Exemplo n.º 1
def argb_swap(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
    """ use the argb codec to do the RGB byte swapping """
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    #try to fallback to argb module
    #if we have one of the target pixel formats:
    pixels = image.get_pixels()
    assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
    rs = image.get_rowstride()
    if pixel_format == "r210":
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: r210_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: r210_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
    elif pixel_format in ("BGRX", "BGRA"):
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: bgra_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: bgra_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
    elif pixel_format in ("XRGB", "ARGB"):
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: argb_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: argb_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format,
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
        pixel_format + "-format-not-handled",
        "no matching argb function: cannot convert %s to one of: %s" %
        (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
    return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def argb_swap(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
    """ use the argb codec to do the RGB byte swapping """
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    # try to fallback to argb module
    # if we have one of the target pixel formats:
    pixels = image.get_pixels()
    assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
    rs = image.get_rowstride()
    if pixel_format == "r210":
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: r210_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: r210_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
    elif pixel_format in ("BGRX", "BGRA"):
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: bgra_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: bgra_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
    elif pixel_format in ("XRGB", "ARGB"):
        if supports_transparency and "RGBA" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: argb_to_rgba for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            return True
        if "RGB" in rgb_formats:
            log("argb_swap: argb_to_rgb for %s on %s", pixel_format, type(pixels))
            image.set_rowstride(rs * 3 // 4)
            return True
        pixel_format + "-format-not-handled",
        "no matching argb function: cannot convert %s to one of: %s" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats),
    return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def encode(coding: str,
           quality: int,
           speed: int,
           supports_transparency: bool,
           grayscale: bool = False,
    log("pillow.encode%s", (coding, image, quality, speed,
                            supports_transparency, grayscale, resize))
    assert coding in ("jpeg", "webp", "png", "png/P",
                      "png/L"), "unsupported encoding: %s" % coding
    assert image, "no image to encode"
    pixel_format = bytestostr(image.get_pixel_format())
    palette = None
    w = image.get_width()
    h = image.get_height()
    rgb = {
        "RLE8": "P",
        "XRGB": "RGB",
        "BGRX": "RGB",
        "RGBX": "RGB",
        "RGBA": "RGBA",
        "BGRA": "RGBA",
        "BGR": "RGB",
    }.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
    bpp = 32
    pixels = image.get_pixels()
    assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
    #remove transparency if it cannot be handled,
    #and deal with non 24-bit formats:
    if pixel_format == "r210":
        stride = image.get_rowstride()
        from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import r210_to_rgba, r210_to_rgb  #@UnresolvedImport
        if supports_transparency:
            pixels = r210_to_rgba(pixels, w, h, stride, w * 4)
            pixel_format = "RGBA"
            rgb = "RGBA"
            image.set_rowstride(image.get_rowstride() * 3 // 4)
            pixels = r210_to_rgb(pixels, w, h, stride, w * 3)
            pixel_format = "RGB"
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    elif pixel_format == "BGR565":
        from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import bgr565_to_rgbx, bgr565_to_rgb  #@UnresolvedImport
        if supports_transparency:
            image.set_rowstride(image.get_rowstride() * 2)
            pixels = bgr565_to_rgbx(pixels)
            pixel_format = "RGBA"
            rgb = "RGBA"
            image.set_rowstride(image.get_rowstride() * 3 // 2)
            pixels = bgr565_to_rgb(pixels)
            pixel_format = "RGB"
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    elif pixel_format == "RLE8":
        pixel_format = "P"
        palette = []
        #pillow requires 8 bit palette values,
        #but we get 16-bit values from the image wrapper (X11 palettes are 16-bit):
        for r, g, b in image.get_palette():
            palette.append((r >> 8) & 0xFF)
            palette.append((g >> 8) & 0xFF)
            palette.append((b >> 8) & 0xFF)
        bpp = 8
        assert pixel_format in ("RGBA", "RGBX", "BGRA", "BGRX", "BGR", "RGB"), \
            "invalid pixel format '%s'" % pixel_format
        #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
        if isinstance(pixels, memoryview):
            pixels = pixels.tobytes()
        #it is safe to use frombuffer() here since the convert()
        #calls below will not convert and modify the data in place
        #and we save the compressed data then discard the image
        im = Image.frombuffer(rgb, (w, h), pixels, "raw", pixel_format,
                              image.get_rowstride(), 1)
        if palette:
            im.palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB",
        if coding != "png/L" and grayscale:
            if rgb.find(
                    "A") >= 0 and supports_transparency and coding != "jpeg":
                im = im.convert("LA")
                im = im.convert("L")
            rgb = "L"
            bpp = 8
        elif coding.startswith(
                "png") and not supports_transparency and rgb == "RGBA":
            im = im.convert("RGB")
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    except Exception:
            "pillow.encode%s converting %s pixels from %s to %s failed",
            (coding, image, speed, supports_transparency, grayscale, resize),
    client_options = {}
    if resize:
        if speed >= 95:
            resample = "NEAREST"
        elif speed > 80:
            resample = "BILINEAR"
        elif speed >= 30:
            resample = "BICUBIC"
            resample = "LANCZOS"
        resample_value = getattr(Image, resample, 0)
        im = im.resize(resize, resample=resample_value)
        client_options["resample"] = resample
    if coding in ("jpeg", "webp"):
        #newer versions of pillow require explicit conversion to non-alpha:
        if pixel_format.find("A") >= 0:
            im = im.convert("RGB")
        q = int(min(100, max(1, quality)))
        kwargs = im.info
        kwargs["quality"] = q
        client_options["quality"] = q
        if coding == "jpeg" and speed < 50:
            #(optimizing jpeg is pretty cheap and worth doing)
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        elif coding == "webp" and q >= 100:
            kwargs["lossless"] = 1
        pil_fmt = coding.upper()
        assert coding in ("png", "png/P",
                          "png/L"), "unsupported encoding: %s" % coding
        if coding in ("png/L",
                      "png/P") and supports_transparency and rgb == "RGBA":
            #grab alpha channel (the last one):
            #we use the last channel because we know it is RGBA,
            #otherwise we should do: alpha_index= image.getbands().index('A')
            alpha = im.split()[-1]

            #convert to simple on or off mask:
            #set all pixel values below 128 to 255, and the rest to 0
            def mask_value(a):
                if a <= 128:
                    return 255
                return 0

            mask = Image.eval(alpha, mask_value)
            #no transparency
            mask = None
        if coding == "png/L":
            im = im.convert("L", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        elif coding == "png/P":
            #convert to 255 indexed colour if:
            # * we're not in palette mode yet (source is >8bpp)
            # * we need space for the mask (256 -> 255)
            if palette is None or mask:
                #I wanted to use the "better" adaptive method,
                #but this does NOT work (produces a black image instead):
                #im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
                im = im.convert("P", palette=Image.WEB, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        kwargs = im.info
        if mask:
            # paste the alpha mask to the color of index 255
            im.paste(255, mask)
            client_options["transparency"] = 255
            kwargs["transparency"] = 255
        if speed == 0:
            #optimizing png is very rarely worth doing
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        #level can range from 0 to 9, but anything above 5 is way too slow for small gains:
        #76-100   -> 1
        #51-76    -> 2
        level = max(1, min(5, (125 - speed) // 25))
        kwargs["compress_level"] = level
        #no need to expose to the client:
        #client_options["compress_level"] = level
        #default is good enough, no need to override, other options:
        #kwargs["compress_type"] = Image.DEFAULT_STRATEGY
        pil_fmt = "PNG"
    buf = BytesIO()
    im.save(buf, pil_fmt, **kwargs)
    if SAVE_TO_FILE:  # pragma: no cover
        filename = "./%s.%s" % (time.time(), pil_fmt)
        im.save(filename, pil_fmt)
        log.info("saved %s to %s", coding, filename)
    log("sending %sx%s %s as %s, mode=%s, options=%s", w, h, pixel_format,
        coding, im.mode, kwargs)
    data = buf.getvalue()
    return coding, Compressed(
        data), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, bpp
Exemplo n.º 4
def encode(coding, image, quality, speed, supports_transparency):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    w = image.get_width()
    h = image.get_height()
    rgb = {
           "XRGB"   : "RGB",
           "BGRX"   : "RGB",
           "RGBA"   : "RGBA",
           "BGRA"   : "RGBA",
           }.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
    bpp = 32
    #remove transparency if it cannot be handled:
        pixels = image.get_pixels()
        assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
        if pixel_format=="r210":
            from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import r210_to_rgba, r210_to_rgb #@UnresolvedImport
            if supports_transparency:
                pixels = r210_to_rgba(pixels)
                pixel_format = "RGBA"
                rgb = "RGBA"
                pixels = r210_to_rgb(pixels)
                pixel_format = "RGB"
                rgb = "RGB"
        #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
        if type(pixels)!=_buffer:
            pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(pixels)
        #it is safe to use frombuffer() here since the convert()
        #calls below will not convert and modify the data in place
        #and we save the compressed data then discard the image
        im = PIL.Image.frombuffer(rgb, (w, h), pixels, "raw", pixel_format, image.get_rowstride(), 1)
        if coding.startswith("png") and not supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            im = im.convert("RGB")
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    except Exception:
        log.error("PIL_encode%s converting %s pixels from %s to %s failed", (w, h, coding, "%s bytes" % image.get_size(), pixel_format, image.get_rowstride()), type(pixels), pixel_format, rgb, exc_info=True)
    buf = BytesIOClass()
    client_options = {}
    #only optimize with Pillow>=2.2 and when speed is zero
    if coding in ("jpeg", "webp"):
        #newer versions of pillow require explicit conversion to non-alpha:
        if pixel_format.find("A")>=0:
            im = im.convert("RGB")
        q = int(min(99, max(1, quality)))
        kwargs = im.info
        kwargs["quality"] = q
        client_options["quality"] = q
        if coding=="jpeg" and PIL_can_optimize and speed<70:
            #(optimizing jpeg is pretty cheap and worth doing)
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        pil_fmt = coding.upper()
        assert coding in ("png", "png/P", "png/L"), "unsupported encoding: %s" % coding
        if coding in ("png/L", "png/P") and supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            #grab alpha channel (the last one):
            #we use the last channel because we know it is RGBA,
            #otherwise we should do: alpha_index= image.getbands().index('A')
            alpha = im.split()[-1]
            #convert to simple on or off mask:
            #set all pixel values below 128 to 255, and the rest to 0
            def mask_value(a):
                if a<=128:
                    return 255
                return 0
            mask = PIL.Image.eval(alpha, mask_value)
            #no transparency
            mask = None
        if coding=="png/L":
            im = im.convert("L", palette=PIL.Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        elif coding=="png/P":
            #I wanted to use the "better" adaptive method,
            #but this does NOT work (produces a black image instead):
            #im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
            im = im.convert("P", palette=PIL.Image.WEB, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        if mask:
            # paste the alpha mask to the color of index 255
            im.paste(255, mask)
        kwargs = im.info
        if mask is not None:
            client_options["transparency"] = 255
            kwargs["transparency"] = 255
        if PIL_can_optimize and speed==0:
            #optimizing png is very rarely worth doing
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        #level can range from 0 to 9, but anything above 5 is way too slow for small gains:
        #76-100   -> 1
        #51-76    -> 2
        level = max(1, min(5, (125-speed)//25))
        kwargs["compress_level"] = level
        client_options["compress_level"] = level
        #default is good enough, no need to override, other options:
        #kwargs["compress_type"] = PIL.Image.DEFAULT_STRATEGY
        pil_fmt = "PNG"
    im.save(buf, pil_fmt, **kwargs)
    if SAVE_TO_FILE:
        filename = "./%s.%s" % (time.time(), pil_fmt)
        im.save(filename, pil_fmt)
        log.info("saved %s to %s", coding, filename)
    log("sending %sx%s %s as %s, mode=%s, options=%s", w, h, pixel_format, coding, im.mode, kwargs)
    data = buf.getvalue()
    return coding, compression.Compressed(coding, data), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, bpp
Exemplo n.º 5
def encode(coding, image, quality, speed, supports_transparency):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    w = image.get_width()
    h = image.get_height()
    rgb = {
           "XRGB"   : "RGB",
           "BGRX"   : "RGB",
           "RGBA"   : "RGBA",
           "BGRA"   : "RGBA",
           }.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
    bpp = 32
    #remove transparency if it cannot be handled:
        pixels = image.get_pixels()
        assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
        if pixel_format=="r210":
            from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import r210_to_rgba, r210_to_rgb #@UnresolvedImport
            if supports_transparency:
                pixels = r210_to_rgba(pixels)
                pixel_format = "RGBA"
                rgb = "RGBA"
                pixels = r210_to_rgb(pixels)
                pixel_format = "RGB"
                rgb = "RGB"
        #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
        if type(pixels)!=_buffer:
            pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(pixels)
        #it is safe to use frombuffer() here since the convert()
        #calls below will not convert and modify the data in place
        #and we save the compressed data then discard the image
        im = PIL.Image.frombuffer(rgb, (w, h), pixels, "raw", pixel_format, image.get_rowstride(), 1)
        if coding.startswith("png") and not supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            im = im.convert("RGB")
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    except Exception:
        log.error("PIL_encode%s converting %s pixels from %s to %s failed", (w, h, coding, "%s bytes" % image.get_size(), pixel_format, image.get_rowstride()), type(pixels), pixel_format, rgb, exc_info=True)
    buf = BytesIOClass()
    client_options = {}
    #only optimize with Pillow>=2.2 and when speed is zero
    if coding in ("jpeg", "webp"):
        q = int(min(99, max(1, quality)))
        kwargs = im.info
        kwargs["quality"] = q
        client_options["quality"] = q
        if coding=="jpeg" and PIL_can_optimize and speed<70:
            #(optimizing jpeg is pretty cheap and worth doing)
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        pil_fmt = coding.upper()
        assert coding in ("png", "png/P", "png/L"), "unsupported png encoding: %s" % coding
        if coding in ("png/L", "png/P") and supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            #grab alpha channel (the last one):
            #we use the last channel because we know it is RGBA,
            #otherwise we should do: alpha_index= image.getbands().index('A')
            alpha = im.split()[-1]
            #convert to simple on or off mask:
            #set all pixel values below 128 to 255, and the rest to 0
            def mask_value(a):
                if a<=128:
                    return 255
                return 0
            mask = PIL.Image.eval(alpha, mask_value)
            #no transparency
            mask = None
        if coding=="png/L":
            im = im.convert("L", palette=PIL.Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        elif coding=="png/P":
            #I wanted to use the "better" adaptive method,
            #but this does NOT work (produces a black image instead):
            #im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
            im = im.convert("P", palette=PIL.Image.WEB, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        if mask:
            # paste the alpha mask to the color of index 255
            im.paste(255, mask)
        kwargs = im.info
        if mask is not None:
            client_options["transparency"] = 255
            kwargs["transparency"] = 255
        if PIL_can_optimize and speed==0:
            #optimizing png is very rarely worth doing
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        #level can range from 0 to 9, but anything above 5 is way too slow for small gains:
        #76-100   -> 1
        #51-76    -> 2
        level = max(1, min(5, (125-speed)//25))
        kwargs["compress_level"] = level
        client_options["compress_level"] = level
        #default is good enough, no need to override, other options:
        #kwargs["compress_type"] = PIL.Image.DEFAULT_STRATEGY
        pil_fmt = "PNG"
    im.save(buf, pil_fmt, **kwargs)
    if SAVE_TO_FILE:
        filename = "./%s.%s" % (time.time(), pil_fmt)
        im.save(filename, pil_fmt)
        log.info("saved %s to %s", coding, filename)
    log("sending %sx%s %s as %s, mode=%s, options=%s", w, h, pixel_format, coding, im.mode, kwargs)
    data = buf.getvalue()
    return coding, compression.Compressed(coding, data), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, bpp