Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_subsections(self, course, graded_only=False):
        Helper function that returns a list of subsections contained in the given course.
            course - A course object.
            graded_only - If true, returns only graded subsections (defaults to False).
        subsections = []
        short_labeler = get_default_short_labeler(course)
        for subsection in self._get_visible_subsections(course):
            if graded_only and not subsection.graded:

            short_label = None
            if subsection.graded:
                short_label = short_labeler(subsection.format)

                'assignment_type': subsection.format,
                'graded': subsection.graded,
                'short_label': short_label,
                'module_id': text_type(subsection.location),
                'display_name': subsection.display_name,
        return subsections
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get_subsections(self, course, graded_only=False):
        Helper function that returns a list of subsections contained in the given course.
            course - A course object.
            graded_only - If true, returns only graded subsections (defaults to False).
        subsections = []
        short_labeler = get_default_short_labeler(course)
        for subsection in self._get_visible_subsections(course):
            if graded_only and not subsection.graded:

            short_label = None
            if subsection.graded:
                short_label = short_labeler(subsection.format)

                'assignment_type': subsection.format,
                'graded': subsection.graded,
                'short_label': short_label,
                'module_id': text_type(subsection.location),
                'display_name': subsection.display_name,
        return subsections
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _section_breakdown(self, course, graded_subsections, course_grade):
        Given a course_grade and a list of graded subsections for a given course,
        returns a list of grade data broken down by subsection.

            course: A Course Descriptor object
            graded_subsections: A list of graded subsection objects in the given course.
            course_grade: A CourseGrade object.
        breakdown = []
        default_labeler = get_default_short_labeler(course)

        for subsection in graded_subsections:
            subsection_grade = course_grade.subsection_grade(subsection.location)
            short_label = default_labeler(subsection_grade.format)

            graded_description = 'Not Attempted'
            score_earned = 0
            score_possible = 0

            # For ZeroSubsectionGrades, we don't want to crawl the subsection's
            # subtree to find the problem scores specific to this user
            # (ZeroSubsectionGrade.attempted_graded is always False).
            # We've already fetched the whole course structure in a non-user-specific way
            # when creating `graded_subsections`.  Looking at the problem scores
            # specific to this user (the user in `course_grade.user`) would require
            # us to re-fetch the user-specific course structure from the modulestore,
            # which is a costly operation.  So we only drill into the `graded_total`
            # attribute if the user has attempted this graded subsection, or if there
            # has been a grade override applied.
            if subsection_grade.attempted_graded or subsection_grade.override:
                graded_description = '({earned:.2f}/{possible:.2f})'.format(
                score_earned = subsection_grade.graded_total.earned
                score_possible = subsection_grade.graded_total.possible

            # TODO: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/EDUCATOR-3559 -- Some fields should be renamed, others removed:
            # 'displayed_value' should maybe be 'description_percent'
            # 'grade_description' should be 'description_ratio'
                'category': subsection_grade.format,
                'displayed_value': '{:.2f}'.format(subsection_grade.percent_graded),
                'is_graded': subsection_grade.graded,
                'grade_description': graded_description,
                'label': short_label,
                'letter_grade': course_grade.letter_grade,
                'module_id': text_type(subsection_grade.location),
                'percent': subsection_grade.percent_graded,
                'score_earned': score_earned,
                'score_possible': score_possible,
                'subsection_name': subsection_grade.display_name,
        return breakdown
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _section_breakdown(self, course, graded_subsections, course_grade):
        Given a course_grade and a list of graded subsections for a given course,
        returns a list of grade data broken down by subsection.

            course: A Course Descriptor object
            graded_subsections: A list of graded subsection objects in the given course.
            course_grade: A CourseGrade object.
        breakdown = []
        default_labeler = get_default_short_labeler(course)

        for subsection in graded_subsections:
            subsection_grade = course_grade.subsection_grade(subsection.location)
            short_label = default_labeler(subsection_grade.format)

            graded_description = 'Not Attempted'
            score_earned = 0
            score_possible = 0

            # For ZeroSubsectionGrades, we don't want to crawl the subsection's
            # subtree to find the problem scores specific to this user
            # (ZeroSubsectionGrade.attempted_graded is always False).
            # We've already fetched the whole course structure in a non-specific way
            # when creating `graded_subsections`.  Looking at the problem scores
            # specific to this user (the user in `course_grade.user`) would require
            # us to re-fetch the user-specific course structure from the modulestore,
            # which is a costly operation.
            if subsection_grade.attempted_graded:
                graded_description = '({earned:.2f}/{possible:.2f})'.format(
                score_earned = subsection_grade.graded_total.earned
                score_possible = subsection_grade.graded_total.possible

            # TODO: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/EDUCATOR-3559 -- Some fields should be renamed, others removed:
            # 'displayed_value' should maybe be 'description_percent'
            # 'grade_description' should be 'description_ratio'
                'category': subsection_grade.format,
                'displayed_value': '{:.2f}'.format(subsection_grade.percent_graded),
                'is_graded': subsection_grade.graded,
                'grade_description': graded_description,
                'label': short_label,
                'letter_grade': course_grade.letter_grade,
                'module_id': text_type(subsection_grade.location),
                'percent': subsection_grade.percent_graded,
                'score_earned': score_earned,
                'score_possible': score_possible,
                'subsection_name': subsection_grade.display_name,
        return breakdown
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _section_breakdown(self, course, course_grade):
        Given a course_grade, returns a list of grade data broken down by subsection
        and a dictionary containing aggregate grade data by subsection format for the course.

            course_grade: A CourseGrade object.
        breakdown = []
        aggregates = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))

        # TODO: https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/EDUCATOR-3559
        # Fields we may not need:
        # ['are_grades_published', 'auto_grade', 'comment', 'detail', 'is_ag', 'is_average', 'is_manually_graded']
        # Some fields should be renamed:
        # 'displayed_value' should maybe be 'description_percent'
        # 'grade_description' should be 'description_ratio'

        label_finder = SubsectionLabelFinder(course_grade)
        default_labeler = get_default_short_labeler(course)

        for chapter_location, section_data in course_grade.chapter_grades.items():
            for subsection_grade in section_data['sections']:
                default_short_label = default_labeler(subsection_grade.format)
                    'are_grades_published': True,
                    'auto_grade': False,
                    'category': subsection_grade.format,
                    'chapter_name': section_data['display_name'],
                    'comment': '',
                    'detail': '',
                    'displayed_value': '{:.2f}'.format(subsection_grade.percent_graded),
                    'is_graded': subsection_grade.graded,
                    'grade_description': '({earned:.2f}/{possible:.2f})'.format(
                    'is_ag': False,
                    'is_average': False,
                    'is_manually_graded': False,
                    'label': label_finder.get_label(subsection_grade.display_name) or default_short_label,
                    'letter_grade': course_grade.letter_grade,
                    'module_id': text_type(subsection_grade.location),
                    'percent': subsection_grade.percent_graded,
                    'score_earned': subsection_grade.graded_total.earned,
                    'score_possible': subsection_grade.graded_total.possible,
                    'section_block_id': text_type(chapter_location),
                    'subsection_name': subsection_grade.display_name,
                if subsection_grade.graded and subsection_grade.graded_total.possible > 0:
                    aggregates[subsection_grade.format]['score_earned'] += subsection_grade.graded_total.earned
                    aggregates[subsection_grade.format]['score_possible'] += subsection_grade.graded_total.possible

        return breakdown, aggregates