Exemplo n.º 1
def make_page(*xml_files):
    template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
    index = make_index(xml_files)

    for letter in sorted(index):
        add_letter(template, letter, index[letter])

    add_summary(template, index.values())

    return template
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_page(*xml_files):
    template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
    index = make_index(xml_files)

    for letter in sorted(index):
        add_letter(template, letter, index[letter])

    add_summary(template, index.values())

    return template
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_page(*xml_files):
    "Extract directives from xml_files and return XML index tree."
    template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
    names = [vl.get('id') for vl in template.iterfind('.//variablelist')]
    directive_groups = {name: collections.defaultdict(list) for name in names}
    formatting = {}
    for page in xml_files:
            _extract_directives(directive_groups, formatting, page)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("failed to process " + page)

    return _make_page(template, directive_groups, formatting)
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_summary(template, indexpages):
    count = 0
    pages = set()
    for group in indexpages:
        count += len(group)
        for info in group:
            refname, section, purpose, realname = info
            pages.add((realname, section))

    refsect1 = tree.fromstring(SUMMARY)

    para = template.find(".//para[@id='counts']")
    para.text = COUNTS.format(count=count, pages=len(pages))
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_page(*xml_files):
    "Extract directives from xml_files and return XML index tree."
    template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
    names = [vl.get('id') for vl in template.iterfind('.//variablelist')]
    directive_groups = {name:collections.defaultdict(list)
                        for name in names}
    formatting = {}
    for page in xml_files:
            _extract_directives(directive_groups, formatting, page)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("failed to process " + page)

    return _make_page(template, directive_groups, formatting)
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_summary(template, indexpages):
    count = 0
    pages = set()
    for group in indexpages:
        count += len(group)
        for info in group:
            refname, section, purpose, realname = info
            pages.add((realname, section))

    refsect1 = tree.fromstring(SUMMARY)

    para = template.find(".//para[@id='counts']")
    para.text = COUNTS.format(count=count, pages=len(pages))
Exemplo n.º 7
def _make_section(template, name, directives, formatting):
    varlist = template.find(".//*[@id='{}']".format(name))
    for varname, manpages in sorted(directives.items()):
        entry = tree.SubElement(varlist, 'varlistentry')
        term = tree.SubElement(entry, 'term')
        display = tree.fromstring(formatting[varname])

        para = tree.SubElement(tree.SubElement(entry, 'listitem'), 'para')

        b = None
        for manpage, manvolume in sorted(set(manpages)):
            if b is not None:
                b.tail = ', '
            b = tree.SubElement(para, 'citerefentry')
            c = tree.SubElement(b, 'refentrytitle')
            c.text = manpage
            c.attrib['target'] = varname
            d = tree.SubElement(b, 'manvolnum')
            d.text = manvolume
        entry.tail = '\n\n'