Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.prev_tracer = DefaultNotGiven
     self.files = set()
     self.usecolor = True
     self.lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer()
     self.formatter = pygments.formatters.terminal.TerminalFormatter()
     self._last = ('', -1)  # filename, lineno tuple
Exemplo n.º 2
def _pprint_displayhook(value):
    if value is not None:
        builtins._ = None  # Set '_' to None to avoid recursion
        if HAVE_PYGMENTS:
            s = pretty(value)  # color case
            lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer()
            tokens = list(pygments.lex(s, lexer=lexer))
            pprint(value)  # black & white case
        builtins._ = value
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: refi64/xonsh
def _pprint_displayhook(value):
    if value is None or isinstance(value, HiddenCompletedCommand):
    builtins._ = None  # Set '_' to None to avoid recursion
        s = pretty(value)  # color case
        lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer()
        tokens = list(pygments.lex(s, lexer=lexer))
        pprint(value)  # black & white case
    builtins._ = value
Exemplo n.º 4
def format_line(fname, lineno, line, color=True, lexer=None, formatter=None):
    """Formats a trace line suitable for printing."""
    fname = min(fname, replace_home(fname), os.path.relpath(fname), key=len)
    if not color:
        return COLORLESS_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno, line=line)
    cline = COLOR_LINE.format(fname=fname, lineno=lineno)
    if not HAVE_PYGMENTS:
        return cline + line
    # OK, so we have pygments
    tokens = pyghooks.partial_color_tokenize(cline)
    lexer = lexer or pyghooks.XonshLexer()
    tokens += pygments.lex(line, lexer=lexer)
    return tokens
Exemplo n.º 5
def _pprint_displayhook(value):
    if value is None:
    builtins._ = None  # Set '_' to None to avoid recursion
    if isinstance(value, HiddenCompletedCommand):
        builtins._ = value
    env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
    if env.get('PRETTY_PRINT_RESULTS'):
        printed_val = pretty(value)
        printed_val = repr(value)
    if HAS_PYGMENTS and env.get('COLOR_RESULTS'):
        tokens = list(pygments.lex(printed_val, lexer=pyghooks.XonshLexer()))
        print(printed_val)  # black & white case
    builtins._ = value
Exemplo n.º 6
    def info(self, obj, oname='', info=None, detail_level=0):
        """Compute a dict with detailed information about an object.

        Optional arguments:

        - oname: name of the variable pointing to the object.

        - info: a structure with some information fields which may have been
          precomputed already.

        - detail_level: if set to 1, more information is given.
        obj_type = type(obj)
        if info is None:
            ismagic = 0
            isalias = 0
            ospace = ''
            ismagic = info.ismagic
            isalias = info.isalias
            ospace = info.namespace
        # Get docstring, special-casing aliases:
        if isalias:
            if not callable(obj):
                if len(obj) >= 2 and isinstance(obj[1], str):
                    ds = "Alias to the system command:\n  {0}".format(obj[1])
                else:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
                    ds = "Alias: " + str(obj)
                ds = "Alias to " + str(obj)
                if obj.__doc__:
                    ds += "\nDocstring:\n" + obj.__doc__
            ds = getdoc(obj)
            if ds is None:
                ds = '<no docstring>'

        # store output in a dict, we initialize it here and fill it as we go
        out = dict(name=oname, found=True, isalias=isalias, ismagic=ismagic)

        string_max = 200  # max size of strings to show (snipped if longer)
        shalf = int((string_max - 5) / 2)

        if ismagic:
            obj_type_name = 'Magic function'
        elif isalias:
            obj_type_name = 'System alias'
            obj_type_name = obj_type.__name__
        out['type_name'] = obj_type_name

            bclass = obj.__class__
            out['base_class'] = str(bclass)
        except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except

        # String form, but snip if too long in ? form (full in ??)
        if detail_level >= self.str_detail_level:
                ostr = str(obj)
                str_head = 'string_form'
                if not detail_level and len(ostr) > string_max:
                    ostr = ostr[:shalf] + ' <...> ' + ostr[-shalf:]
                    ostr = ("\n" + " " * len(str_head.expandtabs())).\
                           join(q.strip() for q in ostr.split("\n"))
                out[str_head] = ostr
            except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except

        if ospace:
            out['namespace'] = ospace

        # Length (for strings and lists)
            out['length'] = str(len(obj))
        except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except

        # Filename where object was defined
        binary_file = False
        fname = find_file(obj)
        if fname is None:
            # if anything goes wrong, we don't want to show source, so it's as
            # if the file was binary
            binary_file = True
            if fname.endswith(('.so', '.dll', '.pyd')):
                binary_file = True
            elif fname.endswith('<string>'):
                fname = ('Dynamically generated function. '
                         'No source code available.')
            out['file'] = fname

        # Docstrings only in detail 0 mode, since source contains them (we
        # avoid repetitions).  If source fails, we add them back, see below.
        if ds and detail_level == 0:
            out['docstring'] = ds

        # Original source code for any callable
        if detail_level:
            # Flush the source cache because inspect can return out-of-date
            # source
            source = None
                    source = getsource(obj, binary_file)
                except TypeError:
                    if hasattr(obj, '__class__'):
                        source = getsource(obj.__class__, binary_file)
                if source is not None:
                    source = source.rstrip()
                    if HAS_PYGMENTS:
                        lexer = pyghooks.XonshLexer()
                        source = list(pygments.lex(source, lexer=lexer))
                    out['source'] = source
            except Exception:  # pylint:disable=broad-except

            if ds and source is None:
                out['docstring'] = ds

        # Constructor docstring for classes
        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            out['isclass'] = True
            # reconstruct the function definition and print it:
                obj_init = obj.__init__
            except AttributeError:
                init_def = init_ds = None
                init_def = self._getdef(obj_init, oname)
                init_ds = getdoc(obj_init)
                # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings
                if init_ds == _object_init_docstring:
                    init_ds = None

            if init_def or init_ds:
                if init_def:
                    out['init_definition'] = init_def
                if init_ds:
                    out['init_docstring'] = init_ds

        # and class docstring for instances:
            # reconstruct the function definition and print it:
            defln = self._getdef(obj, oname)
            if defln:
                out['definition'] = defln

            # First, check whether the instance docstring is identical to the
            # class one, and print it separately if they don't coincide.  In
            # most cases they will, but it's nice to print all the info for
            # objects which use instance-customized docstrings.
            if ds:
                    cls = getattr(obj, '__class__')
                except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
                    class_ds = None
                    class_ds = getdoc(cls)
                # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings
                if class_ds in _builtin_type_docstrings:
                    class_ds = None
                if class_ds and ds != class_ds:
                    out['class_docstring'] = class_ds

            # Next, try to show constructor docstrings
                init_ds = getdoc(obj.__init__)
                # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings
                if init_ds == _object_init_docstring:
                    init_ds = None
            except AttributeError:
                init_ds = None
            if init_ds:
                out['init_docstring'] = init_ds

            # Call form docstring for callable instances
            if safe_hasattr(obj, '__call__') and not is_simple_callable(obj):
                call_def = self._getdef(obj.__call__, oname)
                if call_def:
                    call_def = call_def
                    # it may never be the case that call def and definition
                    # differ, but don't include the same signature twice
                    if call_def != out.get('definition'):
                        out['call_def'] = call_def
                call_ds = getdoc(obj.__call__)
                # Skip Python's auto-generated docstrings
                if call_ds == _func_call_docstring:
                    call_ds = None
                if call_ds:
                    out['call_docstring'] = call_ds

        # Compute the object's argspec as a callable.  The key is to decide
        # whether to pull it from the object itself, from its __init__ or
        # from its __call__ method.

        if inspect.isclass(obj):
            # Old-style classes need not have an __init__
            callable_obj = getattr(obj, "__init__", None)
        elif callable(obj):
            callable_obj = obj
            callable_obj = None

        if callable_obj:
                argspec = getargspec(callable_obj)
            except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                # For extensions/builtins we can't retrieve the argspec
                # named tuples' _asdict() method returns an OrderedDict, but we
                # we want a normal
                out['argspec'] = argspec_dict = dict(argspec._asdict())
                # We called this varkw before argspec became a named tuple.
                # With getfullargspec it's also called varkw.
                if 'varkw' not in argspec_dict:
                    argspec_dict['varkw'] = argspec_dict.pop('keywords')

        return object_info(**out)