Exemplo n.º 1
 def write(self):
     print '==== Self:', self
     xmlutilities.writeOutXML(self, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8")    # JCS, 1 Sep 2012
     return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def makeHL7Docs(self,mode):
        self.session = self.db.Session()    # This starts a Transaction
        if settings.DEBUG:
            print '==== Self:', self
        # Database traversal:
        # Step through Exports. For each Export,
        # Step through Persons. For each person,
        # Step through ServiceEvent. For each Service Event, begin a new document, then
        # Step through Entrys
        # Step through ServiceEventNotes - and all note_text
        exports = list() # Added by FBY on (11-06-2013): 
        if self.export_id != None:
            #exports = self.session.query(dbobjects.Export).filter(dbobjects.Export.export_id == self.export_id)
            # Added by FBY on (11-06-2013): queries of the export table must take into
            # account the source id nobebuilder operates with which is stored in self.options.configID
            export_table_join = self.session.query(dbobjects.Export, dbobjects.SourceExportLink, dbobjects.Source). \
                    filter(dbobjects.Export.id == dbobjects.SourceExportLink.export_index_id). \
                    filter(dbobjects.SourceExportLink.source_index_id == dbobjects.Source.id). \
                    filter(dbobjects.Source.source_id == self.options.configID). \
                    filter(dbobjects.Export.export_id == self.export_id)
            # Added by FBY on (11-06-2013): from the join, extract only the export classes
            for row in export_table_join:
            #exports = self.session.query(dbobjects.Export)
            # Added by FBY on (11-06-2013): queries of the export table must take into
            # account the source id nobebuilder operates with which is stored in self.options.configID
            export_table_join = self.session.query(dbobjects.Export, dbobjects.SourceExportLink, dbobjects.Source). \
                    filter(dbobjects.Export.id == dbobjects.SourceExportLink.export_index_id). \
                    filter(dbobjects.SourceExportLink.source_index_id == dbobjects.Source.id). \
                    filter(dbobjects.Source.source_id == self.options.configID)
            # Added by FBY on (11-06-2013): from the join, extract only the export classes
            for row in export_table_join:

        hl7_output = []
        for oneExport in exports:
            selink = self.session.query(dbobjects.SourceExportLink).filter(
                                        dbobjects.SourceExportLink.export_index_id == oneExport.id).one()
            #print '==== Selink.id:', selink.id
            oneSource = self.session.query(dbobjects.Source).filter(dbobjects.Source.id == selink.source_index_id).one()
            #print '==== Source.id:', source.id
            #self.configRec = self.session.query(dbobjects.SystemConfiguration).filter(and_(dbobjects.SystemConfiguration.source_id
            #                     == source.source_id, dbobjects.SystemConfiguration.processing_mode == settings.MODE)).one()
            #print '==== sys config.id', self.configRec.id
            Persons = self.session.query(dbobjects.Person).filter(dbobjects.Person.export_index_id == oneExport.id)
            # More filtering for options
            if self.options.reported == True:
                Persons = Persons.filter(dbobjects.Person.reported == True).with_lockmode('update')
            elif self.options.unreported == True:
                Persons = Persons.filter(or_(dbobjects.Person.reported == False, dbobjects.Person.reported == None)).with_lockmode('update')
            elif self.options.reported == None:
            # Now apply the dates to the result set.
            if self.options.alldates == None:
                #Persons = Persons.filter(between(dbobjects.Person.person_id_date_collected,
                #                             self.options.startDate, self.options.endDate)).with_lockmode('update')
                Persons = Persons.filter(between(dbobjects.Export.export_date,
                                             self.options.startDate, self.options.endDate)).with_lockmode('update')
            for onePerson in Persons:
                # Get the person's latest received phone number from PersonHistorical
                personHistoricals = self.session.query(dbobjects.PersonHistorical).filter(dbobjects.PersonHistorical.person_index_id == onePerson.id)
                #Get the most recent not null (unreported already filtered) phone number (that came in from the referral)
                onePersonHistorical = None
                for onePersonHistorical in personHistoricals:
                    if onePersonHistorical.person_phone_number:
                        self.phone_number = onePersonHistorical.person_phone_number
                    # FBY New 2016-08-16 : Also check call table for phone number and if present, use it instead.
                    calls = self.session.query(dbobjects.Call).filter(dbobjects.Call.id == onePersonHistorical.call_index_id)
                    for oneCall in calls:
                        if oneCall.caller_home_phone:
                            self.phone_number = oneCall.caller_home_phone
                ServEvts = self.session.query(dbobjects.ServiceEvent).filter(dbobjects.ServiceEvent.person_index_id == onePerson.id)
                for oneServEvt in ServEvts: # One document per event???
                    #print "person is: ", self.person
                    self.processXML(oneExport, onePerson, onePersonHistorical, oneServEvt, oneSource)       # Create one document
                    xmlutilities.indent(self.root_element)  #self.prettify()
                    # Next wraps self.root_element in an ElementTree and writes it to disk
                    if mode=="disk":
                        xmlutilities.writeOutXML(self, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8")	# JCS - enc. defaults to ASCII w/decl.
                        # here return the ccd document along with it's referral ID
                        hl7_output.append((xmlutilities.printOutXML(self, encoding="UTF-8", method="xml"), self.referredToProviderID))
                # Since no errors occurred to this point, mark the Person record as being reported
                self.session.commit()       # This is only for updateReported()

        if mode=="disk":
            return True     # Now nodebuilder.run() will find all output files and validate them.
            return hl7_output