Exemplo n.º 1
def gendigest(digest, password, salt):
    assert password and salt
    salt = memoryview_to_bytes(salt)
    password = strtobytes(password)
    if digest=="des":
        from xpra.net.d3des import generate_response  #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        password = password.ljust(8, b"\x00")[:8]
        salt = salt.ljust(16, b"\x00")[:16]
        v = generate_response(password, salt)
        return hexstr(v)
    if digest in ("xor", "kerberos", "gss"):
        #kerberos and gss use xor because we need to use the actual token
        #at the other end
        salt = salt.ljust(len(password), b"\x00")[:len(password)]
        from xpra.buffers.cyxor import xor_str           #@UnresolvedImport pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        v = xor_str(password, salt)
        return memoryview_to_bytes(v)
    digestmod = get_digest_module(digest)
    if not digestmod:
        log("invalid digest module '%s'", digest)
        return None
        #    "server requested digest '%s' but it is not supported" % digest, "invalid digest")
    v = hmac.HMAC(password, salt, digestmod=digestmod).hexdigest()
    return v
Exemplo n.º 2
def gendigest(digest, password, salt):
    assert digest and password and salt
    salt = memoryview_to_bytes(salt)
    password = strtobytes(password)
    if digest == "xor":
        salt = salt.ljust(len(password), "\x00")[:len(password)]
        return memoryview_to_bytes(xor(password, salt))
    digestmod = get_digest_module(digest)
    if not digestmod:
        log("invalid digest module '%s'", digest)
        return None
        #warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_UNSUPPORTED, "server requested digest '%s' but it is not supported" % digest, "invalid digest")
    v = hmac.HMAC(strtobytes(password), strtobytes(salt),
    return v
Exemplo n.º 3
 def nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(self, cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format):
     log("nasty_rgb_via_png_paint%s", (cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format))
     #PIL fallback
     PIL = get_codec("PIL")
     if has_alpha:
         oformat = "RGBA"
         oformat = "RGB"
     #use frombytes rather than frombuffer to be compatible with python3 new-style buffers
     #this is slower, but since this codepath is already dreadfully slow, we don't care
     bdata = strtobytes(memoryview_to_bytes(img_data))
         img = PIL.Image.frombytes(oformat, (width,height), bdata, "raw", rgb_format.replace("X", "A"), rowstride, 1)
     except ValueError as e:
         raise Exception("failed to parse raw %s data to %s: %s" % (rgb_format, oformat, e))
     #This is insane, the code below should work, but it doesn't:
     # img_data = bytearray(img.tostring('raw', oformat, 0, 1))
     # pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
     # success = self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     #So we still rountrip via PNG:
     png = BytesIOClass()
     img.save(png, format="PNG")
     reader = BytesIOClass(png.getvalue())
     img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(reader)
     self.cairo_paint_surface(img, x, y)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(self, cairo_format, has_alpha : bool, img_data,
                             x : int, y : int, width : int, height : int, rowstride : int, rgb_format):
              (cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format))
     #PIL fallback
     from PIL import Image
     if has_alpha:
         oformat = "RGBA"
         oformat = "RGB"
     #use frombytes rather than frombuffer to be compatible with python3 new-style buffers
     #this is slower, but since this codepath is already dreadfully slow, we don't care
     bdata = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
     src_format = rgb_format.replace("X", "A")
         img = Image.frombytes(oformat, (width,height), bdata, "raw", src_format, rowstride, 1)
     except ValueError as e:
         log("PIL Image frombytes:", exc_info=True)
         raise Exception("failed to parse raw %s data as %s to %s: %s" % (
             rgb_format, src_format, oformat, e)) from None
     #This is insane, the code below should work, but it doesn't:
     # img_data = bytearray(img.tostring('raw', oformat, 0, 1))
     # pixbuf = new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
     # success = self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     #So we still rountrip via PNG:
     from io import BytesIO
     png = BytesIO()
     img.save(png, format="PNG")
     reader = BytesIO(png.getvalue())
     img = ImageSurface.create_from_png(reader)
     self.cairo_paint_surface(img, x, y, width, height, {})
     return True
Exemplo n.º 5
 def nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(self, cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y,
                             width, height, rowstride, rgb_format):
         (cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height,
          rowstride, rgb_format))
     #PIL fallback
     PIL = get_codec("PIL")
     if has_alpha:
         oformat = "RGBA"
         oformat = "RGB"
     #use frombytes rather than frombuffer to be compatible with python3 new-style buffers
     #this is slower, but since this codepath is already dreadfully slow, we don't care
     bdata = strtobytes(memoryview_to_bytes(img_data))
     img = PIL.Image.frombytes(oformat, (width, height), bdata, "raw",
                               rgb_format, rowstride, 1)
     #This is insane, the code below should work, but it doesn't:
     # img_data = bytearray(img.tostring('raw', oformat, 0, 1))
     # pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
     # success = self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     #So we still rountrip via PNG:
     png = BytesIOClass()
     img.save(png, format="PNG")
     reader = BytesIOClass(png.getvalue())
     img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(reader)
     self.cairo_paint_surface(img, x, y)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _do_paint_rgb24(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
     img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
         img_data, rowstride = self.bgr_to_rgb(img_data, width, height, rowstride, options.strget("rgb_format", ""), "RGB")
     gc = self._backing.new_gc()
     self._backing.draw_rgb_image(gc, x, y, width, height, gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _do_paint_rgb24(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride,
     img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
     gc = self._backing.new_gc()
     self._backing.draw_rgb_image(gc, x, y, width, height,
                                  gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _process_ws_ping(self, payload):
     log("_process_ws_ping(%r)", payload)
     item = encode_hybi_header(OPCODE_PONG,
                               len(payload)) + memoryview_to_bytes(payload)
     items = (item, )
     with self._write_lock:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _do_paint_rgb(self, cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
        """ must be called from UI thread """
        log("cairo._do_paint_rgb(%s, %s, %s bytes,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, options)
        rgb_format = options.strget("rgb_format", "RGB")

        if rgb_format in ("ARGB", ):
            #the pixel format is also what cairo expects
            #maybe we should also check that the stride is acceptable for cairo?
            #cairo_stride = cairo.ImageSurface.format_stride_for_width(cairo_format, width)
            #log("cairo_stride=%s, stride=%s", cairo_stride, rowstride)
            pix_data = bytearray(img_data)
            img_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(pix_data, cairo_format, width, height, rowstride)
            self.cairo_paint_surface(img_surface, x, y)
            return True

        if rgb_format in ("RGBA", "RGBX", "RGB"):
            #with GTK2, we can use a pixbuf from RGB(A) pixels
            if rgb_format=="RGBA":
                #we have to unpremultiply for pixbuf!
                img_data = self.unpremultiply(img_data)
            #Pixbuf cannot use the memoryview directly:
            img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
            pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha, 8, width, height, rowstride)
            self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
            return True

        self.nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, rgb_format)
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
 def do_cmp_unmask(buf, hlen, plen):
     c = memoryview_to_bytes(hybi_unmask(buf, hlen, plen))
     w = numpy_unmask(buf, hlen, plen)
     assert w == c, "expected %s got %s" % (
Exemplo n.º 11
def cairo_paint_pointer_overlay(context, cursor_data, px: int, py: int,
    if not cursor_data:
    elapsed = max(0, monotonic_time() - start_time)
    if elapsed > 6:
    cw = cursor_data[3]
    ch = cursor_data[4]
    xhot = cursor_data[5]
    yhot = cursor_data[6]
    pixels = cursor_data[8]
    x = px - xhot
    y = py - yhot
    alpha = max(0, (5.0 - elapsed) / 5.0)
    log("cairo_paint_pointer_overlay%s drawing pointer with cairo, alpha=%s",
        (context, x, y, start_time), alpha)
    context.translate(x, y)
    context.rectangle(0, 0, cw, ch)
    argb = unpremultiply_argb(pixels)
    img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(argb)
    pixbuf = get_pixbuf_from_data(img_data, True, cw, ch, cw * 4)
    Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(context, pixbuf, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _test_csc(self, mod,
              width=16, height=16,
              in_csc="BGRX", out_csc="YUV420P",
              pixel="00000000", expected=()):
     csc_mod = loader.load_codec(mod)
     if not csc_mod:
         print("%s not found" % mod)
     if in_csc not in csc_mod.get_input_colorspaces():
         raise Exception("%s does not support %s as input" % (mod, in_csc))
     if out_csc not in csc_mod.get_output_colorspaces(in_csc):
         raise Exception("%s does not support %s as output for %s" % (mod, out_csc, in_csc))
     csc = csc_mod.ColorspaceConverter()
     csc.init_context(width, height, in_csc,
                      width, height, out_csc)
     image = make_test_image(in_csc, width, height)
     size = image.get_rowstride()//4*image.get_height()
     bgrx = h2b(pixel)*size
     out_image = csc.convert_image(image)
     assert out_image.get_planes()>=len(expected)
     #now verify the value for each plane specified:
     for i, v_str in enumerate(expected):
         plane = out_image.get_pixels()[i]
         #plane_stride = out_image.get_rowstride()[i]
         #assert len(plane)>=plane_stride*out_image.get_height()
         plane_bytes = memoryview_to_bytes(plane)
         v = h2b(v_str)
         if not cmpp(plane_bytes, v):
             raise Exception("%s: plane %s, expected %s but got %s" % (
                 mod, out_csc[i], v_str, hexstr(plane_bytes[:len(v)])))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _do_paint_rgb32(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride,
     has_alpha = options.boolget(
         "has_alpha", False) or options.get("rgb_format", "").find("A") >= 0
     if has_alpha:
         img_data = self.unpremultiply(img_data)
     if isinstance(img_data, (memoryview, _buffer, bytearray)):
         img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
         img_data, rowstride = self.bgr_to_rgb(
             img_data, width, height, rowstride,
             options.strget("rgb_format", ""), "RGBA")
     if has_alpha:
         #draw_rgb_32_image does not honour alpha, we have to use pixbuf:
         pixbuf = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,
                                           True, 8, width, height,
         cr = self._backing.cairo_create()
         cr.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
         cr.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
         #no alpha or scaling is easier:
         gc = self._backing.new_gc()
         self._backing.draw_rgb_32_image(gc, x, y, width, height,
                                         gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data,
     if self.paint_box_line_width > 0:
         self.paint_box(x, y, width, height, options)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 14
 def restride(self, rowstride):
     assert not self.freed
     if self.planes>0:
         #not supported yet for planar images
         return False
     pixels = self.pixels
     assert pixels, "no pixel data to restride"
     oldstride = self.rowstride
     pos = 0
     lines = []
     for _ in range(self.height):
         pos += oldstride
     if self.height>0 and oldstride<rowstride:
         #the last few lines may need padding if the new rowstride is bigger
         #(usually just the last line)
         #we do this here to avoid slowing down the main loop above
         #as this should be a rarer case
         for h in range(self.height):
             i = -(1+h)
             line = lines[i]
             if len(line)<rowstride:
                 lines[i] = line + b"\0"*(rowstride-len(line))
     self.rowstride = rowstride
     self.pixels = b"".join(lines)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 15
 def damage(self, _wid, window, x, y, w, h, options=None):
     polling = options and options.get("polling", False)
     p = self.protocol
     if polling and p is None or p.queue_size() >= 2:
         #very basic RFB update rate control,
         #if there are packets waiting already
         #we'll just process the next polling update instead:
     img = window.get_image(x, y, w, h)
     log("damage: %s", img)
     if not img or self.is_closed():
     fbupdate = struct.pack(b"!BBH", 0, 0, 1)
     encoding = 0  #Raw
     rect = struct.pack(b"!HHHHi", x, y, w, h, encoding)
     if img.get_rowstride() != w * 4:
         img.restride(w * 4)
     pixels = img.get_pixels()
     assert len(pixels) >= 4 * w * h
     pixels = pixels[:4 * w * h]
     if len(pixels) <= PACKET_JOIN_SIZE:
         self.send(fbupdate + rect + memoryview_to_bytes(pixels))
         self.send(fbupdate + rect)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_sub_image(self, x, y, w, h):
     #raise NotImplementedError("no sub-images for %s" % type(self))
     assert w>0 and h>0, "invalid sub-image size: %ix%i" % (w, h)
     if x+w>self.width:
         raise Exception("invalid sub-image width: %i+%i greater than image width %i" % (x, w, self.width))
     if y+h>self.height:
         raise Exception("invalid sub-image height: %i+%i greater than image height %i" % (y, h, self.height))
     assert self.planes==0, "cannot sub-divide planar images!"
     if x==0 and y==0 and w==self.width and h==self.height:
         #same dimensions, use the same wrapper
         return self
     #copy to local variables:
     pixels = self.pixels
     oldstride = self.rowstride
     pos = y*oldstride + x*self.bytesperpixel
     newstride = w*self.bytesperpixel
     lines = []
     for _ in range(h):
         pos += oldstride
     image = ImageWrapper(self.x+x, self.y+y, w, h, b"".join(lines), self.pixel_format, self.depth, newstride,
                         planes=self.planes, thread_safe=True, palette=self.palette)
     return image
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _do_paint_rgb(self, cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y, width,
                      height, rowstride, options):
        """ must be called from UI thread """
        log("cairo._do_paint_rgb(%s, %s, %s bytes,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",
            cairo_format, has_alpha, len(img_data), x, y, width, height,
            rowstride, options)
        rgb_format = options.strget("rgb_format", "RGB")

        if rgb_format in ("ARGB", ):
            #the pixel format is also what cairo expects
            #maybe we should also check that the stride is acceptable for cairo?
            #cairo_stride = cairo.ImageSurface.format_stride_for_width(cairo_format, width)
            #log("cairo_stride=%s, stride=%s", cairo_stride, rowstride)
            pix_data = bytearray(img_data)
            img_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(
                pix_data, cairo_format, width, height, rowstride)
            self.cairo_paint_surface(img_surface, x, y, options)
            return True

        if rgb_format in ("RGBA", "RGBX", "RGB"):
            #with GTK2, we can use a pixbuf from RGB(A) pixels
            if rgb_format == "RGBA":
                #we have to unpremultiply for pixbuf!
                img_data = self.unpremultiply(img_data)
            #Pixbuf cannot use the memoryview directly:
            img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
            pixbuf = pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha,
                                          8, width, height, rowstride)
            self.cairo_paint_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y, options)
            return True

        self.nasty_rgb_via_png_paint(cairo_format, has_alpha, img_data, x, y,
                                     width, height, rowstride, rgb_format)
        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def main(filename):
    from io import BytesIO
    from xpra.os_util import memoryview_to_bytes
    from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import get_default_root_window, get_root_size
    root = get_default_root_window()
    capture = setup_capture(root)
    w, h = get_root_size()
    image = capture.get_image(0, 0, w, h)
    from PIL import Image
    fmt = image.get_pixel_format().replace("X", "A")
    pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(image.get_pixels())
    log("converting %i bytes in format %s to RGBA", len(pixels), fmt)
    if len(fmt) == 3:
        target = "RGB"
        target = "RGBA"
    pil_image = Image.frombuffer(target, (w, h), pixels, "raw", fmt,
    if target != "RGB":
        pil_image = pil_image.convert("RGB")
    buf = BytesIO()
    pil_image.save(buf, "png")
    data = buf.getvalue()
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get_sub_image(self, x, y, w, h):
     #raise NotImplementedError("no sub-images for %s" % type(self))
     assert w > 0 and h > 0, "invalid sub-image size: %ix%i" % (w, h)
     if x + w > self.width:
         raise Exception(
             "invalid sub-image width: %i+%i greater than image width %i" %
             (x, w, self.width))
     if y + h > self.height:
         raise Exception(
             "invalid sub-image height: %i+%i greater than image height %i"
             % (y, h, self.height))
     assert self.planes == 0, "cannot sub-divide planar images!"
     from xpra.os_util import memoryview_to_bytes
     #copy to local variables:
     pixels = self.pixels
     oldstride = self.rowstride
     pos = y * oldstride + x * 4
     newstride = w * 4
     lines = []
     for _ in range(h):
         lines.append(memoryview_to_bytes(pixels[pos:pos + newstride]))
         pos += oldstride
     return ImageWrapper(self.x + x,
                         self.y + y,
Exemplo n.º 20
 def compress_image(self, image, options=None):
     log("compress_image(%s, %s)", image, options)
     #pass the pixels as they are
     assert image.get_planes(
     ) == ImageWrapper.PACKED, "invalid number of planes: %s" % image.get_planes(
     pixels = image.get_pixels()
     assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
     #info used by proxy encoder:
     client_options = {
         "proxy": True,
         "frame": self.frames,
         "pts": image.get_timestamp() - self.first_frame_timestamp,
         "timestamp": image.get_timestamp(),
         "rowstride": image.get_rowstride(),
         "depth": image.get_depth(),
         "rgb_format": image.get_pixel_format(),
         #pass-through encoder options:
         "options": options or {},
     if self.frames == 0:
         self.first_frame_timestamp = image.get_timestamp()
         #must pass dst_formats so the proxy can instantiate the video encoder
         #with the correct CSC config:
         client_options["dst_formats"] = self.dst_formats
     log("compress_image(%s, %s) returning %s bytes and options=%s", image,
         options, len(pixels), client_options)
     self.frames += 1
     return memoryview_to_bytes(pixels[:]), client_options
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _do_paint_rgb24(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
     img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
         img_data, rowstride = self.bgr_to_rgb(img_data, width, height, rowstride, options.strget("rgb_format", ""), "RGB")
     gc = self._backing.new_gc()
     self._backing.draw_rgb_image(gc, x, y, width, height, gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _pipe_write(self, buf):
     bbuf = memoryview_to_bytes(buf)
     size = len(bbuf)
     log("pipe_write: %i bytes", size)   #binascii.hexlify(buf))
     written = c_ulong(0)
     r = WriteFile(self.pipe_handle, c_char_p(bbuf), size, byref(written), byref(self.write_overlapped))
     log("WriteFile(..)=%s, len=%i", r, written.value)
     if not r and self.pipe_handle:
         e = GetLastError()
         if e!=ERROR_IO_PENDING:
             log("WriteFile: %s", IO_ERROR_STR.get(e, e))
             if e in CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERRORS:
                 raise ConnectionClosedException(CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERRORS[e])
         r = WaitForSingleObject(self.write_event, INFINITE)
         log("WaitForSingleObject(..)=%s, len=%i", WAIT_STR.get(r, r), written.value)
         if not self.pipe_handle:
             #closed already!
             return written.value
         if r:
             raise Exception("failed to write buffer to named pipe handle %s" % self.pipe_handle)
     if self.pipe_handle:
         if not GetOverlappedResult(self.pipe_handle, byref(self.write_overlapped), byref(written), False):
             e = GetLastError()
             raise Exception("overlapped write failed: %s" % IO_ERROR_STR.get(e, e))
         log("pipe_write: %i bytes written", written.value)
         if self.pipe_handle:
     #SetFilePointer(self.pipe_handle, 0, FILE_BEGIN)
     return written.value
Exemplo n.º 23
 def parse_ws_frame(self, buf):
     if not buf:
     if self.ws_data:
         ws_data = self.ws_data+buf
         self.ws_data = b""
         ws_data = buf
     log("parse_ws_frame(%i bytes) total buffer is %i bytes", len(buf), len(ws_data))
     while ws_data and not self._closed:
         parsed = decode_hybi(ws_data)
         if parsed is None:
             log("parse_ws_frame(%i bytes) not enough data", len(ws_data))
             #not enough data to get a full websocket frame,
             #save it for later:
             self.ws_data = ws_data
         opcode, payload, processed, fin = parsed
         ws_data = ws_data[processed:]
         log("parse_ws_frame(%i bytes) payload=%i bytes, processed=%i, remaining=%i, opcode=%s, fin=%s",
             len(buf), len(payload), processed, len(ws_data), OPCODES.get(opcode, opcode), fin)
         if opcode==OPCODE_CONTINUE:
             assert self.ws_payload_opcode and self.ws_payload, "continuation frame does not follow a partial frame"
             if not fin:
                 #wait for more
             #join all the frames and process the payload:
             full_payload = b"".join(memoryview_to_bytes(v) for v in self.ws_payload)
             self.ws_payload = []
             opcode = self.ws_payload_opcode
             self.ws_payload_opcode = 0
             if self.ws_payload and self.ws_payload_opcode:
                 raise Exception("expected a continuation frame not %s" % OPCODES.get(opcode, opcode))
             full_payload = payload
             if not fin:
                 if opcode not in (OPCODE_BINARY, OPCODE_TEXT):
                     raise Exception("cannot handle fragmented '%s' frames" % OPCODES.get(opcode, opcode))
                 #fragmented, keep this payload for later
                 self.ws_payload_opcode = opcode
         if opcode==OPCODE_BINARY:
         elif opcode==OPCODE_TEXT:
             if first_time("ws-text-frame-from-%s" % self._conn):
                 log.warn("Warning: handling text websocket frame as binary")
         elif opcode==OPCODE_CLOSE:
         elif opcode==OPCODE_PING:
         elif opcode==OPCODE_PONG:
             log.warn("Warning unhandled websocket opcode '%s'", OPCODES.get(opcode, "%#x" % opcode))
             log("payload=%r", payload)
Exemplo n.º 24
def image_to_ICONINFO(img):
    w, h = img.size
    from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import rgba_to_bgra       #@UnresolvedImport
    if TRAY_ALPHA and img.mode.find("A")>=0:   #ie: RGBA
        rgb_format = "BGRA"
        rgb_format = "BGR"
    rgb_data = memoryview_to_bytes(rgba_to_bgra(img.tobytes("raw", rgb_format)))
    return make_ICONINFO(w, h, rgb_data, rgb_format=rgb_format)
Exemplo n.º 25
def main():
    if "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv:

    from xpra.platform import program_context
    with program_context("NvFBC-Capture", "NvFBC Capture"):
        from xpra.platform.paths import get_download_dir
        from xpra.util import print_nested_dict
        from xpra.os_util import WIN32, LINUX
        if WIN32:
            from xpra.codecs.nvfbc import fbc_capture_win as fbc_capture  #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
        elif LINUX:
            from xpra.codecs.nvfbc import fbc_capture_linux as fbc_capture  #@UnresolvedImport @Reimport
            raise Exception("nvfbc is not support on %s" % sys.platform)
        print_nested_dict(fbc_capture.get_info(), print_fn=log.info)
        print_nested_dict(fbc_capture.get_status(), print_fn=log.info)
            log("creating test capture class")
            if USE_NVFBC_CUDA:
                c = fbc_capture.NvFBC_CUDACapture()  #@UndefinedVariable
                c = fbc_capture.NvFBC_SysCapture()  #@UndefinedVariable
            log("Capture=%s", c)
            assert c.refresh()
        except Exception as e:
            log("Capture()", exc_info=True)
            log.error("Error: failed to create test capture instance:")
            log.error(" %s", e)
            return 1
        image = c.get_image()
        assert image
        from PIL import Image
        w = image.get_width()
        h = image.get_height()
        pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(image.get_pixels())
        stride = image.get_rowstride()
        rgb_format = image.get_pixel_format()
            img = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (w, h), pixels, "raw", rgb_format,
                                   stride, 1)
            filename = os.path.join(
                "screenshot-%s-%i.png" % (rgb_format, time.time()))
            img.save(filename, "png")
            log.info("screenshot saved to %s", filename)
            return 0
        except Exception as e:
            log.warn("Error: failed to save %s:", rgb_format)
            log.warn(" %s", e)
            return 1
Exemplo n.º 26
 def set_tray_icon(self, tray_data):
     enc, w, h, rowstride, pixels, options = tray_data
     log("%s.set_tray_icon(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s bytes)", self, enc, w, h, rowstride, len(pixels))
     has_alpha = enc=="rgb32"
     tw = self.tray_widget
     if tw:
         #some tray implementations can't deal with memoryviews..
         if isinstance(pixels, (memoryview, bytearray)):
             pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(pixels)
         tw.set_icon_from_data(pixels, has_alpha, w, h, rowstride, options)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def set_icon_from_data(self,
        #this is convoluted but it works..
            ("%s pixels" % len(pixels), has_alpha, w, h, rowstride, options))
        from PIL import Image  #@UnresolvedImport
        if has_alpha:
            img_format = "RGBA"
            img_format = "RGBX"
        rgb_format = options.get("rgb_format", "RGBA")
        img = Image.frombuffer(img_format, (w, h), pixels, "raw", rgb_format,
                               rowstride, 1)
        assert img, "failed to load image from buffer (%i bytes for %ix%i %s)" % (
            len(pixels), w, h, rgb_format)
        #apparently, we have to use SM_CXSMICON (small icon) and not SM_CXICON (regular size):
        icon_w = GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXSMICON)
        icon_h = GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYSMICON)
        if w != icon_w or h != icon_h:
            log("resizing tray icon to %ix%i", icon_w, icon_h)
            img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        bitmap = 0
        mask = 0
            from xpra.codecs.argb.argb import rgba_to_bgra  #@UnresolvedImport
            bgra = memoryview_to_bytes(rgba_to_bgra(img.tobytes()))
            bitmap = rgba_to_bitmap(bgra, icon_w, icon_h)
            mask = CreateBitmap(icon_w, icon_h, 1, 1, None)

            iconinfo = ICONINFO()
            iconinfo.fIcon = True
            iconinfo.hbmMask = mask
            iconinfo.hbmColor = bitmap
            hicon = CreateIconIndirect(byref(iconinfo))
            log("CreateIconIndirect()=%s", hicon)
            if not hicon:
                raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
        except Exception:
            log.error("Error: failed to set tray icon", exc_info=True)
            hicon = FALLBACK_ICON
            if mask:
            if bitmap:
        self.reset_function = (self.set_icon_from_data, pixels, has_alpha, w,
                               h, rowstride)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _do_paint_rgb32(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
     #log.info("do_paint_rgb32(%s bytes, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) backing depth=%s", len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, options, self._backing.get_depth())
     #log.info("data head=%s", [hex(ord(v))[2:] for v in list(img_data[:500])])
     rgba = memoryview_to_bytes(self.unpremultiply(img_data))
     pixbuf = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(rgba, gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
     cr = self._backing.cairo_create()
     cr.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
     cr.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _process_ws_close(self, payload):
     log("_process_ws_close(%r)", payload)
     if len(payload)<2:
         self._connection_lost("unknown reason")
     code = struct.unpack(">H", payload[:2])[0]
         reason = memoryview_to_bytes(payload[2:]).decode("utf8")
     except UnicodeDecodeError:
         reason = str(reason)
     self._connection_lost("code %i: %s" % (code, reason))
Exemplo n.º 30
def gendigest(digest, password, salt):
    assert digest and password and salt
    salt = memoryview_to_bytes(salt)
    password = strtobytes(password)
    if digest == "des":
        from xpra.net.d3des import generate_response
        password = password.ljust(8, "\x00")[:8]
        salt = salt.ljust(16, "\x00")[:16]
        v = generate_response(password, salt)
        return hexstr(v)
    elif digest == "xor":
        salt = salt.ljust(16, "\x00")[:len(password)]
        return memoryview_to_bytes(xor(password, salt))
    digestmod = get_digest_module(digest)
    if not digestmod:
        log("invalid digest module '%s': %s", digest)
        return None
        #warn_server_and_exit(EXIT_UNSUPPORTED, "server requested digest '%s' but it is not supported" % digest, "invalid digest")
    v = hmac.HMAC(strtobytes(password), strtobytes(salt),
    return v
Exemplo n.º 31
 def read(self, n):
     #FIXME: we should try to honour n
     while self.is_active():
         if self.pending_read.qsize():
             buf = self.pending_read.get()
             log("read() returning pending read buffer, len=%i", len(buf))
             self.input_bytecount += len(buf)
             return memoryview_to_bytes(buf)
         bufs, closed_string = self.ws_handler.recv_frames()
         if closed_string:
             log("read() closed_string: %s",
             self.active = False
         log("read() got %i ws frames", len(bufs))
         if bufs:
             buf = bufs[0]
             if len(bufs) > 1:
                 for v in bufs[1:]:
             self.input_bytecount += len(buf)
             return memoryview_to_bytes(buf)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def check(self, str_value):
     b = strtobytes(str_value)
     assert b
     s = bytestostr(b)
     assert s
     assert s==str_value
     if not _memoryview:
     mv = _memoryview(b)
     mvb = memoryview_to_bytes(mv)
     mvs = bytestostr(mvb)
     assert mvs==str_value
Exemplo n.º 33
 def check(self, str_value):
     b = strtobytes(str_value)
     assert b
     s = bytestostr(b)
     assert s
     assert s == str_value
     if not memoryview:
     mv = memoryview(b)
     mvb = memoryview_to_bytes(mv)
     mvs = bytestostr(mvb)
     assert mvs == str_value
Exemplo n.º 34
 def _do_paint_rgb32(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride,
     #log.info("do_paint_rgb32(%s bytes, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) backing depth=%s", len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, options, self._backing.get_depth())
     #log.info("data head=%s", [hex(ord(v))[2:] for v in list(img_data[:500])])
     rgba = memoryview_to_bytes(self.unpremultiply(img_data))
     pixbuf = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(rgba, gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True,
                                       8, width, height, rowstride)
     cr = self._backing.cairo_create()
     cr.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
     cr.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _do_paint_rgb24(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride,
     if isinstance(img_data, (memoryview, _buffer, bytearray)):
         img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
         img_data, rowstride = self.bgr_to_rgb(
             img_data, width, height, rowstride,
             options.strget("rgb_format", ""), "RGB")
     gc = self._backing.new_gc()
     self._backing.draw_rgb_image(gc, x, y, width, height,
                                  gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     if self.paint_box_line_width > 0:
         self.paint_box(x, y, width, height, options)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 36
def compressed_wrapper(datatype, data, level=5, zlib=False, lz4=False, lzo=False, can_inline=True):
    bdata = memoryview_to_bytes(data)
    if lz4:
        assert use_lz4, "cannot use lz4"
        algo = "lz4"
        cl, cdata = lz4_compress(bdata, level)
    elif lzo:
        assert use_lzo, "cannot use lzo"
        algo = "lzo"
        cl, cdata = lzo_compress(bdata, level)
        assert use_zlib, "cannot use zlib"
        algo = "zlib"
        cl, cdata = zcompress(bdata, level)
    return LevelCompressed(datatype, cdata, cl, algo, can_inline=can_inline)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def get_sub_image(self, x, y, w, h):
     #raise NotImplementedError("no sub-images for %s" % type(self))
     assert w>0 and h>0, "invalid sub-image size: %ix%i" % (w, h)
     if x+w>self.width:
         raise Exception("invalid sub-image width: %i+%i greater than image width %i" % (x, w, self.width))
     if y+h>self.height:
         raise Exception("invalid sub-image height: %i+%i greater than image height %i" % (y, h, self.height))
     assert self.planes==0, "cannot sub-divide planar images!"
     #copy to local variables:
     pixels = self.pixels
     oldstride = self.rowstride
     pos = y*oldstride + x*4
     newstride = w*4
     lines = []
     for _ in range(h):
         pos += oldstride
     return ImageWrapper(self.x+x, self.y+y, w, h, b"".join(lines), self.pixel_format, self.depth, newstride, planes=self.planes, thread_safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def update_icon(self, width, height, coding, data):
     coding = bytestostr(coding)
     iconlog("%s.update_icon(%s, %s, %s, %s bytes)", self, width, height, coding, len(data))
     if PYTHON3 and WIN32:
         iconlog("not setting icon to prevent crashes..")
     if coding == "premult_argb32":            #we usually cannot do in-place and this is not performance critical
         data = unpremultiply_argb(data)
         rgba = memoryview_to_bytes(bgra_to_rgba(data))
         pixbuf = get_pixbuf_from_data(rgba, True, width, height, width*4)
         loader = PixbufLoader()
         pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()
     #for debugging, save to a file so we can see it:
     #pixbuf.save("C-%s-%s.png" % (self._id, int(time.time())), "png")
     iconlog("%s.set_icon(%s)", self, pixbuf)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def _do_paint_rgb32(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
     has_alpha = options.boolget("has_alpha", False) or options.get("rgb_format", "").find("A")>=0
     if has_alpha:
         img_data = self.unpremultiply(img_data)
     img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
         img_data, rowstride = self.bgr_to_rgb(img_data, width, height, rowstride, options.strget("rgb_format", ""), "RGBA")
     if has_alpha:
         #draw_rgb_32_image does not honour alpha, we have to use pixbuf:
         pixbuf = gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(img_data, gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, width, height, rowstride)
         cr = self._backing.cairo_create()
         cr.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
         cr.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, x, y)
         #no alpha or scaling is easier:
         gc = self._backing.new_gc()
         self._backing.draw_rgb_32_image(gc, x, y, width, height, gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 40
def rgb_reformat(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
    """ convert the RGB pixel data into a format supported by the client """
    #need to convert to a supported format!
    global PIL
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    pixels = image.get_pixels()
    if not PIL:
        #try to fallback to argb module
        return argb_swap(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency)
    if supports_transparency:
        modes = PIL_conv.get(pixel_format)
        modes = PIL_conv_noalpha.get(pixel_format)
    target_rgb = [(im,om) for (im,om) in modes if om in rgb_formats]
    if len(target_rgb)==0:
        #try argb module:
        if argb_swap(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
            return True
        warning_key = "rgb_reformat(%s, %s, %s)" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats, supports_transparency)
        warn_encoding_once(warning_key, "cannot convert %s to one of: %s" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
        return False
    input_format, target_format = target_rgb[0]
    start = time.time()
    w = image.get_width()
    h = image.get_height()
    #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
    pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(pixels)
    img = PIL.Image.frombuffer(target_format, (w, h), pixels, "raw", input_format, image.get_rowstride())
    rowstride = w*len(target_format)    #number of characters is number of bytes per pixel!
    #use tobytes() if present, fallback to tostring():
    data_fn = getattr(img, "tobytes", getattr(img, "tostring", None))
    data = data_fn("raw", target_format)
    assert len(data)==rowstride*h, "expected %s bytes in %s format but got %s" % (rowstride*h, len(data))
    end = time.time()
    log("rgb_reformat(%s, %s, %s) converted from %s (%s bytes) to %s (%s bytes) in %.1fms, rowstride=%s", image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, pixel_format, len(pixels), target_format, len(data), (end-start)*1000.0, rowstride)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 41
 def compress_image(self, image, quality=-1, speed=-1, options={}):
     log("compress_image(%s, %s)", image, options)
     #pass the pixels as they are
     assert image.get_planes()==ImageWrapper.PACKED, "invalid number of planes: %s" % image.get_planes()
     self.quality = quality
     self.speed = speed
     pixels = image.get_pixels()
     assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
     #info used by proxy encoder:
     client_options = {
             "proxy"     : True,
             "frame"     : self.frames,
             "pts"       : image.get_timestamp()-self.first_frame_timestamp,
             #pass-through encoder options:
             "options"   : options,
             #redundant metadata:
             #"width"     : image.get_width(),
             #"height"    : image.get_height(),
             "quality"   : quality,
             "speed"     : speed,
             "timestamp" : image.get_timestamp(),
             "rowstride" : image.get_rowstride(),
             "depth"     : image.get_depth(),
             "rgb_format": image.get_pixel_format(),
     if self.frames==0:
         self.first_frame_timestamp = image.get_timestamp()
         #must pass dst_formats so the proxy can instantiate the video encoder
         #with the correct CSC config:
         client_options["dst_formats"] = self.dst_formats
     if self.scaling!=(1,1):
         client_options["scaling"] = self.scaling
     log("compress_image(%s, %s) returning %s bytes and options=%s", image, options, len(pixels), client_options)
     self.frames += 1
     return  memoryview_to_bytes(pixels[:]), client_options
Exemplo n.º 42
 def pixels_to_bytes(v):
     if type(v) in btypes:
         return memoryview_to_bytes(v)
     l = CFDataGetLength(v)
     return CFDataGetBytes(v, (0, l), None)
Exemplo n.º 43
def rgb_encode(coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib=True, rgb_lz4=True, rgb_lzo=False):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    #log("rgb_encode%s pixel_format=%s, rgb_formats=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib, rgb_lz4), pixel_format, rgb_formats)
    if pixel_format not in rgb_formats:
        if not rgb_reformat(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
            raise Exception("cannot find compatible rgb format to use for %s! (supported: %s)" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
        #get the new format:
        pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
        #switch encoding if necessary:
        if len(pixel_format)==4 and coding=="rgb24":
            coding = "rgb32"
        elif len(pixel_format)==3 and coding=="rgb32":
            coding = "rgb24"
    #always tell client which pixel format we are sending:
    options = {"rgb_format" : pixel_format}

    #we may want to re-stride:

    #compress here and return a wrapper so network code knows it is already zlib compressed:
    pixels = image.get_pixels()
    width = image.get_width()
    height = image.get_height()
    stride = image.get_rowstride()

    #compression stage:
    #by default, wire=raw:
    raw_data = pixels
    level = 0
    algo = "not"
    if len(pixels)>=256 and (rgb_zlib and compression.use_zlib) or (rgb_lz4 and compression.use_lz4) or (rgb_lzo and compression.use_lzo):
        level = max(0, min(5, int(115-speed)/20))
        if len(pixels)<1024:
            #fewer pixels, make it more likely we won't bother compressing:
            level = level // 2
    if level>0:
        if rgb_lz4 and compression.use_lz4:
            cwrapper = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, raw_data, lz4=True)
            algo = "lz4"
            level = 1
        elif rgb_lzo and compression.use_lzo:
            cwrapper = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, raw_data, lzo=True)
            algo = "lzo"
            level = 1
        elif rgb_zlib and compression.use_zlib:
            cwrapper = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, raw_data, zlib=True, level=level)
            algo = "zlib"
            cwrapper = None
        if cwrapper is None or len(cwrapper)>=(len(raw_data)-32):
            #compressed is actually bigger! (fall through to uncompressed)
            level = 0
            #add compressed marker:
            options[algo] = level
            #remove network layer compression marker
            #so that this data will be decompressed by the decode thread client side:
            cwrapper.level = 0
    if level==0:
        #can't pass a raw buffer to bencode / rencode:
        cwrapper = compression.Compressed(coding, memoryview_to_bytes(raw_data), True)
    if pixel_format.upper().find("A")>=0 or pixel_format.upper().find("X")>=0:
        bpp = 32
        bpp = 24
    log("rgb_encode using level=%s, %s compressed %sx%s in %s/%s: %s bytes down to %s", level, algo, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), coding, pixel_format, len(pixels), len(cwrapper.data))
    #wrap it using "Compressed" so the network layer receiving it
    #won't decompress it (leave it to the client's draw thread)
    return coding, cwrapper, options, width, height, stride, bpp
Exemplo n.º 44
def encode(coding, image, quality, speed, supports_transparency):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    w = image.get_width()
    h = image.get_height()
    rgb = {
           "XRGB"   : "RGB",
           "BGRX"   : "RGB",
           "RGBA"   : "RGBA",
           "BGRA"   : "RGBA",
           }.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
    bpp = 32
    #remove transparency if it cannot be handled:
        pixels = image.get_pixels()
        assert pixels, "failed to get pixels from %s" % image
        #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
        if type(pixels)!=_buffer:
            pixels = memoryview_to_bytes(pixels)
        #it is safe to use frombuffer() here since the convert()
        #calls below will not convert and modify the data in place
        #and we save the compressed data then discard the image
        im = PIL.Image.frombuffer(rgb, (w, h), pixels, "raw", pixel_format, image.get_rowstride())
        if coding.startswith("png") and not supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            im = im.convert("RGB")
            rgb = "RGB"
            bpp = 24
    except Exception:
        log.error("PIL_encode%s converting %s pixels from %s to %s failed", (w, h, coding, "%s bytes" % image.get_size(), pixel_format, image.get_rowstride()), type(pixels), pixel_format, rgb, exc_info=True)
    buf = BytesIOClass()
    client_options = {}
    #only optimize with Pillow>=2.2 and when speed is zero
    if coding in ("jpeg", "webp"):
        q = int(min(99, max(1, quality)))
        kwargs = im.info
        kwargs["quality"] = q
        client_options["quality"] = q
        if coding=="jpeg" and PIL_can_optimize and speed<70:
            #(optimizing jpeg is pretty cheap and worth doing)
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        im.save(buf, coding.upper(), **kwargs)
        assert coding in ("png", "png/P", "png/L"), "unsupported png encoding: %s" % coding
        if coding in ("png/L", "png/P") and supports_transparency and rgb=="RGBA":
            #grab alpha channel (the last one):
            #we use the last channel because we know it is RGBA,
            #otherwise we should do: alpha_index= image.getbands().index('A')
            alpha = im.split()[-1]
            #convert to simple on or off mask:
            #set all pixel values below 128 to 255, and the rest to 0
            def mask_value(a):
                if a<=128:
                    return 255
                return 0
            mask = PIL.Image.eval(alpha, mask_value)
            #no transparency
            mask = None
        if coding=="png/L":
            im = im.convert("L", palette=PIL.Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        elif coding=="png/P":
            #I wanted to use the "better" adaptive method,
            #but this does NOT work (produces a black image instead):
            #im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)
            im = im.convert("P", palette=PIL.Image.WEB, colors=255)
            bpp = 8
        if mask:
            # paste the alpha mask to the color of index 255
            im.paste(255, mask)
        kwargs = im.info
        if mask is not None:
            client_options["transparency"] = 255
            kwargs["transparency"] = 255
        if PIL_can_optimize and speed==0:
            #optimizing png is very rarely worth doing
            kwargs["optimize"] = True
            client_options["optimize"] = True
        #level can range from 0 to 9, but anything above 5 is way too slow for small gains:
        #76-100   -> 1
        #51-76    -> 2
        level = max(1, min(5, (125-speed)//25))
        kwargs["compress_level"] = level
        client_options["compress_level"] = level
        #default is good enough, no need to override, other options:
        #kwargs["compress_type"] = PIL.Image.DEFAULT_STRATEGY
        im.save(buf, "PNG", **kwargs)
    log("sending %sx%s %s as %s, mode=%s, options=%s", w, h, pixel_format, coding, im.mode, kwargs)
    data = buf.getvalue()
    return coding, compression.Compressed(coding, data), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, bpp
Exemplo n.º 45
def mmap_write(mmap_area, mmap_size, data):
        Sends 'data' to the client via the mmap shared memory region,
        returns the chunks of the mmap area used (or None if it failed)
        and the mmap area's free memory.
    #This is best explained using diagrams:
    #The first pair of 4 bytes are occupied by:
    #S=data_start index is only updated by the client and tells us where it has read up to
    #E=data_end index is only updated here and marks where we have written up to (matches current seek)
    # '-' denotes unused/available space
    # '+' is for data we have written
    # '*' is for data we have just written in this call
    # E and S show the location pointed to by data_start/data_end
    mmap_data_start = int_from_buffer(mmap_area, 0)
    mmap_data_end = int_from_buffer(mmap_area, 4)
    start = max(8, mmap_data_start.value)
    end = max(8, mmap_data_end.value)
    l = len(data)
    log("mmap: start=%i, end=%i, size of data to write=%i", start, end, l)
    if end<start:
        #we have wrapped around but the client hasn't yet:
        #so there is one chunk available (from E to S) which we will use:
        available = start-end
        chunk = available
        #we have not wrapped around yet, or the client has wrapped around too:
        #so there are two chunks available (from E to the end, from the start to S):
        chunk = mmap_size-end
        available = chunk+(start-8)
    #update global mmap stats:
    mmap_free_size = available-l
    if l>(mmap_size-8):
        log.warn("Warning: mmap area is too small!")
        log.warn(" we need to store %s bytes but the mmap area is limited to %i", l, (mmap_size-8))
        return None, mmap_free_size
    elif mmap_free_size<=0:
        log.warn("Warning: mmap area is full!")
        log.warn(" we need to store %s bytes but only have %s free space left", l, available)
        return None, mmap_free_size
    if l<chunk:
        """ data fits in the first chunk """
        #ie: initially:
        #or if data already existed:
        data = [(end, l)]
        mmap_data_end.value = end+l
        """ data does not fit in first chunk alone """
        if available>=(mmap_size/2) and available>=(l*3) and l<(start-8):
            """ still plenty of free space, don't wrap around: just start again """
            data = [(8, l)]
            mmap_data_end.value = 8+l
            """ split in 2 chunks: wrap around the end of the mmap buffer """
            l2 = l-chunk
            data = [(end, chunk), (8, l2)]
            mmap_data_end.value = 8+l2
    log("sending damage with mmap: %s", data)
    return data, mmap_free_size
Exemplo n.º 46
 def pixels_to_bytes(v):
     if isinstance(v, NSCFData):
         l = CFDataGetLength(v)
         return CFDataGetBytes(v, (0, l), None)
     return memoryview_to_bytes(v)
Exemplo n.º 47
def rgb_encode(coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib=True, rgb_lz4=True, rgb_lzo=False, encoding_client_options=True, supports_rgb24zlib=True):
    pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
    #log("rgb_encode%s pixel_format=%s, rgb_formats=%s", (coding, image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency, speed, rgb_zlib, rgb_lz4, encoding_client_options, supports_rgb24zlib), pixel_format, rgb_formats)
    if pixel_format not in rgb_formats:
        if not rgb_reformat(image, rgb_formats, supports_transparency):
            raise Exception("cannot find compatible rgb format to use for %s! (supported: %s)" % (pixel_format, rgb_formats))
        #get the new format:
        pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
        #switch encoding if necessary:
        if len(pixel_format)==4 and coding=="rgb24":
            coding = "rgb32"
        elif len(pixel_format)==3 and coding=="rgb32":
            coding = "rgb24"
    #always tell client which pixel format we are sending:
    options = {"rgb_format" : pixel_format}
    #compress here and return a wrapper so network code knows it is already zlib compressed:
    pixels = image.get_pixels()

    #special case for when rowstride is so much bigger than the width
    #that we would end up sending large chunks of padding with each row of pixels
    #this happens with XShm pixel data (the default)
    stride = image.get_rowstride()
    width = image.get_width()
    rstride = roundup(width*len(pixel_format), 4)   #a reasonable stride: rounded up to 4
    height = image.get_height()
    if stride>8 and rstride<stride:
        al = len(pixels)                    #current buffer size
        el = rstride*height                 #desirable size we could have
        if al-el>1024 and el*110/100<al:    #is it worth re-striding to save space?
            #we'll save at least 1KB and 10%, do it
            #Note: we could also change the pixel format whilst we're at it
            # and convert BGRX to RGB for example (assuming RGB is also supported by the client)
            rows = []
            for y in range(height):
            pixels = "".join(rows)
            log("rgb_encode: %s pixels re-stride saving %i%% from %s (%s bytes) to %s (%s bytes)", pixel_format, 100-100*el/al, stride, al, rstride, el)
            stride = rstride

    #by default, wire=raw:
    raw_data = str(pixels)
    wire_data = raw_data
    level = 0
    algo = "not"
    if len(pixels)>=256 and (rgb_zlib and compression.use_zlib) or (rgb_lz4 and compression.use_lz4) or (rgb_lzo and compression.use_lzo):
        level = max(0, min(5, int(115-speed)/20))
        if len(pixels)<1024:
            #fewer pixels, make it more likely we won't bother compressing:
            level = level / 2
    if level>0:
        if rgb_lz4 and compression.use_lz4:
            wire_data = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, pixels, lz4=True)
            algo = "lz4"
            level = 1
        elif rgb_lzo and compression.use_lzo:
            wire_data = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, pixels, lzo=True)
            algo = "lzo"
            level = 1
            assert rgb_zlib and compression.use_zlib
            wire_data = compression.compressed_wrapper(coding, pixels, zlib=True, level=level)
            algo = "zlib"
        raw_data = wire_data.data
        #log("%s/%s data compressed from %s bytes down to %s (%s%%) with lz4=%s",
        #         coding, pixel_format, len(pixels), len(raw_data), int(100.0*len(raw_data)/len(pixels)), self.rgb_lz4)
        if len(raw_data)>=(len(pixels)-32):
            #compressed is actually bigger! (use uncompressed)
            level = 0
            wire_data = str(pixels)
            raw_data = wire_data
            #add compressed marker:
            options[algo] = level
    if pixel_format.upper().find("A")>=0 or pixel_format.upper().find("X")>=0:
        bpp = 32
        bpp = 24
    log("rgb_encode using level=%s, %s compressed %sx%s in %s/%s: %s bytes down to %s", level, algo, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), coding, pixel_format, len(pixels), len(raw_data))
    if not encoding_client_options or not supports_rgb24zlib:
        return  coding, wire_data, {}, width, height, stride, bpp
    #wrap it using "Compressed" so the network layer receiving it
    #won't decompress it (leave it to the client's draw thread)
    return coding, compression.Compressed(coding, raw_data, True), options, width, height, stride, bpp
Exemplo n.º 48
 def _do_paint_rgb24(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
     img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
     gc = self._backing.new_gc()
     self._backing.draw_rgb_image(gc, x, y, width, height, gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, img_data, rowstride)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 49
    def _do_paint_rgb(self, bpp, img_data, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options):
        log("%s._do_paint_rgb(%s, %s bytes, x=%d, y=%d, width=%d, height=%d, rowstride=%d, options=%s)", self, bpp, len(img_data), x, y, width, height, rowstride, options)
        context = self.gl_context()
        if not context:
            log("%s._do_paint_rgb(..) no context!", self)
            return False

        #TODO: move this code up to the decode thread section
        #prepare the pixel buffer for upload:
        t = type(img_data)
        if t==memoryview_type:
            if not zerocopy_upload:
                #not safe, make a copy :(
                img_data = memoryview_to_bytes(img_data)
                upload = "copy:memoryview_to_bytes"
                upload = "zerocopy:memoryview"
        elif t in (str, buffer_type) and zerocopy_upload:
            #we can zerocopy if we wrap it:
            img_data = memoryview_type(img_data)
            upload = "zerocopy:memoryview", t
        elif t!=str:
            if hasattr(img_data, "raw"):
                img_data = img_data.raw
                upload = "zerocopy:mmap"
                #everything else.. copy to bytes (aka str):
                img_data = str(img_data)
                upload = "copy:str", t
            upload = "copy:str"

        with context:

            rgb_format = options.get(b"rgb_format")
            if not rgb_format:
                #Older servers may not tell us the pixel format, so we must infer it:
                if bpp==24:
                    rgb_format = "RGB"
                    assert bpp==32
                    rgb_format = "RGBA"
                rgb_format = rgb_format.decode()
            #convert it to a GL constant:
            pformat = PIXEL_FORMAT_TO_CONSTANT.get(rgb_format)
            assert pformat is not None, "could not find pixel format for %s (bpp=%s)" % (rgb_format, bpp)

            bytes_per_pixel = len(rgb_format)       #ie: BGRX -> 4
            # Compute alignment and row length
            row_length = 0
            alignment = 1
            for a in [2, 4, 8]:
                # Check if we are a-aligned - ! (var & 0x1) means 2-aligned or better, 0x3 - 4-aligned and so on
                if (rowstride & a-1) == 0:
                    alignment = a
            # If number of extra bytes is greater than the alignment value,
            # then we also have to set row_length
            # Otherwise it remains at 0 (= width implicitely)
            if (rowstride - width * bytes_per_pixel) >= alignment:
                row_length = width + (rowstride - width * bytes_per_pixel) // bytes_per_pixel

            self.gl_marker("%s %sbpp update at (%d,%d) size %dx%d (%s bytes), stride=%d, row length %d, alignment %d, using GL %s format=%s",
                           rgb_format, bpp, x, y, width, height, len(img_data), rowstride, row_length, alignment, upload, CONSTANT_TO_PIXEL_FORMAT.get(pformat))

            # Upload data as temporary RGB texture
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, self.textures[TEX_RGB])
            glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, row_length)
            glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment)
            glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0)
            glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, self.texture_pixel_format, width, height, 0, pformat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_data)

            # Draw textured RGB quad at the right coordinates
            glTexCoord2i(0, 0)
            glVertex2i(x, y)
            glTexCoord2i(0, height)
            glVertex2i(x, y+height)
            glTexCoord2i(width, height)
            glVertex2i(x+width, y+height)
            glTexCoord2i(width, 0)
            glVertex2i(x+width, y)

            # Present update to screen
            self.present_fbo(options.get("encoding"), options.get("delta", -1)>=0, x, y, width, height)
            # present_fbo has reset state already
        return True
Exemplo n.º 50
    def convert_image_yuv(self, image):
        start = time.time()
        iplanes = image.get_planes()
        width = image.get_width()
        height = image.get_height()
        strides = image.get_rowstride()
        pixels = image.get_pixels()
        assert iplanes==ImageWrapper._3_PLANES, "we only handle planar data as input!"
        assert image.get_pixel_format()==self.src_format, "invalid source format: %s (expected %s)" % (image.get_pixel_format(), self.src_format)
        assert len(strides)==len(pixels)==3, "invalid number of planes or strides (should be 3)"
        assert width>=self.src_width and height>=self.src_height, "expected source image with dimensions of at least %sx%s but got %sx%s" % (self.src_width, self.src_height, width, height)

        #adjust work dimensions for subsampling:
        #(we process N pixels at a time in each dimension)
        divs = get_subsampling_divs(self.src_format)
        wwidth = dimdiv(self.dst_width, max(x_div for x_div, _ in divs))
        wheight = dimdiv(self.dst_height, max(y_div for _, y_div in divs))
        globalWorkSize, localWorkSize  = self.get_work_sizes(wwidth, wheight)

        kernelargs = [self.queue, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize]

        iformat = pyopencl.ImageFormat(pyopencl.channel_order.R, pyopencl.channel_type.UNSIGNED_INT8)
        input_images = []
        for i in range(3):
            _, y_div = divs[i]
            plane = pixels[i]
            if type(plane)==_memoryview:
                plane = memoryview_to_bytes(plane)
            if type(plane)==str:
                flags = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR
                flags = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.USE_HOST_PTR
            shape = strides[i], self.src_height//y_div
            iimage = pyopencl.Image(self.context, flags, iformat, shape=shape, hostbuf=plane)

        #output image:
        oformat = pyopencl.ImageFormat(self.channel_order, pyopencl.channel_type.UNORM_INT8)
        oimage = pyopencl.Image(self.context, mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, oformat, shape=(self.dst_width, self.dst_height))

        kernelargs += input_images + [numpy.int32(self.src_width), numpy.int32(self.src_height),
                       numpy.int32(self.dst_width), numpy.int32(self.dst_height),
                       self.sampler, oimage]

        kstart = time.time()
        log("convert_image(%s) calling %s%s after upload took %.1fms",
              image, self.kernel_function_name, tuple(kernelargs), 1000.0*(kstart-start))
        #free input images:
        for iimage in input_images:
        kend = time.time()
        log("%s took %.1fms", self.kernel_function, 1000.0*(kend-kstart))

        out_array = numpy.empty(self.dst_width*self.dst_height*4, dtype=numpy.byte)
        pyopencl.enqueue_read_image(self.queue, oimage, (0, 0), (self.dst_width, self.dst_height), out_array)
        log("readback using %s took %.1fms", CHANNEL_ORDER_TO_STR.get(self.channel_order), 1000.0*(time.time()-kend))
        self.time += time.time()-start
        self.frames += 1
        return ImageWrapper(0, 0, self.dst_width, self.dst_height, out_array.data, self.dst_format, 24, self.dst_width*4, planes=ImageWrapper.PACKED)
Exemplo n.º 51
    def convert_image_rgb(self, image):
        start = time.time()
        iplanes = image.get_planes()
        width = image.get_width()
        height = image.get_height()
        stride = image.get_rowstride()
        pixels = image.get_pixels()
        #log("convert_image(%s) planes=%s, pixels=%s, size=%s", image, iplanes, type(pixels), len(pixels))
        assert iplanes==ImageWrapper.PACKED, "we only handle packed data as input!"
        assert image.get_pixel_format()==self.src_format, "invalid source format: %s (expected %s)" % (image.get_pixel_format(), self.src_format)
        assert width>=self.src_width and height>=self.src_height, "expected source image with dimensions of at least %sx%s but got %sx%s" % (self.src_width, self.src_height, width, height)

        #adjust work dimensions for subsampling:
        #(we process N pixels at a time in each dimension)
        divs = get_subsampling_divs(self.dst_format)
        wwidth = dimdiv(self.dst_width, max([x_div for x_div, _ in divs]))
        wheight = dimdiv(self.dst_height, max([y_div for _, y_div in divs]))
        globalWorkSize, localWorkSize  = self.get_work_sizes(wwidth, wheight)

        #input image:
        iformat = pyopencl.ImageFormat(self.channel_order, pyopencl.channel_type.UNSIGNED_INT8)
        shape = (stride//4, self.src_height)
        log("convert_image() type=%s, input image format=%s, shape=%s, work size: local=%s, global=%s", type(pixels), iformat, shape, localWorkSize, globalWorkSize)
        idata = pixels
        if type(idata)==_memoryview:
            idata = memoryview_to_bytes(idata)
        if type(idata)==str:
            #str is not a buffer, so we have to copy the data
            #alternatively, we could copy it first ourselves using this:
            #pixels = numpy.fromstring(pixels, dtype=numpy.byte).data
            #but I think this would be even slower
            flags = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR
            flags = mem_flags.READ_ONLY | mem_flags.USE_HOST_PTR
        iimage = pyopencl.Image(self.context, flags, iformat, shape=shape, hostbuf=idata)

        kernelargs = [self.queue, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize,
                      iimage, numpy.int32(self.src_width), numpy.int32(self.src_height),
                      numpy.int32(self.dst_width), numpy.int32(self.dst_height),

        #calculate plane strides and allocate output buffers:
        strides = []
        out_buffers = []
        out_sizes = []
        for i in range(3):
            x_div, y_div = divs[i]
            p_stride = roundup(self.dst_width // x_div, max(2, localWorkSize[0]))
            p_height = roundup(self.dst_height // y_div, 2)
            p_size = p_stride * p_height
            #log("output buffer for channel %s: stride=%s, height=%s, size=%s", i, p_stride, p_height, p_size)
            out_buf = pyopencl.Buffer(self.context, mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, p_size)
            kernelargs += [out_buf, numpy.int32(p_stride)]

        kstart = time.time()
        log("convert_image(%s) calling %s%s after %.1fms", image, self.kernel_function_name, tuple(kernelargs), 1000.0*(kstart-start))
        #free input image:
        kend = time.time()
        log("%s took %.1fms", self.kernel_function_name, 1000.0*(kend-kstart))

        #read back:
        pixels = []
        for i in range(3):
            out_array = numpy.empty(out_sizes[i], dtype=numpy.byte)
            pyopencl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, out_buffers[i], out_array, is_blocking=False)
        readstart = time.time()
        log("queue read events took %.1fms (3 planes of size %s, with strides=%s)", 1000.0*(readstart-kend), out_sizes, strides)
        readend = time.time()
        log("wait for read events took %.1fms", 1000.0*(readend-readstart))
        #free output buffers:
        for out_buf in out_buffers:
        return ImageWrapper(0, 0, self.dst_width, self.dst_height, pixels, self.dst_format, 24, strides, planes=ImageWrapper._3_PLANES)