.assertEqual(country_code, country.code)
            provider_els = [p_el for p_el in country_el.findall('provider')
                                 if p_el.find('.//gsm')]
            if provider_els == []:
            for provider_idx, provider_el in enumerate(provider_els):
                provider = db.get_provider()
                plan_els = provider_el.findall('.//apn')
                if plan_els == []:
                for plan_idx, plan_el in enumerate(plan_els):
                    apn = plan_el.attrib['value']
                    plan = db.get_plan()
                    if plan:
                        self.assertEqual(apn, plan.apn)

    def test_go_trough_all_combo_options(self):
        db = ServiceProvidersDatabase()
        countries = db.get_countries()
        for country in countries:
            new_country = db.get_country()
            self.assertEqual(country.code, new_country.code)
            providers = db.get_providers()
            for provider in providers:
                new_provider = db.get_provider()
                self.assertEqual(provider.name, new_provider.name)
                plans = db.get_plans()
                for plan in plans:
                    new_plan = db.get_plan()
                    self.assertEqual(plan.name, new_plan.name)
    def __init__(self, 
                 protocol = None, 
                 host_name = None, 
                 user_name = None, 
                 password = None,
                 database_configuration = None,
                 test = False,
                 database_server_configuration_file_path = None,
                 sqlite_db_path = None,
                 blob_compression = False):
        if database_server_configuration_file_path is None:
            database_server_configuration_file_path = paths.get_opus_home_path('settings', 'database_server_configurations.xml')

        if (protocol is None or test) and host_name is None and user_name is None and password is None:
            if not os.path.exists(database_server_configuration_file_path):
                raise Exception('You do not have a file %s storing information about your database server configurations. Cannot load database.'%database_server_configuration_file_path)
            if database_configuration is None:
                db_node = self._database_configuration_node()
                db_node = database_configuration
            database_configuration = ElementTree(file = database_server_configuration_file_path).getroot().find(db_node)
            if database_configuration is None:
                raise Exception('Could not find an entry in %s for %s. Cannot load database.'%(database_server_configuration_file_path, db_node))
            self.protocol = database_configuration.find(self.PROTOCOL_TAG).text
            self.host_name = database_configuration.find(self.HOST_NAME_TAG).text
            self.user_name = database_configuration.find(self.USER_NAME_TAG).text
            self.password = database_configuration.find(self.PASSWORD_TAG).text
            blob_compression = database_configuration.find(self.BLOB_COMPRESSION_TAG)
            if blob_compression != None and blob_compression.text == "True":
                blob_compression = True
                blob_compression = False

            if protocol is None:
                self.protocol = get_default_database_engine()
                self.protocol = protocol.lower()
            if host_name is None:
                self.host_name = 'localhost'
                self.host_name = host_name
            if user_name is None:
                self.user_name = ''
                self.user_name = user_name
            if password is None:
                self.password = ''
                self.password = password
        # If the password is the empty string or None, check if it is defined in the environment variable
        # SQLPASSWORD - if so, use that.
        if (self.password is None or self.password=='') and 'SQLPASSWORD' in os.environ:
            self.password = os.environ['SQLPASSWORD']

        self.sqlite_db_path = sqlite_db_path
        self.blob_compression = blob_compression
Exemplo n.º 42
class GEXFReader(GEXF):
    # Class to read GEXF format files
    # use read_gexf() function
    def __init__(self, node_type=None):
            import xml.etree.cElementTree
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("GEXF reader requires", "xml.elementtree.ElementTree")
        self.node_type = node_type
        # assume simple graph and test for multigraph on read
        self.simple_graph = True

    def __call__(self, stream):
        self.xml = ElementTree(file=stream)
        g = self.xml.find("{%s}graph" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if g is None:
            raise nx.NetworkXError("No <graph> element in GEXF file")
        return self.make_graph(g)

    def make_graph(self, graph_xml):
        # mode is "static" or "dynamic"
        graph_mode = graph_xml.get("mode", "")
        self.dynamic = graph_mode == "dynamic"

        # start with empty DiGraph or MultiDiGraph
        edgedefault = graph_xml.get("defaultedgetype", None)
        if edgedefault == "directed":
            G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
            G = nx.MultiGraph()

        # graph attributes
        graph_start = graph_xml.get("start")
        if graph_start is not None:
            G.graph["start"] = graph_start
        graph_end = graph_xml.get("end")
        if graph_end is not None:
            G.graph["end"] = graph_end

        # node and edge attributes
        attributes_elements = graph_xml.findall("{%s}attributes" % self.NS_GEXF)
        # dictionaries to hold attributes and attribute defaults
        node_attr = {}
        node_default = {}
        edge_attr = {}
        edge_default = {}
        for a in attributes_elements:
            attr_class = a.get("class")
            if attr_class == "node":
                na, nd = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph["node_default"] = node_default
            elif attr_class == "edge":
                ea, ed = self.find_gexf_attributes(a)
                G.graph["edge_default"] = edge_default
                raise  # unknown attribute class

        # add nodes
        nodes_element = graph_xml.find("{%s}nodes" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if nodes_element is not None:
            for node_xml in nodes_element.findall("{%s}node" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr)

        # add edges
        edges_element = graph_xml.find("{%s}edges" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if edges_element is not None:
            for edge_xml in edges_element.findall("{%s}edge" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_edge(G, edge_xml, edge_attr)

        # switch to Graph or DiGraph if no parallel edges were found.
        if self.simple_graph:
            if G.is_directed():
                G = nx.DiGraph(G)
                G = nx.Graph(G)
        return G

    def add_node(self, G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=None):
        # add a single node with attributes to the graph

        # get attributes and subattributues for node
        data = self.decode_attr_elements(node_attr, node_xml)
        data = self.add_parents(data, node_xml)  # add any parents
        data = self.add_slices(data, node_xml)  # add slices
        data = self.add_viz(data, node_xml)  # add viz
        data = self.add_start_end(data, node_xml)  # add start/end

        # find the node id and cast it to the appropriate type
        node_id = node_xml.get("id")
        if self.node_type is not None:
            node_id = self.node_type(node_id)

        # every node should have a label
        node_label = node_xml.get("label")
        data["label"] = node_label

        # parent node id
        node_pid = node_xml.get("pid", node_pid)
        if node_pid is not None:
            data["pid"] = node_pid

        # check for subnodes, recursive
        subnodes = node_xml.find("{%s}nodes" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if subnodes is not None:
            for node_xml in subnodes.findall("{%s}node" % self.NS_GEXF):
                self.add_node(G, node_xml, node_attr, node_pid=node_id)

        G.add_node(node_id, data)

    def add_start_end(self, data, xml):
        # start and end times
        node_start = xml.get("start")
        if node_start is not None:
            data["start"] = node_start
        node_end = xml.get("end")
        if node_end is not None:
            data["end"] = node_end
        return data

    def add_viz(self, data, node_xml):
        # add viz element for node
        viz = {}
        color = node_xml.find("{%s}color" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if color is not None:
            viz["color"] = {"r": int(color.get("r")), "g": int(color.get("g")), "b": int(color.get("b"))}

        size = node_xml.find("{%s}size" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if size is not None:
            viz["size"] = float(size.get("value"))

        thickness = node_xml.find("{%s}thickness" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if thickness is not None:
            viz["thickness"] = float(thickness.get("value"))

        shape = node_xml.find("{%s}shape" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if shape is not None:
            viz["shape"] = shape.get("shape")
            if viz["shape"] == "image":
                viz["shape"] = shape.get("uri")

        position = node_xml.find("{%s}position" % self.NS_VIZ)
        if position is not None:
            viz["position"] = {
                "x": float(position.get("x", 0)),
                "y": float(position.get("y", 0)),
                "z": float(position.get("z", 0)),

        if len(viz) > 0:
            data["viz"] = viz
        return data

    def add_parents(self, data, node_xml):
        parents_element = node_xml.find("{%s}parents" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if parents_element is not None:
            data["parents"] = []
            for p in parents_element.findall("{%s}parent" % self.NS_GEXF):
                parent = p.get("for")
        return data

    def add_slices(self, data, node_xml):
        slices_element = node_xml.find("{%s}slices" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if slices_element is not None:
            data["slices"] = []
            for s in slices_element.findall("{%s}slice" % self.NS_GEXF):
                start = s.get("start")
                end = s.get("end")
                data["slices"].append((start, end))
        return data

    def add_edge(self, G, edge_element, edge_attr):
        # add an edge to the graph

        # raise error if we find mixed directed and undirected edges
        edge_direction = edge_element.get("type")
        if G.is_directed() and edge_direction == "undirected":
            raise nx.NetworkXError("Undirected edge found in directed graph.")
        if (not G.is_directed()) and edge_direction == "directed":
            raise nx.NetworkXError("Directed edge found in undirected graph.")

        # Get source and target and recast type if required
        source = edge_element.get("source")
        target = edge_element.get("target")
        if self.node_type is not None:
            source = self.node_type(source)
            target = self.node_type(target)

        data = self.decode_attr_elements(edge_attr, edge_element)
        data = self.add_start_end(data, edge_element)

        # GEXF stores edge ids as an attribute
        # NetworkX uses them as keys in multigraphs
        # if networkx_key is not specified as an attribute
        edge_id = edge_element.get("id")
        if edge_id is not None:
            data["id"] = edge_id

        # check if there is a 'multigraph_key' and use that as edge_id
        multigraph_key = data.pop("networkx_key", None)
        if multigraph_key is not None:
            edge_id = multigraph_key

        weight = edge_element.get("weight")
        if weight is not None:
            data["weight"] = float(weight)

        edge_label = edge_element.get("label")
        if edge_label is not None:
            data["label"] = edge_label

        if G.has_edge(source, target):
            # seen this edge before - this is a multigraph
            self.simple_graph = False
        G.add_edge(source, target, key=edge_id, **data)
        if edge_direction == "mutual":
            G.add_edge(target, source, key=edge_id, **data)

    def decode_attr_elements(self, gexf_keys, obj_xml):
        # Use the key information to decode the attr XML
        attr = {}
        # look for outer "<attvalues>" element
        attr_element = obj_xml.find("{%s}attvalues" % self.NS_GEXF)
        if attr_element is not None:
            # loop over <attvalue> elements
            for a in attr_element.findall("{%s}attvalue" % self.NS_GEXF):
                key = a.get("for")  # for is required
                try:  # should be in our gexf_keys dictionary
                    title = gexf_keys[key]["title"]
                except KeyError:
                    raise nx.NetworkXError("No attribute defined for=%s" % key)
                atype = gexf_keys[key]["type"]
                value = a.get("value")
                if atype == "boolean":
                    value = self.convert_bool[value]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](value)
                if gexf_keys[key]["mode"] == "dynamic":
                    # for dynamic graphs use list of three-tuples
                    # [(value1,start1,end1), (value2,start2,end2), etc]
                    start = a.get("start")
                    end = a.get("end")
                    if title in attr:
                        attr[title].append((value, start, end))
                        attr[title] = [(value, start, end)]
                    # for static graphs just assign the value
                    attr[title] = value
        return attr

    def find_gexf_attributes(self, attributes_element):
        # Extract all the attributes and defaults
        attrs = {}
        defaults = {}
        mode = attributes_element.get("mode")
        for k in attributes_element.findall("{%s}attribute" % self.NS_GEXF):
            attr_id = k.get("id")
            title = k.get("title")
            atype = k.get("type")
            attrs[attr_id] = {"title": title, "type": atype, "mode": mode}
            # check for the "default" subelement of key element and add
            default = k.find("{%s}default" % self.NS_GEXF)
            if default is not None:
                if atype == "boolean":
                    value = self.convert_bool[default.text]
                    value = self.python_type[atype](default.text)
                defaults[title] = value
        return attrs, defaults
Exemplo n.º 43
#!/bin/evn python2.6
#!-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree
    from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree
    from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
import sys
tree = ElementTree()
p = tree.find("body/p") 
print p.iter()
links = list(p.iter("a")) 
for i in links:
    print i
Exemplo n.º 44
    def load(self, diretorio):
            Le todo o arquivo para uma variavel do tipo ElementTree
            percorre a variavel ElementTree pegando as informacoes
            necessarias para montar o automato
        # pegando o diretorio base
        # base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        # base_path = base_path + '\\' + diretorio
        # diretorio = base_path

        # lendo o arquivo xml tree usando elementtree

        tree = ElementTree()  # instanciando o ElementTree
        tree.parse(diretorio)  # lendo o conteudo diretorio para dentro de tree
        tree._setroot(tree.find("structure/structure"))  # setando o root mais adequado
        root = tree.getroot()  # pegando o root setado

        #  tipo variavel que vai guarda o conteudo da tag type
        for child in root:
            tipo = child.attrib['type']  # pegando o conteudo da tag type

            if tipo == "start_state":  # get the start states
                for child2 in child:
                    for child3 in child2:
                        if child3.tag == "name":
                            self.estados_iniciais.append(child3.text)  # adicionando elemento a lista de estados iniciais

            if tipo == "input_alph":  # get the alphabet from automat
                for child2 in child:
                    self.alphabet.append(child2.text)  # adicionando elemento a lista com as letras do alfabeto

            if tipo == "final_states":  # get the final states
                for child2 in child:
                    for child3 in child2:
                        if child3.tag == "name":
                            self.estados_finais.append(child3.text)  # adicionando elemento a lista de estados finais

            if tipo == "transition_set":  # pega as conexoes entre os estados
                inp = ""        # armazena o input
                para = ""       # armazena o estado de entrada
                de = ""         # armazena o estado de saida

                flag = ""       # variavel que ajuda a
                entradas = []   # verificar se um novo dicionario deve ser criado dentro do dicionario principal

                for child2 in child:
                    for child3 in child2:
                        if child3.tag == "from":  # get estado de saida
                            for child4 in child3:
                                if (child4.tag == "name"):
                                    de = child4.text

                        if child3.tag == "input":  # get input
                            inp = child3.text

                        if child3.tag == "to":
                            for child4 in child3:
                                if child4.tag == "name":  # get estado de entrada
                                    para = child4.text

                    if flag != de:  # verifica se o estado de entrada ja foi alocado dentro da estrutura principal
                        flag = de  # atribui o novo estado a flag
                        self.transitions[de] = {}  # aloca um dicionario para dentro do dicionario principal na chave "de"
                        del entradas[:]  # limpa a lista de

                    except KeyError:
                        self.transitions[de][inp] = []  # aloca uma lista para cada letra do alfabeto
                        self.transitions[de][inp].append(para)  # adiciona um elemento ao dicionario

            if tipo == "state_set":  # pega todos os estados usados no automato
                for child2 in child:
                    for child3 in child2:
                        if child3.tag == "name":
                            self.estados.append(child3.text)  # adiciona elemento a lista "estados"
        return Af(self.estados, self.alphabet, self.transitions, self.estados_iniciais, self.estados_finais)
Exemplo n.º 45
xml_template = "Milwaukee_Template.xml"
output_dir = "xml"

rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
for row in rows:
    geom = row.shape
    ex = geom.extent
    ex_dict = {"westbc" : ex.XMin,
               "southbc" : ex.YMin,
               "eastbc" : ex.XMax,
               "northbc" : ex.YMax}
    # Get the raster name
    quad_name = row.getValue("Name_qquad")
    # <QQ name>_LULC.xml file path and name
    lulc_xml_out = os.path.join(output_dir, str(quad_name) + "_LULC.img.xml")
    # Start the XML work
    tree = ElementTree()
    for k, v in ex_dict.iteritems():
        corner = tree.find("idinfo/spdom/bounding/" + k)
        corner.text = str(v)
    # <QQ name>_LULC.xml
    # <QQ name>_TREE.xml
    tree_xml_out = lulc_xml_out.replace("_LULC.img", "_TREE.img")
    shutil.copy(lulc_xml_out, tree_xml_out)
    # <QQ name>.xml
    quadname_only_xml_out = os.path.splitext(tree_xml_out)[0][:-9] + "_poly.shp.xml"
    shutil.copy(tree_xml_out, quadname_only_xml_out)
def get_pmid_from_doi(doi):
    url = 'http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term=%s' % doi
    xml_file = _get_file_from_url(url)
    tree = ElementTree()
    return tree.find('IdList/Id').text
Exemplo n.º 47
    def __init__(self,

        if database_server_configuration_file_path is None:
            database_server_configuration_file_path = paths.get_opus_home_path(
                'settings', 'database_server_configurations.xml')

        if (protocol is None or test
            ) and host_name is None and user_name is None and password is None:
            if not os.path.exists(database_server_configuration_file_path):
                raise Exception(
                    'You do not have a file %s storing information about your database server configurations. Cannot load database.'
                    % database_server_configuration_file_path)
            if database_configuration is None:
                db_node = self._database_configuration_node()
                db_node = database_configuration
            database_configuration = ElementTree(
            if database_configuration is None:
                raise Exception(
                    'Could not find an entry in %s for %s. Cannot load database.'
                    % (database_server_configuration_file_path, db_node))
            self.protocol = database_configuration.find(self.PROTOCOL_TAG).text
            self.host_name = database_configuration.find(
            self.user_name = database_configuration.find(
            self.password = database_configuration.find(self.PASSWORD_TAG).text
            blob_compression = database_configuration.find(
            if blob_compression != None and blob_compression.text == "True":
                blob_compression = True
                blob_compression = False

            if protocol is None:
                self.protocol = get_default_database_engine()
                self.protocol = protocol.lower()

            if host_name is None:
                self.host_name = 'localhost'
                self.host_name = host_name

            if user_name is None:
                self.user_name = ''
                self.user_name = user_name

            if password is None:
                self.password = ''
                self.password = password

        # If the password is the empty string or None, check if it is defined in the environment variable
        # SQLPASSWORD - if so, use that.
        if (self.password is None
                or self.password == '') and 'SQLPASSWORD' in os.environ:
            self.password = os.environ['SQLPASSWORD']

        self.sqlite_db_path = sqlite_db_path
        self.blob_compression = blob_compression
Exemplo n.º 48
        con = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE, isolation_level=None)


xml_file = sys.argv[1]
tree = ElementTree()

el = tree.find("programme")
channel = el.get("channel")
start = int(tree.find("epoch[@type='start']").text)

play_time = 0

signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, update)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, update)
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, update)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, update)

while True:
    play_time += 10