Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_post_course_update(self):
        Test that a user can successfully post on course updates and handouts of a course
        whose location in not in loc_mapper
        # create a course via the view handler
        course_location = Location(['i4x', 'Org_1', 'Course_1', 'course', 'Run_1'])
        course_locator = loc_mapper().translate_location(
            course_location.course_id, course_location, False, True
                'org': course_location.org,
                'number': course_location.course,
                'display_name': 'test course',
                'run': course_location.name,

        branch = u'draft'
        version = None
        block = u'updates'
        updates_locator = BlockUsageLocator(
            package_id=course_location.course_id.replace('/', '.'), branch=branch, version_guid=version, block_id=block

        content = u"Sample update"
        payload = {'content': content, 'date': 'January 8, 2013'}
        course_update_url = updates_locator.url_reverse('course_info_update')
        resp = self.client.ajax_post(course_update_url, payload)

        # check that response status is 200 not 400
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        payload = json.loads(resp.content)
        self.assertHTMLEqual(payload['content'], content)

        # now test that calling translate_location returns a locator whose block_id is 'updates'
        updates_location = course_location.replace(category='course_info', name=block)
        updates_locator = loc_mapper().translate_location(course_location.course_id, updates_location)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(updates_locator, BlockUsageLocator))
        self.assertEqual(updates_locator.block_id, block)

        # check posting on handouts
        block = u'handouts'
        handouts_locator = BlockUsageLocator(
            package_id=updates_locator.package_id, branch=updates_locator.branch, version_guid=version, block_id=block
        course_handouts_url = handouts_locator.url_reverse('xblock')
        content = u"Sample handout"
        payload = {"data": content}
        resp = self.client.ajax_post(course_handouts_url, payload)

        # check that response status is 200 not 500
        self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)

        payload = json.loads(resp.content)
        self.assertHTMLEqual(payload['data'], content)
Exemplo n.º 2
def settings_handler(request, tag=None, course_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None):
    Course settings for dates and about pages
        html: get the page
        json: get the CourseDetails model
        json: update the Course and About xblocks through the CourseDetails model
    locator = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, usage_id=block)
    if not has_access(request.user, locator):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '') and request.method == 'GET':
        course_old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(locator)
        course_module = modulestore().get_item(course_old_location)

        upload_asset_url = locator.url_reverse('assets/')

        return render_to_response('settings.html', {
            'context_course': course_module,
            'course_locator': locator,
            'lms_link_for_about_page': utils.get_lms_link_for_about_page(course_old_location),
            'course_image_url': utils.course_image_url(course_module),
            'details_url': locator.url_reverse('/settings/details/'),
            'about_page_editable': not settings.FEATURES.get(
                'ENABLE_MKTG_SITE', False
            'upload_asset_url': upload_asset_url
    elif 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return JsonResponse(
                # encoder serializes dates, old locations, and instances
        else:  # post or put, doesn't matter.
            return JsonResponse(
                CourseDetails.update_from_json(locator, request.json),
Exemplo n.º 3
def grading_handler(request, tag=None, course_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None, grader_index=None):
    Course Grading policy configuration
        html: get the page
        json no grader_index: get the CourseGrading model (graceperiod, cutoffs, and graders)
        json w/ grader_index: get the specific grader
        json no grader_index: update the Course through the CourseGrading model
        json w/ grader_index: create or update the specific grader (create if index out of range)
    locator = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, usage_id=block)
    if not has_access(request.user, locator):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '') and request.method == 'GET':
        course_old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(locator)
        course_module = modulestore().get_item(course_old_location)
        course_details = CourseGradingModel.fetch(locator)

        return render_to_response('settings_graders.html', {
            'context_course': course_module,
            'course_locator': locator,
            'course_details': json.dumps(course_details, cls=CourseSettingsEncoder),
            'grading_url': locator.url_reverse('/settings/grading/'),
    elif 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            if grader_index is None:
                return JsonResponse(
                    # encoder serializes dates, old locations, and instances
                return JsonResponse(CourseGradingModel.fetch_grader(locator, grader_index))
        elif request.method in ('POST', 'PUT'):  # post or put, doesn't matter.
            # None implies update the whole model (cutoffs, graceperiod, and graders) not a specific grader
            if grader_index is None:
                return JsonResponse(
                    CourseGradingModel.update_from_json(locator, request.json),
                return JsonResponse(
                    CourseGradingModel.update_grader_from_json(locator, request.json)
        elif request.method == "DELETE" and grader_index is not None:
            CourseGradingModel.delete_grader(locator, grader_index)
            return JsonResponse()
Exemplo n.º 4
def advanced_settings_handler(request, course_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None, tag=None):
    Course settings configuration
        html: get the page
        json: get the model
        json: update the Course's settings. The payload is a json rep of the
            metadata dicts. The dict can include a "unsetKeys" entry which is a list
            of keys whose values to unset: i.e., revert to default
    locator = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, usage_id=block)
    if not has_access(request.user, locator):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    course_old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(locator)
    course_module = modulestore().get_item(course_old_location)

    if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '') and request.method == 'GET':

        return render_to_response('settings_advanced.html', {
            'context_course': course_module,
            'advanced_dict': json.dumps(CourseMetadata.fetch(course_module)),
            'advanced_settings_url': locator.url_reverse('settings/advanced')
    elif 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return JsonResponse(CourseMetadata.fetch(course_module))
            # Whether or not to filter the tabs key out of the settings metadata
            filter_tabs = _config_course_advanced_components(request, course_module)
                return JsonResponse(CourseMetadata.update_from_json(
            except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
                return HttpResponseBadRequest(
                    "Incorrect setting format. {}".format(err),
Exemplo n.º 5
def import_handler(request, tag=None, package_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None):
    The restful handler for importing a course.

        html: return html page for import page
        json: not supported
    POST or PUT
        json: import a course via the .tar.gz file specified in request.FILES
    location = BlockUsageLocator(package_id=package_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, block_id=block)
    if not has_course_access(request.user, location):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(location)

    if 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/json'):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            raise NotImplementedError('coming soon')
            data_root = path(settings.GITHUB_REPO_ROOT)
            course_subdir = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(old_location.org, old_location.course, old_location.name)
            course_dir = data_root / course_subdir

            filename = request.FILES['course-data'].name
            if not filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
                return JsonResponse(
                        'ErrMsg': _('We only support uploading a .tar.gz file.'),
                        'Stage': 1
            temp_filepath = course_dir / filename

            if not course_dir.isdir():

            logging.debug('importing course to {0}'.format(temp_filepath))

            # Get upload chunks byte ranges
                matches = CONTENT_RE.search(request.META["HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE"])
                content_range = matches.groupdict()
            except KeyError:    # Single chunk
                # no Content-Range header, so make one that will work
                content_range = {'start': 0, 'stop': 1, 'end': 2}

            # stream out the uploaded files in chunks to disk
            if int(content_range['start']) == 0:
                mode = "wb+"
                mode = "ab+"
                size = os.path.getsize(temp_filepath)
                # Check to make sure we haven't missed a chunk
                # This shouldn't happen, even if different instances are handling
                # the same session, but it's always better to catch errors earlier.
                if size < int(content_range['start']):
                        "Reported range %s does not match size downloaded so far %s",
                    return JsonResponse(
                            'ErrMsg': _('File upload corrupted. Please try again'),
                            'Stage': 1
                # The last request sometimes comes twice. This happens because
                # nginx sends a 499 error code when the response takes too long.
                elif size > int(content_range['stop']) and size == int(content_range['end']):
                    return JsonResponse({'ImportStatus': 1})

            with open(temp_filepath, mode) as temp_file:
                for chunk in request.FILES['course-data'].chunks():

            size = os.path.getsize(temp_filepath)

            if int(content_range['stop']) != int(content_range['end']) - 1:
                # More chunks coming
                return JsonResponse({
                    "files": [{
                                  "name": filename,
                                  "size": size,
                                  "deleteUrl": "",
                                  "deleteType": "",
                                  "url": location.url_reverse('import'),
                                  "thumbnailUrl": ""

            else:   # This was the last chunk.

                # Use sessions to keep info about import progress
                session_status = request.session.setdefault("import_status", {})
                key = location.package_id + filename
                session_status[key] = 1
                request.session.modified = True

                # Do everything from now on in a try-finally block to make sure
                # everything is properly cleaned up.

                    tar_file = tarfile.open(temp_filepath)
                        safetar_extractall(tar_file, (course_dir + '/').encode('utf-8'))
                    except SuspiciousOperation as exc:
                        return JsonResponse(
                                'ErrMsg': 'Unsafe tar file. Aborting import.',
                                'SuspiciousFileOperationMsg': exc.args[0],
                                'Stage': 1

                    session_status[key] = 2
                    request.session.modified = True

                    # find the 'course.xml' file
                    def get_all_files(directory):
                        For each file in the directory, yield a 2-tuple of (file-name,
                        for dirpath, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
                            for filename in filenames:
                                yield (filename, dirpath)

                    def get_dir_for_fname(directory, filename):
                        Returns the dirpath for the first file found in the directory
                        with the given name.  If there is no file in the directory with
                        the specified name, return None.
                        for fname, dirpath in get_all_files(directory):
                            if fname == filename:
                                return dirpath
                        return None

                    fname = "course.xml"

                    dirpath = get_dir_for_fname(course_dir, fname)

                    if not dirpath:
                        return JsonResponse(

                                'ErrMsg': _('Could not find the course.xml file in the package.'),
                                'Stage': 2

                    logging.debug('found course.xml at {0}'.format(dirpath))

                    if dirpath != course_dir:
                        for fname in os.listdir(dirpath):
                            shutil.move(dirpath / fname, course_dir)

                    _module_store, course_items = import_from_xml(

                    new_location = course_items[0].location
                    logging.debug('new course at {0}'.format(new_location))

                    session_status[key] = 3
                    request.session.modified = True

                    auth.add_users(request.user, CourseInstructorRole(new_location), request.user)
                    auth.add_users(request.user, CourseStaffRole(new_location), request.user)
                    logging.debug('created all course groups at {0}'.format(new_location))

                # Send errors to client with stage at which error occurred.
                except Exception as exception:   # pylint: disable=W0703
                    return JsonResponse(
                            'ErrMsg': str(exception),
                            'Stage': session_status[key]


                return JsonResponse({'Status': 'OK'})
    elif request.method == 'GET':  # assume html
        course_module = modulestore().get_item(old_location)
        return render_to_response('import.html', {
            'context_course': course_module,
            'successful_import_redirect_url': location.url_reverse("course"),
            'import_status_url': location.url_reverse("import_status", "fillerName"),
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 6
def export_handler(request, tag=None, package_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None):
    The restful handler for exporting a course.

        html: return html page for import page
        application/x-tgz: return tar.gz file containing exported course
        json: not supported

    Note that there are 2 ways to request the tar.gz file. The request header can specify
    application/x-tgz via HTTP_ACCEPT, or a query parameter can be used (?_accept=application/x-tgz).

    If the tar.gz file has been requested but the export operation fails, an HTML page will be returned
    which describes the error.
    location = BlockUsageLocator(package_id=package_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, block_id=block)
    if not has_course_access(request.user, location):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(location)
    course_module = modulestore().get_item(old_location)

    # an _accept URL parameter will be preferred over HTTP_ACCEPT in the header.
    requested_format = request.REQUEST.get('_accept', request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'text/html'))

    export_url = location.url_reverse('export') + '?_accept=application/x-tgz'
    if 'application/x-tgz' in requested_format:
        name = old_location.name
        export_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=name + '.', suffix=".tar.gz")
        root_dir = path(mkdtemp())

            export_to_xml(modulestore('direct'), contentstore(), old_location, root_dir, name, modulestore())

            logging.debug('tar file being generated at {0}'.format(export_file.name))
            with tarfile.open(name=export_file.name, mode='w:gz') as tar_file:
                tar_file.add(root_dir / name, arcname=name)
        except SerializationError, e:
            logging.exception('There was an error exporting course {0}. {1}'.format(course_module.location, unicode(e)))
            unit = None
            failed_item = None
            parent = None
                failed_item = modulestore().get_instance(course_module.location.course_id, e.location)
                parent_locs = modulestore().get_parent_locations(failed_item.location, course_module.location.course_id)

                if len(parent_locs) > 0:
                    parent = modulestore().get_item(parent_locs[0])
                    if parent.location.category == 'vertical':
                        unit = parent
                # if we have a nested exception, then we'll show the more generic error message

            unit_locator = loc_mapper().translate_location(old_location.course_id, parent.location, False, True)

            return render_to_response('export.html', {
                'context_course': course_module,
                'in_err': True,
                'raw_err_msg': str(e),
                'failed_module': failed_item,
                'unit': unit,
                'edit_unit_url': unit_locator.url_reverse("unit") if parent else "",
                'course_home_url': location.url_reverse("course"),
                'export_url': export_url
        except Exception, e:
            logging.exception('There was an error exporting course {0}. {1}'.format(course_module.location, unicode(e)))
            return render_to_response('export.html', {
                'context_course': course_module,
                'in_err': True,
                'unit': None,
                'raw_err_msg': str(e),
                'course_home_url': location.url_reverse("course"),
                'export_url': export_url
Exemplo n.º 7
def checklists_handler(request,
    The restful handler for checklists.

        html: return html page for all checklists
        json: return json representing all checklists. checklist_index is not supported for GET at this time.
    POST or PUT
        json: updates the checked state for items within a particular checklist. checklist_index is required.
    location = BlockUsageLocator(package_id=package_id,
    if not has_course_access(request.user, location):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(location)

    modulestore = get_modulestore(old_location)
    course_module = modulestore.get_item(old_location)

    json_request = 'application/json' in request.META.get(
        'HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/json')
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # If course was created before checklists were introduced, copy them over
        # from the template.
        if not course_module.checklists:
            course_module.checklists = CourseDescriptor.checklists.default
            modulestore.update_item(course_module, request.user.id)

        expanded_checklists = expand_all_action_urls(course_module)

        if json_request:
            return JsonResponse(expanded_checklists[0:2])
            handler_url = location.url_reverse('checklists/', '')
            return render_to_response(
                    'handler_url': handler_url,
                    # context_course is used by analytics
                    'context_course': course_module,
                    'checklists': expanded_checklists[0:2]
    elif json_request:
        # Can now assume POST or PUT because GET handled above.
        if checklist_index is not None and 0 <= int(checklist_index) < len(
            index = int(checklist_index)
            persisted_checklist = course_module.checklists[index]
            modified_checklist = json.loads(request.body)
            # Only thing the user can modify is the "checked" state.
            # We don't want to persist what comes back from the client because it will
            # include the expanded action URLs (which are non-portable).
            for item_index, item in enumerate(modified_checklist.get('items')):
                persisted_checklist['items'][item_index]['is_checked'] = item[
            # seeming noop which triggers kvs to record that the metadata is
            # not default
            course_module.checklists = course_module.checklists
            modulestore.update_item(course_module, request.user.id)
            expanded_checklist = expand_checklist_action_url(
                course_module, persisted_checklist)
            return JsonResponse(expanded_checklist)
            return HttpResponseBadRequest(
                ("Could not save checklist state because the checklist index "
                 "was out of range or unspecified."),
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 8
def checklists_handler(request, tag=None, package_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None, checklist_index=None):
    The restful handler for checklists.

        html: return html page for all checklists
        json: return json representing all checklists. checklist_index is not supported for GET at this time.
    POST or PUT
        json: updates the checked state for items within a particular checklist. checklist_index is required.
    location = BlockUsageLocator(package_id=package_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, block_id=block)
    if not has_course_access(request.user, location):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(location)

    modulestore = get_modulestore(old_location)
    course_module = modulestore.get_item(old_location)

    json_request = 'application/json' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/json')
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # If course was created before checklists were introduced, copy them over
        # from the template.
        if not course_module.checklists:
            course_module.checklists = CourseDescriptor.checklists.default
            modulestore.update_item(course_module, request.user.id)

        expanded_checklists = expand_all_action_urls(course_module)
        if json_request:
            return JsonResponse(expanded_checklists)
            handler_url = location.url_reverse('checklists/', '')
            return render_to_response('checklists.html',
                                          'handler_url': handler_url,
                                          # context_course is used by analytics
                                          'context_course': course_module,
                                          'checklists': expanded_checklists
    elif json_request:
        # Can now assume POST or PUT because GET handled above.
        if checklist_index is not None and 0 <= int(checklist_index) < len(course_module.checklists):
            index = int(checklist_index)
            persisted_checklist = course_module.checklists[index]
            modified_checklist = json.loads(request.body)
            # Only thing the user can modify is the "checked" state.
            # We don't want to persist what comes back from the client because it will
            # include the expanded action URLs (which are non-portable).
            for item_index, item in enumerate(modified_checklist.get('items')):
                persisted_checklist['items'][item_index]['is_checked'] = item['is_checked']
            # seeming noop which triggers kvs to record that the metadata is
            # not default
            course_module.checklists = course_module.checklists
            modulestore.update_item(course_module, request.user.id)
            expanded_checklist = expand_checklist_action_url(course_module, persisted_checklist)
            return JsonResponse(expanded_checklist)
            return HttpResponseBadRequest(
                ("Could not save checklist state because the checklist index "
                 "was out of range or unspecified."),
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
Exemplo n.º 9
def export_handler(request, tag=None, course_id=None, branch=None, version_guid=None, block=None):
    The restful handler for exporting a course.

        html: return html page for import page
        application/x-tgz: return tar.gz file containing exported course
        json: not supported

    Note that there are 2 ways to request the tar.gz file. The request header can specify
    application/x-tgz via HTTP_ACCEPT, or a query parameter can be used (?_accept=application/x-tgz).

    If the tar.gz file has been requested but the export operation fails, an HTML page will be returned
    which describes the error.
    location = BlockUsageLocator(course_id=course_id, branch=branch, version_guid=version_guid, usage_id=block)
    if not has_access(request.user, location):
        raise PermissionDenied()

    old_location = loc_mapper().translate_locator_to_location(location)
    course_module = modulestore().get_item(old_location)

    # an _accept URL parameter will be preferred over HTTP_ACCEPT in the header.
    requested_format = request.REQUEST.get("_accept", request.META.get("HTTP_ACCEPT", "text/html"))

    export_url = location.url_reverse("export") + "?_accept=application/x-tgz"
    if "application/x-tgz" in requested_format:
        name = old_location.name
        export_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=name + ".", suffix=".tar.gz")
        root_dir = path(mkdtemp())

            export_to_xml(modulestore("direct"), contentstore(), old_location, root_dir, name, modulestore())

        except SerializationError, e:
            logging.exception("There was an error exporting course {0}. {1}".format(course_module.location, unicode(e)))
            unit = None
            failed_item = None
            parent = None
                failed_item = modulestore().get_instance(course_module.location.course_id, e.location)
                parent_locs = modulestore().get_parent_locations(failed_item.location, course_module.location.course_id)

                if len(parent_locs) > 0:
                    parent = modulestore().get_item(parent_locs[0])
                    if parent.location.category == "vertical":
                        unit = parent
                # if we have a nested exception, then we'll show the more generic error message

            unit_locator = loc_mapper().translate_location(old_location.course_id, parent.location, False, True)

            return render_to_response(
                    "context_course": course_module,
                    "in_err": True,
                    "raw_err_msg": str(e),
                    "failed_module": failed_item,
                    "unit": unit,
                    "edit_unit_url": unit_locator.url_reverse("unit") if parent else "",
                    "course_home_url": location.url_reverse("course"),
                    "export_url": export_url,
        except Exception, e:
            logging.exception("There was an error exporting course {0}. {1}".format(course_module.location, unicode(e)))
            return render_to_response(
                    "context_course": course_module,
                    "in_err": True,
                    "unit": None,
                    "raw_err_msg": str(e),
                    "course_home_url": location.url_reverse("course"),
                    "export_url": export_url,