Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):

    # Set default domain for LPL
    new_host_args = {'domain': 'lpl.arizona.edu'}

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "", [
            'replace', 'help', 'hostname=', 'domain=', 'a=', 'aaaa=', 'cname=',
            'mx=', 'description=', 'macAddress='
        replace_records = False
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    p_opts = [e for e, trash in opts]
    if not '--hostname' in p_opts and not '--help' in p_opts:
        print "Need one primary option"

    # Initialize state from XML Document
    state = stateInit()

    # Parse in some arguments to keep track of record types we are dealing with
    for opt, arg in opts:
        opt = re.sub('^[-]+', '', opt)
        if opt in ('hostname', 'domain', 'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'mx',
                   'description', 'macAddress'):
            new_host_args[opt] = arg
        if opt == 'replace':
            replace_records = True

    # Then look for an existing host entry that matches the same name
    filter = lambda host, input: host.shortname == new_host_args[
        'hostname'] and host.domainname == input
    searchedHostList = state.getHostList().filteredList(
        filter, new_host_args['domain'])

    if len(searchedHostList.getList()) > 0:
        print "Selecting existing host with same name/domain..."
        newHost = searchedHostList.getList()[0]
        # Let's create a host with the desired hostname/domain
        newHost = xmldns.XMLHost(new_host_args['domain'],

    # Set the current host

    dnsRecords = [
        'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'loc', 'mx', 'ns', 'ptr', 'rp', 'srv', 'txt'

    ## WE ARE HERE...
    # TODO: replace current record types with specified record types
    # state.getCurrentHost().printHost("| ")

    # Remove old records that we are replacing (or err on replace)
    for recordType in new_host_args.keys():
        filter = lambda rec: rec.recordType == recordType
        if recordType in dnsRecords:
            oldRecords = state.getCurrentHost().getDNSRecords(filter)
            for record in oldRecords:
                if not replace_records:
                        1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" %
                        (record.recordType, record.recordData))
                    "Removed: %s [%s]: %s" %
                    (record.recordType, record.recordNet, record.recordData))
            oldRecords, oldRecords2, oldRecords3 = state.getCurrentHost(
            for record in oldRecords:
                if not replace_records:
                        1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" %
                        (record.recordType, record.recordData))
                state.appendLog("Removed: %s: %s" %
                                (record.recordType, record.recordData))
            for record in oldRecords2:
                if not replace_records:
                        1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" %
                        (record.recordType, record.recordData))
                state.appendLog("Removed: %s: %s" %
                                (record.recordType, record.recordData))

    # initiate a record validator
    validator = xmldns.validator.RecordValidator(state)

    # Add records into host
    for opt, arg in opts:
        ## Remove -- from beginning of opt
        opt = re.sub('^[-]+', '', opt)

        if opt == 'replace':

        # Make sure record is syntactically valid
        if not validator.validRecord(opt, arg):
            print "Error: " + arg + " is not a valid " + opt + " record."

        # Add the record (DNS or otherwise)
        if opt in dnsRecords:

            # 'a' records need to be placed in the correct network
            if opt == 'a':
                network = getNetworkFromIP4(state, arg)
                if not network:
                    print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
                nets = [network]
            elif opt == 'aaaa':
                network = getNetworkFromIP6(state, arg)
                if not network:
                    print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
                nets = [network]
            elif opt == 'cname':
                # Magic value!
                network = 'globalnet'
                if not network:
                    print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
                nets = [network]
            else:  # otherwise punt and add to all current networks
                nets = state.getCurrentHost().getNetworks()
                if len(nets) < 1:
                    nets = ('globalnet')

            # Add record to all valid networks
            for net in nets:
                state.getCurrentHost().addDNSRecord(opt, arg, net)
                state.appendLog("Added: %s [%s]: %s" % (opt, net, arg))

        # Add a NON-DNS record (much easier)
            if opt not in ('hostname', 'domain'):
                state.getCurrentHost().addRecord(opt, arg)
                state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (opt, arg))

    # Show new host description
    state.getCurrentHost().printHost("| ")

    # Save the configuration

    # Print session log
    print "Session Log:"
    print state.getLog()
    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):

  # Set default domain for LPL
  new_host_args = {
    'domain': 'lpl.arizona.edu'

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "", ['replace', 'help', 'hostname=', 'domain=', 'a=', 'aaaa=', 'cname=', 'mx=', 'description=', 'macAddress='])
    replace_records = False
  except getopt.GetoptError:

  p_opts = [e for e,trash in opts]
  if not '--hostname' in p_opts and not '--help' in p_opts:
    print "Need one primary option"

  # Initialize state from XML Document
  state = stateInit()

  # Parse in some arguments to keep track of record types we are dealing with
  for opt, arg in opts:
    opt = re.sub('^[-]+', '', opt)
    if opt in ( 'hostname', 'domain', 'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'mx', 'description', 'macAddress' ):
      new_host_args[ opt ] = arg
    if opt == 'replace':
      replace_records = True

  # Then look for an existing host entry that matches the same name
  filter = lambda host, input: host.shortname == new_host_args[ 'hostname' ] and host.domainname == input
  searchedHostList = state.getHostList().filteredList(filter,new_host_args[ 'domain' ])

  if len( searchedHostList.getList() ) > 0:
    print "Selecting existing host with same name/domain..."
    newHost = searchedHostList.getList()[0]
    # Let's create a host with the desired hostname/domain
    newHost = xmldns.XMLHost(new_host_args['domain'], new_host_args['hostname'])

  # Set the current host
  state.setCurrentHost( newHost )

  dnsRecords = [ 'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'loc', 'mx', 'ns', 'ptr', 'rp', 'srv', 'txt' ]

  ## WE ARE HERE...
  # TODO: replace current record types with specified record types
  # state.getCurrentHost().printHost("| ")

  # Remove old records that we are replacing (or err on replace)
  for recordType in new_host_args.keys():
    filter = lambda rec: rec.recordType == recordType
    if recordType in dnsRecords:
      oldRecords = state.getCurrentHost().getDNSRecords( filter )
      for record in oldRecords:
        if not replace_records:
          usage(1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" % (record.recordType, record.recordData))
        state.getCurrentHost().removeDNSRecord( record.recordType, record.recordData, record.recordNet )
        state.appendLog("Removed: %s [%s]: %s" % ( record.recordType, record.recordNet, record.recordData ))
      oldRecords, oldRecords2, oldRecords3 = state.getCurrentHost().getRecords( filter )
      for record in oldRecords:
        if not replace_records:
          usage(1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" % (record.recordType, record.recordData))
        state.getCurrentHost().removeRecord( record.recordType, record.recordData )
        state.appendLog("Removed: %s: %s" % ( record.recordType, record.recordData ))
      for record in oldRecords2:
        if not replace_records:
          usage(1, "Need to specify --replace to replace %s: %s" % (record.recordType, record.recordData))
        state.getCurrentHost().removeRecord( record.recordType, record.recordData )
        state.appendLog("Removed: %s: %s" % ( record.recordType, record.recordData ))

  # initiate a record validator
  validator = xmldns.validator.RecordValidator( state )

  # Add records into host
  for opt, arg in opts:
    ## Remove -- from beginning of opt
    opt = re.sub('^[-]+', '', opt)

    if opt == 'replace':

    # Make sure record is syntactically valid
    if not validator.validRecord( opt, arg ):
      print "Error: " + arg + " is not a valid " + opt + " record."

    # Add the record (DNS or otherwise)
    if opt in dnsRecords:

      # 'a' records need to be placed in the correct network
      if opt == 'a':
        network = getNetworkFromIP4( state, arg )
        if not network:
          print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
        nets = [ network ]
      elif opt == 'aaaa':
        network = getNetworkFromIP6( state, arg )
        if not network:
          print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
        nets = [ network ]
      elif opt == 'cname':
        # Magic value!
        network = 'globalnet'
        if not network:
          print "Error: IP does not belong to any registered network: %s" % arg
        nets = [ network ]
      else: # otherwise punt and add to all current networks
        nets = state.getCurrentHost().getNetworks()
        if len(nets) < 1:
          nets = ('globalnet')

      # Add record to all valid networks
      for net in nets:
        state.getCurrentHost().addDNSRecord( opt, arg, net )
        state.appendLog("Added: %s [%s]: %s" % (opt, net, arg))

    # Add a NON-DNS record (much easier)
      if opt not in ('hostname', 'domain'):
        state.getCurrentHost().addRecord( opt, arg )
        state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (opt, arg))

  # Show new host description
  state.getCurrentHost().printHost("| ")

  # Save the configuration
  saveChanges( state )

  # Print session log
  print "Session Log:"
  print state.getLog()
  print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Exemplo n.º 3
def doAddRecordMenuAction(option, state):
    option_actions = {
        'a': (''),
        'aaaa': (''),
        'cname': (''),
        'loc': (''),
        'mx': (''),
        'ns': (''),
        'ptr': (''),
        'rp': (''),
        'srv': (''),
        'txt': (''),
        'dnsrr': (''),
        'action': (''),
        'description': (''),
        'known-duplicate': (''),
        'macAddress': (''),
        'manager': (''),
        'notes': (''),

    ## We need to know when to ask for a network...
    dnsRecords = [
        'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'loc', 'mx', 'ns', 'ptr', 'rp', 'srv', 'txt'
    networkName = None
    if option in dnsRecords:
        networkName = chooseNetwork(
            "XML Host Editor > Modify Host > Add Record (" + option + ")")
    # Find the next IPv4 address and report it
    if option == 'a':
        filter = lambda rec: rec.recordType == 'a' and rec.recordNet == networkName
        netRecords = state.getHostList().getDNSRecords(filter)
        network = state.getNetworkList().getNetwork(networkName)
        prefices = network.getRecordsOfType('prefix')
        ## Really Ugly... oh well
        for prefix in prefices:
            if re.match("^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/24$", prefix.recordData):
                print "  Free IPv4 records in " + prefix.recordData
                ipPieces = prefix.recordData.split(".")
                foundCount = 0
                # iterate through IP's
                for num in range(1, 255):
                    freeIP = "%s.%s.%s.%d" % (ipPieces[0], ipPieces[1],
                                              ipPieces[2], num)
                    found = 0
                    # Iterate through records (should really just be a hash)
                    for record in netRecords:
                        if record.recordData == freeIP:
                            found = 1
                    if not (found) and foundCount < 5:
                        foundCount = foundCount + 1
                        print "    " + freeIP
    validator = xmldns.validator.RecordValidator(state)
    recordData = None
    userPrompt = option + " record data"
    if option == 'dnsrr':
        userPrompt = 'dnsrr hostname'
    while not (recordData):
        recordData = getInput(userPrompt)
        recordData = validator.validRecord(option, recordData)
    currentHost = state.getCurrentHost()
    # Add record appropriately
    if option in dnsRecords:
        state.appendLog("Added: %s [%s]: %s" %
                        (option, networkName, recordData))
        return currentHost.addDNSRecord(option, recordData, networkName)
    if option == 'dnsrr':
        state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (option, recordData))
        return currentHost.addDNSRR('hostname', recordData)
    state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (option, recordData))
    return currentHost.addRecord(option, recordData)
Exemplo n.º 4
def doAddRecordMenuAction( option, state ):
  option_actions = {
    'a':		(''),
    'aaaa':		(''),
    'cname':		(''),
    'loc':		(''),
    'mx':		(''),
    'ns':		(''),
    'ptr':		(''),
    'rp':		(''),
    'srv':		(''),
    'txt':		(''),
    'dnsrr':		(''),
    'action':		(''),
    'description':	(''),
    'known-duplicate':	(''),
    'macAddress':	(''),
    'manager':		(''),
    'notes':		(''),

  ## We need to know when to ask for a network...
  dnsRecords = [ 'a', 'aaaa', 'cname', 'loc', 'mx', 'ns', 'ptr', 'rp', 'srv', 'txt' ]
  networkName = None
  if option in dnsRecords:
    networkName = chooseNetwork( state, "XML Host Editor > Modify Host > Add Record (" + option + ")" )
  # Find the next IPv4 address and report it
  if option == 'a':
    filter = lambda rec: rec.recordType == 'a' and rec.recordNet == networkName
    netRecords = state.getHostList().getDNSRecords( filter )
    network = state.getNetworkList().getNetwork( networkName )
    prefices = network.getRecordsOfType( 'prefix' )
    ## Really Ugly... oh well
    for prefix in prefices:
      if re.match("^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/24$", prefix.recordData):
        print "  Free IPv4 records in " + prefix.recordData
        ipPieces = prefix.recordData.split(".")
        foundCount = 0
        # iterate through IP's
        for num in range(1,255):
          freeIP = "%s.%s.%s.%d" % (ipPieces[0], ipPieces[1], ipPieces[2], num)
          found = 0
          # Iterate through records (should really just be a hash)
          for record in netRecords:
            if record.recordData == freeIP:
              found = 1
          if not(found) and foundCount < 5:
            foundCount = foundCount + 1
            print "    " + freeIP
  validator = xmldns.validator.RecordValidator( state )
  recordData = None
  userPrompt = option + " record data"
  if option == 'dnsrr':
    userPrompt = 'dnsrr hostname'
  while not( recordData ):
    recordData = getInput(userPrompt)
    recordData = validator.validRecord( option, recordData )
  currentHost = state.getCurrentHost()
  # Add record appropriately
  if option in dnsRecords:
    state.appendLog("Added: %s [%s]: %s" % (option, networkName, recordData))
    return currentHost.addDNSRecord( option, recordData, networkName )
  if option == 'dnsrr':
    state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (option, recordData))
    return currentHost.addDNSRR( 'hostname', recordData )
  state.appendLog("Added: %s: %s" % (option, recordData))
  return currentHost.addRecord( option, recordData )