Exemplo n.º 1
def _load_keyspec(keyspec, private=False, signature_element=None):
    Load a key referenced by a keyspec (see below).

    To 'load' a key means different things based on what can be loaded through a
    given specification. For example, if keyspec is a a PKCS#11 reference to a
    private key then naturally the key itself is not available.

    :param private:
    :param signature_element:
    Possible keyspecs, in evaluation order :

      - a callable.    Return a partial dict with 'f_private' set to the keyspec.
      - a filename.    Load a PEM X.509 certificate from the file.
      - a PKCS#11-URI  (see xmlsec.pk11.parse_uri()). Return a dict with 'f_private'
                       set to a function calling the 'sign' function for the key,
                       and the rest based on the (public) key returned by
      - a fingerprint. If signature_element is provided, the key is located using
                       the fingerprint (provided as string).
      - X.509 string.  An X.509 certificate as string.

    Resulting dictionary (used except for 'callable') :

      {'keyspec': keyspec,
       'source': 'pkcs11' or 'file' or 'fingerprint' or 'keyspec',
       'data': X.509 certificate as string,
       'key': Parsed key from certificate,
       'keysize': Keysize in bits,
       'f_public': rsa_x509_pem.f_public(key) if private == False,
       'f_private': rsa_x509_pem.f_private(key) if private == True,

    :param sig: Signature element as lxml.Element or None
    :param keyspec: Keyspec as string or callable. See above.
    :returns: dict, see above.
    data = None
    source = None
    key_f_private = None
    if private and hasattr(keyspec, '__call__'):
        return {'keyspec': keyspec,
                'source': 'callable',
                'f_private': keyspec}
    if isinstance(keyspec, basestring):
        if os.path.isfile(keyspec):
            with open(keyspec) as c:
                data = c.read()
            source = 'file'
        elif private and keyspec.startswith("pkcs11://"):
            import xmlsec.pk11

            key_f_private, data = pk11.signer(keyspec)
            logging.debug("Using pkcs11 signing key: %s" % key_f_private)
            source = 'pkcs11'
        elif signature_element is not None:
            cd = _find_matching_cert(signature_element, keyspec)
            if cd is not None:
                data = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" % cd
                source = 'signature_element'
        elif '-----BEGIN' in keyspec:
            data = keyspec
            source = 'keyspec'

    if data is None:
        return None
        #raise XMLSigException("Unable to find a useful key from keyspec '%s'" % (keyspec))

    #logging.debug("Certificate data (source '%s') :\n%s" % (source, data))

    cert_pem = rsa_x509_pem.parse(data)
    key = rsa_x509_pem.get_key(cert_pem)

    res = {'keyspec': keyspec,
           'source': source,
           'key': key,
           'keysize': int(key.size()) + 1}

    if private:
        res['f_private'] = key_f_private or rsa_x509_pem.f_private(key)
        res['data'] = data  # TODO - normalize private keyspec too!
        res['data'] = cert_pem['pem']  # normalized PEM
        res['f_public'] = rsa_x509_pem.f_public(key)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def b642cert(data):
    return rsa_x509_pem.parse(b642pem(data))
Exemplo n.º 3
def pem2cert(pem):
    return rsa_x509_pem.parse(pem)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _load_keyspec(keyspec, private=False, signature_element=None):
    Load a key referenced by a keyspec (see below).

    To 'load' a key means different things based on what can be loaded through a
    given specification. For example, if keyspec is a a PKCS#11 reference to a
    private key then naturally the key itself is not available.

    :param private:
    :param signature_element:
    Possible keyspecs, in evaluation order :

      - a callable.    Return a partial dict with 'f_private' set to the keyspec.
      - a filename.    Load an X.509 certificate from the file.
      - a PKCS#11-URI  (see xmlsec.pk11.parse_uri()). Return a dict with 'f_private'
                       set to a function calling the 'sign' function for the key,
                       and the rest based on the (public) key returned by
      - a fingerprint. If signature_element is provided, the key is located using
                       the fingerprint (provided as string).
      - X.509 string.  An X.509 certificate as string.

    Resulting dictionary (used except for 'callable') :

      {'keyspec': keyspec,
       'source': 'pkcs11' or 'file' or 'fingerprint' or 'keyspec',
       'data': X.509 certificate as string,
       'key': Parsed key from certificate,
       'keysize': Keysize in bits,
       'f_public': rsa_x509_pem.f_public(key) if private == False,
       'f_private': rsa_x509_pem.f_private(key) if private == True,

    :param sig: Signature element as lxml.Element or None
    :param keyspec: Keyspec as string or callable. See above.
    :returns: dict, see above.
    data = None
    source = None
    key_f_private = None
    if private and hasattr(keyspec, '__call__'):
        return {'keyspec': keyspec,
                'source': 'callable',
                'f_private': keyspec}
    if isinstance(keyspec, basestring):
        if os.path.isfile(keyspec):
            with open(keyspec) as c:
                data = c.read()
            source = 'file'
        elif private and keyspec.startswith("pkcs11://"):
            import xmlsec.pk11

            key_f_private, data = pk11.signer(keyspec)
            logging.debug("Using pkcs11 signing key: %s" % key_f_private)
            source = 'pkcs11'
        elif signature_element is not None:
            cd = _find_matching_cert(signature_element, keyspec)
            if cd is not None:
                data = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" % cd
                source = 'signature_element'
        elif '-----BEGIN' in keyspec:
            data = keyspec
            source = 'keyspec'

    if data is None:
        return None
        #raise XMLSigException("Unable to find a useful key from keyspec '%s'" % (keyspec))

    #logging.debug("Certificate data (source '%s') :\n%s" % (source, data))

    cert_pem = rsa_x509_pem.parse(data)
    key = rsa_x509_pem.get_key(cert_pem)

    res = {'keyspec': keyspec,
           'source': source,
           'data': data,
           'key': key,
           'keysize': int(key.size()) + 1}

    if private:
        res['f_private'] = key_f_private or rsa_x509_pem.f_private(key)
        res['f_public'] = rsa_x509_pem.f_public(key)

    return res
Exemplo n.º 5
def b642cert(data):
    return rsa_x509_pem.parse(b642pem(data))
Exemplo n.º 6
def pem2cert(pem):
    return rsa_x509_pem.parse(pem)