Exemplo n.º 1
 def print_screen_info(self):
     w, h = self.get_root_window_size()
         display = prettify_plug_name(self.root.get_screen().get_display().get_name())
     except Exception:
         display = ""
     self.do_print_screen_info(display, w, h)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_property(self, prop):
     #subclasses can define properties as attributes:
     attr_name = prop.replace("-", "_")
     if hasattr(self, attr_name):
         return getattr(self, attr_name)
     #otherwise fallback to default behaviour:
     if prop == "title":
         return prettify_plug_name(
     if prop == "client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     if prop == "window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     if prop == "fullscreen":
         return False
     if prop == "shadow":
         return True
     if prop == "depth":
         return 24
     if prop == "scaling":
         return None
     if prop == "opacity":
         return None
     if prop == "size-hints":
         size = self.get_dimensions()
         return {
             "maximum-size": size,
             "minimum-size": size,
             "base-size": size,
     if prop == "class-instance":
         osn = do_get_generic_os_name()
         if osn == "Linux":
                 osn += "-" + get_linux_distribution()[0].replace(" ", "-")
             except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn.lower(), "Xpra %s" % osn.replace("-", " "))
     if prop == "icons":
             icon_name = get_icon_filename(
                 (get_generic_os_name() or "").lower() + ".png")
             from PIL import Image
             img = Image.open(icon_name)
             log("Image(%s)=%s", icon_name, img)
             if img:
                 icon_data = load_binary_file(icon_name)
                 assert icon_data
                 w, h = img.size
                 icon = (w, h, "png", icon_data)
                 icons = (icon, )
                 return icons
         except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return ()
     if prop == "content-type":
         return "desktop"
     raise ValueError("invalid property: %s" % prop)
Exemplo n.º 3
def save_fakeXinerama_config(supported=True, source="", ss=[]):
    """ returns True if the fakexinerama config was modified """
    global current_xinerama_config
    def delfile(msg):
        global current_xinerama_config
        if msg:
        oldconf = current_xinerama_config
        current_xinerama_config = None
        return oldconf is not None
    if not supported:
        return delfile(None)
    if len(ss)==0:
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: no display found")
    if len(ss)>1:
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: more than one display found")
    if len(ss)==2 and type(ss[0])==int and type(ss[1])==int:
        #just WxH, not enough display information
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: missing display data from client %s" % source)
    display_info = ss[0]
    if len(display_info)<10:
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete display data from client %s" % source)
    #display_name, width, height, width_mm, height_mm, \
    #monitors, work_x, work_y, work_width, work_height = s[:11]
    monitors = display_info[5]
    if len(monitors)>=10:
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: too many monitors! (%s)" % len(monitors))
    #generate the file data:
    from xpra import __version__
    data = ["# file generated by xpra %s for display %s" % (__version__, os.environ.get("DISPLAY")),
            "# %s monitors:" % len(monitors),
            "%s" % len(monitors)]
    #the new config (numeric values only)
    config = [len(monitors)]
    for i, m in enumerate(monitors):
        if len(m)<7:
            return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete monitor data for monitor: %s" % m)
        plug_name, x, y, width, height, wmm, hmm = m[:7]
        data.append("# %s (%smm x %smm)" % (prettify_plug_name(plug_name, "monitor %s" % i), wmm, hmm))
        data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (x, y, width, height))
        config.append((x, y, width, height))
    if current_xinerama_config==config:
        #we assume that no other process is going to overwrite the deprecated .fakexinerama
        log("fake xinerama config unchanged")
        return False
    current_xinerama_config = config
    contents = "\n".join(data)
    for filename in fakeXinerama_config_files:
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        except Exception as e:
            log.warn("Error writing fake xinerama file '%s':", filename)
            log.warn(" %s", e)
    log("saved %s monitors to fake xinerama files: %s", len(monitors), fakeXinerama_config_files)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def makeRootWindowModels(self):
     screenlog("makeRootWindowModels() root=%s, display_options=%s", self.root, self.display_options)
     self.capture = self.setup_capture()
     model_class = self.get_root_window_model_class()
     models = []
     display_name = prettify_plug_name(self.root.get_screen().get_display().get_name())
     monitors = self.get_shadow_monitors()
     match_str = None
     multi_window = MULTI_WINDOW
     geometries = None
     if "=" in self.display_options:
         #parse the display options as a dictionary:
         opt_dict = parse_simple_dict(self.display_options)
         windows = opt_dict.get("windows")
         if windows:
             self.window_matches = windows.split("/")
             return self.makeDynamicWindowModels()
         match_str = opt_dict.get("plug")
         multi_window = parse_bool("multi-window", opt_dict.get("multi-window", multi_window))
         geometries_str = opt_dict.get("geometry")
         if geometries_str:
             geometries = parse_geometries(geometries_str)
             geometries = parse_geometries(self.display_options)
         except Exception:
             match_str = self.display_options
     if not multi_window or geometries:
         for geometry in (geometries or (self.root.get_geometry()[:4],)):
             model = model_class(self.root, self.capture, display_name, geometry)
         return models
     found = []
     screenlog("capture inputs matching %r", match_str or "all")
     for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
         plug_name, x, y, width, height, scale_factor = monitor
         title = display_name
         if plug_name or i>1:
             title = plug_name or str(i)
         found.append(plug_name or title)
         if match_str and not(title in match_str or plug_name in match_str):
             screenlog.info(" skipped monitor %s", plug_name or title)
         geometry = (x, y, width, height)
         model = model_class(self.root, self.capture, title, geometry)
         screenlog("monitor %i: %10s geometry=%s, scale factor=%s", i, title, geometry, scale_factor)
     screenlog("makeRootWindowModels()=%s", models)
     if not models and match_str:
         screenlog.warn("Warning: no monitors found matching %r", match_str)
         screenlog.warn(" only found: %s", csv(found))
     return models
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_property(self, prop):
     if prop == "title":
         return prettify_plug_name(
     elif prop == "client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop == "window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop == "fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop == "shadow":
         return True
     elif prop == "scaling":
         return None
     elif prop == "opacity":
         return None
     elif prop == "size-hints":
         size = self.window.get_size()
         return {
             "maximum-size": size,
             "minimum-size": size,
             "base-size": size
     elif prop == "class-instance":
         osn = self.get_generic_os_name()
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn, "Xpra-%s" % osn.upper())
     elif prop == "icon":
         #convert it to a cairo surface..
         #because that's what the property is expected to be
             import gtk.gdk
             from xpra.platform.paths import get_icon
             icon_name = self.get_generic_os_name() + ".png"
             icon = get_icon(icon_name)
             log("icon(%s)=%s", icon_name, icon)
             if not icon:
                 return None
             import cairo
             surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,
                                       icon.get_width(), icon.get_height())
             gc = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surf))
             gc.set_source_pixbuf(icon, 0, 0)
             log("icon=%s", surf)
             return surf
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return None
         raise Exception("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_property(self, prop):
     if prop=="title":
         return prettify_plug_name(self.window.get_screen().get_display().get_name())
     elif prop=="client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop=="window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop=="fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop=="shadow":
         return True
     elif prop=="scaling":
         return None
     elif prop=="opacity":
         return None
     elif prop=="size-hints":
         size = self.window.get_size()
         return {"maximum-size"  : size,
                 "minimum-size"  : size,
                 "base-size" : size}
     elif prop=="class-instance":
         osn = self.get_generic_os_name()
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn, "Xpra-%s" % osn.upper())
     elif prop=="icon":
         #convert it to a cairo surface..
         #because that's what the property is expected to be
             import gtk.gdk
             from xpra.platform.paths import get_icon
             icon_name = self.get_generic_os_name()+".png"
             icon = get_icon(icon_name)
             log("icon(%s)=%s", icon_name, icon)
             if not icon:
                 return None
             import cairo
             surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, icon.get_width(), icon.get_height())
             gc = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surf))
             gc.set_source_pixbuf(icon, 0, 0)
             log("icon=%s", surf)
             return surf
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return None
         raise ValueError("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_property(self, prop):
     #subclasses can define properties as attributes:
     attr_name = prop.replace("-", "_")
     if hasattr(self, attr_name):
         return getattr(self, attr_name)
     #otherwise fallback to default behaviour:
     if prop == "title":
         return prettify_plug_name(
     elif prop == "client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop == "window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop == "fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop == "shadow":
         return True
     elif prop == "scaling":
         return None
     elif prop == "opacity":
         return None
     elif prop == "size-hints":
         size = self.get_dimensions()
         return {
             "maximum-size": size,
             "minimum-size": size,
             "base-size": size
     elif prop == "class-instance":
         osn = get_generic_os_name()
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn, "Xpra-%s" % osn.upper())
     elif prop == "icon":
             from xpra.platform.paths import get_icon
             icon_name = get_generic_os_name() + ".png"
             icon = get_icon(icon_name)
             log("icon(%s)=%s", icon_name, icon)
             return icon
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return None
     elif prop == "content-type":
         return "desktop"
         raise ValueError("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, root_window, capture=None):
     self.window = root_window
     self.title = prettify_plug_name(
     self.geometry = root_window.get_geometry()[:4]
     self.capture = capture
     self.property_names = [
     self.dynamic_property_names = []
     self.internal_property_names = ["content-type"]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_property(self, prop):
     if prop=="title":
         return prettify_plug_name(self.window.get_screen().get_display().get_name())
     elif prop=="client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop=="window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop=="fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop=="scaling":
         return None
     elif prop=="opacity":
         return None
     elif prop=="size-hints":
         size = self.window.get_size()
         return RootSizeHints(size)
         raise Exception("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 10
 def get_property(self, prop):
     if prop=="title":
         return prettify_plug_name(self.window.get_screen().get_display().get_name())
     elif prop=="client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop=="window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop=="fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop=="scaling":
         return None
     elif prop=="opacity":
         return None
     elif prop=="size-hints":
         size = self.window.get_size()
         return RootSizeHints(size)
         raise Exception("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_property(self, prop):
     if prop == "title":
         return prettify_plug_name(
     elif prop == "client-machine":
         return socket.gethostname()
     elif prop == "window-type":
         return ["NORMAL"]
     elif prop == "fullscreen":
         return False
     elif prop == "shadow":
         return True
     elif prop == "scaling":
         return None
     elif prop == "opacity":
         return None
     elif prop == "size-hints":
         size = self.window.get_size()
         return {
             "maximum-size": size,
             "minimum-size": size,
             "base-size": size
     elif prop == "class-instance":
         osn = get_generic_os_name()
         return ("xpra-%s" % osn, "Xpra-%s" % osn.upper())
     elif prop == "icon":
             from xpra.platform.paths import get_icon
             icon_name = get_generic_os_name() + ".png"
             icon = get_icon(icon_name)
             log("icon(%s)=%s", icon_name, icon)
             return icon
             log("failed to return window icon")
             return None
         raise ValueError("invalid property: %s" % prop)
     return None
Exemplo n.º 12
    def makeRootWindowModels(self):
        screenlog("makeRootWindowModels() root=%s, display_options=%s",
                  self.root, self.display_options)
        self.capture = self.setup_capture()
        model_class = self.get_root_window_model_class()
        models = []
        display_name = prettify_plug_name(
        monitors = self.get_shadow_monitors()
        match_str = None
        multi_window = MULTI_WINDOW
        geometries = None

        def parse_geometry(s):
                parts = s.split("@")
                if len(parts) == 1:
                    x = y = 0
                    x, y = [int(v.strip(" ")) for v in parts[1].split("x")]
                w, h = [int(v.strip(" ")) for v in parts[0].split("x")]
                geometry = [x, y, w, h]
                screenlog("capture geometry: %s", geometry)
                return geometry
            except ValueError:
                screenlog("failed to parse geometry %r", s, exc_info=True)
                    "Error: invalid display geometry specified: %r", s)
                screenlog.error(" use the format: WIDTHxHEIGHT@x,y")

        def parse_geometries(s):
            g = []
            for geometry_str in s.split("/"):
                if geometry_str:
            return g

        if "=" in self.display_options:
            #parse the display options as a dictionary:
            opt_dict = parse_simple_dict(self.display_options)
            match_str = opt_dict.get("plug")
            multi_window = parse_bool(
                "multi-window", opt_dict.get("multi-window", multi_window))
            geometries_str = opt_dict.get("geometry")
            if geometries_str:
                geometries = parse_geometries(geometries_str)
                geometries = parse_geometries(self.display_options)
                match_str = self.display_options
        if not multi_window or geometries:
            for geometry in (geometries or (None, )):
                model = model_class(self.root, self.capture)
                model.title = display_name
                if geometry:
                    model.geometry = geometry
            return models
        found = []
        screenlog("capture inputs matching %r", match_str or "all")
        for i, monitor in enumerate(monitors):
            plug_name, x, y, width, height, scale_factor = monitor
            title = display_name
            if plug_name or i > 1:
                title = plug_name or str(i)
            found.append(plug_name or title)
            if match_str and not (title in match_str
                                  or plug_name in match_str):
                screenlog.info(" skipped monitor %s", plug_name or title)
            model = model_class(self.root, self.capture)
            model.title = title
            model.geometry = (x, y, width, height)
            screenlog("monitor %i: %10s geometry=%s, scale factor=%s", i,
                      title, model.geometry, scale_factor)
        screenlog("makeRootWindowModels()=%s", models)
        if not models and match_str:
            screenlog.warn("Warning: no monitors found matching %r", match_str)
            screenlog.warn(" only found: %s", csv(found))
        return models
Exemplo n.º 13
def save_fakeXinerama_config(supported=True, source="", ss=()):
    """ returns True if the fakexinerama config was modified """
    global current_xinerama_config

    def delfile(msg):
        global current_xinerama_config
        if msg:
        oldconf = current_xinerama_config
        current_xinerama_config = None
        return oldconf is not None

    if not supported:
        return delfile(None)
    if not ss:
        return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: no display found")
    if len(ss) > 1:
        return delfile(
            "cannot save fake xinerama settings: more than one display found")
    display_info = ss[0]
    if len(display_info) == 2 and isinstance(
            display_info[0], int) and isinstance(display_info[1], int):
        #just WxH, not enough display information
        return delfile(
            "cannot save fake xinerama settings: missing display data from client %s"
            % source)
    if len(display_info) < 10:
        return delfile(
            "cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete display data from client %s"
            % source)
    #display_name, width, height, width_mm, height_mm, \
    #monitors, work_x, work_y, work_width, work_height = s[:11]
    monitors = display_info[5]
    if len(monitors) >= 10:
        return delfile(
            "cannot save fake xinerama settings: too many monitors! (%s)" %
    #generate the file data:
    data = [
        "# file generated by xpra %s for display %s" %
        (XPRA_VERSION, os.environ.get("DISPLAY")),
        "# %s monitors:" % len(monitors),
        "%s" % len(monitors)
    #the new config (numeric values only)
    config = [len(monitors)]
    for i, m in enumerate(monitors):
        if len(m) < 7:
            return delfile(
                "cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete monitor data for monitor: %s"
                % m)
        plug_name, x, y, width, height, wmm, hmm = m[:7]
            "# %s (%smm x %smm)" %
            (prettify_plug_name(plug_name, "monitor %s" % i), wmm, hmm))
        data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (x, y, width, height))
        config.append((x, y, width, height))
    if current_xinerama_config == config:
        #we assume that no other process is going to overwrite the deprecated .fakexinerama
        log("fake xinerama config unchanged")
        return False
    log("fake xinerama config changed:")
    log(" old=%s", current_xinerama_config)
    log(" new=%s", config)
    current_xinerama_config = config
    contents = "\n".join(data)
    for filename in fakeXinerama_config_files:
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        except Exception as e:
            log("writing to '%s'", filename, exc_info=True)
            log.warn("Error writing fake xinerama file '%s':", filename)
            log.warn(" %s", e)
    log("saved %s monitors to fake xinerama files: %s", len(monitors),
    return True
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, client, session_name, window_icon_pixbuf, conn, get_pixbuf):
        self.client = client
        self.session_name = session_name
        self.connection = conn
        self.last_populate_time = 0
        self.last_populate_statistics = 0
        self.is_closed = False
        self.get_pixbuf = get_pixbuf
        if not self.session_name or self.session_name=="Xpra":
            title = "Session Info"
            title = "%s: Session Info" % self.session_name
        if window_icon_pixbuf:

        #tables on the left in a vbox with buttons at the top:
        self.tab_box = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
        self.tab_button_box = gtk.HBox(True, 0)
        self.tabs = []          #pairs of button, table
        self.populate_cb = None
        self.tab_box.pack_start(self.tab_button_box, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)

        #Package Table:
        tb, _ = self.table_tab("package.png", "Software", self.populate_package)
        #title row:
        tb.attach(title_box(""), 0, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Client"), 1, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Server"), 2, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)

        def make_os_str(*args):
            s = os_info(*args)
            return "\n".join(s)
        distro = ""
        if hasattr(python_platform, "linux_distribution"):
            distro = python_platform.linux_distribution()
        LOCAL_PLATFORM_NAME = make_os_str(sys.platform, python_platform.release(), python_platform.platform(), distro)
        SERVER_PLATFORM_NAME = make_os_str(self.client._remote_platform, self.client._remote_platform_release, self.client._remote_platform_platform, self.client._remote_platform_linux_distribution)
        tb.new_row("Operating System", label(LOCAL_PLATFORM_NAME), label(SERVER_PLATFORM_NAME))
        scaps = self.client.server_capabilities
        from xpra.__init__ import __version__
        tb.new_row("Xpra", label(__version__), label(self.client._remote_version or "unknown"))
        cl_rev, cl_ch, cl_date = "unknown", "", ""
            from xpra.build_info import BUILD_DATE as cl_date, BUILD_TIME as cl_time
            from xpra.src_info import REVISION as cl_rev, LOCAL_MODIFICATIONS as cl_ch      #@UnresolvedImport
        def make_version_str(version):
            if version and type(version) in (tuple, list):
                version = ".".join([str(x) for x in version])
            return version or "unknown"
        def server_info(*prop_names):
            for x in prop_names:
                v = scaps.capsget(x)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
                if self.client.server_last_info:
                    v = self.client.server_last_info.get(x)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
            return None
        def server_version_info(*prop_names):
            return make_version_str(server_info(*prop_names))
        def make_revision_str(rev, changes):
            if not changes:
                return rev
            return "%s (%s changes)" % (rev, changes)
        def make_datetime(date, time):
            if not time:
                return date
            return "%s %s" % (date, time)
        tb.new_row("Revision", label(make_revision_str(cl_rev, cl_ch)),
                               label(make_revision_str(self.client._remote_revision, server_version_info("build.local_modifications", "local_modifications"))))
        tb.new_row("Build date", label(make_datetime(cl_date, cl_time)),
                                 label(make_datetime(server_info("build_date", "build.date"), server_info("build.time"))))
        gtk_version_info = get_gtk_version_info()
        def client_vinfo(prop, fallback="unknown"):
            k = "%s.version" % prop
            return label(make_version_str(gtk_version_info.get(k, fallback)))
        def server_vinfo(prop):
            k = "%s.version" % prop
            fk = "%s_version" % prop
            return label(server_version_info(k, fk))
        tb.new_row("Glib",      client_vinfo("glib"),       server_vinfo("glib"))
        tb.new_row("PyGlib",    client_vinfo("pyglib"),     server_vinfo("pyglib"))
        tb.new_row("Gobject",   client_vinfo("gobject"),    server_vinfo("gobject"))
        tb.new_row("PyGTK",     client_vinfo("pygtk", ""),  server_vinfo("pygtk"))
        tb.new_row("GTK",       client_vinfo("gtk"),        server_vinfo("gtk"))
        tb.new_row("GDK",       client_vinfo("gdk"),        server_vinfo("gdk"))
        tb.new_row("Cairo",     client_vinfo("cairo"),      server_vinfo("cairo"))
        tb.new_row("Pango",     client_vinfo("pango"),      server_vinfo("pango"))
        tb.new_row("Python", label(python_platform.python_version()), label(server_version_info("server.python.version", "python_version", "python.version")))

        cl_gst_v, cl_pygst_v = "", ""
            from xpra.sound.gstreamer_util import gst_version as cl_gst_v, pygst_version as cl_pygst_v
        except Exception as e:
            log("cannot load gstreamer: %s", e)
        tb.new_row("GStreamer", label(make_version_str(cl_gst_v)), label(server_version_info("sound.gst.version", "gst_version")))
        tb.new_row("pygst", label(make_version_str(cl_pygst_v)), label(server_version_info("sound.pygst.version", "pygst_version")))
        tb.new_row("OpenGL", label(make_version_str(self.client.opengl_props.get("opengl", "n/a"))), label("n/a"))
        tb.new_row("OpenGL Vendor", label(make_version_str(self.client.opengl_props.get("vendor", ""))), label("n/a"))
        tb.new_row("PyOpenGL", label(make_version_str(self.client.opengl_props.get("pyopengl", "n/a"))), label("n/a"))

        # Features Table:
        vbox = self.vbox_tab("features.png", "Features", self.populate_features)
        #add top table:
        tb = TableBuilder(rows=1, columns=2)
        table = tb.get_table()
        al = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5, xscale=0.0, yscale=1.0)
        vbox.pack_start(al, expand=True, fill=False, padding=10)
        #top table contents:
        randr_box = gtk.HBox(False, 20)
        self.server_randr_label = label()
        self.server_randr_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("RandR Support", randr_box)
        opengl_box = gtk.HBox(False, 20)
        self.client_opengl_label = label()
        self.client_opengl_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Client OpenGL", opengl_box)
        self.opengl_buffering = label()
        tb.new_row("OpenGL Buffering", self.opengl_buffering)
        self.server_mmap_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Memory Mapped Transfers", self.server_mmap_icon)
        self.server_clipboard_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Clipboard", self.server_clipboard_icon)
        self.server_notifications_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Notification Forwarding", self.server_notifications_icon)
        self.server_bell_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Bell Forwarding", self.server_bell_icon)
        self.server_cursors_icon = gtk.Image()
        tb.new_row("Cursor Forwarding", self.server_cursors_icon)
        speaker_box = gtk.HBox(False, 20)
        self.server_speaker_icon = gtk.Image()
        self.speaker_codec_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Speaker Forwarding", speaker_box)
        microphone_box = gtk.HBox(False, 20)
        self.server_microphone_icon = gtk.Image()
        self.microphone_codec_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Microphone Forwarding", microphone_box)
        #add bottom table:
        tb = TableBuilder(rows=1, columns=3)
        table = tb.get_table()
        vbox.pack_start(table, expand=True, fill=True, padding=20)
        #bottom table headings:
        tb.attach(title_box(""), 0, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Client"), 1, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Server"), 2, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        #bottom table contents:
        self.client_encodings_label = label()
        self.client_encodings_label.set_size_request(250, -1)
        self.server_encodings_label = label()
        self.server_encodings_label.set_size_request(250, -1)
        tb.new_row("Encodings", self.client_encodings_label, self.server_encodings_label)
        self.client_speaker_codecs_label = label()
        self.server_speaker_codecs_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Speaker Codecs", self.client_speaker_codecs_label, self.server_speaker_codecs_label)
        self.client_microphone_codecs_label = label()
        self.server_microphone_codecs_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Microphone Codecs", self.client_microphone_codecs_label, self.server_microphone_codecs_label)
        self.client_packet_encoders_label = label()
        self.server_packet_encoders_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Packet Encoders", self.client_packet_encoders_label, self.server_packet_encoders_label)
        self.client_packet_compressors_label = label()
        self.server_packet_compressors_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Packet Compressors", self.client_packet_compressors_label, self.server_packet_compressors_label)

        # Connection Table:
        tb, _ = self.table_tab("connect.png", "Connection", self.populate_connection)
        tb.new_row("Server Endpoint", label(self.connection.target))
        if self.client.server_display:
            tb.new_row("Server Display", label(prettify_plug_name(self.client.server_display)))
        hostname = scaps.strget("hostname")
        if hostname:
            tb.new_row("Server Hostname", label(hostname))
        if self.client.server_platform:
            tb.new_row("Server Platform", label(self.client.server_platform))
        self.server_load_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Server Load", self.server_load_label, label_tooltip="Average over 1, 5 and 15 minutes")
        self.session_started_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Session Started", self.session_started_label)
        self.session_connected_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Session Connected", self.session_connected_label)
        self.input_packets_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Packets Received", self.input_packets_label)
        self.input_bytes_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Bytes Received", self.input_bytes_label)
        self.output_packets_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Packets Sent", self.output_packets_label)
        self.output_bytes_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Bytes Sent", self.output_bytes_label)
        self.compression_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Encoding + Compression", self.compression_label)
        self.connection_type_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Connection Type", self.connection_type_label)
        self.input_encryption_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Input Encryption", self.input_encryption_label)
        self.output_encryption_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Output Encryption", self.output_encryption_label)

        self.speaker_label = label()
        self.speaker_details = label(font="monospace 10")
        tb.new_row("Speaker", self.speaker_label, self.speaker_details)
        self.microphone_label = label()
        tb.new_row("Microphone", self.microphone_label)

        # Details:
        tb, stats_box = self.table_tab("browse.png", "Statistics", self.populate_statistics)
        tb.widget_xalign = 1.0
        tb.attach(title_box(""), 0, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Latest"), 1, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Minimum"), 2, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Average"), 3, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("90 percentile"), 4, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
        tb.attach(title_box("Maximum"), 5, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)

        def maths_labels():
            return label(), label(), label(), label(), label()
        self.server_latency_labels = maths_labels()
        tb.add_row(label("Server Latency (ms)", "The time it takes for the server to respond to pings"),
        self.client_latency_labels = maths_labels()
        tb.add_row(label("Client Latency (ms)", "The time it takes for the client to respond to pings, as measured by the server"),
        if self.client.windows_enabled:
            if self.client.server_info_request:
                self.batch_labels = maths_labels()
                tb.add_row(label("Batch Delay (ms)", "How long the server waits for new screen updates to accumulate before processing them"),
                self.damage_labels = maths_labels()
                tb.add_row(label("Damage Latency (ms)", "The time it takes to compress a frame and pass it to the OS network layer"),
                self.quality_labels = maths_labels()
                tb.add_row(label("Encoding Quality (pct)"), *self.quality_labels)
                self.speed_labels = maths_labels()
                tb.add_row(label("Encoding Speed (pct)"), *self.speed_labels)

            self.decoding_labels = maths_labels()
            tb.add_row(label("Decoding Latency (ms)", "How long it takes the client to decode a screen update"), *self.decoding_labels)
            self.regions_per_second_labels = maths_labels()
            tb.add_row(label("Regions/s", "The number of screen updates per second (includes both partial and full screen updates)"), *self.regions_per_second_labels)
            self.regions_sizes_labels = maths_labels()
            tb.add_row(label("Pixels/region", "The number of pixels per screen update"), *self.regions_sizes_labels)
            self.pixels_per_second_labels = maths_labels()
            tb.add_row(label("Pixels/s", "The number of pixels processed per second"), *self.pixels_per_second_labels)

            #Window count stats:
            wtb = TableBuilder()
            #title row:
            wtb.attach(title_box(""), 0, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
            wtb.attach(title_box("Regular"), 1, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
            wtb.attach(title_box("Transient"), 2, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
            wtb.attach(title_box("Trays"), 3, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
            if self.client.client_supports_opengl:
                wtb.attach(title_box("OpenGL"), 4, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)

            wtb.attach(label("Windows:"), 0, xoptions=EXPAND|FILL, xpadding=0)
            self.windows_managed_label = label()
            wtb.attach(self.windows_managed_label, 1)
            self.transient_managed_label = label()
            wtb.attach(self.transient_managed_label, 2)
            self.trays_managed_label = label()
            wtb.attach(self.trays_managed_label, 3)
            if self.client.client_supports_opengl:
                self.opengl_label = label()
                wtb.attach(self.opengl_label, 4)

            #add encoder info:
            etb = TableBuilder()
            self.encoder_info_box = gtk.HBox(spacing=4)
            etb.new_row("Window Encoders", self.encoder_info_box)

        if not is_gtk3():
            #needs porting to cairo...
            self.graph_box = gtk.VBox(False, 10)
            self.add_tab("statistics.png", "Graphs", self.populate_graphs, self.graph_box)
            bandwidth_label = "Bandwidth used"
            if SHOW_PIXEL_STATS:
                bandwidth_label += ",\nand number of pixels rendered"
            self.bandwidth_graph = self.add_graph_button(bandwidth_label, self.save_graphs)
            self.connect("realize", self.populate_graphs)
            self.latency_graph = self.add_graph_button(None, self.save_graphs)
        self.pixel_in_data = deque(maxlen=N_SAMPLES+4)
        self.net_in_bytecount = deque(maxlen=N_SAMPLES+4)
        self.net_out_bytecount = deque(maxlen=N_SAMPLES+4)
        self.sound_in_bytecount = deque(maxlen=N_SAMPLES+4)
        self.sound_out_bytecount = deque(maxlen=N_SAMPLES+4)

        if not is_gtk3():
        def window_deleted(*args):
            self.is_closed = True
        self.connect('delete_event', window_deleted)
        self.set_size_request(-1, 480)
        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.populate)
        gobject.timeout_add(100, self.populate_tab)
        add_close_accel(self, self.destroy)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def save_fakexinerama_config(self):
     """ returns True if the fakexinerama config was modified """
     xinerama_files = self.get_xinerama_filenames()
     def delfile(msg):
         if msg:
         oldconf = self.current_xinerama_config
         self.current_xinerama_config = None
         return oldconf is not None
     if not self.fake_xinerama:
         return delfile(None)
     ui_client_count = len([True for s in self._server_sources.values() if s.ui_client])
     if ui_client_count!=1:
         return delfile("fakeXinerama can only be enabled for a single client (found %s)" % ui_client_count)
     source = self._server_sources.values()[0]
     ss = source.screen_sizes
     if len(ss)==0:
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: no display found")
     if len(ss)>1:
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: more than one display found")
     if len(ss)==2 and type(ss[0])==int and type(ss[1])==int:
         #just WxH, not enough display information
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: missing display data from client %s" % source)
     display_info = ss[0]
     if len(display_info)<10:
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete display data from client %s" % source)
     #display_name, width, height, width_mm, height_mm, \
     #monitors, work_x, work_y, work_width, work_height = s[:11]
     monitors = display_info[5]
     if len(monitors)>=10:
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: too many monitors! (%s)" % len(monitors))
     #generate the file data:
     from xpra import __version__
     data = ["# file generated by xpra %s for display %s" % (__version__, os.environ.get("DISPLAY")),
             "# %s monitors:" % len(monitors),
             "%s" % len(monitors)]
     #the new config (numeric values only)
     config = [len(monitors)]
     for i, m in enumerate(monitors):
         if len(m)<7:
             return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete monitor data for monitor: %s" % m)
         plug_name, x, y, width, height, wmm, hmm = m[:7]
         data.append("# %s (%smm x %smm)" % (prettify_plug_name(plug_name, "monitor %s" % i), wmm, hmm))
         data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (x, y, width, height))
         config.append((x, y, width, height))
     if self.current_xinerama_config==config:
         #we assume that no other process is going to overwrite the deprecated .fakexinerama
         log("fake xinerama config unchanged")
         return False
     self.current_xinerama_config = config
     contents = "\n".join(data)
     for filename in xinerama_files:
             with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
         except Exception as e:
             log.warn("error writing fake xinerama file %s: %s", filename, e)
     log("saved %s monitors to fake xinerama files: %s", len(monitors), xinerama_files)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 16
         "cannot save fake xinerama settings: too many monitors! (%s)" %
 #generate the file data:
 data = ["# %s monitors:" % len(monitors), "%s" % len(monitors)]
 #the new config (numeric values only)
 config = [len(monitors)]
 i = 0
 for m in monitors:
     if len(m) < 7:
         return delfile(
             "cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete monitor data for monitor: %s"
             % m)
     plug_name, x, y, width, height, wmm, hmm = m[:7]
         "# %s (%smm x %smm)" %
         (prettify_plug_name(plug_name, "monitor %s" % i), wmm, hmm))
     data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (x, y, width, height))
     config.append((x, y, width, height))
     i += 1
 contents = "\n".join(data)
 for filename in xinerama_files:
         f = None
             f = open(filename, 'wb')
         except Exception, e:
             log.warn("error writing fake xinerama file %s: %s",
                      filename, e)
Exemplo n.º 17
 #display_name, width, height, width_mm, height_mm, \
 #monitors, work_x, work_y, work_width, work_height = s[:11]
 monitors = display_info[5]
 if len(monitors)>=10:
     return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: too many monitors! (%s)" % len(monitors))
 #generate the file data:
 data = ["# %s monitors:" % len(monitors),
         "%s" % len(monitors)]
 #the new config (numeric values only)
 config = [len(monitors)]
 i = 0
 for m in monitors:
     if len(m)<7:
         return delfile("cannot save fake xinerama settings: incomplete monitor data for monitor: %s" % m)
     plug_name, x, y, width, height, wmm, hmm = m[:8]
     data.append("# %s (%smm x %smm)" % (prettify_plug_name(plug_name, "monitor %s" % i), wmm, hmm))
     data.append("%s %s %s %s" % (x, y, width, height))
     config.append((x, y, width, height))
     i += 1
 contents = "\n".join(data)
 for filename in xinerama_files:
         f = None
             f = open(filename, 'wb')
         except Exception, e:
             log.warn("error writing fake xinerama file %s: %s", filename, e)