Exemplo n.º 1
    def student_view(self, context):
        _ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
        context = context or {}
        banner_text = None
        prereq_met = True
        prereq_meta_info = {}
        if self._required_prereq():
            if self.runtime.user_is_staff:
                banner_text = _('This subsection is unlocked for learners when they meet the prerequisite requirements.')  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long
                # check if prerequisite has been met
                prereq_met, prereq_meta_info = self._compute_is_prereq_met(
        if prereq_met:
            special_html_view = self._hidden_content_student_view(
                context) or self._special_exam_student_view()
            if special_html_view:
                masquerading_as_specific_student = context.get(
                    'specific_masquerade', False)
                banner_text, special_html = special_html_view
                if special_html and not masquerading_as_specific_student:
                    fragment = Fragment(special_html)
                    add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'SequenceBlockPreview')
                    shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Sequence')
                    return fragment

        return self._student_or_public_view(context, prereq_met,
                                            prereq_meta_info, banner_text)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def student_view(self, context):
        Renders the normal student view of the block in the LMS.
        _ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
        context = context or {}
        banner_text = None
        prereq_met = True
        prereq_meta_info = {}
        if self._required_prereq():
            if self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user().opt_attrs.get(ATTR_KEY_USER_IS_STAFF):
                banner_text = _(
                    'This subsection is unlocked for learners when they meet the prerequisite requirements.'
                # check if prerequisite has been met
                prereq_met, prereq_meta_info = self._compute_is_prereq_met(True)
        if prereq_met:
            special_html_view = self._hidden_content_student_view(context) or self._special_exam_student_view()
            if special_html_view:
                masquerading_as_specific_student = context.get('specific_masquerade', False)
                banner_text, special_html = special_html_view
                if special_html and not masquerading_as_specific_student:
                    fragment = Fragment(special_html)
                    add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'SequenceBlockPreview')
                    shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Sequence')
                    return fragment

        return self._student_or_public_view(context, prereq_met, prereq_meta_info, banner_text)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _student_or_public_view(self,
        Returns the rendered student view of the content of this
        sequential.  If banner_text is given, it is added to the
        _ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
        display_items = self.get_display_items()
        self._update_position(context, len(display_items))

        fragment = Fragment()
        params = self._get_render_metadata(context, display_items, prereq_met, prereq_meta_info, banner_text, view, fragment)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long
            self.system.render_template("seq_module.html", params))


        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'SequenceBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Sequence')
        return fragment
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _student_or_public_view(self,
        Returns the rendered student view of the content of this
        sequential.  If banner_text is given, it is added to the
        _ = self.runtime.service(self, "i18n").ugettext
        display_items = self.get_display_items()
        self._update_position(context, len(display_items))

        fragment = Fragment()
        params = self._get_render_metadata(context, display_items, prereq_met, prereq_meta_info, banner_text, view, fragment)  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=line-too-long
        if SHOW_PROGRESS_BAR.is_enabled() and getattr(
                settings, 'COMPLETION_AGGREGATOR_URL', ''):
            parent_block_id = self.get_parent().scope_ids.usage_id.block_id
            params['chapter_completion_aggregator_url'] = '/'.join([
                str(self.course_id), parent_block_id
            ]) + '/'
            self.runtime.service(self, 'mako').render_template(
                "seq_module.html", params))


        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'SequenceBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Sequence')
        return fragment
Exemplo n.º 5
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return the student view.
     fragment = Fragment(self.get_html())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'VideoBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Video')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 6
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return a fragment that contains the html for the student view
     fragment = Fragment(self.get_html())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'HtmlBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'HTMLModule')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 7
def wrap_xblock(handler_prefix,
                display_name_only=False):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param handler_prefix: A function that takes a block and returns the url prefix for
        the javascript handler_url. This prefix should be able to have {handler_name}/{suffix}?{query}
        appended to it to return a valid handler_url
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}
    css_classes = ['xblock', 'xblock-' + view]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view == 'student_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == 'studio_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + class_name)
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version
        data['handler-prefix'] = handler_prefix(block)
        data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type

    template_context = {
        block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        ' '.join('data-{}="{}"'.format(key, value)
                 for key, value in data.items()),

    return wrap_fragment(
        frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
def wrap_xblock(runtime_class, block, view, frag, context, usage_id_serializer, request_token, display_name_only=False, extra_data=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param usage_id_serializer: A function to serialize the block's usage_id for use by the
        front-end Javascript Runtime.
    :param request_token: An identifier that is unique per-request, so that only xblocks
        rendered as part of this request will have their javascript initialized.
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}
    css_classes = ['xblock', 'xblock-{}'.format(view)]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view in PREVIEW_VIEWS:
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == STUDIO_VIEW:
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + class_name)
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-class'] = runtime_class
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version
        data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type
        data['usage-id'] = usage_id_serializer(block.scope_ids.usage_id)
        data['request-token'] = request_token

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'display_name': block.display_name_with_default,
        'data_attributes': u' '.join(u'data-{}="{}"'.format(key, value)
                                     for key, value in data.iteritems()),

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return the student view.
     fragment = Fragment()
     fragment.add_content(self.runtime.service(self, 'mako').render_template('lti.html', self.get_context()))
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'LTIBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'LTI')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 10
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Renders the student view.
     fragment = Fragment()
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'ConditionalBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Conditional')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 11
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
         self.runtime.service(self, 'mako').render_template(self.mako_template, self.get_context())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'WordCloudBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, self.studio_js_module_name)
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 12
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
         self.runtime.service(self, 'mako').render_template(
             self.mako_template, self.get_context()))
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'HtmlBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'HTMLEditingDescriptor')
     return fragment
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'LibraryContentBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, self.studio_js_module_name)
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 14
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
         self.system.render_template(self.mako_template, self.get_context())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'ProblemBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'MarkdownEditingDescriptor')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 15
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'CustomTagBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'XMLEditingDescriptor')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 16
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return a fragment that contains the html for the student view
     fragment = Fragment(self.get_html())
     ## this line is a cutom change made during ironwood rebase
     fragment.add_javascript_url(settings.STATIC_URL + 'bundles/commons.js')
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'HtmlBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'HTMLModule')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 17
    def student_view(self, context):
        Renders the output that a student will see.
        fragment = Fragment()
        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'AnnotatableBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Annotatable')

        return fragment
Exemplo n.º 18
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return the student view.
     # self.score is initialized in self.lcp but in this method is accessed before self.lcp so just call it first.
     fragment = Fragment(self.get_html())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'ProblemBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Problem')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 19
    def student_view(self, context):  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unused-argument
        Renders the output that a student will see.
        fragment = Fragment()
        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'AnnotatableBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Annotatable')

        return fragment
Exemplo n.º 20
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Return the student view.
     # self.score is initialized in self.lcp but in this method is accessed before self.lcp so just call it first.
     fragment = Fragment(self.get_html())
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'ProblemBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Problem')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 21
def wrap_xblock(runtime_class, block, view, frag, context, display_name_only=False, extra_data=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}
    css_classes = ['xblock', 'xblock-' + view]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view == 'student_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == 'mobi_student_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == 'studio_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + class_name)
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-class'] = runtime_class
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version
        data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type
        data['usage-id'] = quote_slashes(unicode(block.scope_ids.usage_id).encode('utf-8'))

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'display_name': block.display_name_with_default,
        'data_attributes': ' '.join(u'data-{}="{}"'.format(key, value) for key, value in data.items()),

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 22
def wrap_xblock(runtime_class, block, view, frag, context, usage_id_serializer, display_name_only=False, extra_data=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param usage_id_serializer: A function to serialize the block's usage_id for use by the
        front-end Javascript Runtime.
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}
    css_classes = ['xblock', 'xblock-' + view]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view == 'student_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == 'studio_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + class_name)
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-class'] = runtime_class
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version
        data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type
        data['usage-id'] = usage_id_serializer(block.scope_ids.usage_id)

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'display_name': block.display_name_with_default,
        'data_attributes': u' '.join(u'data-{}="{}"'.format(key, value)
                                     for key, value in data.iteritems()),

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def studio_view(self, _context):
     Return the studio view.
     context = MakoTemplateBlockBase.get_context(self)
     # Add our specific template information (the raw data body)
     context.update({'data': self.data})
     fragment = Fragment(
         self.system.render_template(self.mako_template, context))
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'LTIBlockStudio')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, self.studio_js_module_name)
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 24
 def studio_view(self, context):
     Return the studio view.
     fragment = Fragment(
     # Use the SequenceDescriptor js for the metadata edit view.
     # Both the webpack bundle to include and the js class are named "SequenceDescriptor".
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, SequenceDescriptor.js_module_name)
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, SequenceDescriptor.js_module_name)
     return fragment
 def student_view(self, _context):
     Renders the student view.
     fragment = Fragment()
     params = {
         'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
         'element_class': self.location.block_type,
         'ajax_url': self.ajax_url,
         'configuration_json': self.dump_poll(),
     fragment.add_content(self.system.render_template('poll.html', params))
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'PollBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Poll')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 26
 def student_view(self, _context, show_detailed_errors=False):
     Return the student view.
     # self.score is initialized in self.lcp but in this method is accessed before self.lcp so just call it first.
     except Exception as err:
         html = self.handle_fatal_lcp_error(err if show_detailed_errors else None)
         html = self.get_html()
     fragment = Fragment(html)
     add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'ProblemBlockPreview')
     shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'Problem')
     return fragment
Exemplo n.º 27
def wrap_xblock(handler_prefix, block, view, frag, context, display_name_only=False):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param handler_prefix: A function that takes a block and returns the url prefix for
        the javascript handler_url. This prefix should be able to have {handler_name}/{suffix}?{query}
        appended to it to return a valid handler_url
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}
    css_classes = ['xblock', 'xblock-' + view]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view == 'student_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == 'studio_view':
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + class_name)
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version
        data['handler-prefix'] = handler_prefix(block)
        data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'data_attributes': ' '.join('data-{}="{}"'.format(key, value) for key, value in data.items()),

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def student_view(self, context):
        Renders the output that a student will see.
        fragment = Fragment()
        fragment.add_content(self.system.render_template('word_cloud.html', {
            'ajax_url': self.ajax_url,
            'display_name': self.display_name,
            'instructions': self.instructions,
            'element_class': self.location.block_type,
            'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
            'num_inputs': self.num_inputs,
            'submitted': self.submitted,
        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'WordCloudBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'WordCloud')

        return fragment
Exemplo n.º 29
    def student_view(self, context):  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=unused-argument
        Renders the output that a student will see.
        fragment = Fragment()
        fragment.add_content(self.runtime.service(self, 'mako').render_template('word_cloud.html', {
            'ajax_url': self.ajax_url,
            'display_name': self.display_name,
            'instructions': self.instructions,
            'element_class': self.location.block_type,
            'element_id': self.location.html_id(),
            'num_inputs': self.num_inputs,
            'submitted': self.submitted,
        add_webpack_to_fragment(fragment, 'WordCloudBlockPreview')
        shim_xmodule_js(fragment, 'WordCloud')

        return fragment
def wrap_xblock(
        request_token,                  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param usage_id_serializer: A function to serialize the block's usage_id for use by the
        front-end Javascript Runtime.
    :param request_token: An identifier that is unique per-request, so that only xblocks
        rendered as part of this request will have their javascript initialized.
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}

    if context:
        data.update(context.get('wrap_xblock_data', {}))

    css_classes = [

    if view == STUDENT_VIEW and getattr(block, 'HIDDEN', False):

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)) or getattr(block, 'uses_xmodule_styles_setup', False):
        if view in PREVIEW_VIEWS:
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == STUDIO_VIEW:
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + markupsafe.escape(class_name))

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name
        shim_xmodule_js(frag, block.js_module_name)

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-class'] = runtime_class
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version

    data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type
    data['usage-id'] = usage_id_serializer(block.scope_ids.usage_id)
    data['request-token'] = request_token
    data['graded'] = getattr(block, 'graded', False)
    data['has-score'] = getattr(block, 'has_score', False)

    if block.name:
        data['name'] = block.name

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'display_name': block.display_name_with_default_escaped,  # xss-lint: disable=python-deprecated-display-name
        'data_attributes': ' '.join('data-{}="{}"'.format(markupsafe.escape(key), markupsafe.escape(value))
                                    for key, value in data.items()),

    if hasattr(frag, 'json_init_args') and frag.json_init_args is not None:
        template_context['js_init_parameters'] = frag.json_init_args
        template_context['js_init_parameters'] = ""

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        # Add the webpackified asset tags
        add_webpack_to_fragment(frag, class_name)

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 31
def wrap_xblock(
        request_token,                  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param usage_id_serializer: A function to serialize the block's usage_id for use by the
        front-end Javascript Runtime.
    :param request_token: An identifier that is unique per-request, so that only xblocks
        rendered as part of this request will have their javascript initialized.
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, 'unmixed_class', block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}

    if context:
        data.update(context.get('wrap_xblock_data', {}))

    css_classes = [

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view in PREVIEW_VIEWS:
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == STUDIO_VIEW:
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        if getattr(block, 'HIDDEN', False):

        css_classes.append('xmodule_' + markupsafe.escape(class_name))
        data['type'] = block.js_module_name
        shim_xmodule_js(block, frag)

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data['init'] = frag.js_init_fn
        data['runtime-class'] = runtime_class
        data['runtime-version'] = frag.js_init_version

    data['block-type'] = block.scope_ids.block_type
    data['usage-id'] = usage_id_serializer(block.scope_ids.usage_id)
    data['request-token'] = request_token
    data['graded'] = getattr(block, 'graded', False)
    data['has-score'] = getattr(block, 'has_score', False)

    if block.name:
        data['name'] = block.name

    template_context = {
        'content': block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        'classes': css_classes,
        'display_name': block.display_name_with_default_escaped,  # xss-lint: disable=python-deprecated-display-name
        'data_attributes': u' '.join(u'data-{}="{}"'.format(markupsafe.escape(key), markupsafe.escape(value))
                                     for key, value in data.iteritems()),

    if hasattr(frag, 'json_init_args') and frag.json_init_args is not None:
        template_context['js_init_parameters'] = frag.json_init_args
        template_context['js_init_parameters'] = ""

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        # Add the webpackified asset tags
        add_webpack_to_fragment(frag, class_name)

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string('xblock_wrapper.html', template_context))
Exemplo n.º 32
def wrap_xblock(
):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Wraps the results of rendering an XBlock view in a standard <section> with identifying
    data so that the appropriate javascript module can be loaded onto it.

    :param runtime_class: The name of the javascript runtime class to use to load this block
    :param block: An XBlock (that may be an XModule or XModuleDescriptor)
    :param view: The name of the view that rendered the fragment being wrapped
    :param frag: The :class:`Fragment` to be wrapped
    :param context: The context passed to the view being rendered
    :param usage_id_serializer: A function to serialize the block's usage_id for use by the
        front-end Javascript Runtime.
    :param request_token: An identifier that is unique per-request, so that only xblocks
        rendered as part of this request will have their javascript initialized.
    :param display_name_only: If true, don't render the fragment content at all.
        Instead, just render the `display_name` of `block`
    :param extra_data: A dictionary with extra data values to be set on the wrapper
    if extra_data is None:
        extra_data = {}

    # If any mixins have been applied, then use the unmixed class
    class_name = getattr(block, "unmixed_class", block.__class__).__name__

    data = {}

    css_classes = ["xblock", "xblock-{}".format(markupsafe.escape(view))]

    if isinstance(block, (XModule, XModuleDescriptor)):
        if view in PREVIEW_VIEWS:
            # The block is acting as an XModule
        elif view == STUDIO_VIEW:
            # The block is acting as an XModuleDescriptor

        css_classes.append("xmodule_" + markupsafe.escape(class_name))
        data["type"] = block.js_module_name

    if frag.js_init_fn:
        data["init"] = frag.js_init_fn
        data["runtime-class"] = runtime_class
        data["runtime-version"] = frag.js_init_version

    data["block-type"] = block.scope_ids.block_type
    data["usage-id"] = usage_id_serializer(block.scope_ids.usage_id)
    data["request-token"] = request_token

    if block.name:
        data["name"] = block.name

    template_context = {
        "content": block.display_name if display_name_only else frag.content,
        "classes": css_classes,
        "display_name": block.display_name_with_default,
        "data_attributes": u" ".join(
            u'data-{}="{}"'.format(markupsafe.escape(key), markupsafe.escape(value)) for key, value in data.iteritems()

    if hasattr(frag, "json_init_args") and frag.json_init_args is not None:
        template_context["js_init_parameters"] = json.dumps(frag.json_init_args)
        template_context["js_pass_parameters"] = True
        template_context["js_init_parameters"] = ""
        template_context["js_pass_parameters"] = False

    return wrap_fragment(frag, render_to_string("xblock_wrapper.html", template_context))